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Commercial Technology Definition

Commercial application demonstration of pre-commercial technologies.

In accordance with the definition of 'pre-commercial' technology found in 7 CFR 4280.103, technical and economic potential for commercial application must be demonstrated to the Agency. In order to demonstrate the system has emerged through research and development as well as the demonstration process, applicants must provide authoritative evidence of the operating history, performance, and reliability past completion of start-up, shake-down, and commissioning.
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Typically, and in line with financial and operating performance evaluation protocol, the documented operating history, which may be established domestically or outside the U.S., should provide performance data for a minimum of 12 months. The time period will address the economic and technical performance potential of the pre-commercial technology, as defined in 7CFR 4280.103.

Lastly, in accordance with demonstrating the potential for commercial application, applicants must provide evidence that professional service providers, trades, large construction equipment providers, and labor are readily available domestically and sufficiently familiar with installation procedures and practices, and spare parts and service are available in the U.S. to properly maintain and operate the system. Any warranties have to be valid in the U.S. (5)

