NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

2004 Initial Allocation Awards

The following table lists the allocation awards for NERSC for the extended 2004 fiscal year (Oct 1, 2003 through Nov 30, 2004). The list is in alphabetical order by the last name of the Principal Investigator.

Note - Letters following the repository name indicate the following:

'S' NERSC Startup award



Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Agarwal, Deborah Berkeley Lab 80586 mpdsd 5,000 40,000 NERSC Distributed Systems
Department Guest Accounts
Ahmed, Musa Berkeley Lab 80530 m252 S 20,000 100 Chemical Dynamics and
Energetics of Free
Radicals, Clusters, and
Excited Ions
Al-Jassim, Mowafak NREL 80250 mp308 38,000 100 Theoretical simulations of
effects of extended and
point defects on the
properties of advanced
Albers, Robert Los Alamos 80448 m233 7,000 100 Displacive Phase
Albrecht, Andreas UC Davis 80426 m323 20,000 500 Cosmological Parameters
from Galaxy Cluster
Peculiar Velocity
Aldering, Greg Berkeley Lab 80477 m112 400,000 600,000 The Nearby Supernova
snfactry Factory
Algazi, Ralph UC Davis 80597 m356 S 20,000 10 Pinna Modeling and
Alhassid, Yoram Yale Univ 80476 mp69 60,000 450 Monte Carlo Methods for
Nuclear Structure
Alhassid, Yoram Yale Univ 80547 mp283 5,000 150 Chaos in Mesoscopic
Sysytems: from Nuclei to
Quantum Dots
Alivisatos, Paul Berkeley Lab 80469 m270 35,000 1,000 Pseudopotential
calculations of the
binding of organic
surfactants to bulk
semiconductor surfaces
Alivisatos, Paul Berkeley Lab 80631 m387 105,000 2,000 Theory of nanostructured
Alumbaugh, David UW Madison 80330 mp246 48,500 100 3D Electromagnetic
Modeling and Inversion for
Arons, Jonathan UC Berkeley 80290 mp274 40,000 5,000 Formation and Collimation
of Pulsar Winds
Aronson, Igor Argonne 80417 m135 5,000 100 Numerical Investigation of
Partially-FLuidized Three-
Dimensional Granular Flows
Atherton, Cynthia Livermore 80278 mp163 40,000 27,000 Roles of aerosols,
stratospheric transport,
and natural and
anthropogenic emissions on
tropospheric ozone
Averback, Robert U. Illinois 80308 mp99 20,000 5,000 Synthesis of
U-C nanostructured thin films
by far from equilibrium

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Babikov, Dmitri Los Alamos 80575 m353 S 20,000 1,000 Microsecond Scattering
Resonances in Ozone
Baden, Scott UC San Diego 80436 m276 S 20,000 1,000 Latency tolerant algorithm
Baer, Ferdinand U. Maryland 80369 mp188 44,500 14,000 Multiresolution climate
modeling with the Spectral
Element Atmospheric Model
Bailey, David Berkeley Lab 80487 m88 perc 65,000 100 The Performance
Engineering Research
Bailey, David Berkeley Lab 80505 mp207 5,000 100 The Experimental
Mathematician's Toolkit
Balbuena, Perla U. SCarolina 80470 m249 140,000 5,000 Computational chemistry
search of efficient
Bansil, Arun Northeastern 80226 m225 55,000 2,000 Correlation Effects,
Magnetism, and
Spectroscopy of Complex
Materials, including
Batchelor, Don Oak Ridge 80360 m77 1,006,500 200 SciDAC Project on
Electromagnetic Wave-
Plasma Interactions in
Multi-dimensional Systems
Batista, Victor Yale Univ 80464 mp311 35,000 1,250 Simulations of quantum
reaction dynamics
Batista, Victor Yale Univ 80703 m408 S 20,000 2,000 MP/SOFT Calculations of
Finite Temperature Time
Correlation Functions
Battaglia, Marco UC Berkeley 80827 ilc S 1,000 International Linear
Baumgardner, John Los Alamos 80615 m375 S 20,000 100 Mantle Dynamics in the
Terrestrial Planets
Bell, John Berkeley Lab 80298 mp111 1,495,000 300,000 Applied Partial
Differential Equations
Benedek, Roy Argonne 80264 mp169 28,000 200 First Principles
Calculations for Lithium
Battery Electrodes and
Electrode Coatings
Benedek, Roy Argonne 80322 mp87 35,000 250 First Principles Modeling
of Ceramic-Metal
Bergmann, Dan Livermore 80625 m383 260,000 20,000 High resolution
atmospheric aerosol
Bhattacharjee, A. U. New Hamp 80489 m148 255,000 6,000 Magnetic Reconnection Code
Borgani, Stefano INAF Trieste 80616 m374 S 20,000 5,000 Simulating the intra-
cluster medium at high
Borrill, Julian Berkeley Lab 80229 mp107 716,000 125,000 Cosmic Microwave
Background Data Analysis
Borrill, Julian Berkeley Lab 80548 m75 20,000 5,000 Adaptive Mesh Refinement
In Early Universe Field
Theory Simulations
Broderick, Gordon U. Alberta 80461 m291 S 20,000 1,000 A massively parallel
arithmatic approach to
whole cell modeling in 4-d
Brown, Virginia MIT 80415 m173 20,000 1,000 Electroweak and
Interactions in the
Nucleon-Nucleon System;
Pion Production
Broyde, Suse New York Univ 80364 mp310 8,500 1,000 Molecular Understanding of
Mutagenicity Using
Potential Energy Methods
Bruhwiler, David Tech-X Corp 80450 m327 S 20,000 1,000 Parallel Simulation of
Electron Cooling Physics
and Beam Transport
Bulatov, Vasily Livermore 80467 m120 50,000 100 Crystal Plasticity by
Dislocation Dynamics

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Canning, Andrew Berkeley Lab 80427 m126 35,000 2,000 Mathematical/Computational
Methods for Electronic
Structure Codes in
Car, Roberto Princeton 80507 m115 57,000 100 First-principles Study of
Univ Point and Line Defects in
Metallic Alloys
Carlson, Joseph Los Alamos 80351 mp33 230,000 350 Quantum Monte Carlo for
Nuclei and Nuclear/Neutron
Carter, Emily UCLA 80622 m381 S 20,000 1,000 First principles, density-
based description of
embedded subsystems
Chan, Yuen-Dat Berkeley Lab 80385 babar 60,000 Storage for Nuclear
e895 Physics Computations using
e896 PDSF at NERSC
na49 nsd
Chasman, Richard Argonne 80371 mp327 150 Many Body and Mean Field
Nuclear Structure Studies
Chelikowsky, James U. Minnesota 80446 m175 35,000 400 Optical Excitations and
Structural Properties of
Localized Systems
Chen, Jacqueline Sandia CA 80279 mp241 295,000 10,000 Direct Numerical
sc8219 Simulation of Turbulent
Combustion - High Pressure
Multi-Stage Autoignition
and Turbulent Burning
Chen, Liu UC Irvine 80402 m92 108,000 2,500 Nonlinear Instability and
Transport Computations
Chen, Yang U. Colorado 80333 mp118 160,000 500 Gyrokinetic simulation of
Boulder plasma microturbulence and
tearing modes, kinetic MHD
simulation and simulation
of Alfven waves in auroral
Cheng, Hai-Ping U. Florida 80358 mp261 75,000 1,500 Multiscale Simulations of
Particle-, Molecule-
Surface Interactions and
simulations of nanowires:
Physical and Chemical
Chiang, John UC Berkeley 80541 m297 S 20,000 1,000 Mechanisms of tropical
ENSO teleconnections
Ching, Wai-Yim U. Missouri 80335 mp250 75,500 100 Theoretical Studies of the
Columbia Electronic Structures and
Properties of Complex
Ceramic Crystals and Novel
Chou, Mei-Yin Georgia Tech 80329 mp258 43,000 100 First-Principles
Investigation of Complex
Materials Properties
Chou, Mei-Yin Georgia Tech 80398 m91 64,000 100 Quantum Monte Carlo Study
of Electron Correlation in
Quantum Dots
Chrzan, Daryl Berkeley Lab 80246 mp110 40,000 100 Calculation of defect
structures in silicon and
Cohen, Bruce Livermore 80218 mp2 204,000 20,000 LLNL MFE Supercomputing
Cohen, Bruce Livermore 80219 gc3 2,948,000 55,000 SciDAC Plasma
Microturbulence Project
Cohen, Marvin Berkeley Lab 80314 mp173 176,000 9,000 Ab Initio Prediction of
Structural and Electronic
Properties of Materials
Cooke, John Oak Ridge 80362 mp221 121,500 100 Numerical Simulations of
Interfaces, Grain
Boundaries, and
Crivelli, Silvia Berkeley Lab 80341 m272 57,000 100 Infrastructure for
Improving Protein
Structure Prediction in
Computational Biology
Cross, Michael Cal Tech 80374 m315 230,000 3,000 Characterizing
Spatiotemporal Chaos in
Experimentally Realistic
Crowe, Ken Berkeley Lab 80399 ucbmep 20,000 Precision measurements of
the lifetime of free and
bound muons
Cummings, Peter Vanderbilt 80404 mp138 168,000 1,000 Molecular-Based Simulation
Univ of Complex and
Nanostructured Fluids
Curtiss, Larry Argonne 80497 m211 195,000 100 Electronic Structure
Computational Studies of
Energy Storage Systems and

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

D'Ippolito, Daniel Lodestar 80321 m376 S 20,000 100 Edge, SOL and Divertor
Davidson, Ronald PPPL 80370 m314 76,500 500 Simulations of Field-
Reversed Configuration and
Other Compact Tori Plasmas
Davidson, Ronald PPPL 80447 m74 60,000 2,000 Simulation of Heavy Ion
Fusion and Particle
Daw, Murray Clemson Univ 80217 m236 5,000 10 LDA Calculations of
Dislocation Mobility in Fe
and Mo
Dean, David Oak Ridge 80331 m203 95,000 100 Computational nuclear
many-body problem
Demmel, James UC Berkeley 80400 mp156 5,000 2,000 Linear Algebra Algorithms
on High Performance
Diaz de la Rubia, T. Livermore 80293 mp43 195,000 12,000 Microstructure evolution
in irradiated materials
Diaz de la Rubia, T. Livermore 80307 m96 27,000 6,000 Modeling Materials
Processing and Deformation
under Laser and Ion
Ding, Chris Berkeley Lab 80478 mp153 10,000 2,500 Development of a
Performance Portable
Climate System Model
Ditri, Julie U. Pittsburgh 80602 m363 S 20,000 2,000 Determination of Ensemble
Sizes for Bimetallic
Particule through
Intensity Redistribution
Doniach, Sebastian Stanford Univ 80443 m326 10,500 50 Amino acid Point mutations
in proteins: prediction of
backbone changes
Doniach, Sebastian Stanford Univ 80481 mp219 40,000 100 Kinetic pathways for
protein misfolding and
amyloid formation
Dorland, William U. Maryland 80295 mp217 458,500 40,000 University of Maryland
Fusion Energy Research
Duffy, Philip Livermore 80356 m312 195,000 5,000 Evaluation of a new
representation of subgrid
scale processes in a high
resolution global climate

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Eberly, J. U. Rochester 80408 m320 S 20,000 200 Nonlinear Interaction of
Three-electron Atoms with
Intense Femtosecond Laser
Elster, Charlotte Ohio Univ 80368 mp20 55,000 100 Three Nucleon Scattering
and Bound State
Calculations in Three
Esarey, Eric Berkeley Lab 80435 mp278 175,000 6,000 Numerical Simulations of
Advanced High Energy
Acceleration Techniques
and Applications

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Fawley, William SLAC 80272 mp197 2,000 100 Numerical Simulation of
Short-wavelength Free-
Electron Lasers Utilizing
Self-Amplified Simulated
Emission (SASE) and/or
Harmonic Cascades
Felmy, Andrew PNNL 80499 mp119 27,000 100 Computational Studies in
Molecular Geochemistry
Fischer, Paul Argonne 80567 mp266 14,000 100 Spectral Element Methods
for LES of Turbulent Flows
Fleming, Graham Berkeley Lab 80215 mp364 11,000 500 Simulations of energy
transfer dynamics in
photosynthetic light-
harvesting complexes and
reaction centers using ab
initio, quantum chemistry
and molecular dynamic
Fong, Ching-Yao UC Davis 80258 m151 10,000 100 Quantum Dots Composed of
Doped Semiconductors for
Medical and Half-metal
Compounds for Spintronic
Franceschetti, A. Oak Ridge 80573 m352 S 20,000 1,000 Electronic excited states
in semiconductor quantum
Frank, Joachim Wadsworth 80375 m316 S 20,000 1,000 Correlative Cryo-EM and
Center Molecular Dynamics
Simulations of Ribosomal
Freedman, Stuart Berkeley Lab 80340 kamland 1,300,000 Data Analysis and
Simulations for KamLAND
Freeman, Arthur Northwestern 80503 mp134 181,000 200 Energetics, Bonding
sc9096 Mechanism and Electronic
Structure of Metal/Ceramic
Friedman, Alex Livermore 80409 mp42 225,000 3,000 Simulation of intense
beams for heavy-ion fusion
Froese-Fischer, C. Vanderbilt 80260 mp52 15,000 150 Theoretical studies of
Univ atomic transitions
Fung, Inez UC Berkeley 80237 m189 45,000 15,000 Carbon-Climate
Furman, Miguel Berkeley Lab 80392 mp93 20,000 100 Beam dynamics issues in
the new high-intensity
particle colliders and
storage rings

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Gao, Haiyan Duke Univ 80376 m154 3,000 Polarized electron
scattering from polarized
3He nucleus
Garfinkel, Alan UCLA 80410 m287 54,000 5,000 Mathematical Modeling of
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Garrett, Bruce PNNL 80453 mp329 29,000 300 Computational chemical and
sc8212 materials science to study
nanoscale surface
reactivity and radiation
resistance of metal oxides
Garven, Grant Johns Hopkins 80280 m298 S 20,000 10 Poroelastic model for
subduction zones
Ghan, Steven PNNL 80598 m357 S 20,000 3,000 Evaluation of a Subgrid
Orography Scheme in a
Global Climate Model
Ghoniem, Ahmed MIT 80438 mp218 290,000 1,000 Lagrangian Simulation and
Optimization of Turbulent
Mixing and Combustion
Glaeser, Robert Berkeley Lab 80468 mp301 110,000 40,000 Single-Particle Electron
Glaser, Donald UC Berkeley 81069 m460 S 1,000 10 Excitable Neuronal Array
Models of the Human Visual
Glimm, James SUNY Stony 80336 mp123 60,000 1,200 Direct Numerical
Brook Simulation of
Acceleration-Driven Fluid
Interface Instabilities
Gohar, Yousry Argonne 80259 m259 S 1,000 200 ANL Fusion Program
Govindasamy, B. Livermore 80437 mp3 220,500 15,000 Coupled Climate/Carbon
Cycle Modeling on
Massively Parallel
Gray, Stephen Argonne 80501 mp166 55,000 4,000 Quantum Dynamics of OH +
CO --> H + CO2
Greene, Chris U. Colorado 80289 mp318 10,000 100 Molecular Dissociation by
Boulder Electron Impact
Greenside, Henry Duke Univ 80324 m311 232,500 5,000 Quantitative Simulations
of Domain Chaos Near the
Onset of Convection
Gubbins, Keith NC State 80212 m269 20,000 100 Adsorption, Freezing, and
Melting of Water and Other
Fluids in Cylindrical
Guo, Jinghua Berkeley Lab 80607 m366 S 15,000 5,000 Theoretical Studies of
Molecular Structure and
Electronic Structure of
Guo, Theodore Potomac 80394 m280 S 5,000 20 Dosimetry of Power Line
Research Field and Dielectric
Gupta, Rajan Los Alamos 80525 mp273 350,000 150,000 Calculating B_K with HYP
staggered fermions
Gutowski, Maciej PNNL 80529 mp358 107,000 100 Computational Studies of
Heterogeneous Catalysis
Gutowski, Maciej PNNL 80532 m260 200,000 200 Molecular Energetics of
Clustered Damage Sites in
Guzdar, Parvez U. Maryland 80345 m204 S 20,000 200 2D Driven Turbulence
Guzdar, Parvez U. Maryland 80346 m232 S 20,000 100 Microwave Generation for
Fusion Applications

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Haas, Stephan U. 80319 m157 36,000 1,000 Magnetic Fields and
SCalifornia Disorder in Quantum Spin
Habib, Salman Los Alamos 80393 m248 80,000 10,000 Computational Cosmology
Habib, Salman Los Alamos 80401 mp345 20,000 5,000 Quantum Dynamical Systems
Hamilton, Edward Northwestern 80610 m370 S 10,000 100 Revival structures in
laser-aligned rotational
wave packets
Harmon, Bruce Ames Lab 80428 mp344 118,000 150 Electronic and structural
sc9790 properties of surfaces and
Harmon, Bruce Ames Lab 80565 mp101 5,000 200 Photonic Band Gap
Harris, Charles UC Berkeley 80649 m399 S 10,000 1,000 Computational Modeling and
Simulation of
Organometallic Complexes
in Solution
Harrison, Robert Oak Ridge 80560 m256 143,500 10,000 Chemical Discovery through
sc9095 Advanced Computing
Haxton, Wick U. Washington 80323 m308 41,000 10 Correlation energies for
nuclear mass tables
Head-Gordon, Martin Berkeley Lab 80386 mp54 225,000 2,500 Electronic structure and
simulation calculations of
reactive chemical systems
Head-Gordon, Teresa UC Berkeley 80384 mp53 169,500 100 Global Optimization
Approaches to Protein
Tertiary Structure
Prediction for CASP6
Held, Eric Utah State 80449 m127 175,000 1,000 Application of General
Hybrid Fluid/Kinetic Model
in NIMROD for Fusion
Plasma Simulations
Henning, Reyco Berkeley Lab 80621 majorana 1,000 Majorana - Neutrinoless
Double Beta Decay
Hingerty, Brian Oak Ridge 80328 mp106 2,500 150 Crystallographic, NMR and
Molecular Modeling
Calculations of
Carcinogen Modified DNA
and protein/DNA complexes
Hnilo, Justin Livermore 80419 mp193 88,500 300,000 Program for Climate Model
Diagnosis and
Hoversten, Michael Berkeley Lab 80342 m234 57,000 10 Realistic three-
dimensional velocity
anisotropy modeling
Hoversten, Michael Berkeley Lab 80496 mp360 20,000 25,000 Electromagnetic Imaging
for site characterization
and leak monitoring at the
Hanford Reservation
Howells, Malcolm Berkeley Lab 80644 m396 S 20,000 2,000 Coherent x-ray diffraction
Huesman, Ronald Berkeley Lab 80429 m229 S 20,000 200 Experimental Medicine:
Clinical, Diagnostic, and
Isotopic Imaging Studies

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Im, Hong U. Maryland 80406 m217 400,000 500 High-Fidelity Direct
Numerical Simulations of
Turbulent Combustion -
Compression Ignition under
HCCI Conditions and NOx
Formation in Turbulent Jet
Ismail, Ahmed MIT 80205 m293 S 20,000 600 Coarse-grained semigrand-
canonical ensemble
simulations of polymer

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Jap, Bing Berkeley Lab 80634 m389 S 20,000 15 Molecular Dynamics
Simulation of Water
Transport through AQP1
Water Channel
Jardin, Stephen PPPL 80442 mp288 921,000 10,000 3D Extended MHD simulation
of fusion plasmas
Jardin, Stephen PPPL 80466 mp287 45,000 1,500 Magnetic Reconnection and
pellet injection using AMR
Jardin, Stephen PPPL 80502 mp286 150,000 7,500 Analysis and Design of
Stellarator Configurations
Jellinek, Julius Argonne 80301 m196 35,000 600 Structure, Energetics and
Dynamics of Metal,
Including Alloy, Clusters
and Nanoparticles;
Interactions (Reactive and
Inelastic) of Molecules
with Clusters and
Ji, Chueng-Ryong NC State 80327 m230 S 5,000 100 Quantum Chromodynamic
Quark Model Analysis of
Hadron Elastic and
Transition Form Factors
Johnson, Calvin San Diego 80352 m318 S 20,000 1,000 Computational
State approximations to the
nuclear shell model
Johnson, Donald UW Madison 80372 m167 35,000 4,750 Modeling and Analysis of
Global and Regional
Hydrologic Processes and
Appropriate Conservation
of Moist Entropy
Johnston, William Berkeley Lab 80558 m105 8,000 1,000 DOE Science Grid
Judd, Eleanor UC Berkeley 80759 euso S 1,500 Extreme Universe Space

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Kahana, Sidney Brookhaven 80214 mp90 450,000 500 Nuclear Astrophysics:
Synthetic Spectra of
Astrophyical Objects
Karplus, Martin Harvard Univ 80251 gc8 250,500 5,000 Theoretical study of
catalysis by protein
enzymes and molecular
Karrenbach, Martin Paulsson Inc. 80518 m302 10,000 5,000 3D Seismic Modeling
Katsouleas, Thomas U. 80523 mp275 100,000 2,500 Program for Plasma-Based
SCalifornia Concepts for Future High-
Energy Accelerators
Kendall, Ricky Ames Lab 80451 mp359 S 6,000 200 Computer Science 425: High
Performance Computing for
Scientific and Engineering
Kendall, Ricky Ames Lab 80452 mp263 20,000 500 Parallel and Distributed
Computing Tools and
Keyes, David Columbia Univ 80479 m125 10,000 100 Terascale Optimal PDE
Kim, Kwiseon NREL 80379 m322 115,000 1,500 Nanoscience Parallel
Optimization Algorithms
Kim, Sung-Hou Berkeley Lab 80500 mp211 10,000 200 Structural genomics
Klein, Richard UC Berkeley 80325 m231 525,000 20,000 Toward a Comprehensive
Theory of Star Formation
Klein, Spencer Berkeley Lab 80624 icecube S 1,300 Simulation and Analysis
Work for IceCube
Klepeis, John Livermore 80485 mp176 100,000 500 Growth and Formation of
Advanced Heterointerfaces
Klippenstein, S. Sandia CA 80542 m288 S 20,000 1,000 Potential Energy Surfaces
for Key Combustion
Knox, Lloyd UC Davis 80434 m277 S 10,000 750 Statistics of Galaxy
Cluster Peculiar
Ko, Kwok SLAC 80540 m349 529,000 25,000 Advanced Modeling for High
Energy Accelerators
Kogan, Boris UCLA 80266 mp66 12,000 100 The effect of Markovian
representation of cell
gating processes on
cardiac arrhythmias in 2-
and 3-dimensional cardiac
Koplik, Joel City College 80288 mp247 40,000 9,000 Fluid and particulate
NY transport in self-affine
Kotamarthi, V. Argonne 80463 m184 25,000 2,500 High-Spatial Resolution
Models of Atmospheric
Chemistry, Aerosols for
Regional Scale Climate
Krakauer, Henry William & 80640 m393 S 20,000 2,000 Quantum Monte Carlo Study
Mary of Transition Metal Oxides
Kramer, William Berkeley Lab 80531 m345 25,000 150,000 The National Computational
Grid Integration and
Kramer, William Berkeley Lab 80587 mphpcd 20,000 1,000 NERSC High Performance
Computing Department Guest
Kramer, William NERSC 80589 norepo 5,000 300,000 NERSC overhead account for
strnorep users with no active repo
Krueger, Steven U. Utah 80306 m205 9,000 5,000 Simulating Cloud Systems
Kuriyan, John UC Berkeley 80296 m37 95,500 2,000 Computational
investigations of proteins
involved in cell signaling
and DNA replication

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Lacis, Andrew NASA GISS 80430 m238 35,000 100 Theoretical Calculation of
Water Vapor Continuum
Lamarque, J. NCAR 80263 m330 43,000 10,000 Simulation of the 21st-
century climate with
interactive tropospheric
and stratospheric
chemistry in CAM-2
Lamb, Susan Berkeley Lab 80455 m278 S 20,000 1,000 Dynamical Evolution of
Galaxies Resulting from
Collisions and Mergers
Lamoureux, Jodi Berkeley Lab 80639 m394 100,000 25,000 Gravitational Weak Lensing
as a Cosmological Probe
Lancon, Frederic Berkeley Lab 80543 m290 S 20,000 1,000 Atomic structure of a
sigma 99 grain boundary in
Landman, Uzi Georgia Tech 80271 mp97 200,000 25,000 Quantum and classical
sc8223 simulations of clusters,
self-assembly. nano-scale
nanotribology, and
biological processes
Leboeuf, Jean-Noel UCLA 80208 mp201 68,500 5,000 Turbulent and MHD behavior
of plasmas
Leboeuf, Jean-Noel UCLA 80284 mp28 79,000 15,000 Fusion Plasma Modeling
Using 3-D Particle-In-Cell
Simulations at UCLA
Leboeuf, Jean-Noel UCLA 81068 m414 30,000 500 Fusion Science Center for
Multiscale Plasma Dynamics
Lee, Frank George Wash 80283 m102 341,000 150,000 Excited Baryon Physics
Univ from Lattice QCD
Lee, Wei-li PPPL 80495 mp19 1,150,000 10,000 3D Gyrokinetic Particle
Simulation of Turbulence
and Transport in Fusion
Leininger, Matt Sandia CA 80544 m279 S 20,000 500 Massively parallel
explicitly correlated and
reduced-scaling electronic
structure methods
Lempert, Robert RAND Corp. 80515 m343 S 20,000 20 Climate Nonlinearities,
Deep Uncertainty, and
Robust Policies
Lester, William Berkeley Lab 80472 mp208 245,000 200 Quantum Monte Carlo for
Electronic Structure of
Lester, William UC Berkeley 80608 incite1 I 1,000,000 5,000 Quantum Monte Carlo study
of photoprotection via
carotenoids in
photosynthetic centers
Leung, Mary Ann U. Washington 80594 m382 S 20,000 2,000 Numerical studies of the
Bose Einstein Condensate
in multiple wells
Levi, Michael Berkeley Lab 80527 m219 200,000 10,000 SNAP simulation and
snap analysis
Li, Rui Jefferson Lab 80483 mp159 47,000 100 Effects of Coherent
Synchrotron Radiation on
Accelerator Performance
Lin, M. C. Emory Univ 80312 m192 62,000 100 Kinetics of elementary
processes relevant to
incipient soot formation
Lin, Yu Auburn Univ 80286 m206 55,000 1,000 Particle Simulations of
Collisionless Magnetic
Lithwick, Yoram UC Berkeley 80636 m391 S 20,000 5,000 MHD Turbulence
Liu, Feng U. Utah 80211 m284 68,500 100 First-principles
Calculation of Surface
Stress Evolution of Ge
Quantum Dots
Liu, Keh-Fei U. Kentucky 80245 mp7 1,065,000 125,000 Lattice QCD Monte Carlo
Calculation of Hadron
Liu, Zhengyu UW Madison 80595 m285 385,000 1,000 Towards the prediction of
decadal to mult-century
processes in a high-
throughput climate system
Loken, Stewart Berkeley Lab 80310 atlasdc 50,000 ATLAS Data Challenges
Loken, Stewart Berkeley Lab 80311 atlas 40,000 Simulation of ATLAS
Lomon, Earle MIT 80210 m227 S 5,000 200 Reactions, Resonances and
Electromagnetic Form-
factors in Coupled Channel
Hadron and Quark Systems
Louie, Steven Berkeley Lab 80238 mp149 200,000 11,000 Computation of Electronic
Properties of Materials
from First Principles
Lousto, Carlos U. Texas 80291 m199 100,000 100 Simulations of plunging
Brnsvl Binary Black Holes
Loveland, Walter Oregon State 80228 m136 65,000 30,000 Electronic structure of
systems of superheavy

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Ma, Chung-Pei UC Berkeley 80545 m289 43,000 1,000 Dark Matter Halo Evolution
Ma, Evan Johns Hopkins 80638 m400 S 20,000 2,000 Polyamorphism of Metallic
Marques, Osni Berkeley Lab 80509 m340 5,000 50 Installation and Testing
of ACTS Tools
Marshall, John MIT 80493 m133 20,500 50,000 High-resolution Ocean
Carbon Sequestration
Mascarenhas, Angelo NREL 80277 mp306 26,000 200 Electronic structure of
semiconductor alloys
Mavrikakis, Manos UW Madison 80405 mp351 275,500 500 First-Principles Catalyst
Design for Environmentally
Benign Energy Production
McAdams, Harley Stanford Univ 80619 m379 S 10,000 200 Global characterization of
bacterial genetic
regulatory circuitry
McCurdy, C. William Berkeley Lab 80456 mp74 30,000 1,000 Electron-Atom and
Collision Processes
McMahon, William NREL 80274 m147 55,000 300 As/Ge Surface Structures
Menon, Surabi Berkeley Lab 80647 m398 S 20,000 2,000 Aerosol Impacts on
Regional Energy and Water
Meyer, Nancy Berkeley Lab 80578 LBL 7,500 HPSS Storage for LBNL
Meza, Juan Berkeley Lab 80473 m336 S 20,000 10 Parallel Methods for
Robust Optimization and
Uncertainty Quantification
Meza, Juan Berkeley Lab 80588 mphpcrd 20,000 5,000 NERSC High Performance
Computing Research
Department Guest Accounts
Mezzacappa, Anthony Oak Ridge 80357 mp124 1,120,000 400,000 Shedding New Light on
Exploding Stars: TeraScale
Simulations of Neutrino-
Driven Supernovae and
Their Nucleosynthesis
Mihaila, Bogdan Los Alamos 80484 m79 20,000 200 Phase transition studies
of nonequilibrium quantum
field theory
Mikkelsen, David PPPL 80403 m64 154,000 750 Experimental Tests of
Gyrokinetic Simulations of
Miller, Norman Berkeley Lab 80552 m273 111,000 1,000 Water Cycle Predictability
Miller, William UC Berkeley 80498 mp14 108,000 100 Molecular reaction
dynamics: quantum and
semiclassical approach to
methodology developments
and applications
Mintseris, Julian Boston Univ 80590 m360 S 20,000 3,000 Optimized Energy Functions
for Protein-protein
Moore, Joel UC Berkeley 80349 m156 8,000 150 Many-electron dynamics in
quantum phase transitions
and nanoscale devices
Mori, Warren UCLA 80454 mp113 314,000 35,000 continuing studies of
plasma based accelerators
Mukamel, Shaul UC Irvine 80605 m365 S 20,000 2,000 Computation of non-linear
optical spectroscopies

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Najm, Habib Sandia CA 80651 m401 S 5,000 100 A Computational Facility
for Reacting Flow Science
Najmabadi, Farrokh UC San Diego 80439 mp203 23,500 2,000 Analysis and Design of
Stellarator Divertor
Configurations Via Field
Line Tracing
Navratil, Gerald Columbia Univ 80570 m186 S 5,000 250 Innovative High Beta
Fusion Research,
Innovative Stellarator
Research, Dipole Fusion
Nebel, Rick Los Alamos 80465 mp204 93,500 100 nonlinear studies of
magnetically confined
Negele, John MIT 80282 mp133 272,500 110,000 Exploration of Hadron
Structure using Lattice
Nelson, Brian U. Washington 80445 m172 181,500 500 Helicity Injected Torus
Current Drive and Compact
Toroid Studies
Neuberger, Herbert Rutgers Univ 80359 m313 30,000 200 Phase structure of planar
Quantum Chromodynamics on
four dimensional tori
Newman, Gregory Berkeley Lab 80612 m372 209,000 150 Faster and Better
solutions to three-
geophysical inverse
Newman, Harvey Cal Tech 80569 m351 S 10,000 1,000 Monte Carlo Simulation and
Reconstruction of Hadronic
Backgrounds to the Higgs
Bosons (CMS LHC)
Ng, Cheuk-Yiu UC Davis 80380 m319 50,000 5,000 Accurate ab initio
Determinations of
Ionization Energies and
Vibrational Frequencies on
and Benchmarking with
Ng, Esmond Berkeley Lab 80550 mp127 40,000 200 High Performance Sparse
Matrix Algorithms
Nolen, Jerry Argonne 80241 mp362 174,000 5,000 Rare Isotope Accelerator -
Target and Shielding
Novotny, Mark Mississippi 80444 mp100 31,000 100 Metastability in Materials
State Science and Scalability of
Parallel Discrete Event
Nozik, Arthur NREL 80378 m72 22,500 2,000 Experimental and
Theoretical Studies of
Semiconductor Systems for
Improved Solar Energy
Nugent, Peter Berkeley Lab 80432 mp22 990,000 750 Spectrum Synthesis of

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Oberacker, Volker Vanderbilt 80249 m202 80,000 100 Mean Field Nuclear
Univ Structure Theory (HFB) for
Nuclei Near the
proton/neutron Driplines
Odyniec, Grazyna Berkeley Lab 80355 alice 40,000 Simulations for the ALICE
experiment at LHC
Oefelein, Joseph Sandia CA 80546 m295 30,000 1,000 Large Eddy Simulation of
Interactions in BES Target
Olson, Doug Berkeley Lab 80383 gc5 ppdg 1,500,000 STAR Detector Simulations
rhstar and Data Analysis
Overton, Michael New York Univ 80377 m267 30,000 1,000 Application of Semi-
Definite Programming to N
Fermion System

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Paprzycki, Marcin Oklahoma 80222 m258 S 1,000 100 MPI to Process Seismic
State Data
Patton, Edward NCAR 80614 m373 S 20,000 5,000 Numerical simulation of
sub-canopy drainage flows
and their influence on
above-canopy measurements
Penner, Joyce U. Michigan 80520 mp231 156,500 30,000 Three-dimensional Global
Atmospheric Aerosol and
Chemistry Modeling
Perlmutter, Saul Berkeley Lab 80247 deepsrch 34,000 Optimal Photometric
Reduction of Supernova
Images for Cosmological
Petreczky, Peter Brookhaven 80551 m350 88,000 2,000 Lattice Calculation of
Meson Spectral Functions
at Finite Temperature
Pfreundt, F. Fraunhofer 80533 m282 45,000 2,000 Integrated Performance
ITWM Analysis of Distributed
Computer Systems
Pieper, Steven Argonne 80240 mp26 179,000 10,000 Exact Calculations of
Light Nuclei Using
Realistic Interactions
Pindzola, Michael Auburn Univ 80223 m41 1,639,000 1,000 Computational Atomic
Physics for Fusion Energy
Plewa, Tomasz U. Chicago 80609 incite2 I 2,700,000 550,000 Thermonuclear Supernovae:
Stellar Explosions in
Three Dimensions
Primack, Joel UC Santa Cruz 80287 mp363 500,000 150,000 Galaxy Formation
Prosperetti, Andrea Johns Hopkins 80521 m264 57,000 1,000 Direct numerical
simulations for disperse
two-phase flow

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Ram, Abhay MIT 80233 m224 1,045,000 3,000 Computational studies in
plasma physics and fusion
Randall, David NASA Langley 80413 m242 S 20,000 2,000 Use of Cloud-Resolving
Models and ARM Data for
Cloud Parameterization
Randall, David Colorado 80457 m328 905,000 15,000 Super-Parameterization for
State ARM
Rehr, John U. Washington 80553 mp313 13,000 100 High Performance
Computation of Photon
Spectroscopies and
Electronic Excited States
Rezayi, Edward CSU Los 80628 m404 S 20,000 2,000 Numerical Studies of
Angeles Collective Phenomena in
Two-Dimensional Electron
Riley, William Berkeley Lab 80554 m140 S 15,000 1,000 Applying a Coupled
Climate-Land Surface
Regional Model to Deduce
Trends in Soil Moisture
from Air Temperature Data
Roche, Kenneth Oak Ridge 80642 m397 S 20,000 5,000 DOE Matrix
Rollett, Tony Carnegie 80261 mp262 122,500 150 Microstructural Evolution
Mellon Based on Fundamental
Interfacial Properties: a
DOE sponsored
Computational Materials
Science Network
Rowan, William U. Texas 80494 mp285 130,000 200 Turbulence simulation and
Austin comparison with
measurements on DIII-D and
Alcator C-Mod, and new
Institute for Fusion
Studies and Fusion
Research Center projects
Rubin, Edward JGI 80517 m342 150,000 Optimizing Genomic Data
Storage for Wide
Ryne, Robert Berkeley Lab 80344 gc2 1,270,000 50,000 SciDAC Advanced Computing
for 21st Century
Accelerator Science and
Technology Project
Rzhetsky, Andrey Columbia Univ 80337 m309 S 20,000 1,000 Computational analysis of
bacterial molecular

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Schaefer, Henry U. Georgia 80207 m170 120,000 500 Computations of Properties
to Chemical Accuracy
Schiavilla, Rocco Jefferson Lab 80414 m69 25,000 100 Electro-Weak Structure of
Light Nuclei
Schnack, Dalton SAI San Diego 80420 mp21 280,000 3,000 NIMROD Project: Extended
Modeling for Fusion
Schnack, Dalton SAI San Diego 80528 mp290 120,000 4,000 Magnetohydrodynamic Codes
for Fusion Applications
Schneider, Niklas Scripps Inst 80475 m245 66,500 10,000 Predictability and
Diagnosis of Low-Frequency
Climate Processes in the
Schultz, David Oak Ridge 80224 mp48 345,000 500 Theoretical Atomic Physics
for Fusion Energy
Schwartz, Stephen Brookhaven 80317 mp235 10,000 500 Chemistry and Microphysics
of the Troposphere:
Chemical and Microphysical
Aerosol Model and
Anthropogenic Aerosol
Seidel, Edward Louisiana 80538 m152 385,000 30,000 Black Hole Merger
State Simulations
Seki, Ryoichi Cal Tech 81050 m451 S 20,000 1,000 nuclear lattice
Shalf, John Berkeley Lab 80537 m338 S 20,000 50 Parallel Visualization
Shapiro, Marjorie Berkeley Lab 80566 cdf 14,000 Physics Analysis of CDF
fermi (Collider Detector at
Fermilab) Data
Sheppard, Raymond Indiana Univ 80577 m354 S 10,000 250 ACTS Toolkit portage,
development and validation
Shigemitsu, Junko Ohio State 80239 mp268 110,000 10,000 Heavy-Light Physics with
NRQCD Heavy and Improved
Staggered Light Quarks
Simon, Horst Berkeley Lab 80556 mp309 S 20,000 100 Class Account for UCB
CS267 "Applications of
Parallel Computing"
Simon, Horst Berkeley Lab 80585 mpnersc 20,000 1,000 NERSC Division Guest
Sinclair, Donald Argonne 80206 mp27 890,000 40,000 Lattice QCD at finite
temperature and densities
and the spectrum of
lattice QCD with chiral
4-fermion interactions
Singh, Rajiv UC Davis 80562 m268 S 20,000 10 Models and Simulations of
low dimensional magnetism
Skyllingstad, Eric Oregon State 80425 mp317 35,000 2,000 Large Eddy Simulation of
Stable Boundary Layer
Turbulent Processes in
Complex Terrain
Smith, Barry Argonne 80462 mp11 6,000 100 PETSc Development for
Smoot, George Berkeley Lab 80564 astrogfs 60,000 Large Astrophysical Data
Sets: Data analysis and
simulation of astro-
physical neutrinos, dark
matter and dark energy in
AMANDA, IceCube and SNAP
Soni, Amarjit Brookhaven 80440 mp29 40,000 100,000 Constraining the Standard
Model Paradigm of CP
Violation using domain
wall fermions
Soni, Amarjit Brookhaven 80441 m332 155,000 20,000 Precision lattice
calculation of hadronic
contributions to the muon
anomalous magnetic moment
Sosonkina, Masha Ames Lab 80460 m334 S 20,000 150 Enabling Environments for
Tuning High-Performance
Souza, Ivo UC Berkeley 80629 m385 S 20,000 100 Computational and
theoretical studies of
bulk and nano solid
Sovinec, Carl UW Madison 80343 mp200 88,000 2,000 Fluid and Hybrid Modeling
of Electromagnetic
Activity in MFE Plasmas
Spera, Frank UC Santa 80422 m178 19,000 15,000 Applications Of Mesoscale
Barbara Molecular Dynamics to
Geomaterials: The Glass
Transition in Silicates
And Relationship Between
Structure And Anomalous
Properties Of High-
Pressure Amorphous (Glassy
And Liquid) Silicates
Spong, Don Oak Ridge 80361 mp202 95,000 6,000 Plasma Confinement,
Stability, Heating and
Optimization in
Stellarators and Tokamaks
Sposito, Garrison Berkeley Lab 80292 mp47 55,000 100 Clay Mineral Surface
Sprangle, Phillip Naval Res Lab 80458 mp343 70,000 100 High Energy Laser-Driven
Acceleration Based on the
Laser Wakefield
Stocks, G. Malcolm Oak Ridge 80480 gc4 431,000 5,000 Magnetic Materials:
Bridging Basic and Applied
Street, Robert Stanford Univ 80253 m138 70,000 50 Simulation of Air Motions
in Salt Lake Valley under
Stable Conditions: a VTMX
Strohmaier, Erich Berkeley Lab 80338 m283 S 20,000 10 Performance
Characterization and
Benchmarking of HPC
Stroud, Robert UCSF 80593 m359 S 20,000 1,500 A Proposed
Collaboration to Study
Trans-Membrane Channel
Chemistry and Biology
Sukharev, Maxim Northwestern 80599 m361 S 5,000 10 Optimal quantum control of
photochemical reactions

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Tang, Xianzhu Los Alamos 80486 m139 170,000 500 Nonlinearly implicit MHD
and two-fluids simulation
of fusion plasmas
Taylor, John Argonne 80269 mp320 40,000 4,000 Building a scalable
weather and regional
climate modeling system
Thacker, Robert McMaster U 80563 m281 S 20,000 100 Simulating Galaxy
Formation and Clustering:
Code Testing
Thumm, Uwe Kansas State 81054 m453 S 5,000 1,000 Quantum Dynamics of Charge
Exchange at Surfaces
Toon, Owen U. Colorado 80334 mp192 14,000 4,000 Large-eddy simulations of
Boulder aerosol-cloud interactions
Toussaint, Doug U. Arizona 80339 mp13 2,425,000 5,000 QCD with three flavors of
improved Kogut-Susskind
Turnbull, Alan General 80309 mp94 975,000 22,000 Simulation of Magnetically
Atomics Confined Fusion Plasmas
Turner, Dave Ames Lab 80433 m241 40,000 100 Message-passing research
with the MP_Lite library

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Vahala, George William & 80381 mp32 143,500 200 Lattice Boltzmann
Mary Simulations for Plasmas
Van Hove, Michel Berkeley Lab 80431 m198 40,000 20,000 Optimization and
Van Meter, James NASA GSFC 80637 m392 S 20,000 5,000 Numerical relativity
simulations of binary
black holes and
gravitational radiation
Vary, James Iowa State 80482 m94 120,500 500 Intermediate and High
Energy Nuclear Physics:
Structure and Reactions of
Hadrons and Nuclei; Non-
perturbative Solutions of
Strongly Interacting

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Wang, Haobin New Mexico 80244 m93 116,000 100 Quantum and Semiclassical
State Study of Charge and Energy
Tranfers in the Condensed
Wang, Lin-Wang Berkeley Lab 80388 mp304 175,000 4,000 Large scale nanostructure
electronic structure
Ware, Andrew U. Montana 80549 mp205 10,000 400 Theory of Turbulent Heat
and Particle Fluxes in ExB
Shear Flow and
Computational Modeling of
the Stability of Novel
Washington, Warren NCAR 80225 mp9 1,546,000 350,000 Climate Change Simulation
with CCSM2: Moderate and
High Resolution Studies
Weber, William PNNL 80363 mp148 43,000 1,000 Defects, Defect Processes,
sc8208 and Ion-Solid Interactions
in Ceramics
Weinert, Michael Brookhaven 80391 mp330 71,000 200 Electronic Structure of
Alloys, Surfaces, and
Weitzner, Harold New York Univ 80297 mp338 788,000 600 Advanced Toroidal Theory
and Computation
Weitzner, Harold New York Univ 80299 m191 10,000 100 Advanced Stellarator
Wen, Zhaofang Sandia NM 80678 m407 S 20,000 2,000 Application Performance
Analysis of Unified
Parallel C
Whaley, K. Birgitta UC Berkeley 80418 m271 S 20,000 1,000 Electronic Structure
Calculations of Magneto-
Optical Properties and
Coherent Spin
Manipulations of
White, Martin UC Berkeley 80267 m195 15,000 1,000 Small scale structure at
high redshift
White, Martin UC Berkeley 80273 m68 46,000 1,000 Constraining dark energy
with clusters of galaxies
Wiley, James U. Texas 80407 mp77 95,000 5,000 Comprehensive modelling
Austin and transport studies at
the Institite for Fusion
Wilkins, John Ohio State 80411 mp160 62,000 100 Modeling Dynamically and
sc9996 Spatially Complex
Williamson, Andrew Livermore 80504 m337 165,000 200 Coupled Quantum Simulation
sc10909 Techniques for Studying
Nanostructured Materials
Windus, Theresa PNNL 80354 mp15 8,000 100 EMSL Molecular Science
Software Development and
Wirth, Brian UC Berkeley 80397 m324 205,000 5,000 Multiscale Modeling of
Fusion Materials
Woosley, Stan UC Santa Cruz 80281 m106 1,500,000 50,000 The UCSC/UA/LANL/LLNL
Supernova Science Center
Wu, Jianshi Fayetteville 80626 m384 S 10,000 10 Nuclear Structure and
State Astrophysics
Wu, Ruqian UC Irvine 80510 mp244 43,000 1,000 First Principles
Investigations and
Simulations for Catalytic
Properties of Metal/Oxide
Wu, Yu-Shu Berkeley Lab 80332 mp355 10,000 200 Modeling investigations of
flow and transport
processes at Yucca
Mountain using high-
performance TOUGH2 code
Wuebbles, Donald U. Illinois 80353 mp79 12,000 4,800 Parallel modeling of
U-C chemistry and physics
affecting the global

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Ye, Tao U. Michigan 80350 m310 S 20,000 1,000 Direct Numerical
Simulation of Bubble,
Fluid and Flexible Wall
Interaction with
Applications in Medicine
Yelick, Katherine Berkeley Lab 80488 mp215 70,000 300 UPC and Titanium
Yeung, Pui-kuen Georgia Tech 80581 m263 S 20,000 50 Terascale Computing for
Numerical Simulations of
Turbulent Fluid Flow
Yeung, Pui-kuen Georgia Tech 80613 incite3 I 1,200,000 175,000 Fluid turbulence and
mixing at high Reynolds
Yu, David Duly Research 80302 mp340 1,000 500 A Polarized Electron RF
Yunn, Byung Jefferson Lab 80539 m216 S 10,000 200 Accelerator Physics
Studies of Applications of
Superconducting Linacs

Principal Site Request Repo SP HPSS Project Title
Investigator Id Hours SRUs

Zaider, Marco Sloan-Ket 80262 m300 S 10,000 200 The effects of low doses
Center of ionizing radiation on
biological systems:
charged particle
transport in condensed
Zhang, Shengbai NREL 80348 mp252 130,500 3,000 Semiconductor doping
bottleneck and novel
ordered alloy research
Zhang, Xiao-Feng Berkeley Lab 80641 m403 S 5,000 200 Computation of Structures
and Mechanical Properties
of Grain Boundaries in
Advanced Ceramic
Materials: Al-O-C
Intergranular Films in SiC
Zhang, Zhenyu Oak Ridge 80416 m108 122,000 200 First principles studies
of formation, stability
and transport properties
of surface based
Zhong, Jianxin Oak Ridge 80557 m296 S 20,000 200 First Principles Studies
of Transition Metal Doping
and Nanostructures in
Transition Metal Oxides
Zunger, Alex NREL 80366 mp70 135,000 3,000 Computational
Semiconductor Physics
Zunger, Alex NREL 80526 m346 364,000 3,000 Predicting the electronic
Properties of 3D, Milion-
Atom Semiconductor
Zyla, Piotr Berkeley Lab 80387 e871 225,000 HyperCP (FNAL E871)
Zyla, Piotr Berkeley Lab 80471 pdg 40,000 Particle Data Group