USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Zambia

Debra Messing, Actress and HIV Activist, Promotes HIV Combination Prevention in Zambia

Debra Messing, Actress and PSI Global Health Ambassador, cuts the ribbon at a US-funded New Start HIV counseling and testing center in Mongu, Zambia. Photo Credit: Zoeann Murphy

This past May I traveled to Zambia and had the chance to see my taxpayer dollars hard at work – saving and improving lives. I wanted to see, and learn, how “combination prevention” helps stop the spread of HIV. Read more >>

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Saving Mothers, Giving Life

Mother and Child Uganda 9 21 12

Imagine that you are a young woman who is pregnant, lives in a remote location far from a hospital, and you have a husband and mother-in law who think giving birth at home with an untrained attendant will suffice. Read more >>

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Notes from the Field: We Can Feed the Future

Julie A. Howard is the U.S. Government Deputy Coordinator for Development for Feed the Future My job as the Deputy Coordinator for Development for Feed the Future is to champion the cause for global food security. It’s good for health, it supports economic growth, and it promotes global stability. For as much as I value [...]

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From the Field

In the Philippines, we will hold an international conference on Mobile Money Transfer (MMT) in Asia.  The 2-day interactive workshop is designed to help  define the right MMT business model, while maintaining prudent financial sector regulatory practices. Particular focus will be given to the prevention of money laundering, the security of payment mechanisms and consumer [...]

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Zambia: Where the Roads End, Logistics Continue

Mwanawina Rural Health Center is located approximately 80 kilometers from Mongu, the capital of Zambia’s Western province. Each year, during the rainy season, the facility becomes inaccessible by motor vehicles. To get drugs and medical supplies to the health center, the District Health Office hires an ox cart—the only reliable transport through the flooded plains [...]

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From the Field

In Mozambique, as part of the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), we will launch the Malaria Communities Program (MCP).  This program will support the efforts of communities and indigenous organizations to combat malaria.  The primary beneficiary groups of the MCP are children under five and pregnant women. In Zambia, a rural health center built with support [...]

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Gender Equality: The Development Community’s Key Ingredient to Realizing a Positive ROI

Submitted by Ryan Cherlin Return on Investment (ROI) is a popular metric used by organizations to determine if what they spend is adding value to their bottom line. For-profit organizations typically measure the bottom line in numerical terms; the bottom line for the U.S. Agency for International Development is measured in progress toward the betterment [...]

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USAID – From the Field

submitted by Abby Sugrue In Zambia USAID has partnered with World Vision to implement The Community Based Prevention Initiative for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Youth and other Vulnerable Populations Program to strengthen community response and leadership for HIV prevention and improve the quality of life for orphans and other vulnerable, at-risk children.  USAID and World Vision will [...]

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USAID In The News – July 12th thru 16th

submitted by Amanda Parsons Science Magazine’s Insider Blog looks at how USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah brought together the world’s leading science minds this week during a 2-day conference to focus and highlight the ways innovation, science and technology can revitalize the development agency. Shah hopes science and technology can help the agency solve “grand [...]

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