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February 2006, Vol. 129, No. 2

Internet collection at the Bureau of Labor Statistics: an option to report data

Stephen Cohen
Director, Mathematical Sciences Research Center,  Office of Survey Methods Research, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Dee McCarthy
Economist, Office of Field Operations, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Richard Rosen
Economist, Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

William Wiatrowski
Associate Commissioner, Compensation and Working Conditions Bureau of Labor Statistics.

BLS statistical programs often provide multiple modes through which employers may report data, such as employment, wages, or occupational injuries and illnesses. BLS has begun offering Internet data collection for some programs. This article looks at the Internet collection experience of two large surveys—the monthly Current Employment Statistics program and the annual Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. Topics discussed include solicitation strategies, response issues, data quality, data security, and handling employer questions. While the Internet provides an added choice for employers, concerns over cost and response have not been fully addressed.

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