Just for Teachers

My office has many resources for teachers. Whether you are searching for resources to use in your classroom, want to learn more about student loan forgiveness, or looking for information on teacher loan forgiveness, contact my District Office to determine whether we can assist you.

Visit Washington, D.C.

Have the Congressman Visit Your Classroom

  • Classroom Visits
    If you are planning a lesson or hosting an event and would like Congressman Levin or a member of his staff to attend, contact Melanie Grund at the District Office at Melanie.grund@mail.house.gov or call 586-498-7122.


How does the Federal Government work?

  • How Congress Works
    Learn more about how Congress works.
  • Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights 
    View high resolution scans of the original, signed Constitution, Declarationof Independence and Bill of Rights. Read an essay about the Constitutional convention and learn about each of the signers at this site from the National Archive and Records Administration.
  • How Laws are Made
    This publication, written by the Parliamentarian of the House of Representatives, describes the procedures of Congress.
  • Your Congress
    This website contains information about the U.S. Congress including a demographic look at the 112thCongress, historical party divisions and explains how Members are elected.

Resources from the Library of Congress

  • Library of Congress Home Page
    The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 130 million items on approximately 530 miles of bookshelves. A special feature of the LoC is their American Memory. [http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/index.html]
  • The Learning Page
    Lesson plans and activities for using primary sources in the classroom.
  • Today in History
    From the American Memory collections.
  • Veterans History Project
    The Library of Congress is working to preserve an important part of our heritage for future generations by collecting oral histories, memoirs, diaries, letters and other documents that capture the experiences of those who have served our nation in time of war.
  • Global Gateway
    This website serves as a portal to the Library’s international collections. It includes bilingual, multimedia digital libraries that were built with partners from around the world.

Resources from the National Archives

Similar to the Library of Congress, the National Archives website offers hundreds of reproducible copies of primary documents from the holdings of the National Archives of the United States, lesson plans correlated to national standards, and cross-curricular connections.

  • Teaching with Documents
    Teaching with primary documents encourages a varied learning environment for both teachers and students. Lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work before a gateway for research with historical records in ways which encourage learning.
  • Professional Development
    Staff education specialists, all with classroom teaching experience, offer in-service programs for school districts (when travel and expenses are provided), and Staff-led Workshops at regional and national professional meetings. Teachers are able to participate in videoconference workshops and summer institutes.

Teacher Loan Forgiveness

  • Loan Forgiveness
    To encourage individuals to enter and remain in the teaching profession, the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program grants loan forgiveness of up to $17,500 for teachers in certain specialties, and up to $5,000 for other teachers who teach for five years in low-income schools and meet other requirements.