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Films (organized by region)


A Fish Story”, directed by Courtney Hayes and Tim Gallagher, 2006.

“After the Storm: Lessons from the Northern Edge”, directed by Amanda Bergeron and J.D. Marlos, 2008.

“Closing the Circle: The Alewife Run in Damariscotta Mills, Maine”, produced by Northeast Historic Film, 2004.

“Downeast Lobstermen: Revisiting the 1950’s When Wood Was The Way”, produced by Perceptions, Inc., 2006.

“Eight Ways to Fish: Portals to an Island Community”, produced by Northeast Historic Films, 2007.

“Fish for Tomorrow: The Story of Fishermen Working with the Scientists”, produced by Kaltenbach Productions and Viking Village, 2009.

“Fishing Voices: Insight into the Future “, directed by Cecily Pingree, produced for Penboscot  East Resource Center, 2008.

“Gone Fishin’”, produced and directed by Michelle Le Brun and Harken Productions, 2006.

“Last Season: Portrait of a Trawler”, produced and directed by Oren Bendavid-Val, 2006.

“Life by Lobster”, written and directed by Iain McCray Martin, 2008.

On This Island”, directed by Stephanie Slewka, 2001.

“Our Land and People: Lobstertown”, directed by Jean Oser, 1947.

“Peapods of the Maine Coast”, Northeast Historic Films.

The Fish Belong to the People”, directed by Will Hyler, produced by Hyler Productions, 2009. 

The 3 Mile Line”, produced by Eastern Riggd Video, 2008.
“Truth: Fishing Crisis or Government Mismanagement?”, directed by Brian Loftus, produced by Ocean Spirit Productions, 2009.

“Where Does Your Seafood Come From? Contemporary Fisheries of Rhode Island”, directed by David Beutel, 2005.

“Would You Rather be an Old Maid or a Fisherman’s Wife? Social Impacts of a Changing Fisheries”, written by Madeleine Hall-Arber, produced by WHOI Sea Grant Program, 1995.

Southeast including Caribbean

Fisher to Fisher”, produced by Corinn McAfee, 2009

Fishing all my days: Florida Shrimping Traditions”, directed by Peggy Bulger and Alan Saperstein, 1986.

In their Own Words: Perseverance and Resilience of Two Florida Fishing Communities”, directed by Michael Jepson and Carlton Ward.

“The Amazing Oyster: A Keystone Species for the Health of Our Coast”, produced by Jason Talley and North Carolina Sea Grant, 2004.

Wild Caught: The Life and Struggles of an American Fishing Town”, at


“Coming Home was Easy: The West Coast Fishing Troller”, produced by the Oregon Sea Grant, 2002. Accessed at

“Echo of Water Against Rocks: Remembering Celilo Falls”, produced by Oregon Sea Grant, 2000.

“Fishermen’s Terminal”, produced, written and directed by B.J. Bullert, 2005.

“From Science to Public Action”, produced by Oregon Sea Grant, 2000.

“My Strength is from the Fish” (Chinook Trilogy Series), produced by Wild Hare Media, 1994.

 “Tangle Net Fishing on the Columbia River: A Sustainable Fishery”, produced by Lawrence Johnson Productions for Salmon For All, 2009.

The Lives of Fishermen Wives”, produced by the Oregon Sea Grant, 1998.

Work is Our Joy: The Story of the Columbia River Gill-Netter”, produced by the Oregon Sea Grant, 1989.


The Lost Village of Terminal Island”, produced by Our Stories, 2010.


“Living from the Land and Sea”, produced by Jeff Silverman and Blueberry Productions for the Alaska Native Heritage Center, 14 min.

Tordenskjold: Boat of the Century”, produced by John Sabella

Western Pacific

“The Mo‘olelo of Ko‘ie‘ie Fishpond”,produced, written and directed by Jay April.

Maui: Artifact Studios, 2005. 21 min.


Fisherpoets”, directed by Jennifer Brett Winston, 2005.


Website Resources (organized by region)


Commercial Fisheries News
Print and online publication dedicates to news and information on commercial fisheries in the northeast.

Fisheries Heritage Digital Collection
The Office of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries was established in 1871. This digital collection contains survey logs, vessel logbooks, historic images, and interviews with fishermen from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Fresh Water, Salt Water
“Fresh water, salt water” is a four part series on Cape Cod’s waters produced by NPR.  Audio clips are online.

Long Island Traditions
Long Island Traditions is dedicated to the cultural traditions on Long Island.  One of the main goals is to help preserve the traditions of Long Island commercial and recreational fishermen.

Mel’s Place
A personal website dedicated to fishing, includes news, primarily affecting New Jersey, as well as online images of maritime memorabilia.

New Bedford ECHO Project
A collaboration between the New Bedford Oceanarium and the New Bedford Whaling Museum to promoting educational and cultural enrichment initiative for the classroom.  ECHO projects are also established in Alaska and Hawaii.

Northeast Historic Films
A nonprofit archive dedicated to collecting, preserving, and sharing northern New England’s moving image heritage.

Penobscot Bay History Online
The Penobscot Marine Museum’s (Penobscot, ME) online exhibit helping educate students and teachers about maritime history.  Includes many images.

Schooner Ernestina
The Schooner Ernestina organization provides educational programs on the ship, a national historic landmark.


Ahab’s Journal
A blog dedicated to “news about, and of interest to, the commercial fishing community on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.”

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to telling the stories of the Chesapeake Bay and the people who have shaped their lives around it. Museum has a collection of over 890 oral histories which can be accessed here

Chesapeake Bay: Our History, Our Future
The Mariner’s Museum (Newport News, VA) online exhibit on Chesapeake Bay history, includes chapters on the Oyster Wars and Watermen.


Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage (FISH)
Portal to three aspects of the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage – the Fish preserve, the preserved shoreline fish breeding grounds off of Cortez, FL; Fish News, a news site for FISH members and the public; and the Cortez Commercial Fishing Festival, an annual festival celebrating the Cortez heritage.

Shrimp Tales
Three short, online films about the shrimp industry in Louisiana produced by the Louisiana Sea Grant.  Also listed on the website are links to additional references on the industry.

Sarasota County Water Atlas
The Sarasota County Water Atlas is designed to provide citizens, scientists, professionals, and planners with comprehensive and current water quality, hydrologic, and ecological data, as well as information about recreational opportunities and a library of scientific and educational materials on water resource issues. Typically, the scientists and citizens who live and work on water resources have found it difficult to gather the information they need from the myriad of agencies that collect the related data. To solve this problem, we conceived of the Atlas as a "one stop information shop" for concerned citizens and scientists alike.




The Pacific Fishery History Project
This is a pilot project of the Department of History at Oregon State University and Oregon Sea Grant, to bring together information on the fisheries history of the Pacific. The project hopes to establish a virtual community of people interested in the history of fishing throughout the Pacific.


Sealaska Heritage Institute
The Sealaska Heritage Institute’s Special Collections Research Center seeks to collect and preserve materials that document the history, culture, heritage, and language of the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian people and to make these materials available to the public for educational purposes.  

Regional Commissions

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
The ASMFC represents the states on the Atlantic Ocean, and serves as “a deliberative body, coordinating the conservation and management of the states shared near shore fishery resources – marine, shell and anadromous – for sustainable use.”

Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission
The GSMFC represents the states on the Gulf of Mexico, and “promote(s) better utilization of the fisheries, marine, shell and anadromous, … by the development of a joint program for the promotion and protection of such fisheries and the prevention of the physical waste of the fisheries from any cause.”

Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
The Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC) is a support service organization for 20 treaty Indian tribes in western Washington. The NWIFC assists  member tribes in their role as natural resources co-managers.

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
The PSMFC promotes, as well as supports policies and actions to conserve, develop, and manage our fishery resources in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.


National Fishermen
Print and online publication dedicated to news and information on commercial fisheries across the U.S.


Shrimp News International
Free news and information on world shrimp farming.  The website includes online oral histories of shrimping under Background Information.

Website Resources (organized by focus)

Useful Web Sites for Educators

Environmental Protection Agency's web site for educators

Library of Congress
The New England Fishing Industry: Sea Changes in a Community

MIT Sea Grant's Adopt-a-Boat Program for schools

National Marine Educators Association web site

National Sea Grant Library web site

NOAA Fisheries Service’s Local Fisheries Knowledge Project web site
Website for the oral history project conducted in two Maine high schools.

NOAA's  Educational Resources web site
Good material for K-12 teachers.

NOAA's Central Library home page

NOAA Photo Library
The NOAA Photo Library is an online archive of photos related to NOAA’s mission, including fisheries and historic fisheries.

Voices of the Bay

Useful Oral History and Folklife Web Sites
American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress
The national center for folklife documentation and research. Web site offers a virtual destination for those who cannot visit the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Baylor University Institute for Oral History
The Institute offers access to an on-line collection, workshops on the web, and information on grants and fellowships.

Home page for Foxfire. This is a general site for getting ideas about what can be done with oral histories and students.

Indiana University Center for the Study of History and Memory
A leader in the field of oral history dedicated to developing understanding of the many ways that people remember, represent, and use the past in public and private life.

Maine Folklife Center  
Include fisheries oral histories in their collections.

Oral History Association
Home page of the Oral History Association.  It lists several publications useful to persons developing oral history projects inside and outside the classroom.

Oral History Office at the University of Connecticut
Originates, supports and sponsors projects which emphasize Connecticut’s history and development.

Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
The Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage is a research and educational unit of the Smithsonian Institution promoting the understanding and continuity of diverse, contemporary grassroots cultures in the United States and around the world.

The T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History
The Center is a division of the Louisiana State University Library Special Collections. The Center conducts, collects, preserves, and makes available to scholars oral histories as well as sponsors and directs on going projects.

University of Southern Mississippi Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage
The Center has been collecting and preserving the stories of Mississippians since 1971. Archives contains many oral histories related to the fisheries.


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