NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

2007 Initial Allocation Awards

The following table lists the initial allocation awards for NERSC for the 2007 allocation year (Jan 9, 2007 through Jan 7, 2008). The list is in alphabetical order by the last name of the Principal Investigator.

Note - Letters following the repository name indicate the following:

'S' NERSC Startup award



Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Agarwal, Deborah Berkeley Lab 81665 bwc m510 S 50,000 5,000 Berkeley Water Center
(formerly National Center
for Hydrology Synthesis)
Agarwal, Deborah Berkeley Lab 82063 mpdsd 10,000 100,000 CRD Distributed Systems
Department Guest Accounts
Al-Jassim, Mowafak NREL 81838 mp308 40,000 500 Theoretical simulations of
effects of extended and
point defects on the
properties of advanced
Aldering, Greg Berkeley Lab 81988 m112 20,000 1,000,000 The Nearby Supernova
snfactry Factory
Alhassid, Yoram Yale Univ 81906 mp69 100,000 500 Statistical Many-Body
Studies of Nuclei and
Quantum Dots
Alivisatos, Paul Berkeley Lab 81933 m387 250,000 5,000 Theory of nanostructured
Andersen, Richard Berkeley Lab 82473 m782 S 30,000 250 Quantum Mechanical Studies
of how Organometallic
compounds of the actinide
metals utilize their 5f
and 6d orbitals in bonds
to CO and related ligands
Andricioaei, Ioan U. Michigan 82182 m739 S 20,000 1,000 The Energetics of DNA
Supercoil Relaxation by
Human Topoisomerase I
Arons, Jonathan UC Berkeley 81995 m677 50,000 25,000 Particle acceleration in
collisionless shocks
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Harvard Univ 82088 m702 S 20,000 3,000 Computational study of
hydrogen transport in
polymer electrolyte
membranes embedded in
Atherton, Cynthia Livermore Lab 81887 mp163 100,000 40,000 Atmospheric Formation,
Transformation, and
Radiative Forcing of Acid-
Catalyzed Secondary
Organic Aerosols
Aydemir, Ahmet U. Texas 81757 mp77 24,000 1,500 Comprehensive modelling
Austin and transport studies at
the Institite for Fusion

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Babikov, Dmitri Marquette 81950 m409 80,000 15,000 Coherent Control of Ground
Univ Electronic State Molecular
Dynamics: Toward Bond
Selective Chemistry.
Baer, Ferdinand U. Maryland 81817 mp188 20,000 4,000 Multiresolution climate
modeling with the spectral
element method
Bagchi, Prosenjit Rutgers Univ 82597 m798 S 20,000 2,000 Massively large simulation
of dense suspension of
Bailey, David Berkeley Lab 81694 mp207 25,500 100 Experimental Mathematics
and High-Precision
Bailey, David Info Sciences 81695 m88 212,500 1,000 The Performance
Inst Engineering Research
Balaji, V Princeton 82155 m743 3,700,000 5,000 Coupled High-Resolution
Univ Modeling of the Earth
Balasubramanian, K. CSU East Bay, 82107 m719 20,000 500 Electronic Structure of
Hayward Tranisition Metal Clusters
and Environmental Actinide
Balbuena, Perla Texas A&M 81938 m249 600,000 5,000 Computational chemistry
Univ search of efficient
Balbuena, Perla Texas A&M 81941 m668 100,000 2,500 Catalyzed growth of carbon
Univ nanotubes
Bansil, Arun Northeastern 81725 m225 20,000 2,000 Correlation Effects,
Magnetism, and
Spectroscopy of Complex
Materials, including
Barad, Michael Stanford Univ 81613 m502 50,000 10,000 Multiscale Simulations of
Oceanic Internal Gravity
Baron, Edward Brookhaven 81704 mp90 200,000 12,000 Synthetic Spectra of
Lab Astrophysical Objects
Batista, Victor Yale Univ 82004 mp311 300,000 1,000 Simulations of electron-
hole relaxation dynamics
on functionalized TiO2-
anatase surfaces
Batista, Victor Yale Univ 82032 m410 90,000 1,000 QM/MM Studies of High-
Valent Manganese Complexes
Behling, Pat U. Wisc. 81974 m285 75,000 30,000 Towards the prediction of
Madison decadal to mult-century
processes in a high-
throughput climate system
Bell, John Berkeley Lab 81691 mp111 300,000 3,000,000 Applied Partial
Differential Equations
Bemis, Paul Fluent Inc. 82074 incite10 I 166,000 15,000 CAE Simulation of full
vehicle Windnoise and
other CFD phenomena
Benedek, Roy Argonne 81714 mp169 75,000 500 First Principles
Calculations for Lithium
Battery Electrodes and
Electrode Coatings
Bentz, Jonathan Ames Lab 81989 m654 S 20,000 500 Development and
Performance Testing of
Computational Chemistry
Bertsch, George U. Washington 81729 m308 664,000 10,000 Low-Energy Nuclear Physics
National HPC Initiative:
Building a Universal
Nuclear Energy Density
Bethel, Edward (Wes) Berkeley Lab 81686 m636 20,000 250,000 SciDAC2 Visualization and
Analytics Center for
Enabling Technologies
Bhattacharjee, A. U. New 81828 m148 400,000 60,000 Magnetic Reconnection Code
Boman, Erik Sandia Lab NM 81793 m708 S 20,000 1,000 Large-scale load balancing
for scientific computing.
Bonoli, Paul Oak Ridge 81664 m77 50,000 1,000 Center for Simulation of
Wave-Plasma Interactions:
SciDAC Project
Borrill, Julian Berkeley Lab 81830 mp107 290,000 50,000 Cosmic Microwave
Background Data Analysis
For Sub-Orbital
Borrill, Julian Berkeley Lab 81831 planck 500,000 500,000 Cosmic Microwave
Background Data Analysis
For The Planck Satellite
Bowman, Joel Emory Univ 81991 m651 450,000 2,000 Theoretical studies of
combustion dynamics
Braams, Bastiaan Emory Univ 82025 m631 200,000 2,000 Hydrocarbons in plasma
Branstetter, Marcia Oak Ridge 81998 m543 S 10,000 1,000 River Transport and
Hydrology in CCSM
Brieger, Leesa Renaissance 82144 m736 S 40,000 5,000 Impact of Cumulus
Comp Inst Parameterization Schemes
on 4 km Simulations
Bringa, Eduardo Livermore Lab 81943 mp43 50,000 15,000 Microstructure evolution
in irradiated materials
Brown, Eric Northwestern 82053 m597 20,000 50 Ab Initio Study of the
Nonlinear Optical Response
Properties of Extended
Brown, Virginia MIT 81824 m173 2,000 1,000 Electroweak and
Interactions in the
Nucleon-Nucleon System;
Pion Production
Bruhwiler, David Tech-X Corp 81993 m327 50,000 1,000 Parallel Simulation of
Electron Cooling Physics
and Beam Transport
Bulgac, Aurel U. Washington 82013 m680 200,000 500 Finite Temperature
Properties of Fermions in
the Unitary Regime
Burns, Patrick Colorado 82112 m723 S 10,000 5,000 Processing National Animal
State Identification System Data

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Cai, Wei UNC Charlotte 81731 m495 65,000 1,000 Study Optical Coupling by
Evanescent WGM's Between
Microresonators Using
Discontinuous Galerkin
Cameron, Kirk Virginia Tech 81722 m571 S 20,000 500 DOE ECPI: Ultra-Scale
Memory Analysis for High-
End Computing
Cameron-Smith, P. Livermore Lab 81975 m411 200,000 170,000 Interaction of Atmospheric
Chemistry and Aerosols
with Climate
Canning, Andrew Berkeley Lab 82027 m126 195,000 20,000 Mathematical/Computational
Methods for Electronic
Structure Codes in
Canning, Andrew Berkeley Lab 82031 m619 S 20,000 500 EAD289C UC Davis graduate
course in Computational
Cary, John U. Colorado 81901 m662 20,000 100 Accelerator Cavities using
Boulder Photonic Crystals
Cary, John Argonne 81976 m675 20,500 100 Cherenkov Radiation in
Cattaneo, Fausto U. Chicago 82045 m557 70,000 50,000 Magneto-rotational
instability and turbulent
angular momentum transport
Cessi, Paola Scripps Inst 82083 m699 85,000 1,000 The role of eddies in the
maintenance of deep
stratification and mean
overturning circulation
Chan, Yuen-Dat Berkeley Lab 81807 majorana 20,000 Majorana - Neutrinoless
Double Beta Decay
Chan, Yuen-Dat Berkeley Lab 81832 babar 60,000 Storage for Nuclear
e895 Physics Computations using
e896 PDSF at NERSC
na49 nsd
Chang, Choong-Seock Courant Inst 81936 m499 1,250,000 10,000 Center for Plasma Edge
Simulation: SciDAC FSP
Prototype Center
Chelikowsky, James U. Texas 81759 m175 130,000 5,000 Electronic, Magnetic and
Austin Structural Properties of
Localized Systems
Chelikowsky, James U. Texas 81827 m433 175,000 5,000 Scalable Methods for
Austin Electronic Excitations and
Optical Responses of
Mathematics to Algorithms
to Observables
Chen, Jacqueline Sandia Lab CA 82008 mp241 500,000 1,000,000 Direct Numerical
Simulation of Turbulent
Nonpremixed Flames
Chen, Liu UC Irvine 81867 m92 150,000 2,000 Nonlinear Instability and
Transport Computations
Chen, Yang U. Colorado 81617 mp118 700,000 1,000 Gyrokinetic simulation of
Boulder plasma microturbulence and
kinetic MHD phenomena
Chen, Yixin Washington 82106 m718 S 20,000 3,500 Efficient Large-Scale
Univ StLouis Nonlinear Constrained
Optimization Using
Constraint Partitioning
Cheng, Hai-Ping U. Florida 81910 mp261 282,000 2,000 Multiscale Simulations of
Particle-, Molecule-
Surface Interactions and
simulations of nanowires:
Structure, dynamics, and
quantum transport
Childs, Hank Livermore Lab 82090 visit S 5,000 100 VisIt
Ching, Wai-Yim U. Missouri 81893 mp250 300,000 500 Theoretical Studies of the
KC Electronic Structures and
Properties of Complex
Ceramic Crystals and Novel
Chou, Mei-Yin Georgia Tech 81822 mp258 70,000 5,000 First-Principles
Investigation of Complex
Materials Properties
Chou, Mei-Yin Georgia Tech 81913 m663 60,000 4,000 Phase Stability and
Reaction Dynamics of Metal
Chrzan, Daryl Berkeley Lab 81937 mp110 70,000 500 Computational Materials
Chu, Jhih-Wei UC Berkeley 82479 m787 S 20,000 2,000 Multiscale Molecular
Modeling of Collagen
Fibers and its
Chuang, Catherine Livermore Lab 81756 m428 100,000 70,000 Aerosol Forcings and
Consequences on Climate
Clark, Aurora Washington 82101 m712 20,000 2,000 Electronic Structure and
State Classical Simulations of
U(VI) Silicates
Cohen, Bruce Livermore Lab 81706 gc3 800,000 10,000 Magnetic Fusion Plasma
Microturbulence Project
Cohen, Bruce Livermore Lab 81708 mp2 150,000 35,000 LLNL MFE Supercomputing
Cohen, Marvin Berkeley Lab 81637 mp173 230,000 10,000 Ab Initio Prediction of
Structural and Electronic
Properties of Materials
Colvin, Michael UC Merced 82139 m732 20,000 100 Comparative Study of
Unstructured Proteins
Using All-Atom and Coarse-
Grained Molecular Dynamics
Compo, Gil U. Colorado 82077 incite11 I 2,000,000 300,000 The 20th Century
Boulder Reanalysis Project
Comstock, Jennifer PNNL 82134 m738 20,000 5,000 Cloud Resolving Modeling
of Tropical Deep
Cummings, Peter Vanderbilt 81790 mp138 75,000 1,000 Molecular-Based Simulation
Univ of Complex and
Nanostructured Fluids
Cummings, Peter Oak Ridge 81979 m526 300,000 1,000 Computational Resources
for the Nanomaterials
Theory Institute at the
Center for Nanophase
Materials Sciences
Cummings, Peter Oak Ridge 82033 m535 90,000 500 Large scale quantum
transport: a leap towards
realistic length scales
for molecular electronic
Curtiss, Larry Argonne 81977 m440 50,000 100 Catalytic Reaction
Mechanisms in Nanoporous

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

D'Ippolito, Daniel Lodestar 81749 m376 10,000 500 Edge, SOL and Divertor
Corp. Modeling
Daggett, Valerie U. Washington 81720 m559 80,000 50,000 Molecular Dynameomics
Davidson, Ronald PPPL 81724 m74 90,000 10,000 Nonlinear Delta-f Particle
Simulation of Collective
Effects for Heavy Ion
Fusion Drivers and High
Intensity Particle
Davidson, Ronald PPPL 81978 m314 50,000 500 Simulations of Field-
Reversed Configuration and
Other Compact Tori Plasmas
Daw, Murray Clemson Univ 81834 m638 30,000 500 Theoretical modeling of
thermoelectric materials
De Jong, Wibe PNNL 81611 mp15 24,000 500 EMSL Molecular Science
Software Development and
DeWeaver, Eric U. Wisc. 81929 m431 50,000 10,000 Diagnostic research and
Madison development: Dynamics of
Arctic climate and
atmospheric circulation in
AMIP, CMIP, and National
Assessment Integrations.
Dean, David Oak Ridge 81823 m203 400,000 500 Computational nuclear
many-body problem
Dean, Michael Nat Inst 82113 m724 S 20,000 2,000 Using HapMap Data for
Health Human Recombination
Demmel, James UC Berkeley 81747 mp156 65,000 10,000 Linear Algebra Algorithms
on High Performance
Demmel, James Berkeley Lab 81999 mp309 S 50,000 100 Class Account for UCB
CS267 / CS194
"Applications of Parallel
Derenzo, Stephen Berkeley Lab 81954 m551 200,000 10,000 Electronic structure
calculations of new
scintillator materials
Diachin, Lori Livermore Lab 82606 m802 S 5,000 100 Iteroperable Technologies
for Advanced Petascale
Dimitrov, Dimitre Tech-X Corp 81909 m446 20,000 5,500 3D Modeling of an Electron
Gun with a Diamond
Ding, Chris Berkeley Lab 81997 mp153 30,000 500 Development of Community
Climate System Model
Dobrovitski, V. Ames Lab 81819 m652 95,000 700 Quantum control of spin
Doniach, Sebastian Stanford Univ 81947 mp219 20,000 100 Kinetic pathways for
protein misfolding and
amyloid formation
Dorland, William U. Maryland 81965 mp217 500,000 70,000 Turbulence, Transport and
Magnetic Reconnection in
High Temperature Plasma
Downing, Kenneth Berkeley Lab 81660 m573 82,000 5,000 DNA packaging in phage
Doyle, Patrick MIT 82105 m717 S 20,000 2,000 Mesoscale DNA simulations
Drake, John Oak Ridge 82002 m659 435,000 40,000 A Scalable and Extensible
Earth System Model for
Climate Change Science
Drazer, German Johns Hopkins 81796 m520 100,000 5,000 Molecular Simulations of
Univ Transport in
Micro/Nanofluidic Devices
Dunietz, Barry U. Michigan 82000 m467 20,000 100 Ab-initio design of
molecular scale devices
and materials for
alternative fuel
Dupuis, Michel PNNL 81742 m544 30,000 1,000 Charge Transfer,
Transport, and Reactivity
in Complex Environments.
Dupuis, Michel PNNL 82110 m722 20,000 2,000 Computational
Photocatalysis on TiO2:
Charge Transport,
Structure, and Reactivity
Dutoi, Anthony Northwestern 82621 m809 S 30,000 2,000 The Electron Dynamics
behind Molecular High
Harmonics Generation

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Elster, Charlotte Ohio Univ 81805 mp20 50,000 500 Three Nucleon Scattering
and Bound State
Calculations in Three
Esarey, Eric Berkeley Lab 81960 mp278 110,000 100,000 Numerical Simulations of
Advanced High Energy
Acceleration Techniques
and Applications

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Faller, Roland UC Davis 81760 m474 40,000 100 Polymers in confined
Fawley, William Berkeley Lab 81761 mp197 3,000 100 Numerical Simulation of
Short-Wavelength Free-
Electron Lasers for Future
Light Sources
Felmy, Andrew PNNL 82018 mp119 200,000 500 Computational Studies in
Molecular Geochemistry
Feng, Wu-chun Virginia Tech 82114 m725 20,000 2,000 Scalable Genomic-Search
Software Architectures
Fischer, Charlotte Vanderbilt 81726 mp52 500 Theoretical studies of
Univ atomic transitions
Fleming, Graham Berkeley Lab 81919 mp364 10,000 5,000 Simulations of non-linear
optical spectra and energy
transfer dynamics of
photosynthetic light-
harvesting complexes and
reaction centers.
Fox-Rabinovitz, M. U. Maryland 81813 m527 100,000 100,000 Decadal Climate Studies
with Enhanced Variable and
Uniform Resolution GCMs
Using Advanced Numerical
Franceschetti, A. NREL 81921 m352 40,000 100 Electronic excited states
in semiconductor quantum
Frank, Joachim Wadsworth 81851 m316 300,000 500 Correlative Cryo-EM and
Center Molecular Dynamics
Simulations of Ribosomal
Freedman, Stuart Berkeley Lab 81682 kamland 3,000,000 Data Analysis and
Simulations for KamLAND
Freedman, Stuart UC Berkeley 81859 cuore S 5,000 Data Analysis and
Simulation for the CUORE
Neutrinoless Double Beta
Decay Experiment
Freeman, Arthur Northwestern 81857 mp134 350,000 1,000 Electronic Structure and
Novel Properties in
Complex Oxides and Hetero-
Friedman, Alex Livermore Lab 81739 mp42 150,000 6,000 Simulation of intense
beams for heavy-ion fusion
Fung, Inez UC Berkeley 81638 m189 50,000 20,000 Carbon-Climate
Furman, Miguel Berkeley Lab 81803 mp93 2,500 2,000 Beam dynamics issues in
the new high-intensity
particle colliders and
storage rings

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Galli, Giulia UC Davis 81946 m542 200,000 1,000 First principles
simulations of
Gao, Michael Carnegie 82612 m806 S 20,000 100 First Principles Design of
Mellon Al Alloys of High
Corrosion Resistance
Garfinkel, Alan UCLA 81898 m287 20,000 10,000 Mathematical Modeling of
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Garrett, Bruce PNNL 81966 mp329 250,000 500 Chemical reactivity,
solvation and multi-
component heterogeneous
processes in aqueous
Gascon, Jose U. 81746 m601 S 20,000 2,000 Quantum Mechanical
Connecticut derivation of large scale
polarization effects in
Application to protein ion
channels and protein-
protein association.
Gatica, Silvina Howard Univ 81884 m667 S 17,000 550 Molecular Adsorption in
Geddes, Cameron Berkeley Lab 81982 incite7 1,140,000 20,000 Particle in cell
m558 simulation of laser
wakefield particle
Geissler, Phillip UC Berkeley 81837 m628 40,000 2,500 Rare but dramatic
evolutionary events in a
microscopic model of
protein-like chain
Gel, Aytekin Morgantown 81996 m507 S 20,000 1,000 Benchmarking of OpenFOAM
ETC with TAU performance
profiling tool and
Performance Comparison
with MFIX
Ghoniem, Ahmed MIT 81800 mp218 50,000 7,000 Lagrangian Simulation and
Optimization of Turbulent
Mixing and Combustion
Glaser, Donald UC Berkeley 81709 m460 20,000 100 Excitable Neuronal Array
Models of the Human Visual
Glimm, James SUNY Stony 82016 mp123 52,000 18,000 Front Tracking Simulations
Brook of DOE SciDAC priority
Glotzer, Sharon U. Michigan 82029 m682 150,000 100 Computational Study of the
Effect of Anisotropy on
Self-Assembly of Polymer
Tethered Nanoparticles
Gohar, Yousry Argonne 81882 m259 1,000 500 ANL Fusion Program
Goldschmidt, Yadin U. Pittsburgh 81678 m516 30,000 1,000 Simulations of flux lines
in high temperature
superconductors with
random pins
Gratta, Giorgio Stanford Univ 81973 saund S 5,000 Study of Acoustic
Underwater Neutrino
Gray, Stephen Argonne 81809 m430 55,000 5,000 Nanoscale Electrodynamics
Gray, Stephen Argonne 81810 mp166 72,000 7,000 Quantum Dynamics of
Chemical Reactions
Greene, Chris U. Colorado 81896 mp318 40,000 100 Molecular Dissociation by
Boulder Electron Impact
Grossman, Jeffrey UC Berkeley 81854 m655 80,000 10,000 Quantum Simulations of
Nanoscale Solar Cells
Guo, Hua U. New Mexico 82037 m627 50,000 100 Quantum dynamics of
combustion reactions
Guo, Jinghua Berkeley Lab 82093 m705 S 20,000 2,000 Electronics structure
study of hydrogen
adsorption on carbon
nanotubes and conductivity
in DNA
Gutowski, William Iowa State 81892 m612 50,000 18,000 Continuous Dynamic Grid
Adaptation in a Global
Atmospheric Model

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Haas, Stephan U. South 82046 m157 100,000 100 Magnetic Fields and
California Disorder in Quantum Spin
Hamilton, Edward Northwestern 81839 m370 20,000 100 Revival structures in
laser-aligned rotational
wave packets, including
alignment using elliptical
Hammond, Jeff U. Chicago 81804 m614 S 20,000 100 Large-Scale Semidefinite
Programming Calculations
for Molecular Electronic
Harmon, Bruce Ames Lab 81865 mp344 90,000 500 Electronic and structural
properties of surfaces and
Harmon, Bruce Ames Lab 81878 mp101 20,000 100 Photonic Band Gap
Harris, Charles UC Berkeley 81806 m399 180,000 500 Computational Modeling and
Simulation of
Organometallic Complexes
in Solution
Head-Gordon, Martin Berkeley Lab 81924 mp54 500,000 1,000 Electronic structure and
simulation calculations of
reactive chemical systems
Head-Gordon, Teresa UC Berkeley 81872 mp53 65,000 500 New Global Optimization
Approaches for Protein
Structure Prediction
Head-Gordon, Teresa Berkeley Lab 81874 m506 275,000 500 Influence of Co-Solvents
and Temperature on
Nanoscale Self-Assembly of
Head-Gordon, Teresa UC Berkeley 81875 m657 20,000 500 Advanced Theoretical
Models to Characterize the
Alzheimers Abeta Peptide
Head-Gordon, Teresa Berkeley Lab 82095 m707 S 5,000 100 BE143/243: Class
competition in Global
Held, Eric Utah State 81885 m127 50,000 2,000 Application of Parallel
Kinetic Closures in NIMROD
for Fusion Plasma
Hingerty, Brian Oak Ridge 81870 mp106 2,000 1,000 Crystallographic, NMR and
Molecular Modeling
Calculations of
Carcinogen Modified DNA,
Protein-DNA Complexes
and Cyclodextrin Inclusion
Ho, Kai-Ming Ames Lab 81914 m529 80,000 600 Multiscale Studies of the
Formation and Stability of
Nanostructures (a CMSN
Holbrook, Steve Berkeley Lab 81712 m565 100,000 5,000 MAGGIE Bioinformatics: A
Multi-level Description of
the Protein Interaction
Hwang, David UC Davis 82615 m807 S 20,000 500 Computer Simulation of the
UC Davis Compact Toroid
(CTIX) Accelerator

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Im, Hong U. Michigan 81897 m217 1,000,000 7,000 High-Fidelity Direct
Numerical Simulations of
Turbulent Combustion -
Compression Ignition under
HCCI Conditions and NOx
Formation in Turbulent Jet
Im, Hong U. Michigan 82076 incite12 I 1,000,000 15,000 Direct Numerical
Simulation of Turbulent
Flame Quenching by Fine
Water Droplets
Izzo, Valerie General 81640 m455 300,000 100 Disruption and disruption
Atomics mitigation simulations

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Jacobs, Peter Berkeley Lab 81782 alice 120,000 Simulations for the ALICE
experiment at LHC
Jap, Bing Berkeley Lab 81968 m389 50,000 100 Molecular Dynamics
Simulations of Water
Transport through Water
Jardin, Stephen PPPL 81801 mp286 100,000 10,000 Analysis and Design of
Stellarator Configurations
Jardin, Stephen PPPL 81923 mp287 100,000 36,000 Pellet Injection in
Tokamaks using AMR
Jardin, Stephen PPPL 81926 mp288 1,500,000 15,000 3D Extended MHD simulation
of fusion plasmas
Jellinek, Julius Argonne 81845 m196 60,000 500 Structure, Energetics and
Dynamics of Metal,
Including Alloy,
Interactions of Clusters
with Molecules and
Ji, Chueng Ryong North 81730 m230 5,000 100 Quantum Chromodynamic
Carolina Analysis of Hadron
State Structure and Application
to Cosmology
Jiang, De-en Oak Ridge 82082 m697 20,000 300 Computational study for
chemistry of novel
Johnson, Donald U. Wisc. 81877 m167 20,000 12,000 Modeling and Analysis of
Madison Global and Regional
Hydrologic Processes and
Appropriate Conservation
of Moist Entropy
Juang, Hann-Ming Henry NOAA 82052 m685 S 20,000 5,000 Ensemble Regional Seasonal
Forecast over USA by NCEP
Regional Spectral Model
Judd, Eleanor UC Berkeley 81945 euso 2,000 Extreme Universe Space

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Kalinichev, Andrey U. Illinois 81990 m645 20,000 1,000 Molecular Dynamics of
U-C Geologically Important
Fluids and Mineral-Fluid
Karplus, Martin Harvard Univ 81643 gc8 300,000 35,000 Molecular simulations of
conformational dynamics
and its role in motor
proteins, structure-
function relationship,
binding thermodynamics,
signal transduction, DNA
replication error
correction, and catalysis
in biological systems
Katsouleas, Thomas U. South 81698 mp275 90,000 1,000 Program for Plasma-Based
California Concepts for Future High-
Energy Accelerators
Ketterson, John Northwestern 82604 m800 S 15,000 100 Sensors based on plasmon-
resonant hole arrays
Keyes, David Columbia Univ 81843 m125 6,500 100 Towards Optimal Petascale
Kim, Kwiseon NREL 81764 m322 97,500 1,000 Nanoscience Parallel
Optimization Algorithms
Kim, Kwiseon NREL 81765 m514 30,000 2,000 Electronic structure and
reactivity of FeFe-
Klein, Richard UC Berkeley 81802 m231 50,000 80,000 Toward a Comprehensive
Theory of Star Formation
Klein, Spencer Berkeley Lab 81868 icecube 5,000 Simulation and Analysis
for IceCube
Ko, Kwok SLAC 81791 m349 290,000 2,000 Advanced Modeling for High
Energy Accelerators
Kogan, Boris UCLA 81737 mp66 20,000 100 Ca-induced early
afterdepolarizations in
cardiac arrhythmias and
fibrillation in simulated
Konerding, David Berkeley Lab 81879 m553 50,000 1,500 How does Topoisomerase I
straighten bent DNA:
Extended Molecular
Dynamics Simulations of
Topoisomerase I bound to
curved DNA
Koplik, Joel City College 81715 mp247 20,000 20,000 Particulate transport in
NY self-affine fractures
Kotamarthi, V. Rao Argonne 81776 m184 20,000 500 High-Spatial Resolution
Models of Atmospheric
Chemistry, Aerosols for
Regional Scale Climate
Krakauer, Henry William & 81904 m393 100,000 30,000 Quantum Monte Carlo
Mary studies
Kral, Petr U. Illinois 81652 m624 20,000 500 Molecular dynamics studies
Chicago of transport phenomena in
hybrid nanoscale systems
Kramer, William NERSC 81609 noexp 20,000 100,000 NERSC overhead account for
norepo users with no active repo
Kramer, William Berkeley Lab 82067 mphpcd 10,000 5,000 NERSC High Performance
Computing Department Guest
Kritz, Arnold Lehigh Univ 81789 m649 100,000 30,000 Integrated modeling
simulations for the plasma
Kronik, Leeor Weizmann Inst 82103 m716 20,000 2,000 GW calculations of
Science magnetic materials
Krueger, Steven U. Utah 81812 m205 30,000 5,000 Simulating Cloud Systems
Kruger, Scott Tech-X Corp 81655 mp21 1,000,000 18,000 NIMROD Project: Extended
Modeling for Fusion
Kruger, Scott Tech-X Corp 82026 m681 75,000 100,000 Fusion Application for
Core-Edge Transport
Kuriyan, John UC Berkeley 81907 m37 80,000 2,000 Computational
investigations of proteins
involved in cell signaling
and DNA replication
Kwon, Young-Kyun UMass Lowell 81677 m599 20,000 2,000 Computational Modeling and
Design for Nanotechnology
and Nanomanufacturing.

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Lacis, Andrew NASA GISS 81930 m238 20,000 500 Theoretical Calculation of
Water Vapor Continuum
Lamarque, J. NCAR 81962 m330 200,000 7,000 Simulation of 20th-century
and 21st-century climate
with interactive chemistry
in CAM3: identifying the
role of climate in driving
observed trends and in
affecting air quality
Lamb, Don U. Chicago 82078 incite13 I 2,500,000 250,000 Study of the
Gravitationally Confined
Detonation Mechanism for
Type Ia Supernovae
Landman, Uzi Georgia Tech 81745 mp97 120,000 25,000 Quantum and classical
simulations of clusters,
self-assembly. nano-scale
nanotribology, and
biological processes
Langston, Michael U. Tennessee 82352 m760 S 10,000 100 Scalable Computational
Methods for the Analysis
of High-Throughput
Biological Data
Leboeuf, Jean-Noel UCLA 81626 mp201 10,000 35,000 Turbulent and MHD behavior
of plasmas
Leboeuf, Jean-Noel U. Alaska 81627 m616 50,000 5,000 Gyrokinetic Studies of
Non-Diffusive Transport
Leboeuf, Jean-Noel UCLA 81628 m414 500,000 25,000 Fusion Science Center For
Multiscale Plasma Dynamics
Leboeuf, Jean-Noel UCLA 81641 mp28 100,000 20,000 Fusion Plasma Modeling
Using 3-D Particle-In-Cell
Simulations at UCLA
Lee, Frank George Wash 81663 m102 600,000 400,000 Excited Baryon Physics
Univ from Lattice QCD
Lee, Patrick MIT 81894 m525 50,000 2,000 Spin Liquid in honeycomb
Lee, T. S. Harry Jefferson Lab 81808 m615 300,000 500 Dynamical Coupled-channel
Analysis of Nucleon
Resonances at Excited
Baryon Analysis Center
Lee, Wei-li PPPL 81787 mp19 3,000,000 50,000 Center for Gyrokinetic
Particle Simulations of
Turbulent Transport in
Burning Plasmas and
Multiscale Gyrokinetics
Lester, William Berkeley Lab 81671 m518 200,000 8,000 Application of Quantum
Monte Carlo Methods to
Biological Systems
Lester, William Berkeley Lab 81672 mp208 450,000 2,000 Quantum Monte Carlo for
Electronic Structure of
Leung, Lai-Yung Ruby PNNL 81964 m546 50,000 10,000 North American Regional
Climate Change Assessment
Project (NARCCAP)
Leung, Mary Ann U. Washington 82019 m382 80,000 3,000 Numerical studies of the
Bose Einstein Condensate
in multiple wells
Li, Rui Jefferson Lab 81963 mp159 5,000 100 Effects of Coherent
Synchrotron Radiation on
Accelerator Performance
and beam-beam simulations
Li, Rui Jefferson Lab 82118 m728 20,000 500 Computer simulation
studies of electron
cooling and beam-beam
interaction for the
Electron-Ion Collider
based on CEBAF
Lin, Shi Ying U. New Mexico 82157 m740 S 20,000 2,000 Quantum dynamical study
for photodissociation of
Lin, Yu Auburn Univ 81732 m206 40,000 100 Gyrokinetic Electron and
Fully Kinetic Ion Particle
Simulations of
Collisionless Magnetic
Lin, Zhihong UC Irvine 82620 m808 S 50,000 5,000 SciDAC GSEP: Gyrokinetic
Simulation of Energetic
Particle Turbulenc and
Liu, Feng U. Utah 81883 m284 150,000 2,000 Tuning of Band Gap and
Charge Carrier Mobility by
Strain Engineering and
Mechanical Modification of
Organic Semi-Conducting
Liu, Keh-Fei U. Kentucky 81792 mp7 800,000 1,200,000 Lattice QCD Monte Carlo
Calculation of Hadron
Structure and Spectroscopy
Livny, Miron U. Wisc. 81985 m670 osg 64,000 200,000 Extending the Open Science
Madison Grid
Loken, Stewart Berkeley Lab 81934 atlas 40,000 Simulation of ATLAS
Loken, Stewart Berkeley Lab 81935 atlasdc 250,000 ATLAS Data Challenges
Long, Charles PNNL 82115 m726 20,000 2,000 Simulating the tropical
cloud-climate interactions
during the TWPICE
experiment period with the
weather research and
forecasting model
Louie, Steven Berkeley Lab 81636 mp149 220,000 20,000 Computation of Electronic
Properties of Materials
from First Principles
Loveland, Walter Oregon State 81635 m136 20,000 150,000 Calculation of
Relativistic and Electron
Correlation effects for
systems of superheavy
Relativistic Coupled-
Cluster method.
Luk, Kam-Biu Berkeley Lab 81915 dayabay 25,000 Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Ma, Chung-Pei UC Berkeley 81911 m289 20,000 2,000 Evolution of Massive
Galaxies and Black Holes
Maclin, Arlene Norfolk State 81649 m626 S 10,000 100 A Theoretical
Investigation of the
Optical Electronic and
Mechanical Properties of
Select Nanostructures
Makino, Kyoko Michigan 81983 m509 70,000 50,000 Modern Map Methods in
State Particle Beam Physics
Manson, Steven Georgia State 81710 m497 40,000 2,000 Inner and Outer shell
Photoabsorption by
Positive and Negative Ions
and Neutral Atoms
Mao, Shaolin NCAR 81753 m646 S 20,000 5,000 Numerical simulation of
sub-canopy drainage flow
and their influence on
above-canopy measurements
Marques, Osni Berkeley Lab 81889 m340 21,500 100 Installation, Testing and
Evaluation of ACTS Tools
Mascarenhas, Angelo NREL 81825 mp306 50,000 5,000 Electronic structure of
semiconductor alloys and
Masunov, Artem U. Central 81798 m513 100,000 1,000 Design of nonlinear
Florida optical materials with
enhanced two- and three-
photon absorbing
Mavrikakis, Manos U. Wisc. 81814 mp351 500,000 100 First-Principles Catalyst
Madison Design for Environmentally
Benign Energy Production
McCurdy, C. William Berkeley Lab 81767 mp74 25,000 1,500 Electron and Photon
Collisions with atoms and
McMahon, William NREL 81852 m147 50,000 500 As/Ge Surface Structures
Medvedeva, Julia U. Missouri 82142 m742 30,000 2,000 Multicomponent oxides as
Rolla novel transparent
Mei, Donghai PNNL 82382 m761 S 20,000 1,000 First principles based
modeling of substrate
effect on reactivity of
supported transition metal
oxide catalysts
Menon, Surabi Berkeley Lab 81758 m464 1,000 500 Cloud Physics
Parameterizations for
arctic stratus and
convective cloud systems
Meza, Juan Berkeley Lab 82072 mphpcrd 20,000 500,000 CRD High Performance
Computing Research
Department Guest Accounts
Mezzacappa, Anthony Oak Ridge 81931 mp124 100,000 50,000 Shedding New Light on
Exploding Stars: TeraScale
Simulations of Neutrino-
Driven Supernovae and
Their Nucleosynthesis
Mikkelsen, David PPPL 81925 m64 500,000 3,000 Experimental Tests of
Gyrokinetic Simulations of
Militzer, Burkhard UC Berkeley 82220 m744 S 20,000 100 Hydrogen-Helium Mixture at
Interiors of Giant Gas
Miller, Doug UNC Asheville 82042 m550 S 20,000 2,500 Forecasting Coupled
Meteorology and Air
Quality at Very High
Miller, William UC Berkeley 82061 mp14 200,000 200 Semiclassical approaches
for condensed matter
dynamics and quantum
instanton model for
molecular reaction
Mori, Warren UCLA 81908 mp113 330,000 50,000 continuing studies of
plasma based accelerators
Mori, Warren UCLA 82041 m412 225,000 20,000 Investigations of fast
ignition physics and
extreme states of matter
Mori, Warren UCLA 82075 incite14 I 1,000,000 10,000 Petascale Particle-in-Cell
Simulations of Plasma
Based Accelerators
Morris, James Oak Ridge 81728 m435 35,000 500 Atomistic modeling of
novel alloy behavior
Muckerman, James Brookhaven 82127 m729 20,000 500 Catalyzed Water Oxidation
Lab by Solar Irradiation of
Mukamel, Shaul UC Irvine 82047 m639 20,000 2,000 Probing Vibrational and
Electronic Dynamics
through Nonlinear
Mundy, Christopher Livermore Lab 81940 m452 125,000 100 Unraveling the Mysteries
of the Phase Diagram of
Water Using First
Principles Methods and
Tera-scale Computing
Murad, Paul Defense 81610 m602 S 10,000 500 Closed Form Solution to
Intell Agency Navier-Stokes equations to
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Najm, Habib Sandia Lab CA 81721 m401 52,000 500 A Computational Facility
for Reacting Flow Science
Najmabadi, Farrokh UC San Diego 82017 mp203 10,000 3,000 Fusion Edge Plasma
Analysis for Divertor
Neff, Jason U. Colorado 82229 m745 S 20,000 2,000 The Role of Boreal and
Boulder Arctic Soils in Climate
Feedbacks; Model
Development and Testing
Negele, John MIT 81788 mp133 100,000 133,000 Exploration of Hadron
Structure using Lattice
Nelson, Brian U. Washington 81619 m489 50,000 4,000 The Plasma Science and
Innovation Center
Nelson, Brian U. Washington 81928 m172 200,000 4,000 Helicity Injected Torus
Current Drive and Compact
Toroid Studies
Nemeth, Karoly Argonne 81971 m634 20,000 2,000 Parallel Computation for
Laser Plasma Interactions
at Relativistic
Newman, Gregory Berkeley Lab 81952 m372 200,000 150 Large Scale 3D Geophsycial
Inversion & Imaging
Ng, Cheuk-Yiu UC Davis 81684 m319 170,000 100 State-of-the-Art ab initio
Calculations of Energetics
and Spectroscopic
Properties of Molecular
for Comparison with Highly
Accurate Experimental
Ng, Esmond Berkeley Lab 81750 mp127 49,000 2,500 High Performance Sparse
Matrix Algorithms
Nikolopoulos, D. Virginia Tech 81871 m552 S 5,000 500 MELISSES: Liquid Services
for Scalable
Execution on Emerging
Nolen, Jerry Argonne 81849 mp362 340,000 75,000 Radioactive Beam
Facilities - Target,
Shielding, Fragment
Separators and Accelerator
Norman, Michael UC San Diego 81863 incite8 300,000 500,000 Precision Cosmology Using
m568 the Lyman Alpha Forest
Notaro, Michael U. Wisc. 82137 m731 S 20,000 5,000 Ecosystem response to
Madison future climate change and
the impact of vegetation
feedback in the Southwest
United States
Nozik, Arthur NREL 81783 m72 100,000 10,000 Experimental and
Theoretical Studies of
Semiconductor Systems for
Improved Solar Energy

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Odette, G. Robert UC Santa 82098 m720 S 20,000 2,000 Properties of Metal/Oxide
Barbara Nanoparticle Interfaces in
Fusion Structural
Oefelein, Joseph Sandia Lab CA 81953 m295 150,000 100 Large Eddy Simulation of
Interactions in Reacting
Ogut, Serdar U. Illinois 81905 m567 100,000 200 Optical Properties of
Chicago Noble Metal Clusters from
First Principles
Oliker, Leonid Berkeley Lab 81717 m650 64,000 100 Scientific Application
Performance on Candidate
PetaScale Platforms
Olson, Doug Berkeley Lab 81799 gc5 ppdg 4,500,000 STAR Detector Simulations
rhstar and Data Analysis

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Parvin, Bahram Berkeley Lab 81880 lowdose 200,000 Mechanism of DNA Damage
and Repair Nuclear
Imaging of Gene Expression
Pattison, Martin Metaheuristic 82038 m611 S 20,000 500 Lattice Boltzmann
s simulation of
magnetohydrodynamic flows
Patton, Edward NCAR 81992 m640 20,000 5,000 Influences of the Boundary
Layer Flow on Vegetation-
Air Exchanges of Energy,
Water and Carbon Dioxide
Penner, Joyce U. Michigan 81702 mp231 200,000 30,000 Three-dimensional Global
Atmospheric Aerosol and
Chemistry Modeling
Pennycook, Stephen Oak Ridge 81703 mp221 130,000 500 Numerical Simulations of
Interfaces, Grain
Boundaries, and
Perlmutter, Saul Berkeley Lab 82009 deepsrch 250,000 Optimal Photometric
Reduction of Supernova
Images for Cosmological
Perlmutter, Saul Berkeley Lab 82035 m219 230,000 200,000 SNAP Simulation and
snap Analysis
Pfreundt, F. Fraunhofer 81916 m282 5,000 500 Integrated Performance
ITWM Germany Analysis of Distributed
Computer Systems
Pieper, Steven Argonne 81918 mp26 20,000 10,000 Exact Calculations of
Light Nuclei Using
Realistic Interactions
Pinar, Ali Berkeley Lab 81841 m674 S 20,000 3,000 Algorithms for Discrete
and Continuous
Pindzola, Michael Auburn Univ 81632 m41 1,000,000 8,000 Computational Atomic
Physics for Fusion Energy
Pivovar, Bryan Los Alamos 82100 m711 S 20,000 2,000 Modeling the head-group
Lab degradation in alkaline
fuel-cell membranes
Plewa, Tomasz U. Chicago 81738 m461 339,000 300,000 Thermonuclear Supernovae:
Stellar Explosions in
Three Dimensions
Potter, Gerald Livermore Lab 81864 mp193 350,000 1,000,000 Program for Climate Model
Diagnosis and
Pratt, Larry Fisk Univ 82015 incite9 I 150,000 500 Reactions of lithium
carbenoids, lithium
enolates, and mixed
Primack, Joel UC Santa Cruz 81771 mp363 60,000 250,000 Galaxy Formation
Prinz, Fritz Stanford Univ 81903 m622 90,000 100 Solid oxide materials for
next generation renewable
energy applications

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Quataert, Eliot UC Berkeley 82081 m698 S 20,000 2,000 Kinetic Simulations of Hot
Accretion Flows

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Ram, Abhay MIT 81770 m224 400,000 4,000 Computational studies in
plasma physics and fusion
Randall, David Colorado 81912 m328 750,000 25,000 Global cloud modeling
Rashkeev, Sergey Idaho 81762 m647 50,000 100 Numerical Simulations of
National Lab Defects and Chemical
Reactions at Surfaces and
Ratcliff, Jay US Army Corps 81944 m566 700,000 1,000 Coastal Storm Surge
Engr MVN Analyses
Rauchwerger, LawrenceTexas A&M 81984 m493 13,000 500 SmartApps: Middle-ware for
Univ Adaptive Applications on
Reconfigurable Platforms
Ray, Asok U. Texas 82086 m701 20,000 500 A Fully Relativistic
Arlington Density Functional Study
of the Role of 5f
Electrons in Chemical
Bonding in Transuranium
Rehr, John U. Washington 81821 mp313 20,000 100 High Performance
Computation of Photon
Spectroscopies and
Electronic Excited States
Reichler, Thomas U. Utah 82136 m730 S 20,000 2,000 Dynamics and Variability
of the Coupled
Ren, Chuang U. Rochester 82079 incite15 I 2,000,000 20,000 Three-Dimensional
Simulations for Fast
Rezayi, Edward CSU Los 81939 m404 50,000 100 Numerical Studies of
Angeles Collective Phenomena in
Two-Dimensional Electron
Riley, Pete SAI San Diego 82085 m700 S 20,000 3,000 High-Resolution
Simulations of Coronal
Mass Ejections and the
Ambient Structure of the
Solar Corona
Roche, Kenneth Oak Ridge 81994 m397 212,500 5,000 Software Effectiveness
Rollett, Tony Carnegie 81777 mp262 230,000 1,000 Microstructural Evolution
Mellon Based on Fundamental
Interfacial Properties: a
DOE sponsored
Computational Materials
Science Network
Romanowicz, Barbara UC Berkeley 81723 m554 200,000 2,000 Calibration of 3D Upper
Mantle Structure in
Eurasia Using Regional and
Teleseismic Full Waveform
Seismic Data
Rowan, William U. Texas 81876 mp285 10,000 1,000 Turbulence simulation and
Austin comparison with
measurements on DIII-D and
Alcator C-Mod, and new
Institute for Fusion
Studies and Fusion
Research Center projects
Rubin, Edward JGI 81873 m342 1,500,000 900,000 Optimizing Genomic Data
Storage for Wide
Ryne, Robert Berkeley Lab 81768 gc2 1,220,000 28,000 Accelerator Community Code
Development and Discovery

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Saad, Yousef U. Minnesota 82050 m684 20,000 2,000 Pseudopotential Algorithm
for Real Space Electronic
Samulyak, Roman Brookhaven 81673 m545 195,000 3,000 Simulation of Free Surface
Lab MHD Flows in Tokamak
Refueling and Plasma
Disruption Mitigation
Saykally, Richard UC Berkeley 82059 m696 100,000 5,000 X-ray Absorption Spectra
of Aqueous Solutions from
First Principles
Schaefer, Henry U. Georgia 81781 m170 200,000 500 Computations of Properties
to Chemical Accuracy
Schiavilla, Rocco Jefferson Lab 81774 m69 85,000 500 Electro-Weak Structure of
Light Nuclei
Schuchardt, Karen PNNL 82094 m706 S 20,000 2,000 Community Access to Global
Cloud Resolving Model Data
and Analyses
Schultz, David Oak Ridge 81634 mp48 250,000 1,000 Theoretical Atomic Physics
for Fusion Energy
Seidel, Edward Louisiana 82043 m152 20,000 Quasinormal mode
State excitation of Kerr black
Seki, Ryoichi CSU 81772 m451 200,000 5,000 nuclear lattice
Northridge calculation
Sethian, James Berkeley Lab 82039 m621 S 20,000 2,000 Study of Mixing in
Geophysical Flows
Shang, Shunli Penn State 82012 m679 20,000 5,000 First-principles
calculations of phonon,
electronic and
thermodynamic properties
of bonon-containing
semicomductors and metals
Shapiro, Marjorie Berkeley Lab 81986 fermi 40,000 Physics Analysis of CDF
(Collider Detector at
Fermilab) Data
Shay, Michael U. Delaware 82116 m733 S 20,000 2,000 Kinetic Physics of
Magnetic Reconnection
Shigemitsu, Junko Ohio State 81653 mp268 2,500 20,000 Heavy-Light Physics with
NRQCD Heavy and Improved
Staggered Light Quarks
Simon, Horst Berkeley Lab 82073 mpnersc 20,000 1,000 NERSC Division Guest
Sinclair, Donald Argonne 81773 mp27 750,000 80,000 Lattice Gauge Theory
Smoot, George Berkeley Lab 82044 astrogfs 60,000 Large Astrophysical Data
Sets: Data analysis and
simulation of astro-
physical neutrinos, dark
matter and dark energy in
AMANDA, IceCube and SNAP
Snurr, Randall Northwestern 81775 m538 50,000 100 Dissociative Adsorption of
Reactive Species on BaNaY
Zeolites: A Hybrid Quantum
Mechanics and Molecular
Mechanics Study
Snyder, Philip General 81736 mp94 700,000 30,000 Simulation of Magnetically
Atomics Confined Fusion Plasmas
Sosonkina, Masha Ames Lab 81890 m419 8,500 100 Interoperable software for
modern high-performance
Sovinec, Carl U. Wisc. 81826 mp200 400,000 1,500 Fluid and Hybrid Modeling
Madison of Electromagnetic
Activity in MFE Plasmas
Spera, Frank UC Santa 81899 m178 100,000 6,000 Large-Scale Molecular
Barbara Dynamics of Geomaterials:
The Glass Transition,
Nanoscale Structure-
Property Correlations,
Shock Wave Simulations and
Role of Water on Liquid
Properties at High-
Pressure and Applications
to Earth and Planets
Spong, Don Oak Ridge 81692 mp202 100,000 8,000 Plasma Confinement,
Stability, Heating and
Optimization in
Stellarators and Tokamaks
Sposito, Garrison Berkeley Lab 81701 mp47 200,000 4,200 Clay Mineral Surface
Sprangle, Phillip Naval 82010 mp343 10,000 100 High Energy Laser-Driven
Research Lab Acceleration Based on the
Laser Wakefield
Srinivasan, Ashok Florida State 81961 m512 S 15,000 50 Parallelization of Time in
Long-Time Molecular
Dynamics Simulations
Stocks, G. Malcolm Oak Ridge 81699 m641 1,000,000 10,000 Computational Materials
Striolo, Alberto U. Oklahoma 81734 m530 30,000 100 Interfacial Phenomena:
Aqueous Systems at Solid-
Fluid Interfaces
Strohmaier, Erich Berkeley Lab 81840 m283 34,000 100 Performance
Characterization and
Benchmarking of HPC
Sukharev, Maxim Northwestern 81957 m508 20,000 1,000 Optimal control of light
in nanoscale: towards
smart plasmonic

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Tang, Xianzhu Los Alamos 81958 mp204 200,000 1,500 nonlinear studies of
Lab magnetically confined
Tang, Xianzhu Los Alamos 81959 m139 100,000 500 Nonlinearly implicit MHD
Lab and two-fluids simulation
of fusion plasmas
Thakur, Bhupender U. Delaware 82051 m673 S 20,000 500 Density Matrix
Renormalization Group
method for Large scale
nuclear structure
Thirumalai, Dave U. Maryland 82091 m704 20,000 2,000 Understanding function of
biological nanomachines
Tillett, Jason U. Rochester 82602 m799 S 20,000 500 Large Scale Bio-acoustic
Propagation Simulator
Tokmakian, Robin Naval PS 81659 m528 50,000 1,000 Decadal to century coupled
ocean/ice simulations at
high resolution (0.20)
Toon, Owen U. Colorado 81740 mp192 10,000 4,000 Large-eddy simulations of
Boulder aerosol-cloud interactions
Toussaint, Doug U. Arizona 81785 mp13 1,560,000 25,000 Quantum Chromodynamics
with three flavors of
dynamical quarks
Tyson, Trevor New Jersey IT 82609 m805 20,000 700 Constrained Structural
Optimization of Complex
Metal Oxides

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Vahala, George William & 81713 mp32 500,000 15,000 Lattice Boltzmann
Mary Simulations for Plasmas
Vary, James Iowa State 81970 m94 700,000 10,000 Structure and Reactions of
Hadrons and Nuclei; Non-
perturbative Solutions of
Strongly Interacting
Particles and Fields

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Wang, Haobin New Mexico 81689 m93 100,000 100 Quantum Dynamical Study of
State Charge and Energy Tranfer
Processes in the Condensed
Wang, Lin-Wang Berkeley Lab 81902 mp304 180,000 50,000 Large scale nanostructure
electronic structure
Ware, Andrew U. Montana 81786 mp205 24,000 500 Theory of Turbulent Heat
and Particle Fluxes in ExB
Shear Flow and
Computational Modeling of
the Stability of Novel
Washington, Warren NCAR 81612 mp9 1,560,000 1,132,000 Climate Change Simulations
with CCSM3: Moderate and
High Resolution Studies
Weber, William PNNL 81741 mp148 20,000 1,000 Defects, Defect Processes,
and Ion-Solid Interactions
in Ceramics
Weinert, Michael U. Wisc. 81891 mp330 30,000 500 Electronic Structure of
Milwaukee Alloys, Surfaces, and
Weitzner, Harold New York Univ 81718 m191 20,000 100 Advanced Stellarator
Weitzner, Harold New York Univ 81719 mp338 25,000 1,000 Advanced Toroidal Theory
and Computation
Wellein, Gerhard RRZ Erlangen 81751 m635 S 20,000 1,000 Application Performance
Germany Characteristics of Leading
Edge Supercomputers
Wen, Zhaofang Sandia Lab NM 81700 m407 8,500 100 BEC library for Unified
Parallel C
Werthimer, Dan UC Berkeley 81886 seti 1,200,000 Berkeley High Resolution
Neutral Hydrogen Sky
White, Martin UC Berkeley 81693 m68 50,000 40,000 Constraining dark energy
with clusters of galaxies
Wilkins, John Ohio State 81707 mp160 140,000 500 Modeling Dynamically and
Spatially Complex
Williamson, Andrew Livermore Lab 81895 m337 125,000 1,000 First Principles
Simulations of
Nanostructured Materials
under Pressure
Woodruff, Simon U. Washington 81778 m633 50,000 3,000 High energy collisions and
compression of field
reversed configurations
Woosley, Stan UC Santa Cruz 81688 m106 1,090,000 100,000 Computational Astrophysics
Wu, Jianzhong UC Riverside 81858 m618 100,000 5,000 Atomic density functional
theory for crystal
nucleation and growth
Wu, Meng-Shiou Ames Lab 81987 m664 S 20,000 100 Computational Quality of
Service for Chemistry
Wu, Ruqian UC Irvine 81697 mp244 81,000 100 First Principles
Investigations and
Simulations for Catalytic
Properties of Metal/Oxide
Wu, Ruqian UC Irvine 81862 m532 100,000 100 First Principles
Exploration for the Origin
of Ferromagnetism in
Diluted Magnetic
Wuebbles, Donald U. Illinois 81811 mp79 20,000 175,000 Parallel modeling of
U-C climate, chemistry, and
physics affecting the
global atmosphere

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Yan, Yanfa NREL 82108 m721 20,000 400 Theory of metal oxides for
potential applications of
PEC water spliting
Yang, Chao Berkeley Lab 81833 m653 200,000 1,000 Three-dimension Image
Reconstruction of
Macromolecular Assemblies
from Cryo-EM Data
Yelick, Katherine Berkeley Lab 81869 mp215 64,000 1,000 UPC and Titanium
Yelick, Katherine Berkeley Lab 82003 m683 42,500 1,000 Programming Models and
Runtime Support for
Scalable Parallel
Yeung, Pui-kuen Georgia Tech 81853 m442 200,000 65,000 High-Resolution Simulation
of Mixing and Rotation in
Turbulent Flow
Yu, Rong Berkeley Lab 82056 m686 S 20,000 1,000 Computation of Proton
Transfer Mechanisms in
Yunn, Byung Jefferson Lab 81733 m216 2,000 500 Accelerator Physics
Studies of Applications of
Superconducting Linacs

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Zapol, Peter Argonne 82014 m441 70,000 100 Soft/hard interfaces in
Zapol, Peter Argonne 82030 m548 20,000 100 Computational studies of
Electrocatalysis for Low
Temperature Fuel Cell
Zhang, Bin Arkansas 82060 m688 S 20,000 4,000 Dynamics of Relativistic
State Heavy Ion Collisions
Zhang, Guoping Indiana St U 82102 m713 20,000 200 Ultrafast magnetization in
Zhang, Keni Berkeley Lab 81754 m620 S 20,000 100 Numerical investigation of
long-term fate of CO2
plumes stored in saline
Zhang, Shengbai NREL 81784 mp252 250,000 25,000 Doping bottleneck, van der
Waals interaction, and
novel ordered alloy
Zhang, Yeliang U. Arizona 82007 m564 S 20,000 2,000 Physics Aware Optimization
Zhang, Yongxin Los Alamos 82040 m613 S 20,000 2,000 Effects of Aerosols on
Lab Climate and Climate Change
Zhang, Zhenyu Oak Ridge 81948 m108 190,000 100 First principles studies
of formation, stability
and transport properties
of surface based
Zhu, Ping U. Wisc. 81829 m572 50,000 10,000 MHD Modeling of Nonlinear
Madison Ballooning Instabilities
in Fusion and Space
Zunger, Alex NREL 81932 m346 200,000 1,000 Predicting the electronic
Properties of 3D, Milion-
Atom Semiconductor
Zunger, Alex NREL 81949 mp70 100,000 500 Computational
Semiconductor Physics
Zyla, Piotr Berkeley Lab 81972 pdg 8,000 Particle Data Group
Zyla, Piotr Berkeley Lab 81981 e871 160,000 HyperCP (FNAL E871)