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Gonzalo Martinez
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Gonzalo Martinez

Visiting Scientist

Soil scientist/ hydrologist

Visiting scientist, Spanish Ministry of Education, Postdoc scholar
email: z42magag@uco.es

Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Lab
10300 Baltimore Avenue
Building 173 Room 003, BARC-East
Beltsville, MD 20705
Phone 301.504.5841

Photo of Dr. Gonzalo Martinez in the field

Click here to view/download Dr. Martinez's curriculum vitae as a PDF file
(includes the information shown below on this webpage).


  • 2009. Ph. D. in soil science. Department of Agronomy, University of Cordoba (Spain). Dissertation title: Possible applications of an electromagnetic induction sensor to characterize soil properties.
  • 2008. M. Sci. in environmental hydraulics. Department of Agronomy, University of Cordoba (Spain).
  • 2006. Advanced studies diploma in biogeochemical fluxes dynamics and applications. University of Cordoba (Spain).
  • 2004. Bachelor degree in agricultural engineering. Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain).

Professional Experience

  • 2011-present. Visiting scientist at the USDA-ARS Environmental Microbial & Food Safety Laboratory, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, USA
  • 2010-2011. Researcher in the R&D department of BEFESA Water. Seville (Spain).
  • 2005 - 2009. Ph.D. student of the Natural Resources and Agroecology Department of the Andalusian Institute of Research and Training in Agriculture and Fishing. Seville, Spain.
  • 2003-2005. Undergraduate research scholar of the Department of Agronomy, University of Cordoba (Spain).

Research Area

Research on the environmental modeling of the fate and transport of manure-borne pathogens.
Research on the mechanisms and controls of the spatio-temporal patterns of soil water contents.

Professional Affiliations

  • European Geosciences Union
  • Soil Science Society of America
  • American Geophysical Union


  • 2011. Research Scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Education.
  • 2011. Research Scholarship from the Andalusia Regional Government, Spain.
  • 2005. Ph.D. Scholarship from the Andalusia Regional Government and the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Spain.



  • G. Martinez; Y. Pachepsky; H. Vereecken. Temporal stability of soil water contents as affected by soil hydraulic properties and climate: a simulation study. Hydrological processes. 2012. Accepted for publication.


  • G. Martinez; Y.A. Pachepsky; D. R. Shelton; G. Whelan; R. Zepp; M. Molina; K. Panhorst. Using the Q10 model to simulate E. coli survival in cowpats on grazing lands. Environment International. 2012. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2012.12.013
  • G. Martinez; Y.A. Pachepsky; H. Vereecken; H. Hardelauf; M. Herbst; K. Vanderlinden. Modeling Local Control Effects on the Temporal Stability of Soil Water Content. Journal of Hydrology. 2012. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.12.024.
  • G. Martinez; K. Vanderlinden; Y.A. Pachepsky; J.V.Giraldez; A.J.Espejo. Estimating topsoil water content of clay soils with data from time-lapse electrical conductivity surveys. Soil Science.177:369-376.
  • D.R. Shelton; L.A. Kiefer; Y.A. Pachepsky; R.A. Blaustein; G. Martinez. Coliform retention and release in biofilms formed on new and weathered irrigation pipes. Irrigation Science. DOI 10.1007/s00271-012-0373-x
  • K. Vanderlinden; H. Vereecken; H. Hardelauf; M. Herbst; G. Martinez; M. Cosh; Y. Pachepsky. Temporal Stability of Soil Water Contents: A Review of Data and Analyses. Vadose Zone Journal: 11:1-20. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0178


  • G. Martinez; K. Vanderlinden; J.V.Giraldez; A.J.Espejo; J.L. Muriel. Field-scale soil moisture pattern mapping using electromagnetic induction. Vadose Zone Journal.9:871-881.
  • I. Garcia-Tejero; V.H. Duran-Zuazo; J.L. Muriel-Fernandez; G. Martinez; J.A. Jimenez-Bocanegra. Benefits of low-frequency irrigation in citrus orchards. Agronomy for Sustainable Development.31: 779 - 791.


  • I. Garcia-Tejero; R. Romero-Vicente; J.A. Jimenez-Bocanegra; G. Martinez; V.H. Duran-Zuazo; J.L. Muriel. Response of citrus trees to deficit irrigation during different phenological periods in relation to yield, fruit quality, and water productivity. Agricultural Water Management.97: 689 - 699.
  • I. Garcia-Tejero; J.A. Jimenez-Bocanegra; G. Martinez R. Romero; V.H. Duran-Zuazo; J.L. Muriel. Positive impact of regulated deficit irrigation on yield and fruit quality in a commercial citrus orchard [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, cv. salustiano]. Agricultural Water Management.97:614 - 622.


  • G. Martinez; K. Vanderlinden; Ordóñez Fernández; J.L. Muriel. Can apparent electrical conductivity improve the spatial characterization of soil organic carbon? Vadose Zone Journal.8:586-593. 2009.

USDA-ARS Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory
Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD 20705
Building 173 BARC-East, Phone 301.504.5607

Last Modified: 01/22/2013
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