Sample Media Messages

Are you ready to raise awareness about children and youth awaiting adoption? In this section, find sample messages you can use to promote National Adoption Month through both social and traditional media outlets.

Sample Facebook posts
This section provides sample posts to promote National Adoption Month through your social media networks.

Sample tweets
This section includes sample tweets to promote National Adoption Month through your personal or professional social media networks.

Sample email signatures
This section provides sample language and a graphic to add to your email signature to promote National Adoption Month.

Sample email messages
This section includes sample email messages for you to send to your professional contacts to promote National Adoption Month.

Sample press releases
This section provides two sample press releases you can use to promote your organization's National Adoption Month initiatives or raise awareness about the needs of children and youth who are waiting for adoptive families in foster care.


Facebook 101 for Child Welfare Professionals (PDF - 281 KB)

Facebook 201 for Child Welfare Professionals (PDF - 386 KB)

Twitter 101 for Child Welfare Professionals (PDF - 281 KB)

Twitter 201 for Child Welfare Professionals (PDF - 369 KB)

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