U.S. Department of Justice

Past, Present, and Future of Juvenile Justice: Assessing the Policy Options (APO): Final Report

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Nov. 22, 2010

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  • Past, Present, and Future of Juvenile Justice: Assessing the Policy Options (APO): Final Report

ANNOTATION: This study aims to “provide policymakers, administrators, and practitioners with actionable information about how to improve the operations and effectiveness of the juvenile justice system, and to examine the role practitioners could play in constructing sound juvenile justice policy” ( p. 1). Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; study design and methods; survey findings regarding sample description, practitioner views of juvenile justice needs and priorities, practitioner views of policy and practice outcomes, and practitioner recommendations for improving juvenile justice; landscape of policy and practice—scope of recent legislative activity, current trends, inventory of state juvenile justice policies, and implications for policy and practice; and conclusions and recommendations.

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