Fire Prevention: Public Education Courses

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Community Safety Educators (Q118)

1.5 CEUs


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The Self-Study Course for Community Safety Educators is a short, fun, "easy-to-take" Web-based course that focuses on how to do a better job of planning, implementing, and evaluating safety programs in your community. The course teaches you how to network effectively with various people in your organization and within your community to accomplish community life safety goals. The course is designed for all public fire and life safety educators--the new safety educator as well as the experienced educator, the volunteer as well as the career community educator.The Self-Study Course for Community Safety Educators is ideal in helping you "get your feet off the ground." It will assist you with some tips and techniques on a variety of topics such as methods for locating partners to assist with community education or techniques for locating resources for your safety programs. The program contains easy-to-read text with a variety of thought-provoking questions, activities, illustrations, and even traps to watch for. The course relies heavily on learning activities embedded throughout the text to encourage the learner to be involved actively with the content, not just read the text from cover to cover and take a final exam.