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AF lodging officials announce new payment procedures

Posted 5/9/2011 Email story   Print story


by Erin Tindell
Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs

5/9/2011 - SAN ANTONIO (AFNS) -- As part of the Air Force's recent implementation of the new Citibank controlled spend account travel cards, funding for lodging costs will be pre-loaded on the card once authorization is approved in the Defense Travel System.

As a result of the CSA travel card implementation, Air Force Inns guests paying with the new CSA travel card will be charged the total room charges up to a long-term stay of 30 days upon check-in. Guests staying longer than 30 days will have their credit card charged on day 31 to cover previous miscellaneous charges and room charges to cover up to another 30 day stay.

According to Capt. Bruce Staufer, the chief of lodging at the Air Force Services Agency, the new payment procedure will help avoid card declines for insufficient funds and ensure lodging officials capture the funds authorized for the traveler's lodging stay.

"Previously, all travelers were charged for their stay upon checkout or every 15 days for long-term guests, whichever came first," Captain Staufer said. "There always was the opportunity to pay up front at the guests' discretion, but no requirement. With the change to the new CSA card for official travelers, only funds for authorized travel expenses are loaded on a traveler's card."

An added benefit to this new procedure is speedier check-out times. The elimination of the need to preauthorize charges means guests don't have to return at the end of their stay to pay the bill, Captain Staufer said.

For more information about Air Force lodging and other quality of life programs, visit

5/11/2011 5:27:49 PM ET
Russ, I bet that's exactly what they want you to do. Also, I wonder how this affects PCS compensation like DLA.
Advocate, FL
5/11/2011 10:41:54 AM ET
Maybe I should start using my own personal credit cards for TDY's and PCS's.
Russ, Lackland
5/11/2011 9:41:11 AM ET
This new CSA card is nothing but trouble. Every single person in my unit that has had to use this thing has had issue after issue with it. The unit level program monitor can no longer see the card like before and it's now been pushed to an office where there are only a few folks to cover an entire OG. Citi Bank is less than helpful when called with problems and in the end the traveler ends up using their own card to get the mission completed because someone didn't do their job right the first time. I can only hope that the Air Force wakes up and realizes that this CSA card is the worst idea they have tried to shove down our throat...hell I's rather have a Diners Club or AMEX again then the CSA.
George, New Mexico
5/10/2011 5:42:19 PM ET
Since the initial push for this card in every briefing I heard that all money for this card would be loaded directly to the card even accrural vouchers and that the money earned for perdiem was yours to spend how you wanted. But go figure when my accrural voucher went through in DTS only the items inputed as expendatures in DTS was payed for leaving me with 200 bill that I have to pay back for my meals and incidentals. I just wish they would make up their minds in how this program is going to work. And to comment on Shawn's point it seems that this system is placing a whole lot more work on the people back at an airmen's homestation to update travel on someone's orders everytime there is a diversion or an extension of stay at a location. I have 4 ammendments to my orders and I haven't even started my trip home. This is definitely a do more with less program.
Drew, Undisclosed
5/10/2011 12:57:39 PM ET
Shawn seems to think that changes are made to benefit mission capability. This change was made to get the Air Force out of the travel card middle-man business. If it causes Airmen to not be able to complete missions is beside the point and is irrelevent to the purpose of the change.
Jerry, Oklahoma
5/10/2011 12:16:58 PM ET
Might make speedier Check-outs but the already long Check-in times will increase. I've never stood in line to check out but always stand in line to check in.
Sam, Keesler
5/10/2011 12:09:31 PM ET
Shawn is right this a poorly thought out plan. While it makes sense for ground TDYs it is a disaster waiting to happen for AMC aircrews. I wonder if Capt Staufer considered the historical data which proves AMC aircrews routinely deviate from their original itinerary I'm also curious if an aircrew who is re-tasked to a location with higher than expected lodging is expected to utilize their own credit cards
5/9/2011 7:51:52 PM ET
I fail to see the benefit of a pre loaded credit card. General Lemay pointed out the key to air power is flexibility. Increasingly our Air Mobility warriors are being asked to modify mission locations and duration on a moments notice. I wonder how a pre loaded card would effect a mission if one was scheduled to stay on base in Germany 37.00 but was diverted to stay off base at 120.00 in Italy. This would nessitate more red tape to have existing orders amended and DTS parameters changed while a mission was on going rather then after it was finished.
Shawn, McGuire AFB
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