Table 3-35: Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government from Own Funds, Fiscal Year (Current $ millions)

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  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
TOTAL, all modes 167,820 173,523 181,251 187,924 208,306 219,989 249,606 265,986 277,450 274,638 286,599 296,268 319,304 343,856 362,297 365,414 360,064 372,931
Federal 44,493 44,360 45,372 45,670 51,936 54,898 68,768 77,965 82,016 76,195 78,559 75,339 77,685 87,355 91,823 93,937 89,430 91,580
State and local 123,327 129,163 135,878 142,254 156,371 165,090 180,838 188,021 195,434 198,443 208,040 220,929 241,619 256,501 270,474 271,476 270,633 281,350
Highways, total 108,540 113,466 118,225 123,068 134,218 145,620 154,722 163,550 168,445 169,337 178,184 190,377 209,341 219,026 229,364 237,664 235,087 245,842
Federal 20,149 20,698 21,407 20,734 23,536 27,900 30,112 32,632 33,112 33,352 33,528 35,759 36,817 40,405 42,435 49,893 45,288 48,337
State and local 88,391 92,768 96,817 102,334 110,683 117,720 124,610 130,918 135,334 135,986 144,656 154,618 172,524 178,622 186,930 187,771 189,799 197,505
Air, total 21,005 21,350 22,074 23,164 27,621 23,910 37,122 42,004 36,860 39,882 42,284 43,488 43,340 48,372 49,634 45,930 44,520 44,806
Federal 12,608 12,501 11,879 12,625 14,944 10,750 21,503 25,654 19,694 21,775 24,314 25,518 25,008 27,095 26,884 21,714 21,801 21,229
State and local 8,397 8,849 10,195 10,539 12,677 13,160 15,619 16,350 17,166 18,107 17,970 17,970 18,332 21,277 22,750 24,216 22,719 23,577
Transit, total 29,901 30,466 32,307 33,175 38,169 41,592 46,055 48,929 48,808 52,109 53,846 49,506 52,387 61,588 66,002 64,765 62,848 64,794
Federal 5,718 5,547 6,314 6,640 8,289 10,565 11,506 11,834 11,813 12,020 12,396 5,492 6,419 9,936 11,273 10,668 9,955 9,742
State and local 24,183 24,919 25,993 26,535 29,880 31,027 34,549 37,095 36,995 40,089 41,450 44,014 45,968 51,652 54,729 54,097 52,893 55,052
Water, total 6,557 6,430 6,686 6,679 7,097 7,287 9,984 7,903 11,202 10,247 9,560 10,126 11,351 11,991 13,874 13,350 13,843 13,386
Federal 4,247 3,853 3,877 3,894 4,027 4,147 3,989 4,332 5,327 6,201 5,664 5,850 6,593 7,077 7,860 8,009 8,675 8,218
State and local 2,309 2,578 2,809 2,785 3,070 3,141 5,995 3,571 5,875 4,047 3,896 4,276 4,758 4,914 6,015 5,341 5,168 5,168
Rail, total 1,089 1,068 1,215 1,117 447 785 771 1,356 1,250 1,547 1,489 1,522 1,503 1,489 1,837 2,665 2,409 2,260
Federal 1,063 1,041 1,176 1,081 413 772 740 1,313 1,228 1,527 1,454 1,502 1,498 1,488 1,837 2,665 2,409 2,260
State and local 26 27 39 36 34 13 31 43 22 20 35 20 5 1 0 0 0 0
Pipeline, total 43 67 63 69 70 77 61 89 125 71 86 92 95 96 117 125 130 111
Federal 33 56 51 56 56 64 47 70 106 61 67 73 76 73 82 95 98 86
State and local 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 19 19 10 19 19 19 23 35 30 32 25
General support, total 685 677 680 651 683 717 891 2,154 10,761 1,445 1,151 1,157 1,287 1,293 1,469 915 1,226 1,730
Federal 674 665 668 639 671 701 871 2,130 10,737 1,260 1,137 1,145 1,274 1,281 1,453 893 1,205 1,708
State and local 11 12 12 12 12 16 20 24 24 185 14 12 13 12 16 22 21 22


Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

Federal expenditures from own funds include all amounts of money paid out by the federal government including not only direct spending but also grants to state and local governments.  State and local expenditures from own funds include outlays of the state and local governments from all sources of funds excluding federal grants. 

Local government outlays for highway are not included in 2009 due to lack of data.

This edition is not comparable to the previous' edition.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics 2014 available at as of August 2016.