icis09 banner

International Conference on Ion Sources

September 2009

Park Vista Hotel




Final Conference Program









8:30-9:50 AM


Keynote address

Plenary Session: EBIS/T, Laser, MEVVA

Smokey tour

Plenary Session:
Radioactive Beams & Charge Breeding

Plenary Session: Bergoz Prize talks







12:00 AM



Plenary Session:
EBIS/T, Laser,
MEVVA; Negative Icon S.

Smokey Tour

Plenary Session:
Fusion Ion Sources

Plenary Session:


working lunch

working lunch

working lunch at ORNL Visitor Center

working lunch

working lunch

1:30-3:30 PM


Plenary Session:

Plenary Session:
Negative Ion S.

ORNL tour

Plenary Session:
Miscellaneous Ion Sources

Plenary Session:
Beam Extraction, Transport, Diagnostics, Theory

3:30-6:00 PM


Poster Session:

Poster Session:
Negative Ion S.
Radio active beam and Charge Breeding, Fusion Ion S.

ORNL tour

Poster Session: Miscellaneous Ion S.
Applications, Beam Extraction, Transport, Theory

Closing Remarks

6:30 PM

Park Vista


Banquet: Park Vista


10:00 AM




Monday 9-10 AM: Companion Information Meeting



ECR ion sources

EBIS/T ion sources

Laser ion sources

Negative ion sources

Radioactive ion beams and charge breeding

Fusion ion sources

Miscellaneous ion sources

Beam extraction, transport, handling, and diagnostics


Theory and Fundamentals

Invited Talks
Ian Anderson Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA New Frontiers in Neutron Sciences
To Be Announced To Be Announced The Bergoz Brightness Award Lecture(s)
Reinard Becker J.W.Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany A Review of the latest EBIS and EBIT Devices
Luigi Celona INFN-LNS, Italy Microwave to Plasma Coupling in ECR and Microwave Ion Sources
Santo Gammino INFN-LNS, Italy Review on High-Current 2.45 GHz ECR Sources
Stuart Henderson Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA A Review and Preview of High Power / High Current Accelerators
Mieko Kashiwagi Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Beam optics design in MAMuG negative ion accelerators for H&CD NB system of fusion plasma
Roderich Keller Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA A Review of High-Intensity Ion Sources for Accelerators with Emphasis on H- Beam Formation and Transport
Atsushi Kitagawa National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Japan Review of Ion Sources for Medical Accelerators
Atsushi Kojima Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Achievement and Improvement of the JT-60U Negative Ion Source for JT-60 Super Advanced
Jens Lassen TRIUMF, Canada The Development of Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Sources
Oliver Meusel J.W.Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany Transporting High-Current Beams
Takahide Nakagawa RIKEN, Japan First Results from the New RIKEN Superconducting ECR Ion Source
Tony Renau Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates, Inc., USA Current Capabilities and Future Needs for Semi Conductor Ion Implantation
Stefan Schwarz Michigan State University Opportunities and Challenges for the next Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Yasuhiko Takeiri National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan Negative ion Source Development for Fusion Application
Akira Ueno J-PARC, Japan Interesting Experimental Results in J-PARC H- Ion Source Development
Antonio Villari PANTECHNIK, France Review on Applications of ECR ion Sources
Richard Vondrasek Argonne National Laboratory, USA Summary of Current and Future Developments Highlighted at the ECRIS08 Workshop
Anatoli Zelenski Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA Review on Polarized Ion Sources

Contributed Oral Presentations
Ying Wu Sealed Operation of an RF Driven Ion Source for a Compact Neutron Generator Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/University of California, Berkeley
Hiromichi Ryuto Liquid Cluster Ion Source for Surface Treatment Kyoto University
Taneli Kalvas IBSimu — A Three-Dimensional Simulation Software for Charged Particle Optics University of Jyvaskyla, Department of Physics
Peter Spädtke Model for the Description of Ion Beam Extraction from ECR Ion Sources GSI Darmstadt
Masahiro Okamura Drift distance survey in DPIS for high current beam production BNL
Shixiang PENG The Deuteron Injector Development for the PKUNIFTY Project Peking University
Stefan Schwarz The NSCL EBIT for the reacceleration of rare-isotopes coming to life NSCL/MSU
Klaus Wendt LIST- Laser Ion Source and Trap for Highest Isobaric Selectivity University of Mainz
James Alessi Initial Operation of the BNL EBIS for RHIC Brookhaven National Laboratory
Andre Anders High-charge-state metal-ion beams based on a vacuum spark discharge Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hans Beijers 3D Simulations of Ion dynamics in an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, University of Groningen
Vladimir Zorin Creation of short pulsed multicharged ion beams Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences
Hannu Koivisto Parameters affecting the hollow beam structure in ECR ion sources Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä
Liangting Sun High Charge State Ion Beam Prodcution on SECRAL Institute of Modern Physics, CAS
Paolo Ferracin Nb3Sn superconducting magnets for ECR ion sources LBNL
Thomas Thuillier Status report of the heavy ions source R&D for Spiral2 LPSC
Guillaume Machicoane The Superconducting ECR ion source SUSI for the coupled cyclotron Facility (CCF) at NSCL National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory/ Michigan State University
Masaki Taniguchi Long pulse H- ion beam acceleration in MeV accelerator Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Werner Kraus Long pulse H-/D- beam extraction with an RF driven ion source on a high power level Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
Andre Anders Self-Sputtering Ion Source: A new approach to quiescent metal ion beams Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Merijn Reijnders Energy spread reduction using a laser-cooled ion source Eindhoven University of Technology
Pascal Sortais Ultra compact / Ultra low power ECRIS for multi-purpose applications LPSC/IN2P3/CNRS
Kenji Miyamoto Aberration of a negative ion beam caused by space charge effect Naruto University of Education
vADIM Dudnikov SNS Saddle Antenna H- Ion Source Project Muons, Inc.
Dan Faircloth The Front End Test Stand High Performance H— Ion Source at RAL RAL
Ryo Terasaki 3D modeling of the EEDF in negative hydrogen ion sources Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University
Yoon Kang RF Developments for SNS H- Ion Source Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Liviu Constantin Penescu Development of high efficiency Versatile Arc Discharge Ion Source (VADIS) at CERN ISOLDE CERN
Friedhelm Ames Charge State Breeding for the Acceleration of Radioactive Ions at TRIUMF TRIUMF
Marco Cavenago Simulations of Negative Ion Plasma Sheath and Beam Extraction INFN-LNL