
As a part of our ongoing attempt to stay on top the most current and popular mediums, VA Careers has established a presence on Facebook and Twitter. You can now find us on both sites as “VA Careers,” listing highlights from our website, news about VA, career events in your area, relevant articles and “hot job” listings as they develop. You’ll also receive live updates from certain events, so make sure you “follow” us on Twitter and “like” us on Facebook.

Through this blog you can obtain information about how you can join VA. Together with our website (www.VAcareers.va.gov) and our social media efforts, you can obtain a glimpse of what it’s like to be an employee at VA.

We are constantly trying to better ourselves, so please send in your comments, questions and suggestions. We always want to hear about your success stories, and tell why you love your career with VA. Remember this is a community forum, so if you have a specific concern or complaint, direct it here. Check back often, we’ll soon be posting details on how you—the casual reader, VA employee, Veteran, or anyone else can join in the conversation.

At VA, we are proud and honored to provide the finest healthcare to our Nation’s heroes, and we thank every Veteran for their service. If you have a desire to serve our returning heroes, please come back often, find a position you’re qualified for and APPLY TODAY!

Meet the Team:

Darren Sherrard

Darren Sherrard

Director, Recruitment Marketing and Advertising

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

1SGT Darren Sherrard

At VA’s Healthcare Retention and Recruitment office in New Orleans, Marketing and Advertising Director, Darren Sherrard oversees VHA’s national recruitment campaigns. From television commercials, print and online media, to recruiting events, and recruitment marketing sites, including VAcareers.va.gov, Facebook and Twitter, Darren is involved.

Prior to his current position, Darren served as Chief Operating Officer of a Healthcare Staffing Firm. It was in this job where he developed his healthcare marketing knowledge and helped grow this regional company into a national competitor in healthcare staffing.

Before entering the healthcare recruitment field, Darren served 20 years with the U.S. Army, 13 of those years were spent in Recruiting Command. During that time, he led several organizations and became known for his talent to transform low performing sections to top producers through training, motivation and ability to develop and provide needed recruitment tools.

Darren now brings his expertise to VA, to help us find the best talent, so we can continue to provide the best care for our Nation’s Veterans.