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Monitoring of Nitrate and Pesticides in Water in Chickasaw Nation Lands, Southern Oklahoma

Great Seal of the Chickasaw Nation In cooperation with
the Chickasaw Nation

  Nation map

Figure 1. Extent of the Chickasaw Nation jurisdictional area, with locations of sampled wells.

Background and Problem

The Chickasaw Nation, with a population of about 39,000 people (Chickasaw Nation, 2000), is concerned about the quality of ground water in its jurisdictional area, about 7,648 square miles in south-central Oklahoma (fig. 1). Agriculture is the predominant land use in the area, and the Nation needs to know about the occurrence of pesticides and nitrate and nitrite in ground water to formulate a management plan.


The objective of this study was to conduct ground-water reconnaissance sampling for nitrate plus nitrite and common pesticides for wells in the Chickasaw Nation. The study will determine if there is evidence of nutrient or pesticide contamination, which may have originated from household and agricultural activities (Verstraeten and others, 2004; Gilliom and Hamilton, 2006). The study also provided a range of physical parameter values for ground water such as specific conductance, pH, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen. The analysis results are of direct importance to the well owners and will benefit the residents of the surrounding area when a pesticide management plan is adopted within the Nation’s jurisdictional area.

Relevance and Benefits

This study provided the Chickasaw Nation with new data on the occurrence of nitrate plus nitrite and pesticides in ground water and susceptibility of water resources to contamination by household and agricultural activities in the Nation's jurisdictional area. It also addressed the USGS priority issue (Hirsch, 2001) of water quality by providing information to better define and manage the quality of the Chickasaw Nation's water resources. Furthermore, the study provided information on pesticide occurrence in an area which the USGS has never before sampled for pesticides.


Well house with spigot Figure 3. Well house with spigot. Seventeen existing wells with powered pumps were selected for sampling by USGS and Chickasaw Nation staff. Fifteen of these wells were used for domestic water supply and two were property of the Chickasaw Nation. Sixteen samples were collected from active wells with spigots (fig. 3) to which sampling lines could be directly connected to minimize atmospheric contact and possible contamination during sampling. An additional sample, ADAW2K2, was collected from an inactive hand-dug well using a portable Grundfos® pump. Sample bottles were filled inside a sampling chamber consisting of thick, uncontaminated plastic draped over a PVC pipe framework. Before sampling, wells were purged until field parameter measurements stabilized. These measurements were taken with calibrated meters in a sealed flow-through cell and included specific conductance, pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentration.

One-liter pesticide sample bottles and 0.25-liter nitrate sample bottles were sent to the USGS National Water Quality Lab (NWQL) in Lakewood, Colorado. All 17 pesticide samples were tested using analytical schedule 2001 (Zaugg and others, 1995). Thirteen of the 17 samples also were analyzed using analytical schedule 2050 (Werner and others, 1996). The remaining four field samples were analyzed using schedule 2060, which tests for the same pesticides as schedule 2050, as well as several additional compounds. Pesticides analyzed and reporting limits are listed in tables 1, 2 and 3. Nitrate analyses, which were reported as the total concentration of dissolved nitrate and nitrite in milligrams per liter as nitrogen, were performed using NWQL labcode 1975 (Fishman and others, 1994).

Table 3. Additional hydrophobic pesticides and metabolites with reporting limits, USGS Schedule 2060
[reporting limits in parentheses, in micrograms per liter; italics indicate metabolite or other non-pesticide compound]

2,4-D methyl ester (0.0086) 2-Hydroxyatrazine (0.008) 3(4-Chlorophenyl)-1-methyl urea (0.024)
3-Ketocarbofuran (1.5) Bendiocarb (0.025) Benomyl (0.0038)
Bensulfuron-methyl (0.015) Caffeine (0.0096) Chlorimuron-ethyl (0.0096)
Cycloate (0.013) Deethyldeisopropylatrazine (0.01) Deisopropylatrazine (0.044)
Diphenamid (0.026) Flumetsulam (0.011) Imazaquin (0.016)
Imazethapyr (0.017) Imidacloprid (0.0068) Metalaxyl (0.02)
Metsulfuron methyl (0.025) Nicosulfuron (0.013) Propiconazole (0.021)
Siduron (0.016) Tribenuron-methyl (0.0088) ---


  1. Detectable concentrations of nitrate plus nitrite (reported as nitrogen) were observed in 13 of 17 wells (figs. 2 and 3). One of these wells, C15MR, had a concentration of about 47 milligrams per liter (as nitrogen), which exceeds the Maximum Contaminant Level of 10 milligrams per liter.
  2. Pesticides were detected in four of the 17 wells (fig. 4). Three of the four wells had only one detection. The other well, ADAW1BP, had two detections.
  3. Though C15MR had the highest nitrate plus nitrite concentration, it was one of the deeper wells sampled (perforated from 262 to 282 feet).
  4. Sampled well locations, measured field parameters, nitrate plus nitrite concentrations, and detected pesticides are listed in table 4.
  5. Values of specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and nitrate plus nitrite concentration are summarized in boxplots in figure 5.

Table 4. Field and laboratory water-quality measurements for ground-water wells in the Chickasaw Nation jurisdictional area
[< = less than reporting limit; E = estimated at a concentration less than reporting limit]

Field ID Date sampled Time Specific conductance (microsiemens per centimeter at 25°C) pH (standard units) Water temperature (Celcius degrees) Dissolved oxygen (milligrams per liter) Dissolved oxygen saturation (percent) Nitrate plus nitrite, dissolved (milligrams per liter as nitrogen) Detected pesticides
C14MS 7/22/2002 1700 476 6.60 18.7 3.5 37.6 2.27 None
ADAW2K2 7/30/2002 1400 221 5.98 19.9 1.3 14.7 <0.05 2-4-DB
ADAW1BP 7/30/2002 1000 196 6.13 18.7 1.7 18.3 0.58 Carbaryl, Tebuthiuron
C107JB 7/25/2002 1400 747 7.04 18.7 1.1 8.0 2.73 None
C106TP 7/25/2002 1000 1,291 7.08 18.6 <0.1 0.3 0.28 Deethylatrazine
C5CB 7/22/2002 1500 510 7.20 18.4 1.0 11.1 0.46 None
C13JU 7/22/2002 1100 744 7.01 19.1 3.0 34.0 1.10 None
C2DK 7/26/2002 1100 757 7.05 19.9 0.2 26.1 0.12 Prometon
C16PGJ 7/24/2002 1700 709 8.03 17.4 <0.1 <0.1 E0.04 None
C108SF 7/25/2002 1700 736 7.73 19.4 <0.1 <0.1 0.85 None
C8CM 7/23/2002 1100 1,196 9.31 18.9 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 None
C105DS 7/24/2002 1400 1,683 8.83 18.5 0.4 5.4 0.08 None
C11SM 7/23/2002 1300 2,160 8.87 18.2 0.1 1.1 <0.05 None
C12MH 7/24/2002 1100 1,711 8.82 18.4 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 None
C17DB 7/23/2002 1600 1,151 9.34 19.4 <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 None
C109VM 7/26/2002 1200 1,683 7.18 18.6 0.1 1.2 0.82 None
C15MR 7/25/2002 1200 2,956 6.97 18.0 0.1 1.1 46.85 None

Map of wells sampled in Garvin and McClain 
  CountiesMap explanation

Figure 2. Wells sampled in Garvin and McClain Counties.

Map of wells sampled in Pontotoc CountyMap explanation

Figure 3. Wells sampled in Pontotoc County.

Graph of detected pesticides

Figure 4. Frequency of detection of pesticides in water from wells in Chickasaw Tribal Lands, July 2002.

Specific Conductance Dissolved Oxygen
Distribution of specific conductance values Distribution of dissolved oxygen values
pH Nitrate plus Nitrite
Distribution of pH values Distribution of nitrate plus nitrite values

Figure 5. Boxplots of field measurements and nitrate plus nitrite concentration.

Quality Assurance

This study was conducted in accordance with "A Quality-Assurance Plan for District Ground-Water Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey" (Brunett and others, 1997), which addresses methods of collection, processing, analysis, storage, review, and publication of ground-water data. In addition to the 17 field samples, one duplicate sample was taken to measure the reproducibility of sample results. An equipment blank, consisting of deionized, distilled water pumped through the sampling apparatus in a laboratory environment, also was collected. This type of sample tests the quality of apparatus decontamination. Finally, another duplicate environmental sample was spiked with a carefully prepared solution with known concentrations of pesticides to check for sorption, flocculation, interferences, or other types of degradation between sample collection and analysis. The spiked pesticide samples were analyzed using USGS schedules 2001 and 2050. Recovery of pesticide compounds from the spiked sample are summarized below. No quality-assurance samples were analyzed using pesticide schedule 2060.

Quality Assurance Summary

  1. Equipment blank returned no detections of any pesticides.
  2. No pesticides were detected in the field sample and the duplicate sample.
  3. No trace of pesticide was found in the field sample collected immediately after collection of field spikes.
  4. Percent recovery of pesticides in field spikes ranged from 10 to 129 percent for USGS schedule 2001 and from 13 to 85 percent for USGS schedule 2050. A percentile summary of pesticide recoveries can be found in table 5. Individual pesticide recoveries are reported in table 6. Pesticides with field spike recoveries near 100 percent are more likely to be reported accurately in water-quality analyses.

Table 5. Summary of pesticide field spike recovery for USGS schedules 2001 and 2050

Analysis of Pesticide Field Spike Recovery (%)
USGS Schedule 2001 USGS Schedule 2050
MAXIMUM 128.9 85.3
75th PERCENTILE 100.8 71.1
MEDIAN 88.8 59.2
25th PERCENTILE 71.2 50.8
MINIMUM 10.0 12.7

Table 6. Individual pesticide field spike recoveries for USGS schedules 2001 and 2050

USGS pesticide schedule 2001 USGS pesticide schedule 2050
Name Recovery,
in percent
Name Recovery,
in percent
2,6-Diethylaniline 97.3 2-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy)propionic acid 70.3
Acetochlor 127.3 2,4,5-T 65.2
Alachlor 102.2 2,4-D 82.1
alpha-HCH 81.4 2,4-DB 58.4
Atrazine 90.1 3 Hydroxycarbofuran 19.8
Azinphos-methyl 65.3 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 54.0
Benfluralin 75.8 Acifluorfen 76.5
Butylate 103.4 Aldicarb 51.0
Carbaryl 32.4 Aldicarb Sulfone 32.8
Carbofuran 75.1 Aldicarb Sulfoxide 48.4
Chlorpyrifos 94.2 Bentazon 78.2
cis-Permethrin 73.4 Bromacil 66.8
Cyanazine 99.7 Bromoxynil 85.3
Dacthal 92.9 Carbaryl 13.4
Deethylatrazine 42.4 Carbofuran 50.6
Diazinon 96.7 Chloramben, methyl 19.0
Dieldrin 85.3 Chlorothalonil 22.6
Disulfoton 14.6 Clopyralid 67.6
EPTC 92.2 Dacthal monoacid 72.0
Ethalfluralin 80.8 Dicamba 76.3
Ethoprophos 72.6 Dichlobenil 51.5
Fonofos 20.6 Dichlorprop 76.5
Lindane 79.1 Dinoseb 78.2
Linuron 111.0 Diuron 68.4
Malathion 31.1 Fenuron 55.3
Metolachlor 101.9 Fluometuron 65.3
Metribuzin 68.1 Linuron 70.0
Molinate 96.0 MCPA 65.1
Napropamide 118.9 MCPB 57.3
p,p'-DDE 56.8 Methiocarb 12.7
Parathion 90.0 Methomyl 64.4
Parathion-methyl 85.3 Neburon 59.2
Pebulate 92.0 Norflurazon 58.1
Pendimethalin 73.6 Oryzalin 38.6
Phorate 10.0 Oxamyl 53.0
Prometon 88.8 Picloram 77.1
Propachlor 126.6 Propham 54.2
Propanil 107.6 Propoxur 48.3
Propargite 54.5 Triclopyr 80.4
Propyzamide 106.0 --- ---
Simazine 48.4 --- ---
Tebuthiuron 117.5 --- ---
Terbacil 128.9 --- ---
Terbufos 117.3 --- ---
Thiobencarb 96.2 --- ---
Tri-allate 87.9 --- ---
Trifluralin 69.8 --- ---

Selected References

Brunett, J.O., Barber, N.L., Burns, A.W., Fogelman, R.P., Gillies, D.C., Lidwin, R.A., and Mack, T.J., 1997, A quality-assurance plan of District ground-water activities of the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-11, 41 p.

Chickasaw Nation, 2000, Socio-Geographic Reference and Guide, accessed February 18, 2000, at URL: socioreference.htm

Fishman, M.J., Raese, J.W., Gerlitz, C.N., and Husband, R.A., 1994, U.S. Geological Survey approved inorganic and organic methods for the analysis of water and fluvial sediment, 1954-94: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-351, 55 p.

Gilliom, R.J., and Hamilton, P.A., 2006, Pesticides in the Nation's streams and ground water, 1992-2001 - a summary: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3028, March 2006, 6 p.

Hirsch, R.M., 1995, Avoiding Competition with the Private Sector: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division Memorandum No. 95.44, July 7, 1995, 3 p.

Hirsch, R.M., 2001, Priority Issues for the Cooperative Water Program, Fiscal Year 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Discipline Information Memorandum No. 2002.01, October 15, 2001, 4 p.

Verstraeten, I.M, Fetterman, G.S., Sebree, S.K., Meyer, M.T., and Bullen, T.D., 2004, Is septic waste affecting drinking water from shallow domestic wells along the Platte River in eastern Nebraska?: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 072-03, January 2004, 4 p.

Werner, S.L., Burkhardt, M.R., and DeRusseau, S.N., 1996, Methods of analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory; determination of pesticides in water by Carbopak-B solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-216, 42 p.

Zaugg, S.D., Sandstrom, M.W., Smith, S.G., and Fehlberg, K.M., 1995, Methods of analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory; determination of pesticides in water by C-18 solid-phase extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected-ion monitoring: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-181, 49 p.


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