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Source: CHCO Council
Title: CHCO Academy: Benefits Administration Letter 12-103
Download Files: 12-103 Healthy Case BAL Attachments A B - CSRS and FERS Development Checklist and Log.pdf (425.33 KB) Download 12-103 Healthy Case BAL  Attachments A  B - CSRS and FERS Development Checklist and Log.pdf
Building A Healthy Retirement Case File CHCO Academy Sep 2012 with Addl Slides.pdf (681.86 KB) Download Building A Healthy Retirement Case File CHCO Academy Sep 2012 with Addl Slides.pdf

CHCO Academy 2012
Benefits Administration Letter 12-103:
Submitting “Healthy” Retirement Application Packages

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
1 pm to 3 pm, Eastern
Time Campbell Auditorium, OPM HQ
1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC

Raymond J. Kirk, Manager, Retirement Services, OPM and Philip Gardner, HR Specialist, Retirement Benefits, OPM

Suggested Attendees:
All HR Professionals who handle retirement packages.

The class will outline and discuss the purpose of the Benefits Administration Letter (BAL), which is designed to provide guidance on submitting “healthy” retirement application pack-ages to OPM for adjudication. A healthy retirement package is defined as a complete and accurate package that does not need to be further developed for missing, inaccurate or discrepant information. The BAL describes, form by form, the information OPM is looking for to enable you to submit complete and accurate retirement packages.

In-Person Attendance:
Please arrive by 12:30 pm to go through security, check-in and be seated for our 1:00 pm start. The Metro stop at Farragut West is the closest to our facility, yet still an 8 block walk to the building. When exiting Metro walk west along “Eye” Street to 19th then south to E Street. OPM is at the south west corner of 19th and E Streets. The closest public parking garages are located along Pennsylvania Ave near 18th Street.

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