Updated 12/04/2012 12:01 PM   |   ID# 425

Determining Social Security numbers

Which Social Security numbers are invalid?

An invalid Social Security number is one that we never assigned.


On June 25, 2011, we began assigning Social Security numbers differently than in the past.  Today, Social Security numbers are assigned through a randomized process.


However, there are some 9 digit numbers that we do not include in our randomized process.  We do not assign a Social Security number with the first three digits of: 

  • 000
  • 666
  • 900 - 999

Nor do we assign Social Security number with "00" in the fourth and fifth position, or "0000" in the last four positions of the numbers.

Additionally, prior to June 25, 2011, we had never assigned a Social Security number with the first three digits of:

  • 000
  • 666
  • 772 - 799
  • 800 - 899
  • 900 - 999

Employers can use the Social Security Number Verification Service to verify the names and Social Security numbers of former and current employees.



More Information

Social Security Number Randomization Frequently Asked Questions

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