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News > DOD prepares for potential sequestration
 Sequestration Looms
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DOD prepares for potential sequestration

Posted 12/10/2012   Updated 2/14/2013 Email story   Print story


by Senior Master Sgt. David Byron
Air Force Public Affairs Agency

12/10/2012 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Office of Management and Budget has instructed the Department of Defense to pursue internal planning to meet required budget cuts if sequestration goes into effect Jan. 3.

"We are at the very start of this process," said Dr. George Little, acting assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, during a Pentagon press availability here, Dec. 5. "We don't have all the details firmed up. Naturally, we hope very much that sequestration will be avoided and we don't enter that phase."

Sequestration is a mechanism enacted by Congress that will initiate severe across-the-government budget cuts if Congress and the president are unable to pass a budget that meets the requirements of the Budget Control Act of 2011.

For the DOD, sequestration would cut the defense budget by $500 billion over the next 10 years. These cuts would be in addition to the nearly $500 billion in cuts, during the same time frame, already directed by the 2011 BCA.

DOD officials have already been considering possible effects of sequestration, including communicating impacts to the DOD work force.

"Our focus has been on examining the potential impacts of sequestration," Little said. "We know what the potential impacts might be, and that helps us create a baseline for what we need to plan against."

He explained that although the core of the effort this month is planning against the possible cuts, officials still hold hope that Congress and the administration can come to a resolution avoiding sequestration.

If the cuts do go into effect Jan. 3, Little said the DOD should still have the first couple of months in 2013 to determine the best way to handle the effects.

"Not every consequence of sequestration would occur on Jan. 3," he said. "People will still come to work, we think, at this stage. This will be a phased-in approach to dealing with sequestration, if it were to take place."

Whatever the effect, he said DOD officials are committed to communicating the issues to the internal DOD community as soon as they are clear.

"We have a lot of internal constituencies to reach out to -- service members, their families and the civilian employees of the Department of Defense -- and we're talking active, Guard and Reserve," said Little. "Three million people work inside this department. One out of 100 Americans work for the secretary of defense. That is a big number and it's a big communication challenge should sequestration take effect."

Little said he has stood up a communication task force to take part in the planning process.

"We expect, through our planning efforts, to identify not just numbers, but also how we communicate it to our three million-person workforce, and prepare them for what may come down the pike," he said. "We're going to try to do what we can, as quickly as possible, to define precisely who we need to talk to and when."

3/11/2013 5:55:49 PM ET
Mr. SotakOfficers do have a high year tenure concept it just works a little differently than for enlisted. Officers HYT is based on promotion zones and officers passed over for promotion the first year above their promotion zone APZ are forced to separate or retire.That makes the effective maximum amount of time 5 years that an officer can spend in each rank from O-4 to O-6 without being selected for promotion. Typically officers selected for promotion wait 1-2 years to pin on so they might spend up to 7 years in a rank before actually being promoted.
Jeff, California
12/20/2012 3:04:51 PM ET
The F-35 is a waste of money. I have yet to see a solid justification for the F-35. One report I read recently stated that the money spent to design and develop the F-35 could cover all of the Air Force's veterans benefits expenses for the last 20 years. And look at Libya- we didn't even use the F-22 there because it was too expensive. I don't understand why we can't learn from that lesson.
Reality, NV
12/18/2012 8:44:09 AM ET
We have cut down our enlisted force but the Officer core has not cut down. We have too many Generals. Lets get rid of at least 25 percent then we will save millions. Stop buying cheap computers. Start buying gaming computers and then don't do a tech refresh for at least 4 years. Stop buying or leasing vehicles.
Upset, Spang
12/18/2012 7:32:38 AM ET
I believe we can point fingers all commanders requesting ridiculous extravagant VTC rooms iPads new computers costing 250000 every two years regardless if the other computers good. STOP SPENDING MONEY
JDB, England
12/17/2012 9:09:37 PM ET
Unfortunately we can go round and round wondering were this started and how it all went wrong for America. This did not happen because of poor choices by any elected official sitting on Capitol Hill or state elected officials or financial institution. No matter how hard we work to stop this speeding freight train from flying off the track all efforts will be in vain until people have their eyes opened and understand that the problem is each and every one of us. There is only one thing that can save this once great nation from complete doom and destruction whether from the outside or from our own devices. This is just my opinion and I do not speak on anyone elses behalf. You can agree with me or not it makes no difference but the result will remain the same until changes are made within each of us. We have become a nation of removing God from everything we do and accomodating those who are non-believers for fear that we might offend them and that leads us to where we a
Cheapshot, Missouri
12/17/2012 5:28:43 PM ET
In response to the comment by Mr. Sotak that all training should be moved to simulators...Anyone proposing that all training be moved to simulators needs to understand that it is not a realistic solution for several reasons. First simulators are not realistic enough for all airframes. I speak for every simulator I have flow but particularly my MWS's sims. They do not accurately enough replica flight feel and response nor do they have accurate enough visualization for an aircraft whose mission includes low level tactical flying. It's just a fact that for tactical aircraft the sim does not sufficiently reproduce reality to give valuable training. The 160th SOAR has specialized highly expensive simulators to give them the visual environment they need but until the rest of us get them real flying will still be required to be any good. Second not enough simulators are available to allow for a complete change and the cost to purchase and set up that many simulators would be prohibit
JS, Little Rock
12/17/2012 9:29:54 AM ET
Three comments - 1. It is really a great idea to have 6 months of wages saved and readily available. However when our enlisted personnel are paid at below the poverty rate is this really realistic 2. Those who advocate leaving Afghanistan to save money might want to look at our actions in Syria...if you want to save money we have to stop committing our troops to settle nations internal disputes. We are not supposed to intervene in a nations sovereignty and controlling a civil war is exactly that. 3. We could stuff our coffers if we would stick to our own borders and defending them properly and stop paying build aquariums using our tax dollars. There are far too many nations on the dole taking our money who vehemently disagree with our national stances. If you are against us we shouldn't be giving them a dime. Pakistan Let them stand on their own.
FedUpFed, Scott
12/15/2012 8:29:14 AM ET
I propose the following changes be made Tuition Assistance for college needs to be canceled for the next 5 years. Bonus's for re-enlisting need to be withdrawn. Officers with the rank of 0-4 and up need to have caps for how long they can stay in for at each rank. Training flights need to be reduced dramatically. Millions of pounds of fuel is wasted daily just so an aircrew or a pilot can train. The simulators should be utilized for training for every aircraft except fighters. They are the ones on point and simulators cannot prepare them for the tasks they need to be ready for. Drones are our future and pilots flying them don't need to be paid extra for it. If you are sitting in a box on the ground you should not be receiving flight pay. Maintainers need to be moved around better to where they are needed the most. The guard reserveand civilian contractors need to be re-evaluated on what they bring to the table. Congress will not be able to identify that we have gone too far with our
adam sotak, Travis
12/15/2012 8:27:22 AM ET
Congress has cut down the Enlisted Force and future programs far more then what was needed. I can't see how our leaders can look to a positive future for our great nation with a military that's been stopped dead in its tracks of progression and forward movement. I'm not sure they even know where to take their next step since there are so many disadvantages to moving at all. Anymore cuts to our enlisted force could cripple our force to a breaking point that could allow more acts of violence within our nations walls. Cuts need to be made but with use of common sense. In order for us to stop this wound from bleeding out we need to retain what strength we have left. We need to come to terms that we cannot continue to do business as we have done in the past. This decision needs to happen soon while we still have the manning and footprint left. Should we continue on in this fashion we will subject ourselves to an attack that we will not be able to defend or come back from.
adam sotak, travis
12/14/2012 12:23:04 PM ET
This is not directed at the military but at civil servants I being one of them. Look around your own commandI bet it is the same as where I am.One-third of the work force could easily be cut there are many workers who do nothing or next to nothing. Supervisors with no real management training refusing to hold the workers accountable for doing their assigned tasks and impcompetent in their own positions. Those with not eneough to do then also get rewarded with an extra three hours a week of fitness leave. When I was in the commercial sector not doing your job got you fired but not in civil service. We can't control at this point what the idiots in Washington do but we can do our part to make sure the tax payer gets an hours work for an hours pay. Many of the complaints people hvae about civil servants are at least partially true.
Thomas Chenoweth, Robins AFB
12/14/2012 5:36:27 AM ET
why don't we have all the congressman president etc get paid the same amount as an airman. because really what actual hard earned work have they done to be paid that much let them see how it feels to be an airman or even ssgt and barely have enough to live and feed your family. how is it that the people defending our country are below the poverty line but the ones continuously messing it up get the big bucks
me, az
12/14/2012 4:05:37 AM ET
Unfortunately I can see Congress cutting benefits that will hurt military service members but will not make a significant cut in the deficit. For example VA benefits raising Tricare premiums and of course Tuition Assistance will be targeted very soon. Examine our ratio of flag officers to airmen compared to other branches now there is a start. How about revamping the entire budget process where squadrons get penalized if they do not spend all of their money. Does end of fiscal year fall-out money ring a bell I have witnessed thousands and thousands of dollars dropped into an account having to be spent in one day. What usually happens is worthless equipment that is purchased that sits in a supply building collecting dust. This is absolutely ludicrous and a significant waste of money. The point being there are so many worthless programs and operations in the Air Force that could be cut to make a significant difference but it will never happen. It has to be a cul
Mark, Afghanistan
12/14/2012 2:41:05 AM ET
This is not a polical issue. Both parties have had total control of Congress and the White House and both have failed to do the right thing. What we need are adults to go to Washington and fix this mess. Can any commander out there spare about 10 staff and tech sergeants for the job
Chuckwagon Mike, JB Langley-Eustis
12/13/2012 8:37:28 PM ET
How about we just stop paying people to not work. Sitting at home playing videogames and then driving to Walmart in your car that has rims larger then those on my truck to buy stuff with your EBT card while you talk on an Android phone is NOT an occupation.
Enlisted Frank, FL
12/13/2012 7:17:28 PM ET
1st get rid of the thunderbirds 2nd look at contracts for TA at places there are Air Force Bases. Those 2 combined will save millions.
TSgt Philip Mitchell, Birmingham AL
12/13/2012 6:27:29 PM ET
Warren Buffet has a great solution for the deficit
Mike, Hickam
12/13/2012 3:26:13 PM ET
Why is it that all of you very smart people know what to do but the ones who get paid to legislate don't Fishy We are getting way too weak and soft in this country. Thats the whole problem. The Greatest gerneration is rolling in their flag covered graves...
jason, therock
12/13/2012 2:57:50 PM ET
I believe Lee Greenwood's God Bless The U.S.A. fully captures my sentiments towards this issue among many others. I have always wanted my nation to be out of debt and spending wisely but I will still be here on 2 Jan listening to what is my favorite song. If no budget is passed I will be here after the fact watching and praying that God has mercy and saves this nation.
Young Educated and Concerned A1C, Scott AFB IL
12/13/2012 2:51:33 PM ET
Couldn't have said it better myself SARG. Mabye if we get to 100 comments they will refer to this article and change their stance ...
Pat Hetic, Around
12/13/2012 1:57:59 PM ET
John from KeeslerLet's do the math on your freeze 1 day of pay.Assume the average DoD worker makes 50k per yr. Obviously this isn't exact but we must start somewhere.50K divided by 2080 work hours per year x 8 hours for 1 day is 192.31. 192.31 x 3000000 ppl is 576923076.92. This DOES NOT come close to achieving the 50B cuts for 1 year.
Jack, San Antonio
12/13/2012 12:17:02 PM ET
Let it happen. Take the cuts. Balance the budget. Decrease spending. Then... DEFEND the Nation.What is the priorityMoney not people They want to increase health care yet they don't want to pay people or employ people at a living wage How can you have better health care when people cannot afford healthy eating Just look at the price of groceries No wonder we have an epidemic of obesity with all the associated illnesses that go with it.Get on your knees and PRAY to God for forgiveness and mercy.
12/13/2012 11:18:56 AM ET
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with Mr Freeze. Bringing our troops home is a fantastic idea. I for one am not ready to pull troops out and risk our country being open for attacks again. If we don't defend our country then all this talk about the budget doesn't mean a thing. Should there be more focus on the benefits and pay our troops get Absolutely These men and women put their life on the line everyday for our freedoms. They are treated terribly too. How is it even possible that an individual protecting a Football get's paid incredible amounts of money but the people protecting this country get things taken away and have to hear uneducated remarks like the military is over paid. Give me a Break Congress and take care of the people protecting you and your families.
Linda Fisher, Utah
12/13/2012 11:12:07 AM ET
Look you can't become an entitlement state for 300M people. That is what this is all about. Nearly 17T in debt and they now want to raise the debt ceiling wo Congressional approval. Until our free spending ways change this won't be the last time our nation's defense is held hostage.
Joe, The South
12/13/2012 10:20:36 AM ET
Every year we go through this same old political posturing with congress and the president trying to work out a budget solution. Congress and the president could resolve the budget issue in a day but they choose to let politics rule the day. Both sides create scare tactics trying to out do one another on who is the bigger boogie man. While Congress and the president fill their egos making it look like they have America's best interest at heart it's the American people who get it right in the shorts. One of these days our American Congress and President will start acting like Amercians to protect and serve Americans.
Steve, Abilene TX
12/13/2012 10:19:02 AM ET
I agree with John from Keesler AFB I would rather lose a days pay than lose my country no matter who messed it up.
LTJG Ret James C., Tinker AFB OK
12/13/2012 9:08:15 AM ET
America spoke with their votes back in November and now has to live with the consequences. No-longer are we the united states but simply just The States. Our elected officals do not care about the people they are supposed to represent. Instead they create lawspolicy that exempt themselves from any cuts in pay or benefits.
TankerGuy, Altus AFB Ok
12/13/2012 9:01:39 AM ET
Out source it all Let the market decide the best course of action allow airmen to negioate pay and bennies like the private sector and let the chips fall where they may
12/12/2012 5:24:05 PM ET
Isn't there some sort of clause that states the military can become a seperate entity of the government if the government becomes too uncontainably powerful My next question is that if congress decides not to pay us to make their wallets fatter is it getting close to that time
concerned, Ellsworth AFB
12/12/2012 3:49:44 PM ET
Mike in Florida while I agree with your sentiment that there is waining trust in our leaders remember that we cannot function without leadership. A TSgt's inputs and those of all enlisted are absolutely critical and invaluable. But we must have good strong leaders with a positive foundation in the military. Do not forget that most flag officers hold 25-40 years of experience in the military and they protect you from even greater beurocracy coming from the questionable politicians. Too don't forget that your leaders are people with families too. Why would they deserve any less of benefits or employment simply for wearing a star rather than a stripe All that being said I agree with the many other comments said here...We need a budget. I grew up poor and I know what it means to live inside your means. If you make 100 you can only spend 100... no more. And you should always create a budget that allows for 3-6 months expenses in your savings. If you don't have it st
Capt, WA
12/12/2012 3:41:00 PM ET
I second what the last person wrote. As a retired servicemember and a civil servant we keep getting blamed that we make too much money and we have not had a raise in 3 yrs. also there is no money for safety equipment but yet we have to work. There is no money for parts and we still work. Congress is the biggest blame in the WasteFraud and Abuse column. They get to vote on how much to pay themselves and we end up sufferring for it because it comes from our taxes. The benefits they recieve which is a lifetime along with thier families come from our tax dollar. So Congress ya wanna save some money take a year off with no pay and drop your benefits. I bet we could balance our budget and pay our troops better pay and noone would have to worry if they have a job come Jan 3rd
SSgt deryck ret, Ft Sam Houton TX
12/12/2012 2:18:02 PM ET
Well right now congress is to busy debating about HGH testing in the NFL. Gotta have your priorities when you hold an important seat like that.
CEO, Merica
12/12/2012 12:22:21 PM ET
Regardless Things need to be done and straightened out for the Future Airmen comming in and also for those Airmen who are in still surving Maybe hmmm.. i dont know maybe a PAY INCREASE to help out a small bit There are Airmen I work with Who have 2 or 3 children and cannot afford to just live off their own income they are using FOODSTAMPS and WIC and to me Wic it fine but getting FOODSTAMPS also Come on NOW This is crazy What is this Nation coming to when not even the MILITARY the only jobs that are really supposed to be secure Income and supposedly Enough to live off of have to resort to this Tell me please ENLIGHTEN ME Where is the help at AIRMAN FAMILY READINESS yeah they'll help help clean out your pockets too This Economy Is SCREWED UP and NOT a DANG one of those people Sitting thier happy PLUMB BUTTS Notice it because they are truely SELF ABSORBED INCOMPITANT IDIOTIC and UNCONCERNED about the military to see this So To anyone and everyone who questions this p
Xexis, San Antonio Tx
12/12/2012 12:01:55 PM ET
Why don't we start by bringing the troops home and get out of the middle east. End the billions and countless lives that are being wasted. Then DOD will be spending less....We are spending more and now making more cuts. This makes NO sense. Lets concentrate on our own country for a while before it falls into the depths. Stop wasting money on uniform changes. Stop paying COMPTIA for certifications that are a joke and then not being able to manage the program. Manage your dang troops from the inside and train them Stop paying contractors to have meetings about meetings and get nothing done. Stop wasting time trying to figure out gay marriage who cares. Stop approving Ipads for officers. Stop telling units to hurry up and spend their end of year funding on crap for no reason... other then for sake of spending money huh. Stop the FED from taking over and VOTE Ron Paul Soon I will move to Antarctica build an igloo and ice fish all day to survive
MrFreeze, CO
12/12/2012 11:58:06 AM ET
Don I would rather lose a days pay than lose my country no matter who messed it up.
John, Keesler AFB
12/12/2012 11:13:43 AM ET
Supervisors commanders and family readiness have always preached to have a minimum of six months of income in the bank to fall back on. It's unfortunate that our own government cannot take the same advice. Perhaps it's time to restructure how the military branches budget and spend Maybe it's time to start saving money at the end of the year instead of spending it on unecessary equipment and lavish items that do nothing to further our missions. I know my organization could easily save a million a year by not investing in 60 inch flatscreens that sit in a cage.
Same, Here
12/12/2012 10:33:20 AM ET
I was raised in a lower middle class home that taught me the responsibility of living within my means. I joined the military and I was taught that if I went over my budget I would be counseled and potentially reprimanded. Now I look back at all of that and I look forward at what we're headed into and I just don't get it. What is the ultimate goal We are faced with so many challenges and important decisions to make to ensure our society endures and what are we doing Sitting around arguing. Let the President do his job he doesn't want us to fail either. What is the ultimate goal Guess I'll find out.
What is the goal, CA
12/12/2012 9:51:34 AM ET
We have no leadership with any morals values or priciples. Everybody is out for themselves and Washington DC. is such a dissapointment for me I don't have words for the way they have done all of us the American people as much as we have done for the world and we are still hated because we were once a blessed nation but I'm afraid that time is coming to pass.Our leaders are as ships without sails.
TSgt Cook, SJ AFB
12/12/2012 8:57:03 AM ET
While our government leadership continues to prove itself financially incompetent some poor airman is being beaten up over accidentally bouncing a five dollar check.
Retired chief, US
12/12/2012 8:38:50 AM ET
To SMSgt Paul Dean from Florida. Correction on your math Sir. The article said 1 in 100....that's 1 percent not 10. 3 Million people in DoD not 30. The article said that too.
Eric, Washington DC
12/12/2012 7:38:48 AM ET
If we have to cut let's start at the top. I'd rather have one less flag officer around than one less TSgt. Unfortunately we'll end up with the exact opposite.
Mike, Florida
12/12/2012 6:20:16 AM ET
Im confident that our esteemed elected officials will come up with a deal at the last minute because their constituents will be up in arms if sequestration is enacted and their jobs will be on the line. The biggest problem with politics is politicians. We need representatives not politicians. They should come from their respective careers serve a term of office and then return to their former careers. This way their decisions can be base truly on what is good for their constituents and their represented district rather than what is likely to get them re-elected. Maybe longer terms would be appropriate but eliminating reelections would go a long way in making sure the focus remains where it should. Oh yea and there needs to be a law that no federally elected official gets paid until a balanced budget is passed every year.
Realistic, Remote
12/11/2012 10:16:03 PM ET
Our government spends nearly 10B dollars per day 3B of which is borrowed Best case scenario with both parties compromising we can save 0.5B per day. That's still a downward spiral that cannot be stopped. It's all going to fall apart sooner or later why delay the inevitable. LET IT BURN
Josh Clegg, Maxwell AFB AL
12/11/2012 6:31:48 PM ET
300 million Americans. One in 100 part of DoD per article --10 percent-- 30 million part of DoD. 67K service members in Afghanistan. 447 people supporting each and every pair of boots on the ground. Hmmmm.....
SMSgt. Paul Dean, Florida
12/11/2012 6:25:09 PM ET
Some cuts are necessary but I wonder how many of the mental midgets in Disneyland East would like to fly in 60 year old planes. DOD has already hinted that the new tanker contract would be cancelled. I think the folks who fly the KC-135 should get hazardous duty pay in addition to their flight pay
Danny Wills, Montesano WA
12/11/2012 5:39:04 PM ET
The problem is fiscal irresponsibility. People live with positive numbers in their check books and live within their means and the government should be the example of doing it right not be the irresponsible kids here. What makes things worst is that America should be focus and priority 1 and all the other countries we lend or give money to will just have to get nothing. Congress just gave Brazil 105 million for an aquarium-really. Who are we to keep giving tax payer dollars to when we can't even afford to do it. Another issue is that the American people can pay toward the national debt but who in their right mind would elect to do so if wasteful spending and lending continues. The voters need to stop being greedy and do what is ethically and morally right-kick em all out and clean house
Todd, Tulsa OK
12/11/2012 5:10:27 PM ET
Although the budget needs to be seriously looked at and tons of wasteful spending should be minimized. I see end-of-year closeout waste OEM lack of accountability to the warfighter and the fact that our congressional leaders are exempt of all the laws and rules that every US citizen must abide by. These are key examples of fiscal irresponsibility. There is no justification to not sopporting the war fighter and not protecting our country from enemies of our nation or threats that endanger our safety and security.
Todd, USAF Retired GA
12/11/2012 4:05:20 PM ET
This is absolutely APPALLING and not to mention sadly predictable The bureaucracy that is our Congress is being allowed to get away with fiscal murder I say that Frankenstein's monster MUST be stopped IT would seem to me that they are quite content with tossing hard-working servicemembers and the entire citizenry under the bus proverbial bus It is sickening how they are obviously more concerned with securing pentions and vacations for themselves and their families and making sure that their spoiled children are spoon-fed right into an ivy league school so that they never know want. All the while the rest of us are being forced to take a swan dive off the fiscal cliff into international obscurity whilst they are securing retirements for themselves in Barbados
Shafted Staff, Langley AFB Va
12/11/2012 4:05:03 PM ET
So many comments are wrapped around Congress and them giving themselves a raise but that isn't even close to being the problem. For most Congressmen what they directly make in that position is less than 1 percent of their reportable income for the year. Where they make a bulk of their money is from their investments which they in turn have the power to regulate through legislation. Therefore many don't have any initiative to fix this problem as it doesn't directly affect their bottom line specifically if their investments are not being impacted by the sequestration. Unfortunately most are too blind to see that that level of cuts to the defense sector will have severe resonating effects to the private sector which WILL impact their bottom lines. I believe that only then will the work to correct the problems truly begin.
no1gi, Whiteman AFB
12/11/2012 3:16:58 PM ET
Programs will be cut both good and bad. People will be cut both good and bad. Spending will be tight. Pay increase freezes are likely. All as a result of our unfathomable ability to vote men and women into office based on what they can promise to give us... not what they can do to address long-term tough problems. Sadly one of our founding fathers saw this coming 200 years ago...When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic. - Benjamin Franklin
12/11/2012 3:02:52 PM ET
Seriously...I feel like the kids are parenting the adults. We already had a huge budget issue a few months back and now its almost to sequestration. America is on a downward spiral and eventually being in the military isn't going to be any better than working at target with half paid dental. @Maj Reality I also have no faith in our leaders who value their own paycheck above the needs of the majority and alas believe we will still work while not being paid. Imagine millions not getting paid. I guarentee they are more worried about their families than the old bats in Washington that can't add 2 and 2.
USAtheJOKE, Unknown
12/11/2012 2:57:12 PM ET
I think it was Aristotle who said that politicians should be paid nothing. This will create leaders who are only concerned about the people and not more money for themselves. Does anyone else agree with that
Peter, Malmstrom AFB
12/11/2012 2:35:28 PM ET
I did not sign on the dotted line to potentially lose my life and not get paid while I prepared for that. This is getting ridiculous. I did not elect my officials to sit on their butts act like children while they still get paid and get vacations. If I pulled these stunts at any job especially the military oh I am pretty sure I would be FIRED I think it is time to stand up to them. If no one comes to work assuming this passes through it might send a message that we pay attention and don't like what they are doing. I don't work for free
Me, NM
12/11/2012 1:14:21 PM ET
John please tell me why I should lose a day of pay simply because our elected officials and leaders cannot balance a budget.
Don, Peterson AFB CO
12/11/2012 1:11:00 PM ET
Fat cats in Washington have no idea what they are doing. If I performed my job half as poorly as the perform theirs I would be a civilian right now probably occupying a cell at Leavenworth. We as American's look like children to the rest of the world.
12/11/2012 1:06:33 PM ET
We spend as much on defense as the next 20 countries COMBINED. If we can't maintain our superiority spending only as much as the next 19 we're doing it wrong.
12/11/2012 1:01:13 PM ET
First the ability to give themselves a raise needs to be taken from congress members. Second pay raises need to be suspended immediately. Third they need to be held accountable for not coming up with a solution in time. This is their job this is part of why they get paid. Fourth any and all vacation needs to be terminated until a solution is found. Possible sequestration is no small matter and to place a vacation above the hundreds of billions that the DOD could lose shows a serious lack of moral integrity not to mention a skewed sense of priorties.
James, Virginia
12/11/2012 12:02:56 PM ET
Cut social programs that make people even more lazy Do not help people that will not help themselves I see people everyday drinking beer and smoking when they should be looking for a job or collection cans.
Trent, NC
12/11/2012 11:24:03 AM ET
Freeze the payrate for congress cut one day of pay for all 3 million DoD employees and get it over with. Also need to cut public aid benifits and ensure that only those that truly need them get them -drug tests .
John, Keesler AFB
12/11/2012 10:49:40 AM ET
This article defined nothing that we already didn't know. Twenty-two days away and nothing new has been revealed which should have been laid out long before now. Sounds like typical government to me .lets hope it doesnt happen.if it does we will kneejerk react and make rash careless decisions.
12/11/2012 10:21:43 AM ET
Denver. I don't think Congress has allowed the automatic pay raise to go into effect...but agree they shouldn't be able to have any type of raise or pay for that matter until they pass a viable budget.Lancaster until the Congress and DoD tell us what they are looking at for entitlement cuts don't get overly concerned. Wait until we know for certain what the impacts are going to be.It would be beneficial for everyone if DoD and Congress got off their butts and opened a dialog with their constituents and get this debacle resolved. Its a sorry state of affairs when our congress cant accomplish their prime job of having a viable budget to operate from without resorting to continuing resolutions which is a cheap way to say I cant do a budget.
FedUpFed, scott
12/11/2012 9:37:35 AM ET
We as a nation dont live within our means. The cliff might just be the medicine we need. Discipline.
Johenry Nunes, Burlington Vermont
12/11/2012 9:29:25 AM ET
Its nice to see such a detailed plan laid out. If it were in my shop no one would go home until the plan was written submitted for approval revised tweaked and written again. Its nice to know that people that high-up care so much to keep us in the loop. We have zero guidance at the unit level as always. I suppose CNN will give us the Intel as usual.
ScottAFBLifer, Scott AFB IL
12/11/2012 9:18:55 AM ET
First a fiscal cliff that we have less than three weeks to figure out and now sequestration coming on its heels. A double whammy of tax increases and across the board meat axe spending cuts is not what our country needs right now. Absolutely unbelievable. I have no confidence in our leaders
Maj, Reality
12/11/2012 8:56:21 AM ET
is this goign to affect the way that airman get paid at all is there a chance that we might not get paid
Bruce Wayne, Wayne Tower Gotham City
12/11/2012 8:23:23 AM ET
End the FED And the Central Banking cartel. Our Forefathers knew the dangers of central banking and since the Federal Reserve act was enacted into law in 1913.. our currency has devalued more and more year by year. QE has been a failure and Kenysian econimics of printing your way out of debt will never work... We all should have voted Ron Paul.
SSgt Montana Hendrix, Patrick AFB FL
12/11/2012 7:58:02 AM ET
Where is Romney when we need him...
Jesse, FL
12/11/2012 7:40:01 AM ET
We think we will still come into work Glad to know the plan is very well though out.
Lyn, UK
12/11/2012 5:10:39 AM ET
So what are the budget cuts I been hearing that they are going to take away our entitlements like BAH and BAS.
TSgt Lancaster, Clear AFS AK
12/10/2012 9:39:22 PM ET
I see congress cutting our budget then giving themselves a big fat raise. Until congress no longer has the ability to give themselves a raise our national deficit will continue to grow and they will just continue giving themselves raises while our troops continue to get poorer. it wont be long till we are required to buy our own uniforms pay for our own healthcare and buy our own weapons when we deploy. Congress is out of control and we are just letting them continue to cut our budgets. How do we fix this
dynem216, Denver
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