Be Safe Online

Using the Internet is a great way to connect with friends and family and to find people with similar interests, but you should know how to use it safely. Being safe online means knowing how to protect your personal information and get help if you need it. It also means not saying anything that could hurt others—or end up hurting yourself. Click on the links below to read more about online safety, especially when using social media.

Facebook Safety Center: Playing It Safe
Guides teens on how to safely use Facebook as a social media network.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Provides flash-based comics and videos to help children ages 8 to 12 use the Internet safely. This is also available in Spanish.

Smart and Safe in CyberSpace: Social Networking 101
National Crime Prevention Council & U.S. Department of Justice
Presents an overview of social networking that includes specific safety tips for youth about socializing online.

Social Media Safety
University of Wisconsin Extension, Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development
Provides guidelines for setting up and safely using a Facebook account.
Offers tips for teens and information on how to protect your electronics from spam, hackers, cyberbullies, and other predators. for Kids
Provides facts on bullying, what you can do, and "webisodes" about how to deal with bullies.

Twitter Safety Center: Tips for Teens
Talks about how to be safe on Twitter and what to do when something that happens online has gone too far.

YAHOO! Safely for Teens
Includes safety tips on using mobile devices, sharing safely online, protecting your privacy, social web tips, and more.

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