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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 59· No. 4 > Articles

Spring 1996
Vol. 59· No. 4


Featuring developments in federal highway policies, programs and research technology

The Tie That Binds - The National Highway System.

The theme for this issue, "The Tie That Binds - The National Highway System," is portrayed as a package for the American people. The wrapping paper is decorated with clusters of pictographs that represent various transportation modes for people and freight, work places and school, homes, and travel/tourism/recreation. The bow is a ribbon of highway, reflecting that it is our highway system that ties everything together and provides the vital connections that link the essential elements of American life and commerce.

The National Highway System: A Commitment to America's Future

by Rodney E. Slater

The National Highway System is the centerpiece of the Federal Highway Administration's commitment to provide a safe, modern, and efficient transportation system to serve the American people, and it is the backbone of our nation's 21st century transportation system.

Road Tours: Reaching Out to the People

by Evelyn Fierro

Since April 1994, FHWA leaders have traveled 80,000 kilometers, coast to coast and border to border, to meet with thousands of people who use, construct, maintain, and manage our transportation system.

The National Highway System Designation Act of 1995

by Nancy Bennett

This article is a summary of the major provisions of the NHS Designation Act, including system designation, safety, motor carrier programs, funding and innovative financing, mandates and requirements, and other provisions.

Economic Importance of the National Highway System

by Thomas P. Keane

The signing of the NHS Designation Act released $5.4 billion in federal-aid highway funds targeted to NHS. In addition, there are direct, indirect, and induced employment and financial benefits.

The Future FHWA

adapted from several FHWA sources

FHWA is "building on the past with an eye to the future" by taking a proactive stance to anticipate and meet the nationĂ¢s burgeoning transportation needs.

Technology for Work and Travel

by William Zaccagnino

FHWA is using available technology to ensure a future with a high-tech transportation network that meets our transportation needs, supports our national defense, provides economic growth, and adds to the quality of life in the United States well into the 21st century.

"Find the Good and Praise It"

adapted from an FHWA report

This article highlights some of FHWA's significant program accomplishments since June 1993.

The Secretary's Highway Safety Action Plan

by Frederick G. Wright Jr.

This plan is a series of actions, some ongoing and some planned for the future, that address some of the specific safety issues of the NHS Designation Act and the emerging state responsibilities in the federal-state partnership in highway safety.

The National Highway System - Financing its Future: The Role of Innovative Finance

by Jane F. Garvey

Congress - in the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 - enacted a number of improvements in the way the states and others may finance NHS and other transportation infrastructure. Collectively, these provisions are termed "innovative finance."

Milestones for U.S. Highway Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration

compiled by Richard F. Weingroff

This is a time line of significant events in the history of highway transportation in America from 1892.

FHWA's Quality Journey

by Fred Jones

Deeply imbedded in the tradition and core values of FHWA is the commitment to provide the highest quality services to our partners and, together with them, to deliver the very best highway transportation system to the nation. NHS is going to provide the future focus for applying quality improvement ideas, practices, approaches, and new technology.

A New Face for FHWA in a New Era

by David Smith

An effort to broaden and diversify the FHWA work force, particularly in senior management positions, is playing a significant role in ensuring that FHWA efficiently meets its operational requirements and maintains a highly effective and motivated work force.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration