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The NCNR Expansion Initiative

The NCNR (NIST Center for Neutron Research) Expansion Initiative is a multi-year project under the America Competes Act to increase the cold neutron measurement capabilities of the NCNR. This will be achieved by creating new beamlines and adding new instruments.

The NCNR serves more than 2000 scientists and engineers annually. It is especially valued for its cold neutron source, which greatly increases the utility of the neutron beams, particularly in biotech and materials research. The extension of the cold neutron guide hall, the installation of a second cold source, and the addition of several advanced instruments over a five year period (2008 through 2012), are central to the Expansion Initiative. Additional infrastructure components include a Technical Support Building, a secondary cooling pump building, a compressor building, an electrical substation, a cooling tower cell, and a security road.

The benefits of the Expansion Initiative include a new generation of world-class instruments directly supporting the needs of science and industry, a >25% increase in the overall measurement capacity of the NCNR, the opportunity to leverage leading NCNR user programs serving an additional 500 researchers each year, and increased operational effectiveness.

For further information about the Expansion Initiative click on one of the links above or below.

Expansion home Overview Views BT-9 cold source Guides Instrumentation User services Time lines Occasional diary Photos FAQs Contacts

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Last modified 12-April-2012 by website owner: NCNR (attn: John Copley)