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Contact ECHO

ECHO Project Management

ECHO Team Support

If you need help, please contact the ECHO Team at echo @ Please use this email address to provide feedback on the Web Site, to report problems with ECHO or to request more information.

ECHO Mailing Lists

In order facilitate communication between the ECHO Team and its users and between user communities, ECHO supports the following public mailing lists. To subscribe to one of the following ECHO mailing lists, please send email to echo @ and specify which list you would like to join.

  • echo-all @ - Mailing list used by the ECHO Team to distribute information to the extended ECHO community. [Subscribe]
  • echo-status @ - Mailing list used by the ECHO Team to distribute notifications of Operational downtime and alerts to end users. [Subscribe]
  • echo-status-internal @ - Mailing list used by the ECHO Team to distribute notifications of system downtime and alerts for all ECHO systems to ECHO Partners. [Subscribe]
  • echo-client @ - Forum for ECHO client partners to discuss client related issues with other client partners and the ECHO Team. [Subscribe]
  • echo-data @ - Forum for ECHO data partners to discuss data related issues with other data partners and the ECHO Team. [Subscribe]
  • echo-service @ - Forum for ECHO service partners to discuss service related issues with other service partners and the ECHO Team. [Subscribe]

ECHO Technical Committee (ETC) Meetings

The ETC helps guide the evolution of ECHO functionality, operations concepts and requirements. The ETC is held via teleconference every other Tuesday at 3:00 pm. Contact the ECHO Team for information regarding how to call into this event.


Reverb Support

To submit feedback or ask a question of the Reverb Support team, contact .  A member of the Reverb Support team will respond back to you upon receipt of your comment.