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Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory

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April 2010: Agricultural Research Magazine

The April 2010 issue of Agricultural Research Magazine highlights subsurface contaminant transport research conducted by Yakov Pachepsky  in a partnership with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Click to view/download PDF file Partnering with the NRC (html)

Click here to go to the Agricultural Research Magazine webpage

September 2009: Agricultural Research Magazine

Microbiologist Patricia Millner and soil scientist John White review gas-emission data from an enclosed compost pile. A large metal box (seen being lifted with a tractor) is placed over the compost pile so that all gas emissions can be captured and measured.

The September 2009 issue of Agricultural Research Magazine highlights composting research by Patricia Millner as part of an article entitled "In the Eastern United States: A Multifaceted Focus on Farms and Food."

Click to view/download PDF file In the Eastern United States: A Multifacted Focus on Farms and Food (html)

Click here to go to the Agricultural Research Magazine webpage

September 2009: Postdoctoral Research Associate Program, Class of 2010

Jitu Patel is one of the recipients of an Administrator's Postdoctoral Research Associate Position, Class of 2010, for his proposal entitled 'Practical Impact of Curli and Cellulose Production by Shiga-Toxigenic Escherichia coli on Produce Safety.'

September 2009: 2009 Beltsville Area Celebration of Excellence

Among this year's ARS scientist and staff awards, EMFSL microbiologist Manan Sharma was recognized with the 2009 Beltsville Area Award for Early Career Scientist, for developing innovative methods for detecting internalization of pathogens into leafy greens. The 2009 Beltsville Area Celebration of Excellence was held on September 23, 2009.

Click here to see all the 2009 ARS awards winners for scientists and staff

May 2009: 2009 Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Work in 'Hyperspectral Imaging for Food Quality and Safety Inspection' coordinated between three ARS locations (MWA, BA, and SAA), including the efforts of BA/EMFSL scientists Kevin Chao, Moon Kim, and Alan Lefcourt, was selected as one the recipients for the 2009 Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer.

This award is presented annually by the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) to recognize outstanding work in the process of transferring a technology developed by a federal laboratory to the commercial marketplace. Award recipients were recognized at a ceremony on Thursday, May 7, 2009, during the FLC National Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Click here to leave the ARS website and go to the webpage for the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC)

July 2008: Agricultural Research Magazine

The July 2008 issue of Agricultural Research Magazine featured two articles highlighting EMFSL research: Manan Sharma's work with bacteriophages is described in Bacteriophages as Novel Antimicrobials for Food Safety, and Pat Millner's work with studies of bacteria associated with organic produce is described in Organic vs. Conventional Production - Measuring Microbes on Fresh Produce.

Dr. Manan Sharma's work was featured in the July 2008 issue of Agricultural Research Magazine

Click to view/download PDF file Bacteriophages as Novel Antimicrobials for Food Safety (html)

Click to view/download PDF file Organic vs. Conventional Production - Measuring Microbes on Fresh Produce (html)

Dr. Patricia Millner's work was featured in the July 2008 issue of Agricultural Research Magazine

Click here to go to the Agricultural Research Magazine webpage

June 2008: ASABE Food Processing Automation 2008 and Annual International Meeting

Moon Kim and Kevin Chao served as co-chairs for the 2008 Food Processing Automation conference in Providence, Rhode Island, June 28-29, 2008. The conference was sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and immediately preceded its Annual International Meeting, June 29 - July 2, 2008. EMFSL researchers Kevin Chao, Won Jun, Jitu Patel, Chun-Chieh Yang, and graduate student I-Chang Yang, presented their research.

Click here to leave the ARS website and go to the FPA 2008 website

Click here to leave the ARS website and go to the ASABE website

April 2008: 19th Annual BARC Poster Day

At BARC Poster Day 2008, postdoctoral researcher Won Jun received 2nd prize among new BARC scientists and research associates for her poster entitled Portable Hyperspectral Fluorescence Imaging System for Detection of Biofilm on Stainless Steel Coupon. Chinwe Madubata, a Eleanor Roosevelt High School student mentored by Brian Bowker, received 1st prize for the high school division.

February 2008: Yakov Pachepsky honored among ARS Area Senior Research Scientists for 2007

Yakov Pachpesky was one of seven "Area Senior Research Scientists" honored on February 12, 2008. He was recognized for his research and international leadership in development and application of models in agricultural hydrology to predict crop yields, assess soil and water quality, and forecast fate and transport of manure-borne pathogens.

Click here to see the ARS News Article about the "Distinguished Senior Research Scientist of 2007" and the seven Area scientists also honored.

Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory
Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
Building 173 BARC-East, Phone 301.504.5607


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Last Modified: 12/14/2010
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