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Former MTI found guilty on 28 charges

Posted 7/21/2012 Email story   Print story


7/21/2012 - JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO -- LACKLAND, Texas (AFNS) -- A sentence was returned today in the general court-martial of Air Force Staff Sgt. Luis Walker.

Walker, a former basic military training instructor at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, was convicted of 28 charges Friday after a week-long court-martial. The charges included rape, adultery, obstruction, aggravated sexual contact, multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault and violating a lawful order regarding unprofessional relationships with trainees.

Walker was sentenced to be confined for 20 years, to be discharged with a dishonorable discharge, to be reduced to the lowest enlisted rank (E-1), and to forfeit all pay and allowances.

The conviction stemmed from incidents that took place between October 2010 and June 2011 involving 10 female basic military trainees while assigned to the 326th Training Squadron. Since then, the Air Force has launched comprehensive internal and external investigations at Air Force basic military and technical training centers.

Walker is the second MTI to be tried in conjunction with these sexual misconduct investigations. The first, former Staff Sgt. Vega-Maldonado, pleaded guilty to one charge of having an improper relationship with a trainee and violation of a no-contact order. He was sentenced to 90 days confinement, forfeiture of $500 pay per month for four months, 30 days hard labor, 30 days restriction to JBSA-Lackland and reduction in rank to Airman.

8/8/2012 6:55:10 PM ET
I was actually at the 326th when Walker first started pushing flights his flight of October 2010 was directly downstairs from my dorm. When he started pushing his flight, our baby sister flight, he actually seemed like a pretty nice guy and we actually had a few laughs at his creative ways to deal out punishment instead of just yelling on your face. It's actually a little bit heartbreaking to me that someone who was one of the only recuring good experiences I had in basic training turned out to be such a scumbag. I find myself tearing up in my chair on base.
A1C, California
7/27/2012 1:01:19 PM ET
I read most of these comments and it seems most people are disgusted with the military judicial system and I can't say I blame them. I remember a General who was found to have had sexual relations with his female staff and sending innaporpriate emails to them for 10 years. What was his punishment - a slap on the wrist. He was forced to retire at 2-grades lower. Then there was a female instructor who had a 2-month innapropriate relationship with one of her students. She got kicked out of the AF with two kids to raise and no means of support. I agree she should have been punished. But the punishment seriously did not fit the crime in either case.
Ed Love, Tyndall AFB FL
7/27/2012 8:00:10 AM ET
Quit brainwashing these kids to think that SSGT's and MTI's are Gods who can degrade and threaten them without recourse and some of these problems will go away. You are not that high and mighty people and rank doesnt give you the right to bully people. Grow up get a life and train these kids properly.
SSGT JB, Michigan
7/26/2012 10:42:09 AM ET
Walker faced the same possible sentence as Gatto did life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Capt Drew, San Antonio
7/25/2012 4:14:56 PM ET
Walker could have gotten the same as the A1C referenced could have life in prison without the possibility of parole. I am not going to compromise the procedures of a court martial but rest assured the jury goes through a deliberate painstaking process to reach a sentencing decision.
Capt Drew, San Antonio
7/25/2012 11:55:05 AM ET
@Capt Drew What was the maximum punishment Walker could have received
Retired Msgt, Florida
7/25/2012 8:41:29 AM ET
Thanks for the lesson offer but I think I am pretty well versed. Yes A1C Gotto did receive 40 years. However none of us sat in either of those court martials so we are unaware of any of the mitigating factors. However from some quick research I believe he may have gotten a more severe punishment because he was Charged before general court-martial with multiple acts of forcible sodomy and indecent assault. The appellant admitted at trial that he forcibly sodomized three victims and indecently assaulted these three victims as well as ten others some on multiple occasions. The appellant and his victims resided in a base dormitory where he invited his fellow airmen to party with alcohol and cough medicine telling them that the cough medicine would heighten the effects of the alcohol. When the airmen fell asleep or passed out after consuming the mixture the appellant assaulted them. The appellants computer hard drive contained 2336 unique images of his acts of forcible sod
Capt Drew, San Antonio
7/25/2012 7:52:00 AM ET
Not sure if anyone needs a lesson but I have seen first hand similar or lesser offenses recieve much more of a sentance. I understand the point of view everyone is coming from. Take a second to look up A1C George Gatto out of Dover AFB DE. Believe he got 60 years with maybe only a dozen victims.
King Joe, USAFE
7/24/2012 9:48:49 AM ET
Thank you, Capt, please educate these people.....
M, Texas
7/23/2012 9:02:24 PM ET
I understand he keeps some rank to still be on active duty otherwise the UCMJ would not apply.
Edward Onny, New Jersey
7/23/2012 2:30:21 PM ET
I didn't realize cops were able to affect the sentencing phase of a trial. What he did was despicable. I am making no excuses for him and would have also liked to have seen him get life in prison. However, a jury of his peers found him guilty and he was sentenced in accordance with the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. I wouldn't say that 20 years in prison, a dishonorable discharge and complete forfeiture of all pay and allowances constitutes the Air Force being ridiculous. I have sat in on numerous court martials and I can assure you that the men and women who partake in these proceedings take their responsibilities very seriously.
Capt Drew, San Antonio
7/23/2012 2:19:26 PM ET
It's time to go back to gender segregation in basic training and allow only female MTIs to supervise female trainees in the dormitory area except under very specific circumstances. Unfortunate, but the only way to ensure this does not happen again.
MSgt FV Retired, Ireland
7/23/2012 2:04:24 PM ET
20 years? What a friggin' joke. He should have been taken outside and put up against a wall. At the least he should have gotten 20 years for each count.I really, really hate to say this, but the Air Force is starting to disgust me.
Jay SMSgt ret, DC
7/23/2012 2:00:19 PM ET
With this conviction and other cases still up for trial, I do hope the Air Force is reviewing the selection process for basic military training instructors. To give someone such total power over others requires the Air Force to have a selection process that identifies individuals who are intersted in obtaining power over others so they can abuse that power. There needs to be an EFFECTIVE psychological screening process involved.
Jerry, Oklahoma
7/23/2012 11:47:21 AM ET
Can we start stripping ALL rank on these things? It just pains me to think he's even got the rank of E-1 and being labled an AIRMAN. To equate any rank as acceptable to attach to a convicted rapist is a slap in the face to those in the rank. Now tack on another 20 years and really drive it home.
7/22/2012 3:28:54 AM ET
With all these charges and now being convicted on all charges he only got 20 years Are you kidding me He is supposed to be a mentor to these young Airmen and went againsy everything the military especially the Air Force stands for. Im a cop and have easily gotten life sentences for first time offenders. This is ridiculous AF. Get your stuff together and set the precedent that this will not happen again geez
CIty Cop, Dallas TX
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