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Afghanistan little girl holding USAID food can

International Food Relief Partnership

About the Program

USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP) works with partner organizations to reduce food insecurity in development and emergency situations around the globe.

The Food for Peace Act of 2008 authorizes the USAID Administrator to provide grants to:

  • Nonprofit organizations for the preparation of shelf-stable prepackaged foods requested by private voluntary organizations (PVOs) and international organizations, and the establishment and maintenance of stockpiles of the foods in the United States, and
  • PVOs and international organizations for the rapid transportation, delivery, and distribution of the foods.

To date, numerous private voluntary organizations, including many which are new to USAID, have partnered with FFP through the IFRP program to provide food assistance worldwide.

  • FY 2012 IFRP Request For Applications (pdf,137kb)

    Questions and Comments

    For more information about the International Food Relief Partnership program, please contact the Office of Food for Peace, via AMEX International, Attn: 2012 IFRP Applications, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 270, Washington, DC 20004 or

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