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Source: Chief Human Capital Officers Council
Title: 2010 Applicant and Manager Satisfaction Surveys
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On October 1, 2010, the revised and improved CHCO Applicant and Manager Satisfaction Surveys was launched.  The surveys have been revised to collect and measure relevant data related to implementing hiring reform initiatives and improve human resource processes.  The surveys are targeted and streamlined, take only a few minutes to complete and no action is required by agencies to implement – existing distribution methods are retained.  A working group comprised of Deputy CHCOs and designated Human Resource Managers worked during the spring and summer to develop these streamlined survey instruments. 

The applicant surveys gather data from those who abandon the application process, those who complete the process, as well as a follow up survey 80 days after submission of their application.  In addition to the Manager's Survey, a new Six-Month Follow-Up Manager's Survey has been developed.  The Manager Survey provides very important information to agencies on the manager's involvement in the hiring process, the quality of applicants and the manager's interaction with HR. There are a number of metrics that will be used from the data from the surveys to measure an agency's success in implementing hiring reform initiatives.  The Applicant Abandoner and Completer survey measures the applicant's satisfaction with the application process and the Applicant Post-Completer Survey measures the applicant's satisfaction with the hiring process.  The new Six-Month Manager survey provides data on the manager's satisfaction with the new hire six months after selection.

One challenge facing agencies is the low number of manager's responses for the Manager Satisfaction Survey. This is an important issue facing agencies, especially with the emphasis on the manager's involvement outlined in the Hiring Reform Initiatives. Agencies are responsible for increasing manager response rates in order to have sufficient information to make process improvement decisions. Practices for increasing the managers response rate is one of the topics covered at the upcoming October 18th launch of the surveys.  The October 18th Forum, which will be held at the U.S. Office of Personnel (OPM) Management’s Auditorium at 10:00 am, will cover:    

  • Review of the survey redesign
  • Understanding how the new questions align with Hiring Reform metrics 
  • Review of data collection and statistical validity
  • Understanding the survey's role in the HR Dashboard
  • Improving manager response rates

For more information about the CHCO surveys, contact Jason Barke at OPM’s Employee Services Group, on (202) 606-7994 or via email at  To register for the October 18th Forum, email by close of business October 15, 2010.  All RSVPs need to include the following point of contact information:

  •          Name
  •          Email
  •          Phone Number
  •          Agency Name
  •          Title
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