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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence
North America :: Clipperton Island
(possession of France)
page last updated on November 15, 2012
Flag of Clipperton Island
Location of Clipperton Island
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of Clipperton Island
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Introduction ::Clipperton Island
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This isolated island was named for John CLIPPERTON, a pirate who made it his hideout early in the 18th century. Annexed by France in 1855, it was seized by Mexico in 1897. Arbitration eventually awarded the island to France, which took possession in 1935.
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Geography ::Clipperton Island
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Middle America, atoll in the North Pacific Ocean, 1,120 km southwest of Mexico
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10 17 N, 109 13 W
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total: 6 sq km
country comparison to the world: 245
land: 6 sq km
water: 0 sq km
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about 12 times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC
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0 km
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11.1 km
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territorial sea: 12 nm
exclusive economic zone: 200 nm
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tropical; humid, average temperature 20-32 degrees C, wet season (May to October)
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coral atoll
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lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 m
highest point: Rocher Clipperton 29 m
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arable land: 0%
permanent crops: 0%
other: 100% (all coral) (2005)
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0 sq km
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reef 12 km in circumference
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People and Society ::Clipperton Island
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Government ::Clipperton Island
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conventional long form: none
conventional short form: Clipperton Island
local long form: none
local short form: Ile Clipperton
former: sometimes called Ile de la Passion
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possession of France; administered directly by the Minister of Overseas France
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the laws of France, where applicable, apply
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the flag of France is used
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Economy ::Clipperton Island
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Although 115 species of fish have been identified in the territorial waters of Clipperton Island, the only economic activity is tuna fishing.
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Transportation ::Clipperton Island
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none; offshore anchorage only
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Military ::Clipperton Island
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defense is the responsibility of France
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Transnational Issues ::Clipperton Island
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