Your Voice Counts

Welcome to "Your Voice Counts" – the Boxer Updates feedback page. Here you can read what Californians are saying in response to my recent messages on issues facing Congress and the nation. If you would like to join the conversation, please click here. To browse past Boxer Updates, please click here.

Lunar New Year

Californians respond to my message on Celebrating the Lunar New Year:

I very much approve of and appreciate your indication that diversity within our state is a definite plus! It’s a much needed attitude if we people of the world are EVER going to get along!
Diane, San Diego

Thank you for your wishes and our family also would like to wish you and your family a prosperous new year, with lots of love and happiness! Please keep up the good work!!!
Gia, San Jose

Thank you very much for your Lunar New Year Greeting. We wish you and yours a great new year, too. God bless you and America.
Oscar, San Jose

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Paycheck Fairness

Californians respond to my message on Fighting for Paycheck Fairness:

As a student I kept thinking that by the time I was a parent, women would get equal pay. As a young parent, I was sure it would happen any day. Now that I am a grandparent, I can only hope it will happen for my granddaughter.
Bev, Carmel

I am so thankful for your legislation on fair pay for women. The last forty years, I have worked in a male dominated field of Public Works. My education level is higher, my staff larger and my territory broader than all of the males in our Department. That being said, I am the lowest paid employee. Males with no employees that work in an office and less education make more than I do. I love my job and the people that live in Lompoc; that is the only reason I have not sought employment elsewhere. Approaching retirement age, I hope this happens soon.
Cindy McCall, Lompoc

Thank you for supporting fair pay. It's very important.
Catherine, San Gabriel

Keep up the good fight! These unfair and completely outdated practices have been going on too long!
Janet, La Jolla

Thanks for doing your best to insure that women get more pay. My daughter is a single parent supporting her son and has a great job, but they don't pay her the salary that a man would get if he did her job. So unfair in this 21st Century! We need equal pay for now and for the future.
Hazel, Reseda

Women with children should not earn for men if they are primary care. Women by default don't deserve the reward people who don't show up to do the worke default ensure less pay by calling out to care for kids. People like me them have to cover for them. Of course they are paid less...deservedly so.
Alicia, Long Beach

That $454,000 lifetime wage differential that women suffer through their working careers -- does that take into account the eventual CONTINUED differential in social security and pension receipts? If it doesn't, then the penalty for being a women is drastically understated. I'm speaking from my personal experience, of course. And I get reminded of it every month for the rest of my life. Thanks for your efforts on our behalf!
Jane, Banning

I thank you for raising your voice publicly and strongly in support of women and their families. I am in a household of two women and so we would feel the pain doubly being paid less than our male counterparts. I know I work very hard with good results and evaluations as does my partner. We deserve to be paid equally. I appreciate all your work in bringing forth legislation that will truly make "more equality."
Angela, Oakland

Thank you, and about time too I have been retired fourteen years now, I worked until I was 65, so when I read about the above I really am pleased. Thank you again and good luck in all you do
Joan, Murrieta

I totally support your equl pay efforts. I am a retired Federal manager (GM-14) who fought for this in the 1980s/90s.
Ardel, Sacramento

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San Onofre

Californians respond to my message on Investigating New Safety Concerns at San Onofre:

Shut it down. It is not safe nor can it be made safe. Hindsight is always better than foresight, but we don't want to suffer the same conditions like Chernobyl or Fukushima. San Onofre has been idled too long. It only means that the engineers don't know how to make it safe to operate. Err on the side of caution and shut it permanently.
Rodney, San Diego

Thank you very much for expressing your concern about the San Onofre Nuclear power plant. I live in San Clemente and it scares me to know how the plant has been operated.
Ulla, San Clemente

Thank you for your continuing follow through with the nuclear power plant. I just had solar panels installed on my roof. Please continue those incentives. In SoCal why can't we gather more energy from our sun?
Mary, Laguna Hills

We see eye to eye on some important subjects. Such as the fact that if there is to be Nuclear Energy is must be truly clean and truly safe. Currently it is neither. Thank you for updating me with this extremely important issue.
Shannon, Bethel Island

I think we need to go even further and shut down nuclear power plants. Safety and nuclear power plants is an oxymoron.... Thank you for your continued support of this view.
Tanya, Huntington Beach

The vast number of residents of Southern CA do not want the San Onofre Power Plant reopened under any circumstances. The plant is old and has been poorly maintained -- it is simply a major disaster waiting to happen. We trust that you will use your common sense to make sure that the plant remains closed permanently.
Gary, Laguna Niguel         

Please do not let your prejudice against Nuclear Energy interfere in getting San Onofre full back on line. I suspect your real intent is to shut all nuclear power facilities. That is a dreadful ambition and bad policy.
D., Aliso Viejo

Thank you Senator Boxer for your efforts to protect the safety of all who could suffer from a nuclear mishap.
Silka, San Diego

Thank you Senator for calling Prof Hirsch to the NRC hearing. He paints quite a different picture than Edison does. Is reopening San Onofre worth the risk for a fairly small amount of electricity? Imagine the economic destruction if something happened there. And we are not even factoring in seismic possibilities there. Edison and Mitsubishi have tried to pull a fast one here so they didn't need to undergo a full review. It is time for that now.
Anne, Laguna Beach

Our family is among the 8.7 million people who live within 50 miles of this power plant. In fact, we live in Oceanside, only 17 miles from there. We, along with our neighbors, are VERY concerned that San Onofre Nuclear Power plant NOT ever be reopened, until and unless we know it is TOTALLY SAFE. Otherwise is it like living with a nuclear time-bomb in our neighborhood, ready to go off. Furthermore, given the geologic, fault situation and propensity toward major earthquakes within 50 miles of this nuclear facility, My family questions the wisdom of ever reopening it again.
Sunny, Oceanside

Thank you for keeping an eye on the liars at SCE and Mitsubishi. Nuclear fission is the most expensive method of boiling water ever invented. It has the potential to be catastrophic. In California we have a lot of sunny days. My home is powered by solar panels. For the price of the idiotic Iraq war we could have placed solar panels on every, single roof in the United States of America. We the taxpayers are on the hook for all meltdowns and releases of radioactive material. The waste materials will remain radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. Providing a target for terrorists for that long as well. Shut down all nukes.
James, Huntington Beach

I live within 10 miles of SONGS. Although they may have some problems, I believe that they are operating a safe and efficient power plant. Nuclear energy is vital to the future of our nation. To look for a boogeyman behind every slight problem makes no sense. We need to be energy independant. Safe, efficient nuclear energy allows us to be that. One cannot be for renewable energy and not be in favor of nuclear energy. Wind and solar will not provide enough energy to meet the challenge. Nuclear can be safe and efficient. Let the utility and the NRC handle the situation. It does not not need the Senator's involvment.
Harold, Dana Point

Thank you for your stance and communication regarding the need for closer scrutiny and regulation of replacement segments for the San Onofre nuclear energy facilities. I appreciate your effort and acuity in monitoring those activities.
Frieda, Pasadena

I am grateful to you for your continuing concern and oversight regarding the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. I urge you to also follow-up on the seismic concerns associated with the Diablo Nuclear Power Plant also.
Sandy, Santa Cruz

The power plant at San Onofre has served us here in Southern California for many years. The amount of energy it is capable of producing is far beyond ANY current energy generation methods. The plant has never had a problem and now after finally realizing the high costs of building and maintaining the plant YOU and others want to destroy it...for what? Wind and solar are part of the future, but not realistic for powering cities yet. Before tearing the nuclear plant down or decommissioning the plant we here in Southern California want a replacement source of energy. Energy costs are the highest in the country and nothing but higher costs will come from ANY other type of generation plant. On behalf of me and my family I want to see San Onofre rebuilt, recommissioned and put back on-line to serve the reasonably- priced, safe, energy needs of much of Southern California.
Joseph, San Diego

The San Onofre Nuclear plant has never completely passed a safety check. Southern California Edison thinks close is ok. It is in a heavily populated area, next to Camp Pendleton, near or on earthquake faults and close to the ocean.
Joan, Dana Point

After receiving and reading your news flash regarding your request to the NRC to launch an immediate investigation, I am compelled to respond. If you were genuinely concerned about helping Californian's, rather than trying to delay or discontinue the nuclear energy generation at San Onofre, you would be helping to secure new nuclear power generators, including this site.
Jeff, Del Mar

I would love to see San Onofre Nuclear generators shut down completely. They are not safe, have never been safe, and will never be safe. It is built on a fault, ocean front where tsunamis can hit (their wall is inadequate as shown by Japan). The area is perfect to convert to solar, wind, and wave energy generation, all clean energies which nuclear is Not!
Pattie, San Clemente

There is always a line between safety and cost/time. Always. We could save lives on our highways by driving at 20 MPH and having cars that weighed 10 tons and had 50 airbags, but we don't. Your memo and action seems to insinuate that SCE/MHI didn't do all they could, especially when doing so would trigger regulatory review (cost, time). I'm not sure there's enough information here to make an informed judgement, and your publicity here does little to help that assessment. I'm all for safety, especially given the proximity of SONGS. But I also accept that there's some risk - there always is.
Bill, Laguna Niguel

I heard it on the Radio and was very pleased you are keeping So. Cal. Edisons feet to the fire! We are very concerned that we could have an Nuclear disaster at that plant. So. Cal. Edison modifications to the plant has put our safety at risk for profit. The Nuclear Regulation Commision should investigate immediatly and provide the people in the vicinity with all information . Our health and safety and financial risk in our homes is at stake. Members of the Nuclear Commision should not give Edison any benifet of any doubt , they choose the modifications in order to avoid inspections and save money for profit. They should have to pay for their actions.
Bridget, Laguna Niguel

Thank you for your message and for looking into the matter going on down here in our area. Not only do we not have the power that the plant is supposed to be generating and may be in harm's way if things go wrong but it is my understanding that even though Southern California Edison is a publically traded company owned by shareholders that the SCE customers are paying for this problem through their electrical bills. If this is true is there any way for customers to recover their money that SCE has forced them to pay for SCE's poor judgment and mishandling of this situation?
James, Capistrano Beach

These nuclear facilities must be closed! As the catistrophie at Fukashima has more than demomstrated there is no safe way to use nuclear technology. The SCE Nuclear plant is too dangerous to stay on line. Get rid of it! Before its too late.
Keith, San Jose

It is clear, now more than ever, that this plant should never be reopened and that there was fraud committed by So Cal Edison and Mitsubishi who knowingly installed something they knew wouldn't work! How they can pretend to have any concern for the safety of the millions of people who live within the 50 mile radius of the plant is unfathomable. Please help us to make sure this plant never, ever reopens. I live well within the 50 mile radius and have been thankful every single day the plant stays shut. I only hope it will be permanent. The NRC must look out for the best interests of U.S. citizens and not the power company or Mitsubishi. This is another Fukushima waiting to happen. Thank you for your time and actions on this horrendous situation.
Gerry, Laguna Woods

You have made a small first step toward shining some much needed light on what happened at San Onofre, thanks to SCE poor in-house design of the replacement steam generators!! By giving the Industry permission to consider most documents private, there can be no true oversight by the public! Case in Point: The report you mentioned was not made available to the public, if it was then by now these problems would have already been identified by the DAB Safety Team, and that could have saved SoCal residents $54 Million a month! SCE is trying to "game" the evidence against them, and your EPW comm. cannot allow US Nuclear Safety to become yet more Party vs Party Politics, the USA cannot afford a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster like Fukushima! The NRC hearing today was yet another sign that the NRC is trying to say that everything is wonderful when in fact we now have a 1.4 Billion dollar problem thanks to SCE trying to circumvent the NRC regulations, because they can!
Don, San Diego

Thank you for your recent efforts calling on the NRC to investigate possible problems at the San Onofre nuclear power plant. I applaud your dedication to ensuring that existing plants are safe and I hope you will work to stop the construction of future plants. Though we need to move away from our reliance on fossil fuels, nuclear power is not the solution. Conservation, education, and improved efficiency, along with green energy options can solve the problem.
Bruce, Long Beach

Thank you for your quick action on this. My faith in you is well founded! That's saying a lot, coming from a registered Republican.
Kathie, Laguna Niguel

I live in Oceanside approximately 15 miles south of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant and it scares me to death. Please shut it down permanently. Nuclear is not the answer to our energy needs. I understand this plant is similar in design and vintage to the Fukishima Nuclear Power Plant that have devastated life in Japa. Using nuclear energy to boil water is like using a shot gun to kill a fly - more collateral damage than effective action.
Steven, Oceanside

I hope and pray that the San Onofre Plant is closed down. I feel it is not safe and also that we residents have been charged for a plant that has not been operating.
Helen, Mission Viejo

I am dismayed by the apparent glee with which you announce the problems at San Onofre. Our future depends on clean nuclear power. There is no alternative. It is time you become informed and supported immediate construction of 4th generation nuclear power plants in California. Is may already be too late.
Keith, Davis

Thank you for pursuing this investigation. We do not need a catastrophic disaster as in Japan!
Michael, Santa Rosa

San Onofre should perhaps not be restarted at all, certainly not without engineering data/computations made available for independent analysis. The NRC is a captured agency. As Arnie Gunderson has remarked, San Onofre is a giant experiment with Southern California as the guinea pig. Let's not have a nuclear accident here.
Bradford, San Diego

Nuclear Power Plant safety has been a concern of mine since the opening of Diablo Canyon in the 70's. I have lived in San Diego, San Luis Obisbo, or Orange County throughout my adult life. This is too beautiful of a state, and too populated to take chances.
Patricia, San Diego

Thank you for taking up this urgent matter concerning the safety of the San Onofre nuclear power plant. This is proof once again that the private sector cannot be responsible for the welfare of the people and nuclear power must be replaced with renewable energy. It’s unbelievable that even after the disaster in Japan, these fools still gamble with our lives and that of the planet. This is a testament for the need for strong, well-funded government regulatory agencies. Don't let the Republicans cut the budget on the NRC..
Jill, San Diego

This makes a nice headline for the media, but in this case, I actually believe Southern California's denial. From everything released to this point, and from my knowledge of the engineering complexities of the steam generator design, I believe that the likelihood of knowledge of pre-installation flaws in the steam generators is unlikely. This news release only spins up the public living in the area (like me), and should have been fully validated and vetted before being released.
Ray, Oceanside

While I naturally share your concerns regarding the safe operation of any nuclear power plant, especially one near my home, I can't help but think that if there's a possibility that "SCE and MHI rejected enhanced safety modifications and avoided triggering a more rigorous license amendment and safety review process" then there is something seriously wrong with the license amendment and safety review process. It sounds as if, from a regulatory standpoint, additional safety becomes materially punitive. This should never, ever be the case.
Erik, San Diego

Californians respond to my message Senator Boxer Presses NRC on San Onofre Investigation (10/04/12):

Thank you for telling the NRC that the San Onofre nuclear reactor must be FULLY FUNCTIONAL before Southern California Edison can use it again. I agree that all points must be fully investigated and/or repairs completed.
Terry Ellen, Los Angeles          

I and everyone I know in Orange County is thrilled San Onofre is shut down. We do not need its toxic waste or even the energy it produces. We have had no black outs or brown outs. KEEP IT SHUT DOWN please! As a teacher, I must stay with students during an emergency evacuation and leave my family to fend for themselves. Thank for all you do!
Mary, Laguna Hills

Thanks you for your diligence in your overview of the San Onofre power plant. We as neighbors to the plant feel that every avenue should be taken no matter the cost to maintain our safety. We feel fortunate have a Senator like you.
Louis, San Clemente

I would like to thank you for staying on top of the NRC as concerns the safety of San Onofre. After having lived in Japan during the Fukushima disaster you will understand my firm belief that nuclear power is never safe. Even if San Onofre is found to be "safe," it's location on the earthquake-prone California coastline and proximity to major populations make it a future disaster. Ask anyone near Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant or in neighboring cities - the structure was said to be disaster-proof. Even if the plant is as safe as current technology allows us to make it, there is no way to ensure that the waste can be stored securely without leakage or fear of theft for 10,000 years. Thank you for your concern in making San Onofre as safe as humanly possible... I just don't think that it will be enough.
Roxanne, Sacramento

We need to reopen San Onofre Nuclear unit 2 that is safe to help our power shortage and create and maintain jobs. Nuclear plants in U.S.A. have never been attributed to loss of life and their cost are 5 times more effective than wind and solar. The footprint of land is extremely small compared to wind and solar and the density of power creates many less power line mazes than wind and solar. France gets 80% of her power from Nuclear and has been totally safe. The U.S.A. plants are safe and done their job. By building more nuclear we can solve the power shortages we have which helped attribute to the horrific rise due in part to a lack of power at the Torrance refinery. We need to reverse draconian laws in regards to fuel and refineries to get prices down and let the oil firms build new refineries without huge bureaucratic fees, laws and AQMD over the top laws and get in line with the rest of the country, so Californians can get back to being a strong economy. Thanks for reading my thoughts.
Robert, Murrieta

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your attention to our beautiful beaches and the safety of our community and environment!
Kathryn, San Diego

Thank you for addressing the problems at San Onofre nuclear plant. As you can see from my address I live in the plant's back yard. My hope is that it will remain closed forever. After Fukushima why can't we learn?
Mary Ann, Oceanside

Thank you for what you are doing about the San Onofre Nuclear Plant. Please continue caring. There are thousands of people living near the plant including Marines and their families and the plant has never completely passed a safety test.
Joan, Dana Point

Thank you for making sure that the problems at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant are thoroughly investigated and resolved by the NRC before the plant can be restarted. I wholeheartedly support your efforts to protect southern California residents from a disaster that could potentially arise from the operation of defective equipment. Extreme high maintenance and oversight is the answer to extreme danger in the nuclear industry. The risk to public safety cannot be overemphasized when it comes to radiation exposure. I appreciate your diligence in this important matter.
Alicia, Carpinteria

Thank you for caring enough about your "Southland" constituents--so much so that you made this request of the NRC. Once again--it's so good to know we voted for the "right" person for your Senate seat!!
Gail, Dana Point

I so appreciate your efforts to create a safe environment for the people of Southern California in regards to the San Onofre Plant. My hope is that you will hear from the commission and it will be a realistic, fact supported, safety review of the whole plant. Thank you for sending me your letter. I support you and your investment in a more earth friendly resource search for energy for the grid at this time and your endeavors to protect us from grave harm.
Sarah, Orange

As a strong supporter of the environment, I am asking that your office make clear it's intentions on nuclear power. I believe nuclear power is an important part of an energy portfolio designed around energy independence. Instead of trying to shutdown the plant, I believe your efforts should be focused on ensuring the operators of the plant keep workers at the plant that are not afraid to speak up if there is reason to be concerned. Having an inside group that is not afraid to speak up is your best defense against power and greed. Current management is more concerned with profits. An example of their profit motives is the intention to layoff over 700 employees without mentioning how the work will be done leading many to believe contractors will be the workforce of choice. While in some cases, contractors bring an expertise or specialty to a particular job or task, there are also many cases at San Onofre where contractors are being brought in to displace Edison employees in an effort to undercut the union workforce. I believe outsourcing is the concern your office should investigate. Your inquiry into this matter would be appreciated.
Rob, Oceanside

Thank you for trying to protect your constituents in CA, particularly those near enough to the location of the San Onofre to be possibly affected in case of a mishap. I personally dislike nuclear power, while realizing it has provided many with electricity, mostly because of the wretched waste that no one knows what to do with and certainly nobody wants. Most 'businessmen' would stretch the limits of anything before addressing potential problems that may cost money; that is what has caused most of the 'accidents' that have befallen mankind. Letting things go--never dreaming of what form 'the straw that breaks the camel's back' will actually take. Thanks for trying to prevent just that--although I have to admit some cynicism that makes me wonder just how "complete" and honest this 'investigation' may actually be. I guess it will be inversely proportional to how much money will be lost by not restarting the facility. But, at least you made the effort to try to help.
Diana, Redding

I appreciate your contacting the NRC with your personal letter calling on them to undertake a thorough investigation of what went wrong with the recently installed steam generators at SONGS which are in a severe state of degeneration at this date! Personally I would like to see SONGS permanently shuttered and decommissioned at the soonest time possible. I live in Fallbrook which is about 25 miles as the crow flies from SONGS and I do not feel at all comfortable with having this toxic power plant anywhere near my neighborhood! What has happened in Japan should be a wake-up call for all of us here in California. IT CAN HAPPEN HERE!!!
Jonathan, Escondido

As someone who lives within 25 miles of San Onofre, it both surprises me and disgusts me that Edison would seek to restart the facility. The flaws of design already pointed out have NOT been addressed NOR has the modeling software of the NRC been corrected. AND, the utilities are trying to have taxpayers bail them out for their failures of oversight and planning. Enough is more than enough; the San Onofre must be shut down and the gas fired plants to replace the power output brought online asap. Especially in view of the pricing associated with gas and the seeming unwillingness of the Interior Dept. to address the issue associated with fracking.
Bruce, Escondido

Thank you for sending to the NRC your concerns about the safety of the San Onofre nuclear power plant. There are several million people living within 50 miles of the San Onofre power plant -- approximately the same number of people to whom the plant provides power. It would be inexcusable for the plant to be restarted prematurely to the detriment of the people it serves. If keeping the plant shut down means there will be rolling outages in the future, so be it -- there are sufficient other means of generating power that they should be explored in the meantime, and San Onofre MUST NOT be restarted until it can be done safely.
Janet, Aliso Viejo

Thanks indeed for keeping an eye on this. Given the age of these devices (both California reactors have performed an entire service life and then some according to their designs as I understand it) it is questionable that they should not be replaced with newer and safer technologies especially in light of the fact that: 1. Fukushima Disaster 2. The development and population density in close proximity to these since they were originally commissioned. The financial impact should one of these had an accident are unthinkable, and as I personally have friends & family in Japan I know firsthand how bad this can get should ANYTHING go wrong. Given the age of these facilities it is clear to me that the risk is far too great to not AT LEAST upgrade with a new, safer, state of the art "NUKE" plant or, even better replaced by alternatives which should they malfunction would not injure 100's of thousands and render one of the largest american metropolises uninhabitable.
W. T., San Pedro

This is of vital importance to all of us here in California. I am so grateful that you take this issue seriously, and hope that we are able to avoid a disaster.
Ruth, Watsonville

Californians respond to my message on Addressing Safety Issues at San Onofre (09/17/12):

I just read your message about the overseeing of the San Onofre, and just wanted to offer my appreciation.
Bruce, Sebastopol

As a resident less than 20 miles away from San Onofre, thank you for staying on top of this serious environmental issue. I know I can count on you to learn from other people/countries and make sure that we keep all residents near nuclear reactors safe. Please continue to make sure that whoever would benefit financially from the reactors being active again, do NOT pull political shenanigans in order to do so and put millions of southern californians in harms way.
Karen, Lake Forest

Thanks for keeping an eye on the safety of San Onofre power plant. We live about 10 miles from that plant and we don't want to lose our home and great place to live forever just because the power plant owners want to make money and minimize losses!
Al, Oceanside

Thank you for the update on the hearings for re-opening the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. I believe given what we know now, after the Fukushima disaster, there is no way San Onofre should ever be opened again! Not only is it near a fault line, but the reactors are badly built and have had numerous shutdowns and problems. We need to concentrate on alternative forms of energy from now into the future. We have nothing but sun and wind here in California and should be steering our resources to those forms of energy starting immediately.
Gerry, Laguna Woods

Thank you for attempting to protect us from the danger of nuclear energy. We don't need San Onofre in operation, especially in light of the devastating after affects of Fukishima.
Marian, Hollister

I have voted for the Senator over the past 18 years and have visited her in her office in Washington D.C., however, I respectfully request you are extremely careful and well advised to the true condition of San Onofre. As an employee of San Onofre and resident of South Orange County, I too am concerned about the future operability of San Onofre. Yet, its important the media and bureaucrats (including elected officials) speak from a position of knowledge, not political enhancement or emotion when addressing the serious concerns surrounding San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. It remains imperative that the political whims are not what determines San Onofre's operability fate, but rather can San Onofre provide unconditional safe operation generating electricity into the State's starved electrical grid and at a cost that's fair to the customer's of Southern California Edison Company, San Diego Gas & Electric and the City of Riverside. Anything less and San Onofre will face the proverbial wrecking ball staring straight into its massive containment domes.
Jeff, Mission Viejo

Thank you for your stewardship of nuclear reactors. Yes, I am against nuclear power and hoping that we will soon regain our senses and decommission all those filthy reactors. Meanwhile, thanks for trying to keep them safe as they are phased out. It is about time we gave our environment the respect it deserves for supporting our lives.
Karen, Oakland

I appreciate your supervision and constant work on safety regarding SONGS. as a resident of Oceanside and in the critical radius of SONGS, I ask you to do everything in your power to make sure that SONGS will stay shut down permanently and that radioactive waste is safely and properly stored. Our lives, our children and grandchildren, and our environment cannot survive a potential accident. I also urge you to keep working on expanding and investing in clean, renewable, green, safe energy in California and in the rest of the USA.
Alessandra, Oceanside

Please do what you can to be SUPPORTIVE of the restarting of the nuclear power facility. We need the power in S. Orange County. Perhaps Government can help citizens by helping these utility companies provide the power we need, and not simply assume that they are operating the plants in an unsafe manner. My father was a Nuclear engineer, involved with the development of a powerplant for a nuclear aircraft in the 1960s and his understanding of government officials is that they know very little about what they are doing when it comes to technology, and a Nuclear power plant is indeed very high technology. Please assist them and all of us with your support to get this facility back on the grid.
Jeffrey, Laguna Niguel

You are way off base. You need to do all you can to help us switch to 100% nuclear power. Probably doesn't matter to you personally but your grandkids will thank you for the clean nuclear power you can help provide. Get informed. Go to Find out what is REALLY going on.
Keith, Davis

Thank you so much for writing me about San Onofre and the safety concerns at the other 104 reactors across the US. I'm numbering these points because there are 3 very important issues relating to SONGS that I am sure you are concerned with: 1) SONGS must be closed for safety reasons - I have studied the reasons for the leak and know that SoCal Edison misled the NRC about the breadth of change that happened with the new steam generators in order to avoid a full investigation of the safety of the plant. Now SoCal Edison is pointing fingers everywhere - at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, at the computer programmers, everywhere but itself. Regardless of whose fault it was, the reactor is not safe to restart. This is not to mention our vulnerability in case of earthquake, tsunami, etc!) 2) and the $470 million the rate payers spent on the steam generators is gone. We ratepayers are even paying SoCal Edison 54 million per month NOW for SONGS - when it is out of order!!!!! So SONGS does make sense fiscally. 3) The biggest surprise of late to me was that Michael Peevey is both head of the CPUC and the ex-director of So Cal Edison. This man needs to recuse himself from his position at the CPUC for the glaring conflict of interest. He has a vested interest in getting the reactor up and running and is not acting with the interests of Californians at heart. Imagine all of the renewable energy we could create with the money being wasted to protect the shareholders of So Cal Edison. Thank you for reading this and for taking the closing of SONGS seriously.
Mara, Venice

We have gotten along fine w/o this power plant. The people in Japan were told that their power plant was safe too and look what happened to them! We live in an earthquake prone area here that is way overdue for a big one! (just like them) We have NO business having this plant on the coastline where a tsunami could hit also. This is a disaster waiting to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let them reopen it please.
Kay, Spring Valley

Thanks for your participation in this highly important safety issue for the entire USA. I'm convinced that the Nuclear energy production in the country is FAR, FAR too dangerous to continue any longer. The facts bear this out EVERY time I research this issue. Would you please begin and implementation to closing down every single one of these horrendously dangerous reactors before we have a catastrophic event in OUR country? Please begin with the deactivation of San Onofre Nuclear Plant.
William, Manhattan Beach

Thank you so much for "having our backs" down here in South Orange County! It's certainly comforting to know that our safety (regarding the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant) is a priority for you!
Gail, Dana Point

I have absolutely no fear of San Onofre. The decisions made there are always first and foremost, "Public Safety". They are dealing with problems brought about by an interest in more power. The issues will be corrected without public or political concerns.
Ron, Fallbrook

I appreciate your interest about ongoing topics at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). As a member of the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), Local 246, and NRC licensed Senior Reactor Operator who works at SONGS, I have a clear interest in maintaining the high standards required of workers in the nuclear industry. I also want to assure you that despite recent technical concerns related to the recently replaced steam generators, my fellow SONGS workers are equally interested in maintaining those standards. The workers at SONGS, union and non-represented, want to return to being Southern California’s single largest source of greenhouse gas free, affordable and safe electricity. Should you have any doubts or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the unions that represent many of the workers at SONGS. In addition to the UWUA, other unions include the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Carpenters Union and the Laborers International Union.
William, Laguna Niguel

Reading the report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, a very reputable and non-partisan research group, our nuclear reactors are not well maintained and significant problems have not been addressed as apparently the Nuclear Regulatory Commission sees itself as serving the needs of their users rather than the health and safety of our nation as a whole. If there was ever a concern for domestic terrorism, access to spent rods are yet another huge concern that would dwarf the bombings by fertilizer. And of course, we have only to look at Japan despite their advance technologies to see the irreparable damage that can be caused by one accident. Please do not let the commission continue that way that they have. My fear is that the Commission will politely nod their heads and continue as they have for many years now. Please, do not let this happen on your watch and under your leadership.
Michael, Santa Rosa

Thank you so much for representing the people's interests by holding the NRC accountable. Nuclear energy is neither clean, sustainable nor even supportable without taxpayer subsidies. We need to move as quickly away from it as possible by developing sustainable sources and shutting these hazardous plants down. Again, thank you for focusing on this issue, I live in Lakewood, Ca, very close to it. I don't want to be another nuclear victim!
Sashi, Lakewood

Please stop stalling the process. Get San Onofre working again. Sure have the necessary safeguards in place... but it is time to get it operating again.
D., Aliso Viejo

Thank you for your actions regarding safety at the San Onofre Nuclear Plant. I feel well represented by you regarding this matter.
Robert, Riverside

Thank you for following through on protection and safety concerns regarding our nuclear power sites in the US. It's good to know someone in our government is doing this.
Jan and Bob, Hayfork

Thank you for taking a personal concern into the safety of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. I appreciate your oversight. We must have confidence that all has been done to ensure the safety of the unit(s) before it is activated again.
Nona, San Clemente

The sooner the plant can once again began providing us with clean, reliable, US made energy, the better for all of us. God knows we need it here in California-one of the most expensive states to live in.
Jerome, Winchester

Thank you for your email about holding the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the highest possible safety standards for the health of our communities. With toxic waste that lasts longer than any recorded civilization (20,000+ years), I cannot imagine why humans do this. When factoring in the cost for babysitting radioactive waste in perpetuity and the incalculable cost of a major accident, it cannot be touted as the low cost energy that justified its initial investment. Now, it's a matter of how do we limit that damage.
Laura, Berkeley

We in our Oxnard, CA community appreciate your Senate actions protecting CA and our Nation from dangerous Nuclear impacts. The City of Oxnard is in close proxmity of the San Onofre Nuclear Plant - it is a constant concern to us. The solution is to invest more in Renewables Solar, Wind etc. I know you are supporting these measures and appreciate you doing that.
Lupe, Oxnard

Thank you for keeping your constituents up to date on the status of San Onofre (SONGS). I hope you will take this moment to listen to your constituents...My Orange County CA neighbors and I all feel the same way... keep San Onofre SHUT DOWN. The risk to our families and property do NOT outweigh the benefits of keeping it demonstrated by the fact that we all just "survived" the last eight weeks of the 4th hottest August in recorded history, with minimal to NO IMPACT to our power supply. We don't have to have San Onofre to survive. There were FLEX ALERTS and it was reported on the news that EVERYONE COOPERATED and turned appliances off when it was needed. That I am aware of, we in Rancho Santa Margarita didn't see any unplanned or widespread blackouts. This tells my neighbors and I that we can certainly get along WITHOUT SONGS, and we would vote to do so! If we don't learn from Fukishima, then we are truly fools. SONGS is just too close to the San Andreas fault, which the USGS tells us will go in a big way at some point... it's not a matter of if, but when.
MaryAnne, Rancho Santa Margarita

We appreciate the safety concerns, but we also hope that you will make every effort to change our policies to encourage the development of more nuclear plants being built on our soil which will help us become more energy dependent. More nuclear energy plants will create more jobs and will improve our economy. While we need to develop all our sources of energy, nuclear energy is the cleanest, safest form of energy.
Eric, Fallbrook

As a person who has studied chemistry for two years I have knowledge of the dangers of nuclear energy. We should learn from japans experience is and act on more secure nuclear plants.
Christian, Montebello

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Government Shutdown and Default Prevention Act

Californians respond to my message on No Pay for Congress if Government Shuts Down:

(NEW)  Thank you so much for introducing this legislation. Congress needs a reality check. If any of their constituents behaved the way they often do, we would not get paid either. Thanks for taking a step to level the playing field, although it is still pretty far off kilter, but at least it is a step in the right direction.
Patrick, Oxnard

(NEW)  The best email I got all day was one from you just a few minutes ago. Working in the defense industry in San Diego, I see it as a threat to our national security to face sequestration in March. Congress needs to take this potential shutdown seriously, and not play political games that endanger our country's welfare. The day-to-day operation of the country is the reason why we elect our officials, more so than pushing ideologies, reacting to recently upsetting news, and proposing new legislation. I believe that was the "referendum" that people voted in the last election. If it takes some additional legislation to remind Congress that it is their responsibility to keep the country running, regardless of whether it is under the perception of 'fiscal responsibility' or 'irrationally exuberant' spending, then I am all for it.
Noah, San Diego

(NEW)  Respectfully, I would like to say that I don't like the idea of not paying the president and congress for default or shutdown of the government. That punishes a lot of congressmen and women, and the president, who are not the obstructionists. And I may be naive, but I hope that there are still some in Congress who are not rich and therefore need their salary. So while this bill is a sledgehammer, I think it is hitting too many of the wrong nails. My husband doesn't like the bill because he says it interferes with the legislative process, weird though it has become. We are both liberals, and happy to be so. Thank you.
Christine, Pasadena

(NEW)  I like your proposed legistation where legislators wouldn't get paid during a government shutdown; however, I doubt something like that would EVER pass. I'd like to see the democrats work with the republicans to cut back on spending. We can't continue just increasing the budget.
Diana, Chino Hills

(NEW)  Our family is SO tired of the Republicans in Congress working together to do nothing but obstruct the work of the Congress. If they do not wish to extend the debt ceiling, then I think it is entirely appropriate for them to forfeit their pay until an appropriate solution is reached. Perhaps, if Sen. Boxer's measure if enacted, the Congress will begin to seen the urgency of coming to a solution about the debt ceiling.
Haage, Lori, Montclair

(NEW)  It is about time that the House & Senate felt the same frustrations as the citizens of this country at their inability to work together so that a budget could be passed in a timely manner. I have been hopeful of the measures Pres. Obama has tried to get passed over the last 4 years, to make this a more equitable country, but extremely angry at the petty, self-absorbed, and greedy motivations that have prevented passage of many of these measures. With respect to the delay in approving a budget, I'm hoping that if it becomes necessary to hold up their pay, that this lack of a paycheck will spur them on. I am 67 years old, and I have never seen such poor performances by these government bodies, especially the House of Representatives. Enough!!
Mary, Santa Clara

(NEW)  I appreciate your concern for the people with Government Shutdown Bill. I hope you define Congress as both the Senate and the House. I would say if you have a legitimate concern for the American People, you would also include the same consequence when the Senate or the House do not submit an annual budget as required by the Constitution. The lack of performance by the Senate to do this in almost 4 years is for more damaging to the American people than anything else our politicans babble about on a daily basis. Unlimited spending and unlimited entitlements to both corporate and individuals is taking us to certain economic ruin. California is the template for the federal program end result. I hope your sincerity will be proven by addressing a fair and balanced penalty for the lack of job performance for the Senate, House, and the President. I encourage you to post these comments on your website.
William, Bakersfield

Thank you so much for putting your own paycheck at risk for a sensible solution to government shutdowns. It is long overdue!
Denise, Ladera Ranch

Thank you for the update and I agree... Congress needs to get the work done that they are paid for.
Michael, Pasadena

I believe you are on to something here, we all need to be responsible for our current situation. I do think we need to hold our elected officials accountable.
Lawrence, Gold River

Thank you for making the kids pay attention to the trouble they will cause and the consequences of their inaction. You always have my support.
Nancy, Sylmar

Thank you for the introduction of this legislation and I appreciate the symbolic gesture that it represents. My criticism of it is that it is entirely symbolic. Since the majority of Senators and Representatives are millionaires, the loss of their Senate or House salaries will have little or no impact on their financial well-being. Their loss of salaries will not have the same impact on their lives as the impact of a government shut-down or default on the Nation's debt will have on the vast majority of the middle-class and poor - The loss of one's Social Security check, the loss of Medicare/Medicaid healthcare, the financial impact on the stock market and one's retirement savings, the loss of a job, the loss of one's house…. With the utmost respect, your constituent,
Ted, Grass Valley

This is a good start; next I would like to see the legislators have the same social security and healthcare programs that the public has. There is an incredible disparity that needs to be addressed but the beneficiaries of these elite programs rarely oppose them. Keep up the good work,
Cele, Novato

I heartily applaud your and Senator Casey's efforts and tenacity in re-introducing this bill. The inaction on this particular responsibility of our elected officials is shameful and does in fact mirror a worker who is refusing to do his/her job.
Angela, Oakland

This bill is long overdue. I support it fully. If I don't do my job correctly, I suffer the consequences.
Ken, Sonora

Thank you Senator Boxer and Senator Casey, for taking a stand and looking out for the American people. Shutting down the government should never be used as a leverage tool for partisan politics and manipulation; and certainly should not be rewarded by payment for failing to do their jobs!
Carlotta, Modesto

I would like to see even stronger measures taken so that our country's representatives can "feel our pain." For example, if health care was only given to Congress while they served, and once out of office they had to go through COBRA, like the rest of us when we loose a job. Or perhaps, if their pension plan was limited to 401Ks and Social Security like so many of the rest of us. I have a feeling they would act a lot more efficiently toward solving the problems with Medicare and Social Security, if that were the case. If they really want to fix Social Security, all they have to do is raise the salary cap. But, I do appreciate all you do for your constituents, so thank you for introducing this very reasonable legislation.
Linda, Sunnyvale

I believe it should go even further to include no approved annual budget, no pay. Since passing our countries annual budget is one of the most important asks, if they fail why should they get paid for failure. This can and should also apply for California's budget process. Respectfully submitted,
Robert, Poway

Accountability is something elected officials have never had to face. What time is better then now. I support your and Senator Casey's efforts Keep up the good work.
Adele, La Jolla

The Bill you propose is well intentioned, but most of Congress is made up of very wealthy people. Going without a paycheck would only be a slight inconvenience, and they would be receiving the monies at a later date; so no real consequences for them.
Diane, San Diego

Senator, I this is a wonderful idea. I got your back!!
Beverly, Carlsbad

I couldn't believe what we Americans have been wishing since I can't remember when is really going to be presented in Congress. I checked my email to make sure it wasn't "spam" and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Please hit those who clog the wheels of progress in the pocket book where they are used to hitting us.
Diane, South San Francisco

And we both know that this proposed bill will never see the Senate floor for a final vote.
Leo, Oxnard

I want to thank you for your current initiative to break the legislative stalemate and get this year's congress session moving. Now that you are identifying yourself as a States-person with moxy, I suggest you propose a truly meaningful bill. Revert your retirement plan to Social Security. Revert your Health plan to the Health plan legislation you recently passed. Not the "opt-out" provision, the real plan. In essence the business world calls this "eating your own dog food". I look forward to the bold new direction you can take congress in this term.
Dave, San Jose

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Homeless Veterans

Californians respond to my message on Helping to End Veteran Homelessness:

(NEW)  As a long-time supporter of Swords to Ploughshares here in San Francisco, I was pleased to receive your email about the legislation you introduced that will further support our HOMELESS!,
Pam, San Francisco

(NEW)  KUDOS for your effort to help the homeless veterans. As a retired Navy, Viet Nam era veteran, it breaks my heart to see so many guys my own age, and some older and some much younger, that are homeless for any number of reasons. I also believe the benefits we were promised when we were drafted or enlisted, should never, ever be cut or taken away. I watched as my own father, a WWII MIA/POW, suffer with some of the physical impairments as a result of his service, and later realized he also had mental issues as well. Fortunately, he was able to cope with his problems until late in his life, and had to sell his house, the house I was born in, in order to get the care he needed. He was one of the fortunate ones, compared to so many others. I do thank you for your efforts, and for your service to our country.
Michael, Moreno Valley

(NEW)  That's a great idea about putting a space on our income tax to support our veterans' programs to reduce homelessness. My dad was a vet from WWII so this is very important to our family. I hope your legislation passes.
Dolores, Palm Desert

(NEW)  Thank god someone is thinking about them. They thought about us when they were serving this country so why should we forget about them.
Laura, Moreno Valley

(NEW)  Your concern about veterans homelessness is commendable and appropriate. However, a check off box to make voluntary donations is an insult and an outrage!!!! We need a surtax on income that is mandatory. Low income people may not be able to spare much but a ten percent tax on all income over $100,000 per year to fund veteran housing and healthcare would be totally appropriate. Our veterans should not be dependent on charity! Tax payers owe them the care they need including medical and psyhcological! It is not a charitable act to care for our veterans. It is a duty and an obligation! Make congressional pay dependent on a check off contribution. Make veteran care a mandatory obligation!
Al, Mill Valley

(NEW)  I want to thank you for your efforts in honoring our Vietnam Veterans I myself being a Vietnam Veteran that returned home to a ungrateful nation, I am now scarred with PTSD and the horrible memories of that terrible War. I think you are a wonderful person for what you are doing for our country and our Veterans.
Tom, Mira Loma

(NEW)  While I applaud your desire to help our veterans. I am sure you know that through churches and other non government organizations there are many ways one can help without giving money to the government. It is painfully obvious that the government does not know how to allocate dollars without wasting most of them. You might not admit that publicly but you know it is true. That fact has nothing to do with political parties it is the nature of the beast. I don't see why we need the government to spend yet more money to more public employees to do something that the community can do far more effectively.
Steve, Yucaipa

(NEW)  Does the donation become deductible? Who decides where the money goes? It seems like a nice thought, but excess tax legislation. Currently legitimate organizations that help homeless veterans receive donations that are tax deductible. My veteran brother has been homeless, and I appreciate the services that he received.
Robert, Murrieta

(NEW)  Great move! I will instruct my accountant to check this box and contribute from our funds on this year’s tax return. Thank you. I'm a vet and although not homeless I understand some of their problems.
John, Goleta

Thank you for all that you do to help fight for our homeless veterans. For years I lived two blocks from the VA hospital in San Francisco. Every day I talked to homeless vets. I heard about their struggles, I heard how many were denied housing because of addiction issues. I talked to men who were in the trenches, who saw terrible things, who won medals. I heard their poetry and their songs. Every day I got angrier and angrier that these men were on the streets. More so because, once on the streets, they become throw away people. I hear "not my problem" and "get a job." Thank you Barbara Boxer for consistently shining a light on this issue. No one should have to live in deep poverty and illness. And for us to be shouting "Support our Troops!" while so many vets live this way is just appalling to me. Thank you.
Marsh, San Francisco

I think it is awesome that you are supporting veterans now to try to stop them from being homeless. I am married to a Vietnam vet who still remembers being spit upon by his fellow Americans when he returned after two tours in Vietnam. While having his ischemic heart disease accepted as a presumption of agent orange he has to receive that small extra amount of money cause we are married… My husband is not alone in his belief that the remaining Vietnam vets will be dead before they are adequately compensated.
Sherry, Moreno Valley

Finally something I can back a Democrate in a cause. We donate what little we can to the paralized Vets, but had no idea how to help others. our troops go through hell and get so little help and support. I am a registered Republican but will support you 100% on this. by the way we are not vets and no one in my immediate family is a vet.. Thank you
Jean, Tehachapi

I agree we need to extend more help to our veterans who are homeless. We need to start with Mental Health first. They did their best to help our nation. The war in the middle east will never end. We need to bring our men and women home and provide jobs for them. We need to help them in every way possible.
Linda, Sun City

Why just Veerans? What about children? Veterans already have a life where if they are homeless they cannot assimilate into society and have other issues. Children are our future and we need to focus on that.
Michael, Temecula

With prices going up, and buying power going down every day, where do you expect to find taxpayers who would choose to donate more money to the government so they can do the job they should have been doing all along with the trillions they are collectinbg and mismanaging? Seriously, this veteran would first like to see more fiscal responsibility with the trilliions you have been entrusted with. You may want to consider such things as a balanced budget amendment for one... Since I have a choice, I know of a number of charities that I believe will do a more responsible job with my money. And several of them help veterans too. Respectfully,
George, Yucaipa

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Californians respond to my message on Ending Long Lines on Election Day:

Thank you for taking on voter fraud that appeared in the form of making it difficult for a certain class of people to vote. The Republicans were hell bent on winning this last election and there was very little they wouldn't stoop to in order to achieve this. Well, it backfired, thankfully. I was a Republican until Richard Nixon went down in flames. I decided I didn't want to be associated with people of low morals. Again, thank you for your hard work.
Mark, Santa Ana

I have to admit that most people in our comumnity cast their ballots long in advance by their mail-in ballots, but I do prefer to wait until the last minute after I've heard all of the rhetoric from all of the candidates before I go to the polls. I never have to wait! For those who do have a problem waiting in lines at the polls, why don't they go to that government office near-by where they can cast their vote in advance, or if they have a legitimate address, just ask for an absentee ballot. When my husband I and I were living overseas we voted in every election by mailing in our ballots because we were registered voters in our state.
Carole, Ramona

I don't see the details of your [bill] but based on the summary I am only seeing talk of setting up more places to vote in order to shorten the lines. That is only one of many solutions that combined could be much more effective. First, banks seem to trust we are who we say we are…, so why not vote online from home? Also, I am one of many people who vote using absentee ballots to vote before election day, but that needs reform …. How about at least sending us an email confirming that our vote was received and counted….
Nicholas, Upland

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Roe v. Wade

Californians respond to my message on the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade:

Please continue to work for maintaining women's rights. On the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade we cannot sit idle while extremist people are pushing their agenda of pecking away at my and my daughters' rights. Please don't give up on the progress we have made. Keep up the fight!
Amanda, San Diego

As a Republican woman, I commend you on working to continue women's rights to health and contraception. I am very opposed to restricting women's access to abortion and their right to choose.
Caroline, Malibu

I am 62 years young & remember what it was like during the 60's & 70's for women. It feels as though the Republicans and right-to-lifers are trying to push us back into the Dark Ages. I voted for you and authorize you to keep fighting for women to be able to rule "Our Bodies, OurSelves".
Gay, San Jose

Please keep up your good work preserving a woman's health rights especially defending the Roe vs Wade decision from erosion. These fundamental rights impact so many woman, at all socio-economic levels, not to mention the men in these women's lives.
Beth, Palos Verdes Estates

Thank you for your steadfast support of Roe vs. Wade and other women's issues. I depend on your vote. You would think after 40 years.... It must get tiring to fight the same battles over and over again. But, apparently it is necessary.
Saundra, San Dimas

What about all the 55 million babies' lives ended by abortion and women who died or were irreparably damaged by safe legal abortions?
Anne Marie, Oakland

A woman's right to choice is important to me and I appreciate your support and hard work in keeping Roe vs Wade intact. This is not an easy decision for women, even couples to make, but the choice must remain an option for women in California and throughout the nation. Keep up the good work.
Janet, Alameda

I heartily applaud you for hanging in there and fighting while draconian legislative measures increasingly hack away at women's rights to take charge of our own bodies. This is not just about abortions. It is about access to valid health information and care and contraception. State legislators bully their way into women's clinics ordering care workers to deliver frightening and thoroughly unscientific messages to intimidate the patient and enforce expensive, unnecessary medical procedures. The dwindling number of clinics makes access impossible for desperate and poor women. I am 71 years old and shocked that in 2013 women are still considered a bothersome underclass instead of grown-ups who earn wages, love, and are capable of making our own decisions. These appallingly uneducated, mean-spirited legislators have blood on their hands. We can only hope our younger generation will vote them out of office.
Susan, San Rafael

I just read your praise of Roe vs. Wade. You forgot to mention the 50 million young humans who have been killed for financial and convenience reasons since it was passed.
Lee, Susan, Walnut Creek

roe/wade was a major victory for women freeing us from the tyranny of our bodies for the first time, legally! we must not lose this hard won protection, under any circumstances!!
Donna, West Sacramento

That explains why Congress can't meet deadlines. They concern themselves with unnecessary items instead of taking care of real problems. After reading your last email I wondered if it was 2013 or 1913.
Gisela, San Fafael

Thank you for your loud, clear voice on the importance of Roe vs Wade. Please continue to push for the expansion of womens healthcare and to push back with the extremists that would take away womens rights to make their reproductive healthcare decisions.
Frederic, San Francisco

I appreciate and support your stand regarding our rights as women to make choices for ourselves. Repealing Roe vs. Wade would put women at risk of death and disease at the hands of unlicensed doctors and swindlers in unhealthy conditions. It is my strong belief that abortion should not be a government issue but a personal one. We as women should have the right to take charge of our bodies and our lives.
Karen, Studio City

Dr. Gregory Polito placed a paid statement in our local paper, The Whittier Daily News, today, on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, entitled "A Concerned Citizen's Thoughts on the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, 01-22-2013". I would respectfully ask that, in the interest of looking at the issue of abortion from both sides, you read the entire article… My prayer is that you will reconsider your position on abortion. It is wrong in God's sight, and it is wrong if we call ourselves caring human beings. Thank you for all you do for us in the other areas of your service in the Senate. You have a difficult, complex job there. Your hard work is appreciated. God bless you!
Linda, Whittier

Please help keep Roe vs Wade strong. All women should have a choice over their own bodies!
Margaret, Long Beach

There will be abortions done regardless of the law. The purpose of Roe vs. Wade was to save womens lives. One statistic I learned by an MD … was that before RvW, abortion deaths were the leading cause of womens dying.
Marvellee, Long Beach

Thank you so much for being in the forefront of Women's rights! Our generation fought so hard to acquire these rights, only to see them constantly under attack by right wing extremists. The irony is that these groups are usually PRO-GUN and PRO-WAR!!!
Clea, Canoga Park

I fully support keeping Roe v. Wade legal and reject any restrictions the Republicans try to put forth. As pointed out in a recent New York Times article, women have searched for ways to terminate pregnancies for thousands of years. Until the passage of Roe v. Wade those procedures often times ended up with the woman dying. It is vital that the U.S. continue to provide safe medical procedures to women. Women have a right to choose what course their life will take. No woman wants to have an abortion, but sometimes it is the only alternative. Please fight to keep Roe v. Wade legal.
Deirdre, Tiburon

Thank you for your articulate tribute; it has been such an important part of women's rights and must remain strong.
Pat, Saint Helena

Wholeheartedly agree with your position on Roe v. Wade! Keep government out of the bedroom, bathroom and doctors offices!
John, Seal Beach

It saddens me to think that you are my "representative" in the Senate because you certainly do not represent my views. How sad to see how happy you are to condone the murder of the unborn. And make no mistake Ms. Boxer, these are babies. How you can be so proud of something so disgusting amazes. I'm also sick and tired of hearing about this war on women. If anyone is waging war on women, it is you.
Alice, Burbank

As the former President of the California Abortion Rights League, I want to thank you for your January 22nd email. Thank you for your loyal and articulate stand on women's reproductive freedom. We need you now more than ever.
Joannie, Los Angeles

It makes me sad to read the attacks on women's health that we worked so hard to get covered. My daughter's generation has no idea what my generation went through to fight inequality in pay, our bodies, our jobs, the glass ceiling etc. Even though it has not completely become equal with men, it is closer than ever before.
Joyce, Simi Valley

This anniversary recalls the millions of babies who have been and continue to be murdered because of RoeVs Wade. I realize many people choose to hide their eyes to this truth, but it's real, and I plan to ALWAYS tell that truth. You do NOT represent me.
Cynthia, Sylmar

Thanks Barbara..keep fighting the crazies.
Susan,  Lakewood

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Pinnacles National Park

Californians respond to my message on the Pinnacles National Park:

As a native Californian and Dean of Science and Research Collections at the California Academy of Sciences, I would like to extend my congratulations and sincere appreciation for your authoring the bill to designate the Pinnacles as a National Park. I am so pleased that President Obama has signed this bill into law. The Pinnacles are a remarkable part of our California and national biological heritage. Their elevation to National Park status is a great achievement for all Americans. Thank you again for your unwavering support of the environment and protection of our natural heritage. In these times, when people point to the failure of Congress to accomplish meaningful legislation this is an especially important accomplishment.
Terry, San Anselmo

Thank you so much for doing such a good job caring about our environment. It feels so good to be proud of my representative. Thank you for honoring the Pinnacles as our newest National Park.
Donna, San Diego

Is this wise? If you will please check, The Pinnacles area has been the epicenter of hundreds, if not thousands of earthquakes in the last 6 years. Has this fact been taken into consideration? If it has, I would like to know what data were considered.
P., Atascadero

Great news! It's such a beautiful place. Thanks for all your hard work.
Janice, Vallejo

Thank you for your continuing efforts to ensure that the beautiful, natural habitats of California are protected. I appreciated your notification, because these important bills often go unnoticed by the media! Keep up the good work!
Arlene, Beaumont

It's good to know that future generations will be able to enjoy this beautiful place.
Thomas, Laguna Beach

Thank you for sponsoring the bill making Pinnacles National Monument into America?s 59th National Park. We visited Pinnacles last year after more than 25 years and it was a very worth while trip. The area's renowned beauty and diverse wildlife, unique volcanic rock formations, and a home of the critically endangered California condor is worthy of NP status.
Felix, Carmichael

I have visited there twice, taking my grandson the second visit, both loving the enormous rock formations, forest . . . and renewed spirit from the experience. The area is worthy of national park status and the diligent care, financial support gained by this status which will also attract a greater number of people to receive the health benefits of being outdoors, hiking, enjoying wildlife and forests. And, yes, more people also benefit surrounding businesses.
Maurita, Templeton

As a Parent, Granparent, educator, camper, rock climber, and lover of Nature; Thanks So Much for pursuing and doing this for future generations.
Stephen, Oceanside

Millions of Americans--today and for generations to come--will enjoy the beauty of Pinnacles NATIONAL PARK because of the courage and foresight of "America's Senator", the Honorable Barbara Boxer !  
Duncan and Betty, McKinleyville

Thanks for all you do to help out in our environment in California and elsewhere. Your actions with the Land and Water Conservation Fund have already made quite a difference in the Sierra Nevada. Keep up the good work!
Fred, San Francisco

I was researching parks in California when I saw that there was a new one, Pinnacles National Park in the Bay Area. Then I got your email, saying that you had proposed the bill. I want to thank you for helping establish this important park, especially when the former state government has identified almost 50 sites for closure. I hope this can be turned around, as California has a unique and important culture, both natural and man-made, that is important to preserve.
Megaen, Newcastle

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Mt. Andrea Lawrence

Californians respond to my message on Mt. Andrea Lawrence:

Thank you for honoring Andrea in a way that would have made her so proud. She was a dear friend and often referred to herself as my "second mother." I wish more people knew how hard she worked and how much she accomplished in protecting the Eastern Sierras. She was a fascinating, intelligent woman with a fierce determination and vision. She so very much deserves this recognition. My wish is more people would take her message of conservation to heart and continue in the work to which she dedicated her life.
Kerry, Albany

How good it is to see such a wonderful athlete and conservationist honored by having a mountain named after her. I am old enough to remember very well her accomplishments---and also to have met her a number of times. The old skiing community was rather a small one, and we all knew each other. To us she was Andie Mead---always. Thank you for taking this step.
Suzanne, San Francisco

Californians respond to my message on Mt. Andrea Lawrence (12/21/2012):

Thank you for your work to honor Andrea Lawrence. What a fitting tribute to a woman of such stature. I had the pleasure of working with her for a couple of years on the Mono County Democratic Committee. As the Sierra Nevada inspires, so does she. Mt. Andrea Lawrence will carry forward the legend and the legacy.
Leslie, Palm Desert

Nice of you to send a note about passage on naming MT Andrea Lawrence. It seems to be a bit misguided with all the issues with the fiscal cliff. Let's fix the country first.
Vin, Livermore

I'm so happy that such a wonderful and deserving woman as Andrea is getting a mountain of recognition for the many selfless works she accomplished over her long, amazing lifetime. While it's tempting to bring attention to the medals she won for the United States at the Olympics when she was a very young woman, she continued to do as much as she could to help make the Eastern Sierra a treasure for our country with her work on the Board of Supervisors as well as other activities. She is sorely missed by those who knew her. Thank you for your efforts to make this designation possible in her memory.
Larry, Oakland

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National Marine Sanctuaries

Californians respond to my message on Protecting the Northern California Coast:

Thank you! I am so glad you have had our interests in mind for so many years. Good job!
Priscilla, Sherman Oaks

I cant thank you enough for your efforts on this issue. It is the very best thing the government has done in a long time!! Thanx,thanx,thanx...
Libby, Healdsburg

I just read your message about expanding Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries. These are wonderful, magical areas of California's coast and I am so grateful that you are fighting to protect them.
Shirley, Menlo Park

Thank you so much for continuing to work toward protecting our natural environment. I sincerely appreciate your working with Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey to expand the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank national Marine Sanctuaries.
B, Rocklin

Do you REALLY think that this is a GOOD IDEA? Making that area a Natl . manument is not what is needed for Calif . Calif already has safe guards in place to protect its waters .. Coast Guard .. Bilge water dumping and other pollution DFG protects the wlid life and fish . This idea is just a redunancy of policys that are already in place . And what of the residents who make their living ? What effect does this have on them ?.. The damage this can cause is far more reaching than its feel good efects .. Thanks for reading ..
Charles, Santa Rosa

While some may find fault with the attempts to preserve and protect marine life, I applaud the initiative. To set aside 15% of the marine habitat to conserve fish species is a modest step. More may be needed. Thank you.
Franklin, Santa Rosa

Wonderful news of the extension of the Marine Sanctuaries here in Northern California. Thanks so much for you efforts in that area! Sincerely,
Doug, San Diego

Good work, Senator Boxer. Thank you for standing up for the environment and California. Generations to come will reap the benefits. Best regards,
Joe, Sebastopol

I'm thrilled about the news of the expansion of the marine sanctuary along the Sonoma and Mendocino coast of Northern California! Thank you for your work towards that. As a native Californian, several generations back, I deeply value the beauty and positive impact on people and planet of our natural environments. I have great appreciation for your efforts to preserve as much of it as possible. Sincerely,
Sarah, San Diego

Thank you for your work protecting the marine coastal environment. Amidst the fears of war and economic woes, such an advancement on the "home front" is inspiring.
Robert, Laguna Beach

Thank you for your successful efforts to expand the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries. I always knew you were the real deal!
Robles, Roger Jr, Petaluma

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Congo Atrocities

Californians respond to my message on Combating Violence in Congo:

I want to thank you for applying pressure on the white house to intervene in the violence that is being perpetrated on Congolese women and men. I wonder how and from who, the so called "rebels" purchase their arms and bullets that inflict such wanton pain and suffering on the Congolese people. On the radio I recently listened to a woman author and activist Lee Ann DeRus who is working to help heal women brutalized by violence in the Congo. I was amazed by the stories she told of great resilience and healing among brutalized women and child soldiers. We must do everything we can to foster their safety and continued healing by helping to stop the ongoing violence. Please continue to keep this issue up front in the white house circle of international policy. Our sisters and brothers in the Congo are counting on you. Joyful Holidays
Saoirse, Oakland

Thank you so much for leading a bipartisan group to urge immediate action to help end the sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It horrifies me every time I hear about it and am glad that you and your colleagues are willing and able to do something in our name.
Mathilde, Santa Cruz

Thank you for your efforts to reduce the violence in the Congo and encourage our nation to take a stronger stand for human rights there.
Sylvia, Berkeley

Thank you for speaking on this important topic. I am proud that you are championing this important issue for the health of women, men, and children in Congo, but also here in the US. Violence against women, especially sexual violence is completely unacceptable, and I am proud that you are my senator.
Alma, Covina

Michael, Menifee

Absolutely agree with you! I know Congo's people. I have been there. They need support from America. Good luck!
Richard, Los Angeles

While I am against sexual violence, wherever it occurs, I strongly oppose the President taking any 'action' in the Congo. I do not know the wording of your document but I would not support anything but diplomatic action. We are still extricating ourselves from Iraq and Afghanistan and I do not support any excursions into any other countries - the Congo and Syria included.
Bill, San Diego

I wanted to thank you personally for your concern and for the steps you are taking for a more stable region for the people of the Congo.
Sandra, Richmond

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The NRA and Gun Violence

Californians respond to Senator Boxer on the NRA, Gun Violence, and School Safety:

Thanks for leading this fight. We are gun owners, support 2nd Amendment, HOWEVER support your efforts with assault weapons ban, reduce magazine sizes, close gun show loophole, national registry. THANK YOU!
Ellen, Poway

Keep up the fight against the NRA! Why not impose a steep tax on purchasers of assault weapons so they pay for the extra security? The NRA argues that they have the right to bear arms, but what about responsibility? Sure the vast majority are responsible but unfortunately they have carry the burden of those that aren't.
Eric, South San Francisco

I am a strong believer in the 2nd Amendment and do NOT want to see my rights trampled on. While what happened in Newtown is very saddening, taking away the gun rights of law-abiding citizens will not solve anything. Criminals that want to commit crimes with guns will find a way to do it regardless of what laws are in place. (They would probably rob gun stores, rob homes, or get them from somewhere else). Please Senator, do not let my 2nd amendment rights be destroyed by useless laws that won't protect our future- our children.
Jen, Murrieta

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This is the second amendment. It specifies that the right to bear arms must be part of a well-regulated militia. How many of members of the NRA are part of a well-regulated militia? One spokesman for the NRA said that we have to have guns if we need to overthrow a tyrannical government. In that case, which is ridiculous, a well ordered militia would be formed. Another interesting thing is that historically the NRA position was in regulating the ownership of guns: being sure everyone was well-trained and the guns were in the right hands. No one in the US needs automatic assault weapons. If hunters are using them, the animals don't stand a chance and it's not a sport; it's a massacre. I think NRA's opposition to gun control is offensive.
Cynthia, Carmichael

I know this will be like talking to the wall, but we don't need more gun restrictions, just enforce the laws we already have. We Need more people control, not gun control. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting, it is about equal defense.
David, Oakland

Why not use the DMV model to license gun owners and register guns on a continual basis? Like the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Firearms for each state would issue learner permits, then after 6 months, a test would be given and then a license issued to the gun owner. Every time a gun is purchased by the licensed gun owner, it would need to be registered and fees paid every year that it is owned. If the owner of the gun sells it, the new owner would need to re-register the gun and pay the fees. The owner's license would be renewed periodically (just like a driver's license). The license, registration and fees required would certainly curb the proliferation of guns in this country. And the states could use the money. Also the new Department of Firearms in each state would create jobs.
Joyce, Merced

It would also be an appropriate time to stand up for non-violence, e.g, ban on assault weapons and massive sales of ammunition, as well as real background checks, waiting periods, and proof of knowledge of how to operate a gun and gun safety. After all, we require registration of cars (and access to registration data by law enforcement), as well as licensing of all drivers only after they have passed driving tests. Nobody considers this a slippery slope leading to the confiscation of cars. Nobody regards the law that trucks must have appropriate signage if carrying flammable or explosive materials a slippery slope toward abolishment of the trucking industry. Are vehicles more dangerous than guns? Do individuals have to learn to drive but shooters just somehow know how to do it? Should individuals be held responsible for damage they do with cars but not guns? When did we get this crazy? Your sane constituents are counting on you.
Margaret, Berkeley

I know that some of the community feels that these kinds of gun laws should be passed so that they can feel more safe about sending their children off to school. NOTHING should make parents feel more safe. Killers walk the streets everyday. That won't change with new gun laws. I see the problem just as clearly as anyone else does. I am an advocate for guns…. I am asking as a concerned citizen, that you vote NO on ALL of these frivilous proposals. There are other ways of solving this problem. Thank-you very much for reading.
Candace, Mountain View

It seems that you have already spoken out about gun control. I want to support that effort. We need to follow the ideas of Joe Biden and Barack Obama in this. I especially think there is no reason for anyone to have an assault weapon. They are only to kill other human beings. I do think that people who pass rigorous background checks should be able to have handguns for protection and hunting rifles. But that is all!!! Thank you for considering these proposals.
JoAnne, Vallejo

My wife and I both urge you to support the President's gun control measures. Citizens do not need assault rifles to defend themselves, they should be banned and turned in for destruction. A ten round magazine, as required by California law, should be standard throughout the US. If that's a problem with the Second Amendment, then we urge you to initiate a repeal of that amendment. We have too many paranoid citizens who should not be allowed to possess military weapons. We are not afraid of our government, we are afraid of these nut cases.
Robert and Carolyn, Fallbrook

I am continually dumbfounded by the opposition to stricter gun control, horrified by the escalating gun violance and frustrated by the inexplicable arguments from the gun rights side which seem to defy logic and common sense. I am so proud of our President for representing the rights I believe in and his honest and sincere efforts to force action in this debate. I have attempted to keep an open mind, listened to NRA lobby positions and talked to friends who are gun owners, to make every attempt at understanding their side of the debate. Yet as the rhetoric heats up, the speeches and positions taken by the "gun rights" side sound more hollow, lacking foresight and become more narrow and self serving with each passing day. I am fully confident our Founding Fathers would be equally horrified by the violence and killing precipitated by the easy access to hand guns. They would be appauled by the selling of semi-automic weapons with large ammunition clips. The Second Amendment to the constitution, written and debated almost 250 years ago could not have been meant to give rise to allowing the ease of access to such powerful and deadly weapons into the hands of people ill equipmed to even manage their every day lives and social interactions, let alone be responsible enough to handle a deadly weapon. The President is correct in forcing action and I fully believe the public is behind this. We must maintain a stronger voice and a voice that speaks louder than the vocal minority of the NRA lobbiest. Please continue to work as hard as you can, to take action and work to inact legislation that creates sensible safeguards, safe guards that will help to protect my family, friends and neighbors and does not bend to a vocal and illogical minority with a skewed sense of what is right. thank you for your support.
Lewis, Encinitas

Lots of good debate in the media, in government, and in local conversation on this issue due in part to recent tragedies. It's all going nowhere unless we can find a way to talk to people who hold to the notion they are safer with guns. Safer from crime, safer from government tyranny, safer from wild animals- you choose. Those folks may feel safer "armed", but even if you believe a gun will protect you, that feeling comes at the expense of a functioning civil society. I'd be happy with basic sensible gun control measures. Ban assault weapons. Let every adult who wants to own a gun, as long as its registered, and as long as the owner passes a periodic background check (not just a one time check). How can that be unreasonable, except to those with criminal intent? And if you're gun is not secured, and if its stolen and later used in a crime, you bear a portion of responsibility for the damage done due to your negligence. We are all capable of stupid or senseless acts, regardless of whether we are law abiding or "responsible" citizens. There is no test for lifelong sanity. To argue otherwise is naive.
Brian, Los Angeles

The speech from the NRA was pathetic and insulting. They want to create a police state so they can sell more guns. Please be strong about gun control legislation...we must get these assault weapons out of stores, gun shows and the black market. We must ban cartridges and insist on background checks. I am grateful that you represent my thoughts. Keep up the good work.
Pam, Carmel Valley

I am truly disgusted with the violence due to automatic weapons, and the ease of obtaining large quantities of ammunition. Please add my vote to ban automatic assault and hand weapons and ammunition, and require strict licensing requirements for gun owners. Remove mail order access to minors, and educate the existing owners on gun safety and storage in locked places.
Frank, Sebastopol

I am a social worker, educator, union leader, veteran, and gun owner. I support the entire Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment. I am concerned with the proliferation of gun laws that serve only to limit the rights of law abiding gun owners. I do not believe that my rights should be limited due to the horrific act of a mentally ill person. I do agree that we need to do more to protect our schools. We also need to devote more resources to serve those with mental illness. I am with you on these points. However, I do not agree that curtailing my rights is part of a reasonable solution.
Michael, Weaverville

The apology given by the NRA's president was hollow and only demonstrated how self serving the current leadership of the NRA is. The nation needs strong and reasonable gun control laws. I would like to suggest a regime based on federal aviation regulations. Like gun ownership the use of the nation's air space is a right guaranteed in the Constitution. A reasonable series of ratings could then be established so that the rights of gun owners to own various types of guns and the rights of the rest of the public to safety can be assured. That's my contribution in this debate. I hope that it can help.
Keith, San Jose

Thank you for speaking out about addressing the issue of gun control. I would like you to speak more directly and strongly about the need to BAN assault weapons and clips. No civilian needs a gun that shoots automatically and continuously. Please be a leader in defining what the second amendment means in the twenty-first century.
Sharon, Palo Alto

I've had it! The killings in CT put me on a crusade against assault weapons. I'm sick and tired of the old mantras "guns don't kill people" and "now is not the time". If not now, when? I'd like to see a permanent ban on all assault weapons and large clips, a forced recovery of all assault weapons and large clips, a strengthening of registration rules and application process for ALL other weapons, an annual licensing fee for ALL weapons that goes toward mental health, and insurance paid by all weapon owners that gets paid out to any victim or victim's family. It's time to get serious, deadly serious.        
David, Atwater

I am a retired high school English teacher. I spent 37 years in the classroom and know what it is like to take responsibility for the students that were in my charge. I know how vulnerable my school was even though updated security measures were in place. There is no way to be safe enough unless we begin to change our outdated, senseless laws and social practices. I am ashamed that our society has become so violent. People like me have paid only lip service to the need to change laws regulating war weapons. We now need to act and act until some real change takes place. We cannot just shake our heads, shed a tear and move on. Not this time. Enough is enough. Please know that I support your bill and pray that others like me will act in like manner. We must stand up to the ignorant and greedy gun czars who have ruled our world.
Elizabeth, Ontario

Please help do something about the proliferation of guns in our society. We need a ban on assault weapons and magazine clips that hold multiple rounds of ammunition. It's time that the NRA and other powerful gun lobbies be stopped.
Audrey, Lagunitas

Thank you for your recent email about gun violence. Thank you also for supporting stronger legislation to control gun violence. I am a gun owner myself, but I believe that there are just way too many guns in America, and they are not sufficiently controlled. I don't see why they can' t be at least as controlled as motor vehicles, with more extensive background checks than currently, and yearly renewals of the registration. I also think that criminal laws should be amended so that any crime committed with gun involvement should require much stiffer penalties. I think that the location and ownership of every single gun America should be known and tracked by the ATF. The red herring about better mental health treatment is ridiculous. No mental health provider can possibly be expected to know what a patient may be capable of except perhaps in extreme cases. That type of legislative response to a tragedy like this could actually keep some people from seeking treatment. Better security at schools may be a somewhat effective, though very sad, response to the recent tragedy. The root cause of all this senseless violence, though, is quite obviously the availability of so many guns. Thank you again for your work in this area.
John, El Sobrante

I regretfully contact you on such a matter concerning the law abiding citizens of the United States Second Amendment Rights, directly after such a horrific tragedy in Newtown CT. Senator Boxer the answer to this tragedy is not to ban fire arms from law abiding citizens. If a drunk driver kills someone in an accident, do we take the privilege of driving from the rest of the United States Citizens? No. We have made laws more severe to those that have broken the law. Senator Boxer, as Senator to your State, the people of your state elected you to keep our laws within the Constitution, preserve our Constitution, and keep our rights secure. I pray you strongly reconsider the fire arms ban on moderate capacity fire arms like the AR 15. Such a matter is very important in your state. I will be following your voice on this matter when it comes a crossed Legislation, as well as the majority of your constituents. Please uphold the Constitution.
Jorge, Bakersfield

Thank you for speaking out. Now create and pass legislation for Gun Control.
Joannie, Los Angeles

Although it is very sad that a crazy person killed children and teachers, the rifle used was not the culprit. Crazy people cannot be allowed to have access to guns. Secondly, creating gun free zones, encourages evil people to attack those places, knowing everyone is unarmed. Chicago and Washington DC are pretty much gun free and have them most gun violence in the country. Dallas, Tucson, and Reno have the most armed citizens, and also have the lowest gun crime. Law makers don't understand this. Armed citizens are never victims. Everywhere we disarm people, we have only criminals with fire arms. It's time to have someone armed at schools, on campus's and in our malls.
Mike, Rocklin

Thank you for being in the forefront in the efforts to enact sensible gun control legislation.
Shari, South San Francisco

Senator, please reconsider your position on banning military type weapons? The founding fathers considered this right necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed! Consider US vs. Miller, 1938, US gov't argued military type weapons are "militia" weapons, protected by the 2nd Amendment. A free state requisite is a well informed, politically engaged and well armed citizenry, capable of rebellion against future tyranny, or otherwise illegal militarized police state. The people need military weapons, simply put, hunting rifles and hand guns are no match for fully automatic weapons and military hardware any police state legally possess. Criminals only victimize the weak and defenseless, not the strong or the armed! Do not sentence the American people to a potential future tyranny because A minority of criminals use these weapons to commit their heinous acts of violence against defenseless citizens. Do not use this crisis as an excuse to disarm American citizenry and further strip away our Condtitutional rights in the name of protecting us! We do not wish to be protected against terrorism or criminals by dismantling our Constitutional rights! I further ask that the Hugh's amendment aka, Gun Control Act of 1986, be amended to permit automatic weapons made after 5/19/1986, be legally transferred for civilian use, so that non-wealthy citizens can also bear these arms, under NFA regulations. I do not argue against rigorous measures or precautions taken to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or the mentally il.. Perhaps the press is to blame for making gun criminals infamous and fanning copy cat crimes! Thank you for letting me be heard. Sincerely yours,
Marshall, Los Angeles

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Salton Sea

Californians respond to my message on Restoring the Salton Sea:

Thanks a million....Salton Sea NEEDS to be fixed....PLEASE keep the pressure on ....
William, Redding

I appreciate you efforts in wanting to restore the Salton Sea. I support you decision, I too think it is very important to keep what we have and to restore it before it is too late.
Madlyne, Upland

Spending money on the Salton Sea wastes money that could better spent on education, energy research, transportation, any number of issues. True, allowing the sea to dry up would bring air pollution, but as someone who wrote about this man made puddle for nearly 20 years, I assure you the money for more studies is not justified. The Coachella Valley Water District and the Imperial Irrigation District know how to fix this body of water. Conservatives in both water districts don't want to make the sacrifices that will solve the problems. Don't waste your time or my money on it until CVWD and IID corporate farmers get serious.
Frank, Palm Desert

Thanks to you Senator in meeting with The Secretary and Congressman-Elect Ruiz at the Salton Sea. This is a priority for CA and especially the Sea area to begin an ongoing program to save this unusual geology from destruction and pollution. This problem has been kicked around to the place that it is example of leadership failure instead of creative imagination and progress. Blessing to you and the officials who you are rallying around to attack this problem with intelligent strategy that will save the Sea from becoming a foul waterhole.
Anderson, Desert Hot Springs

I commend your public efforts to recently meet with other government officials at the Salton Sea. I am an area resident and know that ancient Lake Cahuilla has come and gone more than once over the ages. Today's Salton Sea is just one more chapter in that process. While evidence of ancient Lake Cahuilla is everywhere in the Valley, the Salton Sea was caused by an accident in 1907. It isn't "natural" so there's nothing "natural" to preserve or hold environmentally sacred. You know, like the Delta Smelt in central California - an introduced species - that should not have been deemed environmentally sacred but was anyway. Why don't we carefully, and objectively, consider just letting the Salton Sea dry up so we can turn the fertile river bottom land beneath it into rich farmland just like the area around it? Just walk away and say, "Oh well, nature has a way of working things out for the best so let's get out of the way and let nature, not people with their own environmental or economic agendas, take care of the Salton Sea as she has done for eons. I don't have a dog in that fight like so many others who advocate doing something with, for or to the Salton Sea. I just observe geological history and suggest we not mess with it. Then, in 75 years or so, after everything dries up, Sprekles can plant more sugar beets, expand their processing plant in Brawley to create more jobs and be even more of an economic powerhouse in the Imperial Valley. Thanks for your consideration of my no-cost-to-the-taxpayer suggestion for fixing the Salton Sea "problem".
Mike, Palm Desert

I have lived in Palm Springs for 10 years. I have recently driven by the Salton Sea. I wonder about the value of it. It is man made, (by accident I understand,) and requires Colorado River water to keep it viable. Even when it was healthy, it seemed to be a boondoggle. It was hyped and property sold, but it was never a great place to live or work. I feel badly for those who invested there, but I question the value of restoration. I think it should be dried up and abandoned. the money can be better spent on schools in California.
Terry, San Diego

I am happy to see the Salton Sea problem being addressed. It could definitely be turned into a positive for the desert as a tourism and recreational draw as well as a birder's paradise. Fixing it would be an investment that would pay off.
Janet, Palm Springs

As publisher/editor of the North Shore News at the Salton Sea in the early 1990's, I was proactive endeavoring to garner interest in the sea and its plight. Nothing happened at then and the sea has continued to decline. This current news is encouraging and I am enthused and hopeful that, perhaps finally, something will be done to save this magnificent body of water that provides an absolutely necessary wildlife refuge and many other benefits to the region. Thank you for addressing this important issue!
Marilyn, Indio

It would be a disastrous loss for the Salton Sea to be allowed to dry up. Life in the valley would be reduced by half as most of the Palm Desert, Indian Wells, Rancho Mirage, Palm Springs etc. etc. Would be enveloped by a toxic dust bowl. We saw the Sea at it's heyday when it was a beautiful water resort. It should be restored to that level once again. We are supporters of Raul and hope that the change, that was definately needed, will be successful in this and other areas of interest to the full time and visiting population of the valley.
James & Donna, Palm Desert

I received your Dec. 22 newsletter regarding restoration of the Salton Sea. I find the idea strange since -- as I understand the history -- the lake is man-made, and it was actually created accidentally in 1905 by a huge spill of Colorado River water. In such a case, the word "restoration" should mean allowing the area to return to its original state... a dry desert. Especially in these times when water is becoming scarcer and more expensive, it seems wrong to "restore" a man-made lake.
Howard, Alameda

Not in favor of restoring Salton Sea. Too much money, too much effort and for what, it is not a natural sea. Should be left to go as nature would have it go.
Verna, Indian Wells

I'm happy to read that you and Congressman Ruiz are meeting with government officials to finally take action on saving the Salton Sea. It could have been done already if the millions that have been spent to "study" this issue were actually used to do something about it. We've waited long enough for someone to step forward and start fixing the sea. And all the animals have waited long enough too! Maybe this time things will really be different. Thank you in advance.
Dolores, Palm Desert

Thank you for your message about the Salton Sea. This is such good news that you are taking steps to encourage the restoration of the Salton Sea. This is an area that has suffered abuse for too many years and could be a national jewel given the right circumstances. You have the power to push this to fruition. I look forward to hearing more in the future of your success on this issue.
D., Pasadena

Californians respond to my message on Restoring the Salton Sea from 11/28/2012:

Thank you very much for bringing the problem of the Salton Sea turning into a public health emergency and steps needed to restore the sea and ensure that it remains a critical part of the region’s natural habitat! Best wishes, and please keep me informed. Thanks again!
Pamela, Turlock

Thank you Senator Boxer for working with Congressman Elect Raul Ruiz. We are blessed to have this bright young man representing our district. The Salton Sea is a major issue not just for the Coachella Valley, but for all of southern California. I really like the proposal to bring water in from the sea of Cortez and hope that a budget for such a canal can be proposed. Keep up the good work.
Mary, Palm Springs

Keep up your good work. Make sure that Fred Nobel’s plan for saving the sea at little cost to taxpayers is at least listened to and not discarded by entrenched power groups.
Jim, Rancho Mirage

I am very excited that our new Congressman Ruiz will be addressing issues of concern for the Coachella Valley. I applaud your environmental efforts to keep our state sound and anything that can be done to help protect the Salton Sea will be of great importance to our community.
Donna, Cathedral City

Thank you for addressing this issue; it is very important for the future of the Coachella Valley, our farmers, tourism, and the residents. The death of the sea would affect all of Southern California and Mexico.
Gayle, Palm Springs

I am very interested in any activity that involves saving the Salton Sea. There have been many studies but no resolutions. As you probably are aware, Sony Bono made a commitment to resolve the problems of the sea and his wife tried to follow up on that after his death but nothing seems to have been done that I know of. We certainly don't want a dustbowl there and we don't want a swamp land there. There is a potential for a great recreational area there if it could be controlled. This low desert area already has other recreational areas within 20 to 60 miles from the sea that bring in thousands of week ender visitors and this could be added to a recreation area that would include water sports. It used to be a great place to go boating etc.
James, Long Beach

Thank you so much for your interest in the Salton Sea. For years Bono Mack said she was going to clean it up and she did nothing! I just knew between you and Raul that something would be done. Thank you a thousand times.
Jerry, Palm Springs

I am thrilled to hear of meetings aimed at the restoration of the Salton Sea, This is such a unique body of water with a unique and tragic history, that it is way past due to receive governmental attention towards repairing it's desecration. I am very interested in following the progress of these meetings and hope they lead to action that will make this spot regain the healthy habitat it once had.
Kathy, Bolinas

Thank you to both you and Rep. Ruiz for your efforts to save/improve the Salton Sea.
Mary, Palm Springs

Thank you for being a Mentor for our new Congressman Ruiz.
Beverly, Palm Desert

I agree with you on the Salton Sea and will advocate for the cause through emails. Thank you for all your great work.
Dale, Potrero

As a nature and animal enthusiast I would like to suggest to “build” a new water/lake/marsh, etc. not far from where the Salton Sea is. Something that is preferably connected to a fresh water source, and work on expanding that area. I would believe that the birds could find a new “body” of water without any difficulty. I'm sorry to be negative about the projects you and the other officials would like to do at the Salton Sea. You all have the best of intentions. Please reconsider the options for a new “way-station” for the birds which are an important part of our world’s nature. Please consider building a new and better water area that will actually have a future.
Gabriele, Port Hueneme

Thank you for your attention to this beautiful, natural monument that has needed attention for 50 years!
Kathryn, San Diego

The history of the Sea is nothing if not ever-changing, much more than most places on the planet. The area is subject to earthquake and volcanic activity as well as manmade gaffes such as the 1905 Colorado River flooding. Given that there is so much that is beyond the capability of Man to regulate there, unless there were a clear MAJOR benefit to all lifeforms by spending the amounts of time and money necessary to effect meaningful alterations there, my strong suggestion is that it is wisest to leave the area alone, perhaps even make it off limits, as military bases are. Remember, flooding from the Gulf of Mexico, 30 feet of levee away, and the Sea's position on the San Andreas Fault, which is far overdue for movement, can easily and at any time render human efforts ineffectual. The state's precious financial resources are best used to better effect elsewhere.
Probyn, Los Angeles

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EPA Soot Standards

Californians respond to Senator Boxer on EPA’s New Public Health Standards on Toxic Soot Air Pollution:

Thank you and the EPA for raising the soot standards across the United States. I see from the map that only 7 counties in the entire U.S. do not meet the new standards and they are all in southern California and Central California right where I live. This is exactly what we need. \\Fine particle pollution can penetrate deep into the lungs and has been linked to a wide range of serious health effects, including premature death, heart attacks, and strokes, as well as acute bronchitis and aggravated asthma among children// This is EXACTLY what I see here from the high number of people suffering from heart problems and COPD.
Gary, Lake Isabella

Its great to know that we are doing a better job at working to maintain better air quality for everybody that is important. On some days here in Los Angeles it is hard to breathe and it really helps to know that the EPA is maintaining better standards to help with this.
Kyle, Santa Monica

The new soot standards are bad and will cost us billions without really cleaning up the air. Please vote against any legislation on these new proposed standards.
Karl, Glendora

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Massacre in Newtown

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Our Children:

I hope and presume that you will support Senator Feinstein's re-introduction of a bill to ban sale of automatic weapons. I even wish the bill went further and banned semi-automatic weapons along with much more stringent rules and checks for anyone buying or owning any gun. This latest savagery has really broken my heart. Maybe such a horrible act is what it takes to mobilize the country to stop the stupidity of believing anyone can buy a combat weapon to "protect themselves". I pray this bill will be passed by congress.
David, Piedmont

I appreciate your response to the tragic event in Newton, in the statement released today. You have my full support to move forward and advocate for not only the control and curtailing of semi-automatic and automatic guns, but also for the four other steps to be taken, delineated in your speech - law enforcement involvement in issuing and maintaining gun permits, gun show loopholes, help for the mentally ill, and school safety. I cannot express how important this is to me. The sense of urgency is overwhelming. Thank you for your hard work and attention to this.
Teresa, Bishop

I support your efforts at gun control. When the 2nd amendment was written, soldiers used muskets, which (according to Wikipedia) could fire only 4 bullets per minute. The Constitution guarantees us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that sets of rights was ripped away from the 26 victims in the CT murders. The last election did not show any strong wins by the NRA, so why are some congresspeople so afraid to do the right thing, and their duty, protect our citizens! Instead of a moment of silence, let's have Congress take 27 minutes, or 27 hours, of silence, so that they have ample time to reflect on the seriousness of this problem and how they can end this bloodshed.
Ralph, Oakland

While I am a hunter I do not know why we cannot have effective gun control. There is no need for assault weapons in the hunting world no guns capable of holding more than 6 rounds for the general public. Anything more is simply a weapon design to be used in a serious firefight.
Kent, Merced

How ironic that a woman who had the hobby of gun collecting and taught her son to shoot should end up being shot by her son as the first casualty of such a terrible mass shooting of innocents. Since the supreme court has said that we can't abolish guns I propose the idea that we do what conservatives have done to make abortion unavailable despite it being upheld by the court. We need to sue the gun producers until they can't do business here and make guns so difficult to obtain that they are practically abolished. This is the only positive thing that might come out of this terrible tragedy.
Regina, Granada Hills

Thank you, Senator Boxer for taking immediate action and for not stepping down to demand stricter gun control. My heart is heavy.
Tracey, Cayucos

I believe there is no need for a member of the public to own an assault rifle. They are meant for warfare and therefore should only be on the hands of our military and police. It should be a criminal offense to sell, purchase or have an assault rifle. I hope you can work towards freeing our nation from fanatics and organizations like the NRA, who perpetual the reign of terror by unstable individuals under the guise that its everyone has the right to own an assault weapons. There are something's we don't allow the general public to have, like a grenade, sarin gas or nuclear materials. Why do we allow any citizen the right to purchase weapons of war.
John, Los Altos Hill

The line has been crossed. We have stood by and watched and given prayers and said how sorry we are as people have been murdered our country. The 5 year olds have crossed the line. If we let this time go like we have let all the others go, we are saying it is okay to murder our children at school. There are some easy laws that could be passed that have huge public support. Expose the people who oppose these common sense laws. The last election showed that extreme thinking does not get elected. I'll do what I can do and I know you will do what you can do. Thanks,
Greg, Redding

We totally agree with you and hope that other members of Congress will listen and do the right thing for our Nation, children and all people who are in harms' way due to these senseless acts of violence. This is Urgent! Wishing you the best of luck in getting this passed and moving forward to a safer Nation for all of us.
Ernest, Hemet

As a parent who has experienced the loss of a child, I know in my heart how impossible it is for others to know what it feels like. But when one does understand the grief, it becomes all too apparent that we must do better. I dont know that we need to banish all guns. I think our forefathers meant us to be able to protect ourselves from the government, if need be. But I do think we can do better when it comes to letting those guns get to the streets. Maybe we need to require people to provide proof of safety, by making them have tamper proof lock boxes. Whatever, there is NO reason that ANYONE should have automatic weapons. I like guns as much as the next person. Ive spent my time hunting, and practicing at safe shooting sites. I strongly believe we need to change our legislation, requiring tougher permit applications. But that is not all. Since this happened, many of us are asking "why". What is it about Western culture, American culture, that has us killing each other. Why isnt there a task force looking into this? IS it not a worthwhile endeavor? Are you saying that any money spent trying to make American children safer, is not money we can afford to spend? This needs to happen. Please make it happen. I will back you.
Kimberlie, Turlock

Thank you for the solid assessment of the issues related to the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary and a commitment to speaking about it and going forward. I look forward to hearing more about what is being done as it evolves. I feel strongly that the issues are easy accessibility, not enough background checks AND a serious lack of helpful mental health services. The one area where I am a little uncertain is law enforcement presence at our schools. My children were raised in the Polly Klass aftermath and I have always regretted the amount of fearful concern that surrounded them. We need to find the proper balance between teaching them to be confident and powerful (versus fearful) and the need to protect them. Thank you, as always, for speaking up and for all that you do. Sincerely,
Jane, Mountain View

Eliminate ALL assault (semi-automatic military-style weapons), and eliminate all clips more than 10 rounds, and eliminate all 'armor piercing' ammunition. I also endorse fingerprinting every gun purchaser at a store or gun show, and eliminate all mail-order/internet sale of guns. I'm a former NRA member, and a gun owner.
Dwain, Goleta

As a first grade teacher, I am shattered by what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary. I have sat with my students during an "intruder drill" explaining to the six year olds why we had to practice. I can imagine how the teachers had to react quickly in this emergency situation. It sickens me that there are folks who think arming the teachers would have solved this. That is too simple of an answer. Real gun control, help for mentally Ill and a look at our culture of violence must occur. These teachers and children should not die in vain. Speak up! Speak out! Stand up to the NRA. Our youth need you! Thank you Senator Boxer.
Tina, Westminster

I do not support disarming the public in light of the Ct. shootings, I disagree with your statements regarding firearms of any kind, enforce the current laws that are on the books, I do not support any new legislation regarding firearms in any way shape or form, you swoar an oath to uphold the Constitution and as such the second ammendment falls under it, do your job and follow the Constitution, my vote will not favor you if you pursue new fireamrs legislation.
Richard, Downey

The entire Nation was saddened by the events of last week but I caution you not to read this as just an opportunity to restrict guns from the law abiding public. When a young man shoots his sleeping mother in the face, the Nation can not fault the gun he used as the problem. The Mental Health system in this country has been broken for may years and it is up to Congress to fix it. We can not let these types of events happen because people are denied assistance with problems. No one will argue that people with serious Mental Health issues should be denied access to firearms but any restrictions you put on firearms will not solve this issue. It may deny them access to the weapons you restrict but not to weapons in general. The U.S. has laws on the books to restrict access to weapons but they are seldom enforced because of a patchwork State by State system of identifing the right people. Please direct your efforts to the real peoblem or these problems will happen again and again.
Ed, San Jose

Thank you for taking a leadership role on gun control. As a mother of a 3-year old daughter, I feel like I need to take the time to make my voice heard - and time is not something that is not easy to find being a parent and a full-time science journal editor. I have been hoping for meaningful gun control for a while, but after the recent events in Newtown, Connecticut, I can no longer remain silent. We need meaningful gun control now. We needed it a year ago. Personally, I would like to see a ban on the ownership, manufacture, and sale of all semi-automatic assault weapons. Everyone who has a semi-automatic assault weapon should be asked to turn it in. They can be reimbursed, but the weapons should not be available for use by anyone with any itchy finger who is looking to inflict harm. Sincerely,
Meghan, San Francisco

Please go forth on this issue. It is long overdue. What happened Friday is just an obscenity and it's so terrible that it happens again and again in our country and nothing is done about it. Please be strong and fight the NRA for all of us. I can see where someone might need a gun to defend themselves, depending where they live. Or perhaps they hunt (although I am not a hunter.) But automatic weapons or semi-automatic weapons of ANY KIND are not necessary for anyone to have who is not a police officer, etc. It's appalling how easy these are to obtain. I wish you and Ms. Feinstein the very best of luck at turning the tide in this country. Perhaps because this latest episode is so heinous to so many, you just might win on this one! With respect and gratitude,
Lydia, Napa

Yes, please, work as hard as you can to enact a law that will keep assault type weapons off the street and out of the hands of unstable people. Among the unstable people, I count those who want to arm teachers, those who think that if they don't have guns, the government will be coming after them, and those who think the militia is still drilling on the village green.
Gale, Santa Rosa

I agree with you completely. What has been going on in this country is insane and has to stop. Why worry about al Qaeda when we are killing our own faster than they can? I will vote for any assault weapon ban you and Sen. Feinstein can pass... We really need to go further than that but that would be a good start. We also need to do something about mental health services for those who need it. Not either/or but both/and... Thank you for whatever you can do.
Agnes, El Cerrito

My heart is broken for these children and teachers 3,000 miles away. I am a mother of 10-year-old twin boys, and I'm a teacher myself. This news story has caused me to cry for days, and the tears keep coming. Obama nailed it when he said that if we can't get this right (ensuring our children's safety), then we can't get anything right. My heart aches for a future of fear and the illusion that locks and an escalation of guns for self-defense can keep us safe. They can't; this path will enable a endless cycle of fear. The ONLY solution to keep innocent people safe are laws that put tighter restrictions on guns and ammunition built to kill people. It is time to lay the guns, and not the children, to rest. Thank you for taking the lead! We need leaders on gun control, particularly leaders who are mothers.
Lise, Los Olivos

A gun is an inanimate object and is incapable of doing anything on its own including being violent. Violence is a human trait and / or an emotional condition that NORMAL people do not have. There are laws in place to prevent felons and other criminals from LEGALLY obtaining them. Criminals will ALWAYS get a gun, knife or other weapon to wreck havoc on peaceful normal individuals. Innumerable laws can be passed to remove guns from peaceful law abiding citizens and criminals will still find a way to obtain them. Too many liberal politicians and other groups are trying to disarm America for what I feel are socialist purposes. Our representatives need to stop funding, placating, and excusing criminals for their criminal acts against society. Our representatives need to quit underwriting and funding people who are in our country illegally and divert those funds to caring for the mentally ill in facilities that are staffed with people qualified to care for them utilizing their professional skills. Return foreign criminals to their homeland for prosecution and / or imprisonment we should not have to fund housing illegal aliens from EVERY country in the world; send them home. The money saved would surely put a dent in the cost of humanely caring for mentally ill or mentally challenged individuals in professional medical settings not in jails or prisons. My heart aches for the children, their parents, the town and nation. Respectfully,
Diane, Hemet

I'm in favor of repealing the second amendment, actually, but at this time we must work for what we can get: serious restrictions on automatic weapons and large magazines. The harder it is for criminals and mentally ill individuals to obtain such weapons, the safer our children will be. Please do all you can to pass meaningful gun control legislation, starting with automatic weapons.
Gretchen, Valley Village

I favor responsible gun legislation. Thank you for your support of a federal ban on the sale, transfer, importation, and possession of assault weapons and the munitions that go with them. Please continue to push to fund robust care for those with mental illness as well as take steps to address the growing use of violence as a means of entertainment. Thank for your leadership on these issues and continue to help move us as a a people to the awareness we have a responsibility to protect our children.
Sister Pat, Santa Monica

I am in support of more diligence in pre-sale situations for guns. Not sure we need assault weapons on the market either. I am however a life long gun owner and would resist any action that would stop Americans from owning or buying hunting grade guns or handguns for self defense in the home. Thank you.
Gary, Felton

You have a long personal history of supporting gun control measures, so we will forego any effort to persuade you to change your thinking. We will ask you to get your facts and definitions straight. Please stop using the word "clip" to describe what is correctly defined as a "magazine." Also, I believe that the San Francisco gunman used a semi-automatic pistol, not an "assault weapon." Also, there is no such thing as a "gun show loophole." Every firearm sold at a gun show must, by law, be sold in compliance with all Federal, State, and local laws. Several states, including California, require every firearm sale to be run through the NICS system. If that is what you want, then say so, please do not try to deceive the public into believing that gun shows are some sort of unrestricted free trade area. Further, banning so-called high capacity magazines will do nothing to eliminate the millions of them already in existence. You would be more likely to acheive your goals by being accurate and honest. At present, it is too easy for people such as us to destroy your arguments by pointing out your inaccuracies.
Tim and Vicki, Riverside

Focusing on gun control will not solve the problem of random violence. The shootings and other violent acts are terrible symptoms of mental illness. Our children and young adults need more attention, training in how to cope with life and better medical coverage (screenings) to identify this sickness before the terrible violence has a chance to happen. If it wasn't guns, it would be some other method. James Holmes had bombs in process in his apartment. Please stop focusing on a symptom and start focusing on the systemic issues that create these monsters. Thank you.
Marguerite, Fallbrook

Please do whatever it takes to get assault weapons out of the hands of regular citizens, and do something to prohibit anyone from having ammunition that fires 100 shots without reloading. This is ridiculous and insane to even need to type these requests. I don't understand how this issue ever got so skewed in one direction. Don't let this issue go. Those little first graders and those teachers who gave their lives trying to protect them deserve better than letting the issue be controlled by the news cycle. Sincerely,
Rita, San Jose

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Climate Change

Californians respond to Senator Boxer on the UN Climate Change Conference:

Once again I am proud to have you as my senator. In spite of our failure to join others globally in signing the treaty to commit to efforts to reduce green house emissions, you have expressed to the UN that there are many people here who actually do care about the damage to the planet and want to reverse it. I appreciate your efforts to convey to the people across the globe, that there are people here who understand the urgency of changing our ways for future generations. Please continue your work to make our voices heard in Washington D.C. and to join international efforts and commitments to be responsible. Let's sign the treaty and move forward with strength, courage and creativity.
Karen, Nevada City

Our lack of national action on climate change is deeply embarrassing as well as suicidal. We need your strong leadership in the Senate. And let's hope that the President demonstrates strong leadership in his second term as well.
James, Davis

I just wanted to express my support and thanks for your continued effort to address climate change in this climate (excuse the pun) of politically based denial on the part of the Republican party in this country. The wisdom of people like Al Gore to risk anything and everything to help get this message across is done justice by the continuing efforts by individuals such as yourself. Please continue to do a great job of representing the people of our country and not the greedy special interests.
Richard, Los Osos

I just read your letter and wholeheartedly agree. Besides American jobs and the "fiscal cliff", I don't think there's anything more important than climate change. We must begin to take action, now. I hope you can get the President to take action, soon.
Fran, El Granada

I do not agree with your position on climate change. The climate has changed many times over the millenia and scientists are still unclear on differentiating natural versus anthropogenic change. The measurements have a lot of variability associated with them so the models have a lot of variability and uncertainty. Please do not waste our time and money on trying to deal with something that we may not have any control over.
Marco, Salinas

It is good to hear that there are more senators joining the effort to make a difference with the climate.
Cheryl, Orange

Thank you, Senator Boxer, for taking this matter seriously and for acting on it in Doha. You represent me in this action. I'm Grateful!
Elaine, South Pasadena

Thank you for taking a stand on the importance of the environment and especially with the United States as a world leader and not a lager in such a crucial subject to the world's survival. What we do now will be important not only for those currently living but also for those in the future. Without a healthy environment all other considerations fall short in importance.
Lark, San Diego

The billions of dollars requested by the UN is an unnecessary waste of my Tax Dollars. I'm all for being environmentally responsible, however, policies should be implemented at a local level that does Not require us to be fiscally responsible for other governing bodies. We are Not governed by the UN nor should we ever. I Do Not support your stand on this.
Branden, Porterville

We are doing too little, too slowly! Raping our environment, and over populating it! We MUST try to stop this self-centered approach of nations and people, before we cannot prevent this train wreck from occurring... the world will look back on this time, and we will be ashamed we did so little...
Keith, San Ramon

Thank you for sending so clearly stated, committed message to the UN Conference. It will show that in the United States we do care about saving the future of livable Earth.
Olga, Huntington Beach

Look, there is no concerted effort to stop global climate change. What do we expect in an industrial world with an exponentially increasing population? What do we expect when huge amounts of fossil fuels are burned just so we can go on having fun and consuming? We say we are worried, but not enough to change our daily behaviors. And what would advertisers do if the problem became front page news on a daily basis? Hotter summers and higher air pollution are causing my yard plants to die and bees to drop dead in my pool. Large drivers of world climate change are a doubling of world population in the last fifty years, politicians who lose their jobs if they stand against energy interests, and a public in denial satisfied to have fun and consume. Like James E. Hansen (NASA), I am not optimistic about the future of my grand children and planetary health. Things may change when the water and food are gone, but probably not until then. Humans will not solve the ocean acid problem; the earth will. Population collapse will be driven by climate collapse caused by capitalism run amok. CO2 rises as more and more people think that democracy guarantees them the right to travel where ever for business, pleasure, sports, or politics. The earth does not get mad, but it will get even.
Roger, San Diego

Thank you very much for you statements and support on the need for U.S. and international (China) action regarding production of greenhouse gases and our need to try and curtail the long term effects of climate change. We are a frogs about to boil to death and it's happening so insidiously we're not taking action to stop it. We can't ignore this. Everyone needs to take action. I grow as much of my own produce as possible. We have solar panels on our roof. I drive a hybrid. I recycle. I would happily do more, and accept more changes in my cultural way of life to help address this situation. Every educated person I know would do the same. That's not enough, we need to reach everyone, and it needs to come from the bottom up, and the top down. The crunch on resources will be intense. If we can't stop climate change, then, ultimately, there will be a reduction in population, through drought and starvation, disease, inundation, economic collapse.
Barbara, McKinleyville

I do not agree with the agressive proposals coming out of this conference. They will devastate economic activity and work toward a "one world" dictorial body. Carbon taxes and trading are a huge scam for the financial elite. Please research the other side of the global warming argument before proceeding with your support.
James, Santa Monica

I'm delighted to hear of your activism regarding climate change. It is surely the most important issue facing the planet. There has been a distressing reluctance by both parties to face up to it. So, please soldier on for the sake of all of us who will be ultimately deleteriously affected by it.
Sybil, Berkeley

I am proud to continue my support for you as you urge leaders to address Climate Change. This is my top issue. I am involved in organizations striving to improve awareness and understanding to build public support. In the end this is about the common good, and it requires government action. Best,
Mark, Cupertino

Thanks Senator Boxer for addressing climate change as I believe it is one of the most important topics of our day. We also need to consider population control as a factor into this equation. How to do this in a manner that is not punitive will require some interesting work. In the meantime, thanks so much for making our world a healthier place for today and for my two brilliant daughters.
Kathryn, Rancho Cucamonga

I believe that the climate change debacle is a scam. If man left the planet tomorrow it would not make a noticeable difference in the climate. Man has been trying to control the weather forever and still hasn't been successful. Science has determined that mankind contributes about 4% of the co2 to the environment. If you figure a way to control the volcanoes you might make a difference. Not likely. Limiting production of petroleum is having a terrible effect on our progress and our economy. We pay a large toll to obtain our energy from countries that hate us when we could be energy independent on our own resources. Seems counter productive and self destructive. Thanks,
Don, El Cajon

Thank you for your work on making climate change a priority. I know there are many important issues that you must address, but I always feel that caring for the environment is so basic and so important. If we don't take care of our planet we will not survive! I recently got solar panels on my home and they just got hooked up yesterday! It is very exciting just to feel like I am doing a small thing towards decreasing greenhouse gases. You are doing much more than I, so again. thank you for all you hard work!!
Kathryn, Oakland

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Middle Class Tax Cut

Californians respond to my message Pass the Middle Class Tax Cut Now:

Thank you for supporting the Middle Class Tax Cut Act. It is the right thing to do. Tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires is not the right thing to do.           
Diana, Boulder Creek

Thank you so much for that marvelous speech you gave in Congress about taxes. You spoke for us, the 99%!
Ilse, Berkeley

Thank you so much for your leadership and support of President Obama's plan to decrease taxes on the middle class while raising rates on those making more than $250,000. I urge you and all Democrats - including our President - to hold firm on this commitment. I also fervently hope you and other Democrats will support the President in NOT letting the debt ceiling be debated in winter 2013. It is crucial that it be part of whatever deal is currently being negotiated so we don't have to waste more time on Republicans' efforts to hold economic growth and fairness hostage.
Christine, Davis

Personally, I'm willing to pay more taxes, especially if they go toward education, health, infrastructure and improved quality of life for all Americans. I don't want my tax cut to be a worry in the negotiations with the Republicans. Let the year close without the agreement, and start out the new Congress with a different set of negotiators at the table. Then, raise the tax rates on the rich as we requested in our election. Politically, it is also to the advantage of democratic people to go "over the cliff." We are showing our goodwill, willing to pay taxes, making the safety and fiscal health of the nation a priority. Perhaps we'll unseat some more Tea Party extremists in the next election and give our President the support he needs for his final two years.
Mark, Monterey

Thank you, Senator Boxer, for focusing on this issue. Voting rights must be protected, cabinet nominees must be approved, but nothing is more important right now than avoiding the "fiscal cliff" and heading off political fighting over the debt ceiling. Until we can agree on these fiscal issues, I don't know how the United States government can do any other important business.
Steven, Antioch

Thank you for your hard work to help the middle class during this "fiscal cliff" time. Indeed that action will help to prevent another recession. Yes, the big buck guys have to pay a bit more.
Jean, San Francisco

Keep up the pressure! I know you are aggressive, but choose your words carefully. We don't need "tax relief," we need to stop hostage-taking inaction by Republicans. There is no "fiscal cliff." It is a curtain about to be removed to show just who the Republicans really are. I say, let's pull back that curtain.
Gordon, Saratoga

Thank you for standing strong on this issue. It is of utmost importance to me that Democrats not allow tax cuts for the very wealthy continue. In my opinion, it is a better option to "go over the cliff" than to allow this Bush-era class protectionism to continue.
Jeremy, San Francisco

The Republicans’ ideological rant against ANY tax rate increase, holding up action on continuing tax relief for most Americans, is just silly (and please remind Speaker Boehner that we had a surplus when Bush II took office, and he squandered it all and then some on a disastrous escapade in Iraq, without paying for the war with the necessary tax hikes that every previous "wartime" president prudently put in place). Enough is enough. The wealthiest Americans have seen their net worth approach the stratosphere while ordinary folks are suffering from the economic catastrophe brought on by their greed. Its well past time for the upper crust to put up their fair share to support the government that has fostered their path to prosperity. Thank you for standing up (even if it means just stating the obvious). We're with you!
Bradus, Richard, San Francisco

Thank you.
Thank you for urging the Republicans to pass tax cuts for the 98% and urging them to increase taxes and eliminate the loopholes of the top 2% that are being coddled and haven't been paying their fair share of taxes for decades. The top 2% need to decide if they self-identify as Americans and have any commitment to the growth and development of this country and ALL its citizens or if they think they belong to an international elite class removed from the human race that identify as hoarders of wealth and "things" and are but empty shells of a human being.
Philip and Linda, Fresno

You speak of millionaires and billionaires. What about a small business man working 60/70 per week risking his capital to enlarge his business and has a S corporation and some other investments not major. He is facing A COMBINED 58% TAX in California. Do you think this is fair? The cut off point for increased taxes should be at least $500,000. Destroying incentive is counter productive
David, Los Angeles

AS a middle class Disabled person Iam on a limited income and a tax increase would not be a very good thing. Keep a middle class tax decrease to be voted in.
Paul, Los Angeles

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Voting Rights Legislation

Californians respond to my message on Avoiding Long Lines on Election Day:

Thank you for STANDING UP to those states who kept voters standing in line for hours and hours. I could not believe that such a "third world" scenario would happen in America. There is NO excuse for that--they know how many registered voters they have, and they should be prepared! The government of Florida seems to march to a different drummer--every single national election they do their best to screw it up!!! It's just shameful. Put them in their place!
Catherine, Scotts Valley

Three or 100 cheers for you, Senator Boxer. I used to be in charge of the polling station at my local poll in San Bernardino and I feel very strongly about the need to facilitate the act of voting for each and every registered voter. It would be interesting, I think, to compare the final results of the election in each of the polls where the voters were delayed so long. And some kind of recognition ought to go to those voters who were dedicated enough to stick it out, especially those who waited around until the next morning where necessary. And since the right to vote is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution regardless of the offices to be filled by the election, I think it is the obligation of the Federal Government to protect that right even when no federal offices are being voted upon. Thanks for your help!
Jane, Banning

I was a volunteer lawyer with President Obama's Victory Campaign/Election Protection group and spent 8 days in Broward County Florida protecting the vote. I personally witnessed the tenacity and determination of thousands of Floridians waiting on line for hours every day to cast their vote. Each day I would arrive at the polling place around 7 a.m. and the line was already extending down the block. Each subsequent day of early voting the line grew longer and more people came out to vote at our polling place. We had people return on multiple days because after waiting 2-3 hours before they could vote, they had to leave to go to work. We had multiple people in their 90s waiting for hours to vote, as well as people who were disabled or pregnant. I saw a man with Stage 4 cancer waiting for hours. We had many voters bring their small children and babies with them to vote. I observed these young ones trying to be as "good" and patient as little children who are tired, bored and hungry can be while waiting for hours. I also saw the fatigue, stress and concern on their parents' faces, as they tried to avoid a "meltdown" long enough to reach the front of the line and finally cast their ballots. Thank you Senator Boxer for sponsoring this much needed legislation. I believe in and support your effort to fix the system and establish minimum voting standards for all. I witnessed first-hand that long voting lines is a form of "poll tax" borne very heavily by working people, the elderly, the disabled, the poor, and people of color. Your proposed legislation is an excellent first step to fighting back against the impact of voter suppression efforts. It is a very significant piece of legislation for maintaining our democracy.
Schweizer, Deborah, San Francisco

Thank you for the LINE Act to protect the voting rights of people in states that punished those citizens who wanted to do their duty so much that they had to wait hours to vote. I'm so glad you're our senator!
Garcia-Sims, Angela, Coronado

voting rights
Thank you for your message advising you are looking into lines at polling places - I was appalled to learn in the news that some people had to wait all day in order to vote. I totally agree that is tantamount to denying voting rights, and is totally unacceptable.
Linder, Patty, San Jose

long voting lines
Daer Senator Boxer Thank you for being there for us as you have been for many years. I realize that there are people without addresses and others who may be moving that cannot have a mailed ballot. But for others, why can't we REALLY PUSH having them use mailed ballots. I've been dong it for a few years now. Some might like to socialize with neighbors so they're willing to stay in line. My neighbors are mostly ultra conservative Republicans---they're always angry. I don't miss them one little bit. Another plus---one c an take thier tim eto read the pros and co ns and the resumes of the candidates. It's a perfecxt solution for me.
Parsons, Suzanne, San Diego

Long Voter Lines
Dear Senator Boxer, I greatly appreciate you takling the issue of long voter lines. I volunteered for Elelction Protection in San Francisco this year and was shocked to hear some of the stories from callers regarding voting problems around the country. The problem is only going to get worse when voter ID laws come into play. Thank you so much!
Deborah Holley, Mill Valley

Senator Boxer, Thank you so much for crafting LINE ACT legislation to protect our fundamental right to vote. As a veteran of the US Army, one of my chief motivations for serving was knowing that it was in defense of our basic freedom to vote. I am outraged that we had so many fellow Americans that were disenfranchised during the 2012 election. We cannot deny our citizens the right to vote due to poor planning and execution of the election process. We are the world's leader in promoting democracy around the globe--yet our own federal states fail to properly plan and execute an election. How can we expect other countries to follow our example when we have states that fail in their fundamental duty to execution a fair and judicious election--one I might add that is planned for years in advanced? I commend your action in protecting our fundamental right to vote and am thankful to have you as my representative!
Sean, Oakland

Yes! Thank you for bringing up the subject now. It waited 4 years from the last two elections and it should not wait longer.
Kathie,  Cazadero

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Korean War Veterans

Californians respond to my message on Honoring Korean War Veterans:

Thank you Senator Boxer for all your veteran support. My Dad is A Korean war vet and I will bet you have some veterans in your family as well.
Lawrence, Gold River

Thank you for the honor and recognition of those who served during the Korean War. My husband was one of the first to be involved at the start of this war. He was a U.S. Navy Frogman, U.D.T/Seals, serving in Japan, training So.Korean troups on Amphibious Landings, when the No. Koreans attacked So. Korea. General MacArthur began looking for a way to slow the Commie advance until he could get reinforcements to the area. This squad of Frogmen was in the right place at the right time. Although they had not been trained for inland commando tactics, they knew explosives-and that was what was needed to slow the Communist advance. This 10 squad of Frogman opened the ball by going in behind enemy lines to blow a railroad tunnel after midnight on August 4th,1950. This 10, men squad worked alone in pulling the first inland demolition raid in Korea, blowing transportation routes all along the coasts of Korea behind the front lines. From that time on, these men were called "The Big Ten." These served in this war over 2 years. Thank you for honoring their service in this manner.
Priscilla, Lancaster

It is about time. The Korean War has always been known as the forgotten war. Per capita there were higher casualties in three years than in Vietnam and we remain ignored. It was a big war. The last of the Armys to Armys coflict since WWII. When remembering veterans, they account for WWII, which they should, being the Greatest Generation, and they jump into Vietnam, always bypassing Korea.
Al, San Diego

Thanks for honoring Korean war Vets. Also Thanks for all you do for our state and nation. We do appreciate you.
Tim, Spring Valley

Thank you as in parades there is no mention of the Korean Conflict or Police Action as it was called it seems to be a lost war, glad it is being recognized as I am a Navy Veteran of the Korean War which still is not recognized as being over......
Eugene, Palms Springs

I am pleased that recognition is being given to Korean War veterans.
Hugh, Riverside

Having served in Korea, after the war, but trained and served with veterans of that war, I commend you for remembering their efforts.
Frank, Palm Desert

Korean War Veterans
Senator Boxer, Thank you for honoring our Korean War Veterans. Sincerely,
Lloyd Plett, Ridgecrest

Thanks for the update and the web site for Korean War Veterans.
Bob, Graeagle

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Military Sexual Assaults

Californians respond to my message on Keeping Sex Offenders Out of Our Military:

Thank God! Now if we can get proper reporting procedures in place so the women in our military are not punished for telling on their attacker by their commanding officers. I am a female retired from the military and this sort of thing goes on all the time. Thank you.
Morgan, Lemoore

Again thank you for initiating the amendment that will permanently ban anyone convicted of felony sexual assault from joining our military. To think this has not already been the case, is yet another reminder that we have very little "common sense". I truly appreciate all you have done and are doing on our behalf.
Julia, El Cerrito

I'm so happy to know you're out there defending and supporting those that are defending and supporting all of us! There is no place in our military (or anywhere) that should think it ok to include those that have committed such heinous acts. The numbers listed on your website of 2011's such incidents are saddening beyond belief. Thank you so much for your tireless work and commitment to our country.
Barbara, San Antonio

I wanted to express my continued gratitude to you for making every effort to introduce legislation that serves all people. I especially wanted to thank you for your amendment permanently banning any potential military service member who is a sexual assault felon. This is a long overdue and necessary step in protecting our service members, men and women. Thank you again for all your hard work.
Angela, Oakland

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Californians respond to my message on Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period:

Thank you for reminding us of the open enrollment dates for Medicare. We don’t want to change anything and thank you for letting us know we don't have to do anything if we keep our same coverage. We weren't sure how that "Obamacare" plan would affect Medicare recipients.
Ardeth & John, Tulare

I think Medicare is wonderful, except for the drug supplement plans. They cover few or none of the Tier 5 drugs that many seniors need. I've been through every possible drug for a chronic condition and the only one that works is a Tier 5 biologic that used to cost $57,000 a year but is now down to about $11,000 a year. All of the supplemental Part D plans I've looked at don't contain my Tier 5 drug in their formulary. I've discovered that if the drug is not in the plan formulary the co-payments you make are not included in your total drug bills so I'll never hit catastrophic on my drug costs. Fortunately, I have found one group that will help me with the co-pay on this drug, bringing the cost down from $4400 every three months to $1219 every three months. For me, that's a stretch, but I have no choice except to do it or suffer. For other seniors, it might be a death sentence. I feel strongly that this situation impacts the work being done on discovery of new biologic drugs. If no one can afford the cost of the product those doing the research and those financing these discoveries will stop their research. This situation impacts everyone, not just seniors. Making these drugs affordable for everyone who needs them will keep these new discoveries coming to market. I think they are very important to mankind and we should be making every effort to make them available to people.
Mary, Alameda

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Seafood Labeling

Californians respond to my message on Stopping Seafood Fraud:

Thank you so much for caring, to send a strong message to the FDA officials regarding safe labeling of sea-foods! As a mom, I am so happy to know you care to help empower me in my informed choices, regarding what I feed to my family! Best,
Dawn, Sausalito

Thank you for writing the FDA on this matter. As a commercial crab fisherman and seafood consumer, this matters to me. Thank you all for all you do. Sincerely,
Steve, Mckinleyville

Thank you so much for fighting for accurate labeling of seafood. As a major seafood eater, I want to be sure that when I'm eating monkfish, it's not fugu!! I appreciate your hard work on behalf of your constituents. Keep it up!
Kevin, Sunnyvale

Thank you very much, Senator Boxer, for writing to the FDA to request they address the issue of seafood fraud. We should not have to worry that seafood that we buy at restaurants or stores may be endangered species.
Sue, Palo Alto

I just wanted to say thank you for all the amazing work you do and for standing up to the FDA on the issue of seafood fraud. I've been extremely frustrated with lobbyists writing the rules and watching corporations worry more about profit than for the health of our society. I hope you continue to push for change from the FDA on this and many other issues.
Andrea, San Francisco

Thank you for bringing attention to seafood fraud. I have recently learned how much of it is going on, and hope something will be done soon to lessen the fraud. The cost of seafood is high enough to guarantee a good product. I am a senior on a fixed income who is supposed to eat more seafood, which I can barely afford. To find out that I am not getting what I am paying for is very upsetting. Please keep on this one! Thank you.
Barbara, Pleasant Hill

Consumers need to know what our dollars are contributing to. We have the right to decide whether to purchase truthfully labeled wild caught or farmed seafood as well.
Chris, Temple City

Thank you for your advocacy of correct labeling of seafood. As our resources become less available, it's more and more important that we know with precision what we have for future generations. Mislabeling seafood to escape regulation is not the kind of behavior that is conducive to preserving resources for future generations. I appreciate your support of this issue, and hope it will help with more vigorous enforcement.
Janet, Sacramento

Your message about requiring the FDA to step up their efforts to combat mislabeling of seafood made my day! Over the past months I have participated in several petition and letter campaigns to the FDA about this issue. For all I know, I may even have signed a petition to my elected representatives. If you were a recipient, I apologize for preaching to the choir. I hope that at last the FDA will realize that Oceana and its supporters are not "eco terrorists" but people concerned about the serious health problems that can arise from the consumption of mislabeled seafood.
Ileana, Riverside

Thank you so very much for your excellent, well-researched and thorough letter to the FDA. As your constituent I am very happy with your work on this issue which projects the need for a plausible accountability (that is, accountability which is not only needed, but possible) with health and safety at a most primal level: our food source. This is where it is reasonable and important to demand accountability. I hope to learn the answers you are given and with your help I intend to follow this issue as any citizen should be who is concerned that the people are not callously deceived. I have shared your letter on my Facebook page with the following comments: This news is shocking but not surprising. And clearly there are important questions that need to be answered. This is one of the most across-the-board useful and pertinent things I know of Barbara Boxer having done. Please read her letters and make "fish fraud" the dirty word it deserves to be. It puts a whole new spin on "there's something rotten in Denmark" when people are not even eating what they should be able to believe they're eating. Read it and be alarmed: the percentages are amazingly bad: 55% of fish in Los Angeles are mislabeled: 100% of Florida White Tuna are a different fish, that causes digestive problems!
Christopher, San Mateo

I want to thank you for reaching out to the FDA in an attempt to reduce the alarming amount of fraudulently labeled seafood. Not only does it pose a serious health risk for pregnant women and those with food sensitivities, it poses a serious risk to the health of our oceans. I am an extreme ocean conservationist, as I see it being the life line of a healthy environment. The seas are in peril, and overfishing is compounding the issues facing those trying desperately to reverse the status. Mislabeled seafood means to me a huge loophole for catching/selling endangered, and overfished species and profiting off of them at market. Thank you for supporting the health of Californians and the Oceans we all depend on for a healthy existence.
Sarah, Arcata

Bravo, Senator Boxer, for requesting that the FDA look into this. Our food labeling in this nation is so oftentimes dishonest, which is so unfair and sometimes harmful to consumers. We all have a right to know precisely what we are purchasing with our dollars and ingesting into our bodies--whether it be fish or any other food. Thank you for tackling this issue. Please keep up this effort.
Melanieq, Mission Viejo

I want to thank you for fighting for label transparency and for the safety of our food supply. It feels good to know that there are representatives in government still fighting for what the people want and deserve. You have my Support!
Colleen, Pacific Grove

I am totally in support of your efforts to combat seafood fraud. Keep up the good work Senator Boxer.
Brian, San Francisco

I got your email about the legislation against seafood fraud. Thank you very much for supporting this cause. I'm vegetarian myself, but I'm also Jewish and we have to be careful about what seafood we eat if we keep kosher. It's very important to us. I also share the safety concerns that people may be getting excess mercury if they're not getting the fish they think they are..
Millie, El Cajon

Thank you for bringing this issue to the FDA. I had no idea that 86% of the sea food in the US was imported! Our family appreciates your work on behalf of all citizens.
Silka, San Diego

There is so much talk of what government should and should not do. It seems that you have my priorities at heart again. Simply, thank you.
Sarah, Nevada City

I am very pleased you have taken this to the FDA. It is an important issue that needs to be address. The number of misslabelling is out of control, so I am happy I have always voted for you to watch out for the peoples interests not just big money.
Adella, Penn Valley

Thank you for contacting me on this issue. Since I live in a seaport city where seafood is a local commodity I appreciate your efforts on behalf of this industry. It's important that seafood buyers know exactly what they are getting in case of allergies and the FDA should not even have to be told through legislation to label correctly - it should be a regular part of their job. But since they seem to require a legislative reminder to do their job properly I'm happy to hear that you are among those providing that nudge. Sincerely,
Karen, Van Nuys

I completely support your position on this. I have read a lot about the conditions of the world's coral reefs, whose symbiotic relationship with fishes, is well known. I have read on the impact of farmed seafoods and finally, I understand the issues, worldwide, with the labeling of fish. Let's set a precedent and be a leader. Thank you.
Linda, San Diego

Thank you for taking action against fraudulent mislabeling of fish for consumption. I read labels on food and expect to receive truthful information as to what the contents are. We need to be able to feel not only safe in what we are consuming, we also need to feel we are being provided with truthful information. Your efforts are appreciated.
Candace, Moreno Valley

Thank you for writing to the FDA on this topic. It is a very important topic. I know several people with severe fish allergies, some of them are children, and for some of them exposure to fish can be life threatening. For some, even contact of the hands with a fish substance can cause severe rashes and splitting of the skin of the hands. Food labeling is only valuable if it is true and complete. Actually, I think this topic should be carried further, because there are many food substances that contain fish oils that are not even labeled as containing them. The same is true for corn products. Many people, not necessarily the same ones as above, have corn allergies that can be life threatening. They need to know if a product contains corn substances. More rare, but still as important, there are some who have allergies to wheat and to other foods. It is imperative that our food labeling be true and complete. For fish, and for corn and other products, it is also important to have species related information because some people with allergies may be more sensitive to one species than another. Life threatening danger lurks on every grocer's shelf.
Bill, El Cerrito

Thank you for all your efforts to ensure safety and honest labeling for seafood. As a cancer survivor, I am particularly grateful for your concern over fraudulent labeling and our health. When we see children with serious illnesses, it so important to take proactive measures to prevent suffering. Your efforts will allow us to make informed good choices for our families, including seniors and expectant mothers.
Irene, San Jose

Thank you for taking this little known fact up with those who may be able to make some changes.
Carole, Santa Ynez

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Protecting Medicare

Californians respond to my message on Protecting and Strengthening Medicare:

Thank you for fighting for us. As senior citizens, my husband and I are very concerned about maintaining the benefits that we have now. Thank you for doing all that you possibly can to preserve medicare.
Annie, Inglewood

I agree with your recent email news letter on this subject, except... there should be means testing. I don't see why tax payers (including those paying into medicare) should pay any medical expences for those with multi million dollar incomes or assets. Medicare and Medicaid are ment for the poor and to prevent the middle class from becoming impoverished by medical expenses.
Thomas, San Diego

Respectfully, you say "nearly all seniors have access to Medicare". This program is doomed unless changes are made. It is your party that recently raided Medicare funds to the tune of 716 billion dollars. We do not want "death panels". We just want the same program that Congress has available to them. As a retired senior , I do not want anybody to mess with a program that I have contributed to for all these years but I know that this program, unless changed will not be around certainly for my children and probably reduced for my wife and I in just a few years. Please work across the aisle to get this fixed. It doesn't matter who gets the credit for the fix. Congress job is to serve and for the better good. I pray that all our elected people do their jobs. Thank you for the opportunity to respond.
Gerald, Palmdale

Thank you very much for fighting for us and our rights to deserve a good health plan con medicare and medical. God Bless You for your effort on behalf of all seniors.
Roberto, San Francisco

While the Ryan plan for Medicare and Medicaid basically dumps the services back into the seniors laps to fend for themselves, we still need to do something to handle the ever-growing costs for the programs. What I hope you will do is support revisions to Medicare that do not take away what exists for either new or existing members, by support a plan that slows the rapid increase in new members due to baby-boomers. And we need to do something in this category very quickly. Thank you for your consideration.
Rob, Santa Rosa

If your solution to the preservation of long term health care is to take 100's of Billions of dollars from current Medicare rolls and trasfer it to Obamacare, I could'nt disagree with you more. The Republican fix is to modify Medicare for those under 55 and complete a better solution for the future. That is the way to go. I do not see any program from the Democrats which will serve the long term needs of Medicare. I am over 65 but am concerned for my daughter and her husband who are under 40. Will there be anything in the fund when their time comes?
Randall, Indio

I totally agree with the Senator. A voucher system is just about the dumbest idea out there.
Walter, Desert Hot Springs

Why do you keep distorting the facts about Medicare? As a Senior citizen, there are no planned changes to Medicare, except for the deep cuts that the Govt. has put into place regarding my Medicare Advantage plan, which is one that is really working for us seniors. Please be accurate in the future. Respectfully,
Joseph, Palm Desert

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High Gas Prices

Californians respond to my message on Spiking Gas Prices in California:

Your concept of where the problem lies is not going to fix the problem. Calif. needs MORE refineries, oil wells and pipes to move gas & oil around. The government to the extent that it is stopping these from happening IS the problem. Califorian's diserve what we are getting for not demanding that the situation change. Reguards, Please post my comment.
Adrian, Newark

At times like these I, and I’m sure numerous other Californians, are deeply grateful for your support and for starting a "good fight" directed at the probable measures people in the stock market undertake. They take advantage of refinery fires and/or problems the refinery folks experience, only thinking of how much money they can rake in. There should be a law against this sort of thing, maybe then they can put these scoundrels in jail where they belong, like Madoff and company.
Juan, Long Beach

I am a low income Californian, I am self-employed, and my work revolves around my truck. And I STRONGLY believe gas prices are MUCH TOO LOW. The United States government needs to end all oil industry subsidies, all oil industry tax breaks, and there should be zero US troops guarding pipelines, oil tankers, drilling sites or refineries. The oil industry should pay market rates for their own security, not get free security by the US tax payer. All of this would raise gas prices, which would be a very GOOD thing. High gas prices mean consumers choose smaller more efficient cars, which means manufactures produce more efficient cars. People would also choose to live closer to work and shopping, allowing more use of bicycles and public transit. Instead of government mpg mandates, CAFE standards, smog maximums, and carbon taxes, we could simply let the free market do its own work by letting gas cost what it naturally does. No other net importer of petroleum pays as little as the US does. We have no reason to be complaining about the price we pay.
Bakari, Oakland

Thank you for looking into the recent price hikes in California gas prices. Working class and middle class families are getting squeezed out of every penny and are not left with any breathing room to save for emergencies, kids schools etc. As college educated professionals my wife and I are living paycheck to paycheck and when the industry conspires to manipulate prices we need our elected leaders in Washington to hold them accountable. Once again our sincere thanks to you and your team for standing up to defend the rights of the "47%".
Edrees, San Diego

It is a welcome site to see someone in our district watching out for their constituents on this gas problem. It seems to me when these incidents happen, it gives the gas companies the opportunity to gauge the public for excessive profits at the expense of the poor and middle class riders to and from work. Thank you for watching out for us. Keep up the good work
Michael, Laguna Niguel

Thank you for sending a message to the Dept of Justice about the oil and gas prices in California. I too, have often thought that the gas prices are being manipulated unfairly. It seems as though when the oil & gas traders want more money, they simply raise the prices. If supplies of gas are really tight, then why is gas not being rationed? It's still available everywhere in unlimited amounts. The higher price is obviously a scam or the result of unscrupulous speculation. It would be fairer if it was rationed at the price that it really costs to produce + a normal markup, rather than jack up the price for everyone for an indefinite time.
David, San Jose

I have 40 years in the Oil Refinery Business in our state of California and refinery maintenance shutdowns are an important part of the running of a refinery. There is scheduled shutdowns among other refineries so that there is no disruptions in the supply side of providing jet fuels and gasoline. I strongly believe Wall Street Commodity Traders such as was shown on NBC's "60 Minutes" are playing a strong role in the spike of oil prices. We need more oversight and regulation not more investigations that seem to bear no fruit. There is enough evidence to solidify legislation to halt the fleecing of Americans. I ask you to do more, to examine the evidence already on the table and to act swiftly. Oil will continue to be our life blood for the next 30 to 50 years and we need a stronger United States of America. Thank-you.
Miguel, Vallejo

Thank you for looking into this. While I don't have a car and don't really care about the price rise I do care about this being an attempt to influence voters to vote for candidates that will support drilling in Anwar or on other federal lands. I feel this is an attack on our democracy.
Christopher, Long Beach

Please ask the President to allow more drilling. That would end the high cost of fuel over night. Leo, Pittsburg

I and many others I know, appreciate immensely that you and Dianne Feinstein decided to investigate these ridiculous gas price hikes. In this economy, a jump of roughly $.60/gallon more in price within one week is outrageous! People are out of jobs and are on tight budgets, just because we live in California is not a reason to take advantage of its citizens. Thank you again!
Daphne, Hermosa Beach

Thanks so much for looking into the spike in gas prices. Apparently we in Humboldt County pay the highest gas prices in CA, maybe in the whole nation. I appreciate your paying attention to the sudden increase.
Roz, Eureka

I am glad you are looking into this. I live in El Segundo, California, home of one of the Chevron plants, and we experience some of the highest prices in the country. When my friends from back east visit, they complain that the gas prices here are almost $2 higher than in their home state, in rural areas. High prices inhibit travel to California, and place a lion's share of the burden on California residents. This is not fair!
Lisa, El Segundo

At times like these I, and I'm sure numerous other Californians, are deeply grateful for your support and for starting a "good fight" directed at the probable measures people in the stock market undertake. They take advantage of refinery fires and/or problems the refinery folks experience, only thinking of how much money they can rake in. There should be a law against this sort of thing,maybe then they can put these scoundrels in jail where they belong, like Madoff and company. This is primarily why I always vote for you, because you take action and don't mince your words. Thanks for being our champion.
Juan, Long Beach

Good for you for raising this issue! I am okay with higher prices based on taxes that send money to infrastructure and discourage wasteful energy use. But higher prices driven by speculation and profit-gouging are disgraceful!
Deborah, San Diego

I so appreciate your efforts here (as well as everywhere). I'm 76 yrs. old and on SS. Never been affluent but always managed. This is the first time in years that I have truly worried about the consequences of these outrageous gas prices. Also tired of being ripped off. Thanks again.
Relly, Palo Alto

Thank you for your email message titled "Investigate Spiking Gas Prices in California". In my view, even $5 a gallon is too cheap. Burning gasoline damages our climate, and coping with that damage will be far more expensive.
Neal, Pasadena

Even is there were a shortage of gas, that’s no reason to let the price of gas go as high as it is. This is price gouging. Governor Brown has helped some bringing in winter gas early. I just wonder how much more profit the gas co`s have made this year. It just isnt fair. I have cut my buying to $20.00 for around 4 gallon per week. I dont go very far, just essentials places.
Edward, San Bernardino

Thank you for looking out for us! Please consider drafting a new law requiring oil companies to build additional refineries as the population increases to keep up with demand. And then require them to build one more that can go online in case of an emergency so this won't happen again. The oil companies should be required to use their money and NOT be allowed to raise prices on US to pay for it as they are investing in their own business. These oil company executives should be required to lower the price of gasoline within a similar time frame that they raised it. One of the patterns I've noticed is that the price goes up very fast and when it goes down it's always a LOT slower.
Bruce, Oxnard

Thank you for taking this bold stand against the gas industry's repeated gouging of California citizens and visitors. Although nothing may come of it, the working class and retired seniors living on very limited means applaud you for this act.
Mark, Fremont

Thank you for addressing this issue. It will certainly cause a hardship for our family. We already were paying almost $1000 a month in gas. My husband just got his work truck and gas card back last week and we were looking forward to saving money. We appreciate all you do.
Susan, Alta Loma

Thank you so much, Senator, for looking into this situation. It just "feels wrong" with oil prices where they are right now. I just do not trust the oil companies - not to mention the traders and speculators who make huge profits at the expense of regular consumers. Please keep us informed of what comes of this inquiry.
Debra, Long Beach

It is my feeling that because of our energy crisis, increase in fuel prices. That you need to back off and cut some of the regulations we have in place. The main reason gas is so high in California is because the fuel companies have been regulated to death. California now is an average of .50 cents a gallon more than Arizona. Any new taxes or fines we stick the energy companies with gets transferred to the consumer. Right now we need more immediate solutions to our energy problems, as well as more sources.
Ed, Mission Viejo

Thank you Senator for taking the steps toward investigating the thugs that bully the California people and economy. I believe a civil suit is in order, and regulation of those who are clearly out of control with their 'speculative' pricing. There needs to be accountability, and there's nothing better than a financial motivator (civil suit) to gain traction. Thank you for your efforts, I hope it helps.
Marc, Santa Rosa

I applaud your letter to A/G Holder & I hope it gets some action. I also hope that this isn't being done just for the publicity it may generate. It is pretty obvious that no one in Congress wants to rock the boat when it comes to taking on Big Oil & the speculators. A lot of bluster & threats take place but nothing of any consequence ever gets done & the laws stay the same. Again, I appreciate your writing to A/G Holder & we'll all be watching to see if anything comes of it!
Bob, Windsor

thank you for speaking up on this. we have been ripped off for years by the oil companies, and there seems to be no regulation on this. it's about time that this should be investigated. they have record profits and somehow get away with arbitrarily raising prices. the reasons we've been given for years are totally bogus. please see this through until we get resolution. i doubt we will see rebates, but the thievery has to stop.
Jean, Berkeley

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for initiating the investigation into the recent spike in gas prices. It is completely unnecessary and really hurts California families in the most fundamental ways possible. We all have to get to work or to church or to school. Most of us don't live close enough to walk or take public transportation - it simply isn't the nature of our state. We are a state of roads and freeways - and the petroleum industry is well aware of that. So, thank you. I don't know if any help will come from it, but it is good to know someone is at least trying.
Dawn, El Cajon

As someone who tries very hard to conserve fuel, I find it difficult to believe there is a "good" reason for the price fluctuation. You have my support and my gratitude.
Angela, Oakland

I appreciate you taking action on the gas crisis we are experiencing in California.
Carol, Roseville

I tend to agree with you. It seems amazing convenient that these issues with refineries are going on so close to the election and the oil companies are being given air time to make this a referandom on California's clean fuel/air regulations. Just all too convenient and suspect in my view. The price gouging is in spite of the consumer and would it kill them to put a tiny dent in their profits for the better good? Best regards,
Jana, Valencia

It's great that you would like to investigate why gasoline prices have spiked in California, but honestly you need to do something about it. Many of us are tired of just saying you're looking into it, you need to act where it can help consumers. What I've seen in the past is that the oil companies are fined, which gives money to the government, isn't that too at the expense of the California consumer? Do something that allows us to get a rebate from the oil companies that we patronize. I can prove how much gas I purchase, so give me a option to get a rebate. Your talk needs to be action that consumers can feel and benefit from. Thanks...
Robert, Pleasant Hill

What I find disturbing is that as consumers we are paying for Chevron's errors. What incentive does Chevron have to correct its behavior when we, not Chevron, carry the cost and financial burdon of its mistakes? There is no accountability where it counts - in Chevron's, not our, pocketbooks. make Chevron pay for its mistakes. not us. as it stands now Chevron is profiting from this crisis.
Lois, Richmond

And when you find that they are manipulating the market, then what? There are no regulations in the oil industry, because they give too much money to politicians. Heck, they've written legislation to give themselves our tax money in subsidies no matter how much money they make in profits. We had eight years of oil men running this country and look where it's gotten us. We're still cleaning up the mess. Nothing will ever change until the LOBBYING MONEY is taken out of the political process.
Gale, Sana Rosa

We understand the refinery fires have contributed, but with them happening much more frequently, it begs the question of whether the refinery is kept in good condition or is negligence to blame. It is SO disheartening to be paying such high prices when the oil companies continually report such high profits. Keep the pressure on for more disclosure. Thank you!
Margaret, San Jose

Thank you for the email message that you are investigating the recent surge in prices at the pump! These past weeks have seen ridiculous increases and your efforts are appreciated.
Pam, Livermore

Thank you for your fight against high gas prices. As I am now retired and on a fixed income, it seems as the plethora of propositions to raise taxes along with the arbitrary raising of gasoline prices is going to put a serious danger to my ability to travel to places that are mandatory for me to visit for medical reasons. I seriously question the nebulous reasons given for the increases at the pump. And while I and my wife have curtailed trips such as visits to the children and grandchildren it would be nice to resume such pleasures. Therefore I beseech you to be be most aggressive in your quest to investigate the reasons for gasoline cost increases.
Robert, Palmdale

With all do respect rather than trying to kick the big oil folks why are you not looking at the California Air Resource Board? With cap and trade bill 32 about to be implemented what choice do they have but to pass the cost onto the consumer. Why do we have California only fuel? Why do we put Ethanol in are fuel? Why is Chevron not being given permits to rebuild the fire damage? These are questions that we the people of California need answers to.
Jim, Galt

It wouldn't surprise me if you discovered that someone with a hand on the gas valves decided that making life more difficult for Californians might persuade some they need to vote for a new President. Just like the Republican Congress members' vow in 2008 to oppose any and all proposals of the Obama administration, some think undermining the social peace sheds a bad light on the current administration. I say such actions threaten the American democracy.
David, Sacramento

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César Chávez

Californians respond to my message on the César E. Chávez National Monument:

I was gratified to read that there is going to be a monument to our role model and leader Caesar Chavez and that President Barack Obama is involved in its dedication. Your efforts on behalf the working men and women of California and their children are appreciated. John, Huntington Beach

Thanks for letting us know about this. It is especially timely in this era of union busting, excessive CEO compensation, and a rapidly growing divide between those on top and the rest of us. I hope that as a result of this designation, many more people will come to know how the efforts of this American hero improved the lives of countless workers.Peter, Vallejo

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Rental Car Safety

Californians respond to my message on Improving Rental Car Safety:

I truly appreciate your efforts and success on behalf of consumers who rent automobiles from car rental agencies. I feel especially happy about this because of my annual trips to Tennessee, where I rent a car from Enterprise. Knowing that autos subject to recall will no longer be available for rental or purchase is a source of great comfort to me, as I have, in the past, wound up with a Toyota Corolla, only to have lingering questions about the vehicle's safety.
Linda, Fremont

I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to you for working so hard on behalf of "US" the 47% and for all your efforts on keeping the car rental companies honest.
Ronnie, Duarte

Thank you so much for working on this safety issue for all of us. Your success with the car rental community is much appreciated!
Mary, Rancho Palos Verdes

Thank you, Senator Boxer, for sponsoring this safety feature; I hadn't realized that rental cars were not already checked for company recalls before being rented to the public.
Josephine, San Diego

Our nation is facing numerous difficulties, not the least is the Federal Reserve printing dollars like they are toilet paper (and pretty soon that is exactly what they will be worth, nothing). So you are proud of a new government regulation. Why? Is this a proper function of the Federal Government? Why would this not be addressed sufficiently within the Universal Commercial Code or currently existing laws?
James, Fullerton

Rental Rules
That's a good idea! I never would of thought of it. Safety is the role of government.
Michael, Montclair

Congratulations for getting this common sense legislation passed. It's unbelieveable that companies can ignore recall notices for life threatening defects. Once again corporate profit wins over consumer safety.
Richard, La Mesa

It's nice to know that you are "on the job". Thanks for taking care of this for us. I'm amazed that you knew that this was even a problem!
Paul, Big Bear Lake

Seems so obvious. Guess Enterprise was a little too enterprising with free enterprise.
Timothy, Sacramento

Thank you for helping to make our world safer.
Barbara, Cambria

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Drivers from Unsafe Rental Cars:

This sounds like common sense. Glad to see this made clear by legislation. Hope you get the needed votes to pass.
Lawrence, Los Angeles

Thank you very much for proposing a bill to require car rental companies to rent safe rental cars only.
Reyna, Sacramento

The subject of this act has been ignored far too long. Many will benefit and far less will loose.
Nancie, Simi Valley

It is not necessary to write a law that prohibits car rental companies from renting a car that is under recall. That is bad business practice and we don't need a law to tell us that. Let the automakers and car rental companies work this out in the contracts between them. Please spend your time on bills that can make a difference in the long term creativity and productivity that this nation excels at. For example, the law that phased out incandenscent bulbs. It sparked innovations and is yielding significant cost savings and helps reduce CO2 emissions.
Brian, Dove Canyon

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Voter ID Laws

Californians respond to my message on Stopping Voter Intimidation:

Voter Suppression is one of my biggest worries about this coming election. After the fiasco of Bush/Gore, it's apparent that 'stealing' an election is entirely possible...if it can't be bought..
Susan, Los Angeles

May I thank you, and also encourage you, in your efforts stop voter suppression. If the right to vote can be curtailed by the actions of a lunatic fringe, it could be the end of our country.
Nancy, West Point

Please keep taking action on this subject, so that we keep at least some control of our precious democracy. Thanks for staying in this stressful job.
Jan, Cambria

I agree with you 100%, that we need every citizen to vote, it is a privilage that we take for granted. But we must make sure that we do not have voter fraud, i see nothing wrong with voter I.D. I think it is a move in the right direction for every American, and to take this right seriously and treat it with the upmost respect. As an American I am proud to Vote and am not intimidated in anyway to show my I.D.
Michael, Chino

Your email was extremely offensive. Middle aged conservatives are too busy working at their jobs to suppress the votes of the career welfare recipients we support. Thank you for the reminder that I must work harder to get your liberal ilk out of office.
Lesley, Santa Maria

Thank you very much for calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce voting rights laws following new reports of widespread efforts by Tea Party-linked groups to intimidate voters and suppress the vote, particularly in low-income and minority neighborhoods. It is gratifying to see increasing attention and action against this egregious effort to disenfranchise low-income and minority voters.
Evan, Long Beach

Thank you for demanding investigation (and prosecution) of tea party Republicans across the nation engaged in voter suppression. It is cynical, craven, un-American, un-democratic, and downright treasonous for a major political party to engage in coordinated activities to undermine our constitutional amendments and voting rights laws, and keep US citizens from exercising their right to vote.
Walter, Los Angeles

I just want to thank you for speaking out on this issue and for taking action. I am both appalled and very, very angry that the fundamental right to vote is being threatened in so many ways in this election cycle, and I very much appreciate your efforts to fight against intimidation and disenfranchisement.
Robert, San Francisco

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Californians respond to my message on Pressing Azerbaijan over Outrageous Pardon:

Thank you for sending the letter to the president of Azerbaijan expressing outrage over the pardon of the murderer of an Armenian soldier taking a NATO language course. We share your outrage and believe in speaking out against such atrocities.
Ian, Sausalito

Thanks. This was an outrage and needed to be addressed.
Ed, San Jose

As a veteran, please let me express my sincere gratitude not only for your actions in this instance, but your never-ending commitment to both my brothers and sisters in arms as well as the veterans.
Jack, Moreno Valley

As an Armenian American, I appreciate you doing the right thing showing your outrage at the Hungarian government for releasing a (convicted in Hungarian court) Azeri Axe Murderer, an officer in the Azeri army, no less. He was pardoned upon touching foot in Azerbaijan, despite promises made to Hungary that he would be imprisoned. He was welcomed in his homeland as a national hero for his cold blooded murder of an Armenian Officer in a hotel room during joint NATO exercises in Hungary! I hope your vigilance and outspoken stand will bear some positive fruit and that justice will be done.
Bedros, Pleasanton

Bravo and thank you for taking action and writing a protest to President Aliyev!
Bruce, Los Angeles

Thank you for writing that strong letter to the head crook of Azerbaijan about releasing the murder of the Armenian. The murderer return to feverish acclaim! Few other legislators would bother with such an "obscure" matter, so I am glad to see you are on top of it.
Sara, Santa Monica

Thank you for your proactive message to President Aliyev.
Fred, Hacienda Heights

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Older Americans Act

Californians respond to my message on Strengthening the Older Americans Act:

As I am 68 y/old I had no idea about this and was very glad to learn of it.
Sharon, Martinez

Thank you for working on the new Sanders bill (S.3562), which includes your Caring for an Aging America Act. It is my understanding that these combined proposals pursue legislation to update and continue the Older Americans Act (OAA) and related programs as well as to implement new ones. We need it! Younger adults reading this, be aware! Aging takes one by surprise and life can turn on a dime! For example, it seems only yesterday that I played tennis; biked; rode horses; escorted my children to music lessons, the library, and parks; did the room mother thing; attended college courses part time; worked at technical/science writing and editing; and, I could easily go on. However, now, I find myself 69 years of age, disabled, receiving "Meals on Wheels", and living on Social Security! My life has completely changed in ways I had not dreamed of, because I am older and disabled. Believe me when I say that I am so grateful for the senior services/help I receive. And, I know many other seniors who are, too. We do need updated policies and procedures in place to assist our increasing senior population with the latest in treatments, trained caregivers, and protections. Better sooner than later!
Shayla, Anaheim

Thank you for taking the initiative to support health care professionals and others to receive training in gerontology. It is important that we as a nation care for all older Americans. This population has much to give to our country both in time as volunteers and in wisdom of experience and knowledge they have gained throughout their lives. Healthcare, housing, spiritual and social needs are crucial areas where older Americans need support from those who understand this stage of life. Thank you for working on this bill.
Portia, San Jose

I am 74 and a retired blue collar worker. Sounds like S3562 is another entitlement bill. What ever happened to those greatest of American traits - personal responsibility and self reliance? Everyone has their whole working life to prepare for their old age. Shame on them if they did not prepare and just lived for the moment!!
John, Fairfield

Thank you so much for your leadership in reauthorizing the Older Americans Act. I appreciate your support of Senator Sanders and this crucial bill for our seniors.
Clay, Aptos

Thank you for your good work in the Senate and for co-sponsoring the act to protect seniors. I feel I can rely on you to support legislation that is good for the people in general and for the more fragile of us in particular.
LaVern, Anaheim

Thank you for your continued support of senior citizens needing assistance in staying in their homes. I am a retired RN and did Home Health Care for a year. The quality of life and the happiness of the people living at home with some support are much happier and much healthier than those in care facilities. Keep up the good work. I am now a senior citizen and hope to be able to stay in my home until I die.
Carol, Nipomo

Thank you so much for your hard work in passing this important legislation. Please know that we are behind you on S3562.
Esther, Santa Clara

You sent me a note regarding welfare to older citizens. While this is very helpful to many people but do you ever consider priorities when you introduce legislation? You people in congress are able to find lots of ways to send money without regard to budget and deficits. Please stop looking for ways to spend our tax dollars and start looking for ways to reduce spending by determining priorities. While this requires tough decisions it is the way to run households and government.
Delvin, Danville

Thank you so much for working with Bernie Sanders on this bill...I thank God for the two of you! I know you have my interests at heart and the interests of all your constituents.
MaryJane, Rancho Cordova

I totally support you efforts to reauthorize and update the Older Americans Act (OAA). Thank you for this important work.
Jacqueline, Livermore

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Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands

Californians respond to my message on Protecting the Coast and Creating Jobs in Mendocino County:

Just a quick note to say thank you for your efforts to include Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands in Mendocino County in the California Coastal National Monument.
Chris, Vista

Thank you for introducing legislation to expand the boundary of the California Coastal National Monument to include the Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands in Mendocino County!
Silka, San Diego

Excellent Idea!
Frank, Fullerton

Our state is so fortunate to possess many natural locales that are breathtakingly beautiful and home to so many species of plants and animals. And the coastline is very much a part of California's spectacular environmental treasures. I am very pleased by your conservation efforts.
Susan, San Carlos

Thank you Boxer and Feinstein for introducing legislation to add Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands in Mendocino County to the California Coastal National Monument. This means so much to the residents of this county and is important in preserving our beautiful state coastline. And while I have your attention, thank you for all you do in representing women, women's rights, education, healthcare, and California environmental issues. Thank you.
Pat, Gualala

You must stop taking our land and claiming it for government control.
Julia, San Juan Capistrano

Thank you for trying to save this beautiful area for generations of Americans and visitors to enjoy. Also, thank you for keeping me up to date on what you feel is noteworthy.
Carol, San Carlos

The California coast is a treasure that should be preserved for all. The beauty of this endangered if we do not put measures in place to keep this marvelous area pristine, but the wonderful wildlife would be at risk, as well.
Sharlene, Rough and Ready

Since I grew up in Mendocino County, I am especially glad to see your proposed legislation to protect its beauty and create jobs there. I hope to return "home" one day.
Carol, Roseville

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Passengers with Disabilities

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Airline Passengers with Disabilities:

I applaud you for your response to the recent airline incident involving the young man with Down syndrome and his family members. Individuals with disabilities are often overlooked by policy makers. The fact that you were not only responsive to the need but also shared this situation with your constituents is valuable in increasing the public's awareness of this type of injustice. As the director of a foundation that focuses its efforts on promoting health care access to adults with developmental disabilities, I do not see this level of concern expressed by legislators very often. Thank you for caring for those who deserve greater respect and attention. You truly represent "the people".
Lynne, East Palo Alto

Aside from the inconvenience caused when anyone's trip is delayed unnecessarily, those of us in the non-handicapped world often have no idea just how much hurt and embarrassment we can cause to the handicapped and their families. Often, in cases like this, a lot of preparation has gone into making the person feel capable of making the trip -- and it is all undone by a moment's thoughtless response.
Dawn, Fountain Valley

Thank you for taking your time to write a letter to the U.S. Air Transportation Secretary. When I read about this family's experience while trying to fly, I was shocked. I do not understand how this group of airline staff can be so very ignorant with regard to Downs Syndrome. Training is certainly needed.
Francia, Visalia

Hello I am deaf lady. Any Airline should have respect to hearing impaired passengers while they go to any airline. The flight attendents should learn to respect us, deaf/hard of hearing passengers and explain the messages whenever the flight attendents and the pilots make the announcement in the plane flight (public announcement). Thanks,
Susan, West Covina

Thank you for your action, we are disabled too wife is deaf and oxygen bottle user with pacemaker and I myself am deaf too. We had bad experience with airline service in past as we did not make big noise as down syndrome boy's parent did. In fact every airline system need to learn about any kind of disabilities. I appreicate your action on behalf of all disabilities.
Arthur, Sacramento

In 1976 I was on a flight out of Oakland to Southern CA. I realized as I boarded the plane that many of the other passengers were teenagers with Down Syndrome and other disabilities. I believe they were headed to the Special Olympics. The stewardess was wonderful. She gave them candy and wings they could pin on their shirts. She talked to them, played games with them, and kept them entertained all the way. At the time I thought she deserved a special commendation. I'm sorry that not all airline personnel have her wonderful gift. Thank you for the legislation defending the rights of the disabled.
Barbara, Pleasanton

If that happened to me I would use another airline. Why do we need the government to intervene?      
Stacy, Angels Camp

Thank you for your efforts in response to the incident of the person with Down Syndrome, and for your efforts to see that all people with disabilities have the opportunities to live, work, and travel at will. Your work is not going unrecognized or unappreciated by your constituents, even if we seldom respond to what you accomplish.
William, San Jose

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Violence Against Women Act

Californians respond to my message on Protecting All Women from Domestic Violence:

Thank you for you continued support of Women’s issues. We are all in this battle together & I appreciate you standing up against the misogynists in Congress!!!
Penelope, Grass Valley

Thanks Barbara Boxer for all you do in the area of protecting women who are abused by supporting legislation which helps and/or supports prevention and intervention. We need more consequences for abusers - our state has moved us back 10 years in the legislation and laws that now allow victims to be revictimized by courts who make her face her abuser or they won't prosecute. So sad that we worked so hard to move forward and laws keep us down and back 10 years.
Kathie, Panorama City

Thank you for your unwavering support of the renewal and strengthening of the Violence Against Women Act. I am proud that you represent me in the Senate and that you have consistently represented the best of California.
Angela, Oakland

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Auto Safety

Californians respond to my message on Protecting Drivers from Unsafe Rental Cars:

This sounds like common sense. Glad to see this made clear by legislation. Hope you get the needed votes to pass.
Lawrence, Los Angeles

Thank you very much for proposing a bill to require car rental companies to rent safe rental cars only.
Reyna, Sacramento

The subject of this act has been ignored far too long. Many will benefit and far less will loose.
Nancie, Simi Valley

It is not necessary to write a law that prohibits car rental companies from renting a car that is under recall. That is bad business practice and we don't need a law to tell us that. Let the automakers and car rental companies work this out in the contracts between them. Please spend your time on bills that can make a difference in the long term creativity and productivity that this nation excels at. For example, the law that phased out incandenscent bulbs. It sparked innovations and is yielding significant cost savings and helps reduce CO2 emissions.
Brian, Dove Canyon

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Hate Crimes

Californians respond to my message on Tracking Hate Crimes Against Sikh Americans:

Thank you for creating a bipartisan statement about stopping Hate Crimes. Our nation was founded on diversity especially in our individual faiths. As a Christian and a parent of a daughter who works internationally I see the effects of tolerance and intolerance in the world up close. We must as a national policy continue to promote tolerance and stop hate crimes.
Martha, Mill Valley

I am american Sikh I am us citizen.I appreciate the steps taken by us govt. after the innocent sikhs killings.Media and govt do a good job to console us. The only problem is of the mistaken identity of the sikhs. This incident help us to make our identy as a different sect.IN this country people have lack of general knoweldge. Policeman MR MURFY WILL BE OUR HERO.His name will be written golden pages in our history. our communty can not repay his debt the job he done to save many lives. If he dont come on time and did not put his life in risk the causalities would be hundreds.We respect our contitution and its law. We welfare unto all is our motto of our religion. We respect everybody in this country. I am also thankful honorable senator Barbara for helping American Sikhs.
Buta Singh, Tustin

I applaud you on taking the lead and doing something about the trend in hate crimes aimed at the Sikh community. These people have the right to worship as they see fit, dress as they see fit, and live peaceably among us. The tragedy that occurred in Wisconsin was terribly played down, if it had been a Protestant Church we'd most likely have seen a greater out-cry. ALL faiths are to be equally protected under the Constitution, ALL. You believe in this, and I want to commend you. Renee, Rancho Santa Margarita

When I got your email about tracking attacks on Sikhs, I was so proud that my Senator from California was working to stop hate crimes. I think there are more hate crimes now than there were 12 years ago due to the attacks on September 11, 2001, several states adopting same-sex marriage and through the election of President Obama. People can't seem to help themselves in their daily rhetoric about people they have always hated but weren't saying anything until they were forced to when they felt that their control was being stolen from them. Now they are trying to control women's health care choices. I know we are being watched by the World and people see how backward we are becoming and how weak that makes us on the world stage.
Merrily, San Diego

As usual, you are always at the forefront of ensuring equality, fairness and protections for all Americans. I applaud your request to the Attorney General for the collection and tracking of data on hate crimes committed against Sikh Americans. Hate crimes must never be tolerated.
Glenn, North Hollywood

I doubt the attacks were specifically directed at Sikhs, but rather at someone who looked different. In this case, someone wearing a turban. It would do most Americans a world of good to learn about other cultures. To get to know immigrants in their own communities - refugees perhaps. Or to visit other countries with a dictionary and a smile instead of tanks and guns.
Linda, San Diego

Thank you for putting in the effort to bring this hate crime to light. I appreciate all you do for your California constituents and you ALWAYS have my vote! Thank you!
Holly, Corralitos

I fully support your call to have AG Holder investigate hate crimes against the Sikh community. I would also strongly encourage you to call for stepped-up investigations of all domestic hate and terrorist groups. I realize that the Republicans in Congress have pushed back on these types of investigations but the significant increase in the number of these groups poses a serious threat to the domestic security of the United States. Not only are their numbers growing but their hateful rhetoric and stockpiling of weapons make these groups a more serious threat than any foreign terrorist organization. I hope that you will take my comments into serious consideration and urge the expansion of the Attorney General's investigations.
David, Carlsbad

Why not urge the Attorney General to take prompt action to ensure that hate crimes against "Americans" are recorded and tracked so that law enforcement can better allocate the resources needed to prevent and respond to these terrible crimes. Why single out just one class of people (citizen and non-citizen).
Douglas, Paramount

Thanks for your efforts ....... Being a Sikh myself, I do appreciate it ...
Nirmal, North Hills

Thanks for your note about violence against Muslims. How about sponsoring a bill that deals with violence against Christians? With as much hate as there is in America, I think we need to return to our core Christian values, which would mean that there would be no "hate" crimes against anyone. So, how about sponsoring a bill that would encourage traditional marriages and nuclear families? That would solve a lot of our problems and give you a lot more free time.
Jim, Folsom

There is a large Sikh Temple just north of Berkeley. Many Sikhs are taxi drivers; one was shot in the State Capitol City, Sacramento. We should not be attacking any population group!
Marion, Oakland

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Fort Ord National Monument

Californians respond to my message on Senator Boxer Visits Fort Ord:

Growing up in Watsonville and traveling through the area of Fort Ord recalls many happy childhood memories. Your attention to holding this land for future visitors and residents makes it possible to enjoy a part of California that is natural and coastal. Where there are now hotels there used to be sand dunes which I always found fun and sometimes impossible to climb. My cousins, aunts and uncles found our conquest of the dunes time for laughter playfulness. Preserving what still remains is commendable. Thank you for your oversight and attention to my homeland.
Soto, Alice J., Costa Mesa

Perserving the old Fort Ord by turning it into a national museum was so smart. Thank you for your part in getting this to happen. I appreciate your good works and I am in awe of the hours you put in to get "things" done. This does not go unnoticed by me.
Merlys, Modesto

I grew up in the Monterey Peninsula and witnessed all of the Army Service People that went through training there. Including my best friend, raised in Seaside, also trained there. Unfortunately he perished one week after he was deployed to Vietnam in the hands of the North Vietnamese and Vietcongs! Fort Ord, indeed, is an historical monument manifesting all the carnages suffered by our military thru all the post World War II battles our USA have endured. Preserving Fort Ord will be a little gratitude we could extend to all our service people that gave the "ultimate sacrifice" to preserve and continue the "freedom" lots of us enjoy, notwithstanding, overlook daily. As a former Vietnam Air Force Veteran, I salute you for your passion.
Dan, Carmel

As a Vietnam era vet, I am extremely pleased that you are taking an interest in veterans. I would like to tell you that you should do more of the kind of work that involves veterans, and make it known publicly. We – vets - need more politicians who are interested in veterans affairs. We gave it our all and you should too. Respectfully

Thank you for helping to get National Monument designation for this site! Thanks too, for your continued hard work on behalf of America's people.
Diane, Sacramento

Thank you for taking the initiative to create a National Monument at Fort Ord to honor our veterans and for all to enjoy. Our family appreciates your support of environmental issues.
Silka, San Diego

Thank you for your support of Ford Ord, the three-fold asset to CA, the veterans, and the nation. It is deeply appreciated.
Diana, Redding

Although I commend you and others for helping to keep and preserve Fort Ord to commemorate our military. However, the best commemoration would be to make sure our troops have jobs to come home to and adequate mental and physical health care for all the troops. National monuments, no matter how important, will not feed nor provide adequate healthcare for our fathers, mothers, daughters/sons and granchildren.
Ursula, Sanger

Thank you for information on your trip to Fort Ord and its dedication. I think this is a good action and am very pleased to have you for our Senator you are very responsible and hardworking an outstanding Senator.
Maryan Wokas, Lincoln

Thank you for the Fort Ord photos. My family spent over four wonderful years there in the mid-to-late 1970's. It was a nice trip down memory lane to remember those times. I am delighted that 15,000 acres have become a National Monument.           
Helene, Bonsall

As a Vietnam veteran who trained at Fort Ord, I appreciate the fact that Senator Boxer gave her enthusiastic support to the proposal to turn the area into a National Monument. The Fort Ord experience binds many veterans over many years, and seeing it fall into a decaying state of limbo after its closure saddened me, and I'm sure, bothered other veterans as well. At age 66 I still delight in the notion that I may still visit this place of memories, and hike the back country where we were "tortured" into a physical condition, never again to be equaled (for most of us) for the rest of our lives. This is a prime example of how a government that represents the common man is so necessary. In the other extreme rampant capitalism, in the form of greedy land developers, would have turned those lands into whatever would turn a fast buck. Thanks to Senator Boxer, and others, the true meaning of that special place will be preserved and respected!
Robert, Ukiah

My father trained at Fort Ord and I still believe it is a complete waste of money to designate this place to a National Monument or any other Govt owned money pitt. Don't you get it Senator Boxter? We are broke! Stop spending ANY money on non-essentials.
Dan, Santa Cruz

Thank you for preserving the land that housed Ft. Ord. I trained at Ft. Ord for basic and advanced infantry and was sent to Fort Benning in Georgia. I am a Vietnam combat veteran and the training I received at Ft. Ord help keep me alive in Vietnam. Again thank you for your service to our country.
Jay, Culver City

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Deferred Action

Californians respond to my message on Allowing Talented Young People to Stay in This Country:

Thank you, thank you! As a retired teacher I can appreciate what a wonderful thing you have done. Thanks again.
Bob, Crestline

It saddens me to hear people complain about the younger immigrants being able to stay here. I think, what if my parents brought me here when I was 3 ys old and I was sent back to a country I didn't know when I was eighteen. I think of all the confusion and panic I would feel. As long as these young adults are not in trouble and are working hard to contribute to the country they live in, let them stay.
Kris, Loma Linda

Thanks, Senator Boxer, for continuing to help illegal children of non-citizens (Dreamers0. I'm a Jewish-American citizen and not so long ago, my grandparents emigrated from Eastern Europe. I want Dreamers to gain citizenship as quickly as possible so that they're free from fear and free to build their lives in the U.S. and continue to contribute to our society.
Alexandra, La Crescenta

Thank You for supporting the Dream Act and making it a reality for the myriad of children and adults left in limbo.
Geri, Modesto

At the time that schools,city colleges,universities are closing or offering less class where our own US Citizens and legal residents are finding very difficult to attend, we US tax payers are encouraging ILLEGAL inmigrants to take the place of our people. THIS IS WRONG.           
Enrique, Pleasanton

Thanks for the news about Deferred Action. I, like many others in too much of a hurry to read completely, leaped to the conclusion that it was the Dream act that had become reality. Today I read more of the particulars, and realize it is a policy that could be eliminated the day a different president takes office. I wonder now if it is safe for anyone to fully follow the process if s/he is not already in a sticky situation, or if in starting the process one will simply expose oneself more to scrutiny. I really have to admire kids who, despite growing up with the threat of deportation of themselves or loved ones, to a place they may never have known since infancy, have learned to think, persevere, and develop community interests like many I have met. I'm proud to accept them as part of my "tribe" and don't want them deported. Thanks for working for them, please continue to.
Iris, Sebastopol

Why do we continue to award people for breaking our laws. We might as well empty our jails.
Richard, Moreno Valley

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Sally Ride

Californians respond to my message on Honoring Sally Ride:

Thank you for honoring Sally Ride and introducing this bill.
Silka, San Diego

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Women Peacemakers

Californians respond to my message on Ensuring Women’s Involvement in Conflict Resolution:

I have been involved in this issue of decades around the world and along with organizations which have done tremendous work to expand and improve women's role in peace making and to prevent violations against women and female children in the war zones and in political conflict areas around the world. I SUPPORT YOUR BILL FULLY.
Zohreh, San Juan Capistrano

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Preventive Health Care Coverage for Women

Californians respond to my message on New Preventive Health Care Coverage for Women:

I am so pleased about the new health care benefits and future benefits for my self-insured son and granddaughter. I am confident that it will make a difference in the November election. Who would vote for those that want to repeal it?
Beth Wyman, Morgan Hill

You are preaching to the choir on this one. The democratic party needs to do a better job of reaching out and educating ALL WOMEN about how they'll benefit and EVERYONE else too---let's debunk the myths and present the facts---even though the Repugs ignore those facts---we need to wake up the indy fence-sitters and get out the vote! Thank you,
Beth, San Diego

Thank you for all you do, especially fighting for better health care for women.
Karen, Canyon Country

I am a single mother of two and half of my paycheck goes to pay for health care premiums. My employer pays 1/3 of the total cost, but 2/3 of the cost comes out of my paycheck. I feel as a parent having health care insurance for my children is very important. I have always felt that the socialized health care they have in England (which has worked for a very long time) should be a role model for the United States. I don't want to worry that my children or I can't go see the doctor because I can't afford the co-pay. I believe we may be on the right track and I feel that the Affordable Care Act can help, but will it be too little too late? I hope not. I believe in President Obama and in you. Sincerely,
Barbara, Livermore

I want to thank you so much for your relentless efforts to reform health care for all of us, and at this point, especially for women. I often fear a dark future ahead with the climate, constant war, paucity of jobs, and the terrible economy; I worry about my children's future. The changes in health care are the only bright spot at this time. The Republi-CAN'Ts are so appalling-- they never used to be this way. I just never know what they'll try next to keep most of the population down. They are so out of tune with the PEOPLE. You and Senator Feinstein give me hope. Thank you for all you do.
Simone, Helendale

You said that these services are free. They are NOT free, someone has to pay the bill. Todays Democrat party is creating a whole group of perpetually dependent people. This may be well intentioned but in the long run is pure socialism and contrary to the sensibilities of all Americans. People are getting very fed up with this spending and march toward socialism and it will be seen in the upcoming elections. Thank you for letting me vent. Respectfully,
Gerald, Palmdale

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Tax Relief for America’s Families

Californians respond to my message on Extending Tax Relief for America's Families:

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Please keep your voice strong to bring about equity on a long-term basis.
Alice, Costa Mesa

Thank you for upholding the tax cut for the Middle class. I don't understand the billionaires who keep pressuring the Republicans to give them tax cuts and put more taxes on the backs of the Middle class, regardless of the billionaires employing the Middle class. The taxes we pay are the lowest the US has had in decades yet there are more people, an aging population, not enough jobs for the skill level of many Americans, not enough educated people for the jobs available, student loans jeopardized by Republicans, the list goes on and on. Thank you for all that you do. Sincerely
Heidi, Palo Alto

I continue to have hope that somehow a bipartisan agreement will be reached that will insure the continuation of the middle-class tax cuts which are due to expire at the end of December. You offer hope to a society that currently seems to have very litle left. Such great dreams, which were inspired by the election in 2008 of President Obama, only to have them dashed by the obstructions of the Republicans, has loyal Democrats like me discouraged greatly. Sincere Regards,
Jonathan, Escondido 

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Domestic Violence

Californians respond to my message on Protecting All Women from Domestic Violence:

Thank you SO MUCH for your work on this! I did not know of that alarming number; 3 women are killed per day on average from an abusive partner - just awful. But wonderful to see that the law is working. Still, only 15 Republicans voted in favor of this? I just don't understand their thinking sometimes (unless it concerns money). I, myself, have called for protection, so this is very important to me. Thank you for your concern over ALL women in this important matter.
Denise, Sun City

Please be a voice for women. We are coming of age since my mother's time but we still have a lot more things to do for all women. Please fight for the underdog because the Republicans will not. Thank you.
Nellie, Santa Maria

Thank you for making sure LGBT, Native American women, and women who are students are protected under the Domestic Violence Act (VAWA). It is critical that this legislation includes these groups which are often targets for domestic abuse. As a formerly abused student and wife, I am so glad to have you as my Senator, and appreciate all the great work you have done in building a better America. You can always count on my support in the future! Best regards,
Kathleen, Oakland

I was startled to hear that 3 women/day are killed by their partners. This is unacceptable. We don't have time to ask if someone is an immigrant, or anything except medical questions that can help save their lives!! Thank you for this information. I had no idea this was happening.
Cameron, Santa Clara

Thank you for your work on behalf of us women and all the rest of us. I am so glad you are my senator. I find it absolutely despicable of the House Republicans to leave so many of our sisters out of the protections this act provides. Native American, immigrant and LGBT women don't deserve to have the same protections the rest of us deserve? Good goddess, that's disgusting! Thank you again and keep up the good fight. Onward!
Moira, Richmond

It is so important that we be inclusionary and protect all women from violence. Please continue to support the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that stands strong against domestic violence Senator Boxer I thank you for supporting this bill. Sincerely,
Diane, Napa

I wholeheartedly support the Republicans' Bill over your bill.
Mark, Yucca Valley

No one deserves to be allowed to be the target of violence with impunity - regardless of their sex, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual identity, ethnicity or any other cause without due reason - such as the use of violence in self-defence from physical assault. To deny anyone full and equal protection under the law, with respect to their personal safety from violent assault, is nothing more than a resort to barbarism that should never be tolerated in any civilized society. To believe otherwise is hypocrisy of the highest order.
Joanne, Hayward

Thank you for the work you are doing. I am one of the lucky women who have not been a victim of this sort of abhorrent behavior. I am very aware of the terrible problem that victimizes women of every stripe. Your efforts are well placed.
Ardis, San Jose 

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