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This training teaches the skills necessary to establish safety qualified Additional Duty Safety Officers for the Army. Course curriculum, prerequisites, training schedules and application information is available in this section.

Courses Offered:
Ground Safety Officer Course (GSOC): Produces the skills necessary to establish safety qualified Additional Duty Safety Officers for Soldiers and Department of the Army Civilians.  Included in the course curriculum is training in: Composite Risk Management, Explosives Safety Management, Accident Investigation and Reporting, Range Safety, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 511.  Completion of the training will award students with an Officer Skill Identifier (SI) or a Warrant Officer and Enlisted Additional Duty Skill Identifier (ASI).

The training is offered as a six-week resident course, or two-year phased training.  Students are required to complete a series of prerequisite on-line courses before attending the six-week resident training.  The phased training encompasses four phases of training that must be completed over a two-year period.  The first and third phases are on-line prerequisite courses.  The second and fourth phases consist of three weeks of resident training.

Ground Safety Officer Courses
FY 2012 (3 week phase training)
 Phase II  12-002, 5-23 March 2012
 Phase IV  12-002, 16 July - 3 August 2012
 FY 2012
 GSOC (6 Week)
 CRS# 6Q-F12
 (6 week) 12-001, 12 Jan - 24 Feb 2012
 (6 week) 12-002, 2 Apr - 11 May 2012
 (6 week) 12-003, 17 May - 28 June 2012
 (6 week) 12-004, 17 Aug - 28 Sep 2012
 FY 2013
 GSOC (6 Week)
 CRS# 6Q-F12
 13-001, 4 Oct – 16 Nov 2012
 13-002, 7 Jan – 15 Feb 2013
 13-003, 4 Mar – 12 Apr 2013
  13-004,  22 Apr – 31 May 2013
  13-005,  15 Aug – 26 Sep 2013
 FY 2013 (3 Week phase training)
 Phase II  13-001, 3 Jun – 21 Jun 2013
 Phase IV 13-001, 15 Jul – 2 Aug 2013

How to apply:
Individuals should apply for the course through their organization’s schools representative.

Use the GSOC school code (012) and the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) course # 6Q-F12 to register in ATRRS.


Before arriving for courses you should be familiar with the following regulations: AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program; DA Pam 385-10, Army Safety Program; FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management; AR 600-55, The Army Driver and Operator Standardization Program; and DA PAM 385-40, Army Accident Investigation and Reporting.

GSOC Information:

Fort Rucker Course: Arrive at Fort Rucker the day prior to the course beginning.  Call ahead for directions to the classroom.  Courses are held at Building 4503, 3rd floor classroom.  You will sign-in to the USACR/SC on the first day of class.

Uniform: Duty uniform for Soldiers is ACU and business casual for civilians.

Travel Orders: During the course, you will be given a large amount of reference material.  If you are traveling by air, you may want your orders to contain authorization for mailing this material home.

Course Completion Requirements: Students must pass all examinations and attend all training.  Do not plan on scheduling routine appointments during the course.  Students who miss more than 5% of the course will not graduate.  Five percent of the course equates to 12 hours for the six-week course and six hours for the three-week course.

Prerequisites: Students are required to complete several online prerequisite courses prior to attending the resident training.  Bring completion notices or certificates when attending resident training.  Further guidance for prerequisite completion can be found in the Welcome Brochure.

To attend the GSOC six-week resident course, first complete:

  • Accident Avoidance Course
  • Action Officer Development Course
  • Additional Duty Safety Course
  • AMMO 45
  • Commander's Safety Course
  • Composite Risk Management Basic Course
  • Collateral Duty Safety Officer
  • Effective Army Writing IS-1460
  • Emergency Planning – IS-235
  • Introduction to Hazardous Materials – IS-5.A
  • Manager's Safety Course
  • Military Briefings
  • Radiological Emergency Management– IS-3
  • Safety Committee Member's Safety Course
  • Theories of Accident Prevention

Students attending the GSOC Training must complete the online and resident training prior to attending.  Any questions, issues or problems with any of the prerequisites please call ALMS @ 877-251-0730; this is a toll free number.

Phase I, Prerequisites; completed prior to attending the Phase II resident training:

  • Accident Avoidance Course
  • Action Officer Development Course - ACCP Course # 131-P00
  • Additional Duty Safety Course
  • AMMO 45
  • Commander's Safety Course
  • Composite Risk Management Basic Course
  • Effective Army Writing -– IS-1460
  • Military Briefings
  • Theories of Accident Prevention

Phase II, resident training at Fort Rucker, three weeks of training.

Phase III, Prerequisites; completed prior to attending Phase IV resident training:

  • Collateral Duty Safety Officer
  • Manager's Safety Course
  • Safety Committee Member's Safety Course
  • Emergency Planning - IS-235
  • Introduction to Hazardous Materials – IS-5.A
  • Radiological Emergency Management – IS-3

Any questions, issues or problems with any of the prerequisites please call ALMS @ 877-251-0730; this is a toll free number.  The ALMS will direct and assist you in your needs with the prerequisites.

Phase IV, resident training at Fort Rucker, three weeks of training.

NOTE: Students attending the resident Phase training will have all their prerequisites completed prior to arriving at Fort Rucker.  If the student has not completed their prerequisites, they will not be able to attend this training.

Additionally, during the course, you will be introduced to several internet-based safety management tools.  Arrive to the course having a valid AKO Email; this will allow for faster registration and in processing:

Welcome Packets:
 Welcome Brochure (PDF 680kb) (AKO login required)
 Fort Rucker Strip Map (PDF 7.05Mb) (AKO login required)

Ground Safety Officer Course Staff:


Common email: usarmy.rucker.hqda-secarmy.list.safe-gsoc@mail.mil
Chief, Ground Safety Officer Course Commercial. (334) 255-0171, DSN: 558-0171

Course Manager/Instructor, Ground Safety Officer Course – 0121

Course Manager/Instructor, Ground Safety Officer Course – 0105

Course Manager/Instructor, Ground Safety Officer Course – 0243

Instructor, Ground Safety Officer Course – 0419

Instructor, Ground Safety Officer Course – 0241

Instructor, Ground Safety Officer Course – 0240