Social Media and Recruitment

Social media is transforming the world around us—including the field of adoption—in many ways. Although social media provides a new way to recruit and retain prospective adoptive families, the same best practices still apply when it comes to using good data and knowing what's right for your community and target audience(s).

After you have done your research and created a recruitment plan tailored to your agency's needs, the following information on social media can help strengthen your recruitment strategies. The information can be helpful whether you are just branching out into social media or you are already interacting with families online and want to sharpen your skills.

Using social media in adoption
These resources offer advice on the possibilities for using social media in adoption and link to examples of what other States are doing.

Using video to recruit families
This section offers tutorials on creating and using videos for recruitment and also provides examples of different types of videos.

Using photolisting
These resources describe effective ways to use photolistings to find families for children awaiting adoption.

Connecting with colleagues
This section provides links to opportunities for professionals to connect with each other and build their capacity. It also offers tutorials on building a successful online community for your agency or organization.


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