Federal Aviation Administration

Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representative (DMIR)

A DMIR is an individual appointed in accordance with 14 CFR § 183.31.

A DMIR may, within limits prescribed by, and under the general supervision of, the Administrator, do the following:

  • Issue —
    • Original airworthiness certificates for aircraft and airworthiness approvals for engines, propellers, and product parts that conform to the approved design requirements and are in a condition for safe operation;
    • Export certificates of airworthiness and airworthiness approval tags in accordance with subpart L of part 21 of this chapter;
    • Experimental certificates for aircraft for which the manufacturer holds the type certificate and which have undergone changes to the type design requiring a flight test; and
    • Special flight permits to export aircraft.
  • Conduct any inspections that may be necessary to determine that —
    • Prototype products and related parts conform to design specifications; and
    • Production products and related parts conform to the approved type design and are in condition for safe operation.
  • Perform functions authorized by this section for the manufacturer, or the manufacturer's supplier, at any location authorized by the FAA.

A DMIR must possess aeronautical knowledge and experience, be employed by a Production Approval Holder (PAH), or a PAH's approved supplier, and meet the qualification requirements of Order 8100.8.

Page Last Modified: 01/18/12 13:39 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/other_visit/aviation_industry/designees_delegations/designee_types/dmir/