Updated 01/31/2013 03:48 AM   |   ID# 1663

Representative payee is billed for an overpayment

I was the representative payee for my brother's Social Security check.  His benefits were terminated because he was working.  Why am I being billed for the overpayment?

Both the individual and the representative payee are responsible for repayment when the overpaid funds were used for the individual's support and maintenance and the payee knew, or should have known, of the facts causing the overpayment.  

If the overpaid funds were used for the individual’s support and maintenance and the payee was not aware of the facts causing the overpayment, only the individual is responsible for repayment.  

If the overpaid funds were not used for the overpaid individual's support and maintenance, the representative payee is solely responsible for repayment.

See also What do I do if I disagree with the overpayment?

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