Tropospheric Chemistry: Measurements

Tropospheric chemical research relies on measurements of the chemical and physical processes of the troposphere, particularly the effects of pollution on those processes. These measurements are obtained from mobile and ground-based platforms during coordinated field projects including CalNex 2010, ARCPAC 2008, ICEALOT 2008, TexAQS 2006, NEAQS-ITCT or ICARTT 2004, ITCT 2002, NEAQS 2002, TexAQS 2000, and SOS 1999. In addition, we also have information about field projects before 1999.

Climate Change, Air Quality, Air Pollution

Our field experiments have been designed to address components of these major topics by making measurements of chemical species, aerosol size and composition, as well as solar radiation using an extensive suite of instruments. These measurements are made by scientists from CSD as well as those from other institutions that we collaborate with. Here you can find this data from all of our major field campaigns.

Please note data access may require authentication. Resources for investigators include Data (Igor) Tools (authentication required) and ICARTT Data Format information. Use the faceted datasets search tool to search data across all major projects. Provided for convenience are also datasets for modellers.

Field projects begun after 1999 are identified on the globe below. Mouse over a project name for basic information, or click a project name for detailed information and data. Alternatively, view a field missions text listing instead of navigating the globe.

previous next North America Map project info
2010 Gulf info 2005 Winter Storms 2004 NEAQS-ITCT info 2004 Winter Storms 2003 Hurricane info 2003 TReC info 2003 Winter Storms info 2010 CalNex info 2012 UBWOS info 2013 UBWOS info 2002 NEAQS info 2002 ITCT info 2002 Hurricane info 2001 ITCT info 2006 Winter Storms info 2000 TexAQS info 2006 TexAQS info 1999 SOS info 2013 SENEX info 2006 Hurricane info 2008 ARCPAC info 2007 Winter Storms info 2008 ICEALOT info CO map