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Airman 1st Class Lizandra Montero and Airman 1st Class Luis Capella, both 325th Air Control Squadron pilot simulator driver, practice drills April 10, 2012. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Rachelle Elsea)
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From Cuban refugee to U.S. Airman

Posted 4/11/2012 Email story   Print story


by Senior Airman Rachelle Elsea
325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

4/11/2012 - TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AFNS) -- The year - 1995. The setting - Communist Cuba.

Times were tough and chances for prosperity were depleting.

In a make-shift boat built by her grandfather, a four-year old Cuban refugee and a dozen or so of her family members began their journey to America in hopes of a better life.

"Shortly after leaving the coast, our boat started falling apart," said Airman 1st Class Lizandra Montero, 325th Air Control Squadron pilot simulator driver. "So some of the males had to jump overboard and push, until we reached the nearest island."

Airman Montero and her family were stranded for seven days.

"We had food and water given to us by an organization called the Rescue Brothers who used to fly over the island and throw boxes full of stuff down to us," said Airman Montero. "I imagine they let the Coast Guard know we were there."

When the Coast Guard arrived, they were told they were being taken to America. But, that wasn't what happened.

"We got on the boat with them and they took us to Guantanamo Bay, where we were in-processed," said Airman Montero. "We were given a bracelet to wear that had a SIM similar to our common access card. It had all our information on it to include our medical history, our names and where we were from."

The Bay, an American prison located on the most western point of Cuba, housed thousands of immigrants during that time.

Refugees were instantly tested for HIV and then separated into the infected and non-infected camps. Luckily, the Montero family was healthy and remained together.

"We slept on cots in tents," said Airman Montero. "It wasn't horrible."

Several families were housed in each tent and would separate each other by hanging blankets to create dividers. For food, they were mostly given Meals Ready to Eat due to the quantity of residence and lack of resources.

In a camp surrounded by several-feet-high barbed wire, there was not much for the young Cuban refugee to do. But, she said the military was involved a lot.

"There was a gate that separated the military and the refugees," said Airman Montero. "They use to throw candy to the kids and for Christmas, they came around and gave us toys."

They also hosted movie night at the chapel tent and the pastors and nuns took on the role of teaching the children.

But, for the adults, times were not as simple. They had no idea when they would ever leave or where they would be taken.

"There were a lot of suicides," said Airman Montero. "It was crazy. People used to hang themselves in the plastic bathrooms. They would go insane because they wouldn't know what was going on."

Shortly after a year had passed, the Montero's were given good news.

"I'm not completely sure why we stayed in Guantanamo for so long," said Airman Montero. "All I remember is that one day my mom woke me up super early and said we were headed to America."

The President of the United States had come up with an agreement and started sending healthy families to America. Luckily, the whole family that had arrived together, left together.

They put down roots in Orlando, where other relatives was already residing. But, the transition was not easy.

"It was really hard, especially for my parents, when we first got here because we did not speak English," said Airman Montero. "My dad got a job at a construction company not long after we got here. But, my mom has always had problems. When we first arrived, she used to cry every day. She was homesick and felt useless."

Airman Montero began learning English.

"I was enrolled in a bilingual class and had to go for at least one period out of the day to learn English," said Airman Montero. "By the time I got to 4th grade I was integrated into an all English classes."

Airman Montero said adjusting to the new culture was a smooth transition for her. But, her parents who did not receive the same opportunities to learn, it is still an obstacle to this day.

"Growing up, I had to take care of myself and them," said Airman Montero. "I had to show them how to use an Automated Teller Machine, how to write a check ... everything. I was always worried about going to school and taking care of them. Up to this day, I still help them with everything they need."

But, she still found the time to be active in school and out.

"I participated in track, cheerleading, and dance," said Airman Montero."I was also in student government."

At 18, she tested for her citizenship and passed. Less than two years later, she enlisted into the United States Air Force.

"I joined the Air Force to give myself a better life," said Airman Montero. "I was working hard as a civilian and not getting anywhere in life. I wanted to travel, further my education and make my parents proud."

Airman Montero said she loves everything about the Air Force because it has given her stability and a future she can be proud of.

Her grandfather, who initiated her journey to America, remains in Cuba to this day. There was limited space on board the vessel and he sacrificed his chances of freedom for his children.

Airman Montero has not seen him in 17 years, but speaks to him regularly on the telephone.

"We are trying to bring my grandfather here because he is so old," said Airman Montero. "My mom wants to see her dad again before anything happens to him."

Airman Montero said she is very grateful to her grandfather and parents for helping bring her to America.

"I thank my parents for the decision they made," said Airman Montero. "I know it was hard getting to America, and I imagine extra hard for them leaving their families behind. I love where I'm at in life and where I am as a person today. The fact that I got the chance to be part of the Air Force just makes everything that much more special."

4/18/2012 10:25:49 AM ET
Well said A1C's about being professional.Congratulations A1C Montero continue on your successful matter what
Gil Guzman, Eglin AFB FL
4/16/2012 5:17:58 AM ET
PtbaA It's called Globalization and the fact that a number of those other countries do not have some of the same opportunities in terms of care and wages that the US has. Course hillariously there are American citizens leaving the US for similiar work opportunities. We cannot have biggotry divide us not at a time like this.
Michael, Somewhere
4/13/2012 7:33:13 PM ET
Fantastic job Amn Montero You are what makes America G-R-E-A-T
Chris Burton, Edwards AFB CA
4/12/2012 3:16:09 PM ET
A good example of someone who's rank does not do the individual justice for everything they've already accomplished to be where they are now E-3 or E-9. If this doesn't inspire you to go beyond what you feel is owed or you are capable of and instead inspires you to bicker of personal and asinine ideals perhaps it's time for a career change. We should be proud not using her past for our own vendettas in cyber space. Be professional.
A1C Medina, 325th ACS325th FW
4/12/2012 12:08:58 PM ET
I know A1C Montero personally and I have to say she has had a very rough life but always looks at the obstacles of life with a positive attitude. I am also in the military been in for over 4 years now. I was born in the U.S. and I have to say the comment above is horrible. This country is filled with people from all over the world which is why we are such a great country. I do not speak Spanish or any other language but am not offended for having to press 1 for english. It's not the fact that they do not know english or want to learn but it is very difficult to learn the language as an adult. Do not forget this amazing country is home to plenty of different races cultures and religions. To be bias and say you do not like pressing 1 is not only wrong but also unethical.
True American, FLORIDA
4/12/2012 1:43:20 AM ET
Glad she made it I was working those camps back when they first stood the operation in Gitmo.
deployed again, downrange
4/11/2012 5:11:06 PM ET
Great story I can relate to the story as I too came here as a child and am now retired from the Air Force after over 20 years. I'm happy she has transitioned and is making a life for herself and helping her parents. In response to Proud to be an American's comment about pressing 1 or 2 some should realize not ALL our residentscitizens speak English and while its important to do so at some point not letting those people partake in our way of life because of it is wrong. Busnisses do not take such a short-sighted view for a reason. The one second it takes to select a language doesn't take away from your life but it adds to other's.
American like many others., Alabama
4/11/2012 1:44:46 PM ET
In the story Amn Montero states I joined the Air Force to give myself a better life. I was working hard as a civilian and not getting anywhere in life. I wanted to travel further my education and make my parents proud. Maybe one of those reasons for joining should've been to show gratitude to the US for those opportunities. It's great that her transition was good and that she immersed herself into her new culture. Hopefully her parents continue on their journey to become citizens as well. I get irritated when we as US citizens are expected to change to accomodate immigrants. Why am I given the option to press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish If you come to my country for a better way of life then the least you could do is learn the language.
Proud to be an AMERICAN, Central US
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