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Source: Chief Human Capital Officers Council
Title: Tactical Plan for Fiscal Year 2004
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In his Management Agenda, the President has stated that the Federal Government's workforce is one of its most valuable assets. Our employees are a national resource, and the American public expects the Federal workforce to be managed effectively and efficiently on their behalf. The Congress, through law, also supports this goal and has required that agencies establish a system of human capital management with plans that are strategically developed, leadership that has authority and accountability, and performance that is measured and continuously improved.

The Chief Human Capital Officers Act of 2002 (Act), enacted as part of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. No. 107-296) on November 25, 2002, required the heads of 24 Executive Departments and agencies to appoint or designate Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs). In addition, the Act established a Chief Human Capital Officers Council (Council) to advise and coordinate the activities of members' agencies on such matters as the modernization of human resources systems, improved quality of human resources information, and legislation affecting human resources operations and organizations.

The 25-member Council is composed of the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), who serves as chairman; the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), who acts as vice chairman; the CHCOs of the 15 Executive departments; and the CHCOs of eight additional agencies designated by the OPM Director.

The Council's Charter defines its purposes as follows:

  • Advise OPM, OMB, and agency leaders on human capital strategies and policies, as well as on the assessment of human capital management in Federal agencies.
  • Inform and coordinate the activities of its member agencies on such matters as modernization of human resources systems, improved quality of human resources information, and legislation affecting human resources management operations and organizations.
  • Assist member CHCOs and other officials with similar responsibilities in fulfilling their individual responsibilities to:
    • Implement the laws governing the Federal civil service, as well as the rules and regulations of the President, OPM, and other agencies with regulatory authority that affects Federal employees;
    • In accordance with those laws and regulations, advise and assist agency heads and other senior officials in carrying out their responsibilities for selecting, developing, training, and managing a high-quality, productive workforce in accordance with merit system principles;
    • Assess workforce characteristics and future needs and align the agency's human resources policies and programs with the agency's mission, strategic goals, and performance objectives;
    • Advocate and assure a culture of continuous learning and high performance, developing and implementing effective strategies to attract, develop, manage, and retain employees with superior abilities;
    • Identify human capital best practices and benchmarks, and apply those exemplars to their agencies and the Federal Government as a whole.
  • Provide leadership in identifying and addressing the needs of the Federal Government's human capital community, including training and development.

Council Mission Statement

The Chief Human Capital Officers Council supports the U.S. Office of Personnel Management in leading Federal agencies in the strategic management of human capital, providing a forum for senior management officials to exchange human resources best practices, and informing the dialogue on civil service reform in order to build and maintain an outstanding Federal workforce for the Nation.

Tactical Plan for Fiscal Year 2004

This tactical plan, developed during the first full fiscal year since the Council's establishment, outlines the goals and tactics of the Council for Fiscal Year 2004.

The Chairman has established five initial subcommittees charged with examining and recommending actions on the following issues: (1) the hiring process; (2) leadership development and succession planning; (3) performance management; (4) employee conduct and poor performers; and (5) emergency preparedness. Subcommittee chairs have been directed to report their findings and recommendations to the Council no later than September 30, 2004.

The Act envisaged the Council as an interagency body that would inform the dialogue between interested and affected stakeholders on human capital management reform and produce tangible results that would enhance the Federal government's capacity to manage strategically one of its most important assets - people. The efforts of the subcommittees, as well as substantive discussions of major human capital issues at the Council's monthly meetings, will yield several key deliverables by the end of the Fiscal Year 2004. These work products, concentrated in three key areas and due no later than September 30, 2004, are outlined in the following goals and tactics:

Goal #1: Improve the American public's perception of - and attract high-quality candidates to - Federal service.

The Council will accomplish this goal by executing the following tactics:

  • Enhance the Government-wide "Working for America" recruitment fair initiative, which is taking the message of dynamic Federal government job opportunities (especially for underrepresented demographic groups) to the American people, by including members of the President's Management Council and CHCO Council in these events;
  • Charge the Subcommittee on Leadership Development and Succession Planning to assist in implementation of the Presidential Management Fellows Program;
  • Review hiring flexibilities at Council meetings and CHCO Academy sessions and assist agencies with implementation of these important human resources tools in order to develop a more streamlined, transparent hiring process for the Federal Government; and
  • Provide input to OPM on the development of a package of legislative reforms with HR flexibilities similar to those recently granted to other agencies for proposal by the Administration to the 109th Congress in 2005.

Goal #2 - Advance the President's vision of a results-oriented, market-based government by leading agency reform of performance management and compensation systems.

The Council will accomplish this goal by executing the following tactics:

  • Assist in developing and implementing regulations for certifying agency appraisal under the new Senior Executive Service performance-based compensation system;
  • Assist in developing and implementing regulations for proactive use of the Human Capital Performance Fund;
  • Issue a Council position paper supporting differentiation in the President's proposed FY 2005 civilian and military pay raises and/or urging adequate agency appropriations if Congress enacts legislation requiring pay parity; and
  • Encourage agencies to expand use of training opportunities, emphasizing the importance of investing in Federal employees' career development.

Goal #3 - Ensure the safety of Federal employees through the continued development and implementation of emergency preparedness planning.

The Council will accomplish this goal by executing the following tactics:

  • Charge the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness to partner closely with OPM in conducting a series of training forums on various aspects of emergency planning and preparedness; and
  • Charge the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness to follow up on results of OPM's second emergency survey of Federal agencies and report back to the full Council with guidance and recommendations on next steps.

Council Management Issues

During Fiscal Year 2004, the Council will continue the process of establishing protocols and standard operating procedures through the following actions:

  • The Chairman will appoint an Executive Director to direct the daily operations of the Council, serve as an advisor to the Chairman and her principal liaison to Council members, and act as a catalyst for assuring rapid, effective, and comprehensive follow-through on Council initiatives;
  • In January 2004, the Chairman will begin convening monthly meetings of the full Council and the Executive Committee;
  • In February 2004, the Chairman will launch a Chief Human Capital Officers Academy as a monthly forum for members to discuss Federal human resources issues, learn from one another in an informal setting, and share best practices in the strategic management of human capital;
  • The Chairman will direct the Executive Director to establish and maintain a Council Web site and utilize other means of communicating activities to Council members and external stakeholders;
  • In accordance with the Act, the Chairman will convene at least one meeting of the full Council at which representatives of Federal employee labor organizations are present;
  • The Chairman will direct the Executive Director, on behalf of the Council, to develop working relationships with the Federal Government's other interagency management councils on financial management, information technology, and acquisitions; and
  • In accordance with the Act, the Chairman will direct the Executive Director to produce and transmit no later than June 30, 2004, a report to the Congress on the activities of the Council during Fiscal Year 2003.
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