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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Reducing and Preventing Adverse Drug Events To Decrease Hospital Costs

Table 3. Comparison of patient antibiotic data before and after implementation of computer-assisted antibiotic-dose monitor at LDS Hospital

Variable: Mean doses
Before intervention: 10.10
After intervention: 8.90

Variable: Mean grams
Before intervention: 9.70
After intervention: 8.70

Variable: Mean cost
Before intervention: $92.96
After intervention: $80.62

Variable: Adverse drug events
Before intervention: 82
After intervention: 14

Variable: Length of stay (days)
Before intervention: 7.0
After intervention: 6.6

Variable: Days of excess dose
Before intervention: 4.7
After intervention: 2.9

Source: Evans RS, Pestotnik SL, Classen DC, et al. Evaluation of a computer-assisted antibiotic dose monitor. Ann Pharmacother 1999;33(10):1026-31.

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