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Future Releases

Prior to each ECHO release, the ECHO team reviews open bugs and enhancement requests and chooses items that are the highest priority for inclusion. These items are tracked through the Test Track Pro defect tracking system. Partners who would like to request prioritization of submitted issues should contact ECHO directly or discuss the topic during an ETC teleconference meeting.

ECHO releases are scheduled on a periodic cycle to the Testbed, Partner Test, and Operations systems. After an initial testing period in the Alpha Testbed system, each ECHO release is pushed to the Partner Test system to allow ECHO Client, Data, and Service partners to verify that current functionality still works, verify that bugs have been fixed completely and ensure newly implemented functionality meets expectations and needs. After a two week test period, if there are no problems discovered during partner testing, the release is pushed to the Operational system.

The following sections list the ECHO or Reverb NCRs which are included in currently deployed Partner Test and Testbed systems. Also included are NCRs which the development team is current developing, which will be made available for testing according to the designated release schedule.


Current Partner Test (10.58.4)

The current ECHO and Reverb release available for testing in Partner Test is version 10.58.4. This release includes the following bug fixes and enhancements. For additional information regarding these items, please refer to the Test Track Pro defect tracker. This release is currently planned for the following release date to the Operational system. Please note, this is subject to change.

  • Operations - deployed on February 20th, 2013
Custom Open Search Descriptor Document funtionality is not working11013200
ISO mime types in catalog rest are inconsistent and not specific enough11013219
Downloading datasets/granules metadata should allow for restricted metadata11013359
Rename our 'echo-esip' endpoint 'echo-open-search'11013386
Reverb does not allow users with a "." in the username, but URS does.11013403
echo-esip website manager needs updated11013410
Catalog-rest ingest returning 400 bad request due to echo-catalog-item-id mismatches11013505
Dataset search results available, but not visible from Reverb.11013507
Calendar event caching is not working11013537
Reverb issuing 'EOSDIS Service Implementation: Request Timeout' error11013568
update reverb service option processing to support new ESI ECHO form modifications11013634


Current Testbed (10.58.3)

The current ECHO and Reverb release available for testing in Testbed is version 10.58.3. This release includes the following bug fixes and enhancements. For additional information regarding these items, please refer to the Test Track Pro defect tracker. This release is currently planned for the following release date to the Operational system. Please note, this is subject to change.

  • Operations - deployed February 20th, 2013
Custom Open Search Descriptor Document funtionality is not working11013200
ISO mime types in catalog rest are inconsistent and not specific enough11013219
Downloading datasets/granules metadata should allow for restricted metadata11013359
Rename our 'echo-esip' endpoint 'echo-open-search'11013386
Reverb does not allow users with a "." in the username, but URS does.11013403
echo-esip website manager needs updated11013410
Catalog-rest ingest returning 400 bad request due to echo-catalog-item-id mismatches11013505
Dataset search results available, but not visible from Reverb.11013507
Calendar event caching is not working11013537
Reverb issuing 'EOSDIS Service Implementation: Request Timeout' error11013568
update reverb service option processing to support new ESI ECHO form modifications11013634


Current Development Release (10.59.x)

The current ECHO and Reverb release under development is version 10.58. This release is currently planned for the following release date to the Operational system. Please note, this is subject to change.

  • Test Bed - February 27th 2013
  • Partner Test - March 6th 2013
  • Operations - March 13th 2013