Updated 11/28/2012 04:32 PM   |   ID# 441

Month I will receive my first check

I will be 62 on August 2 of this year and that's when I plan on retiring. Will my first benefit check be for the month of August or September?

Link to Online ApplicationSince you were born on the second day of the month, your first month of entitlement will be the month you were born, August. To receive retirement benefits, you must be at least age 62 for the entire month.  Since you were born on August 2, you legally attain your age on August 1; therefore, you are eligible for benefits for August because you are considered 62 for the entire month.  However, you will receive your first benefit check in September. Social Security benefits are paid in the month following the month for which they are due.

You can file for retirement benefits online.

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