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Public Health Preparedness


icon_phpreparedness100NACCHO’s preparedness work focuses on activities related to both practice and policy. NACCHO creates new tools and improves existing ones to help local health departments enhance their readiness to respond to public health emergencies and other disasters. NACCHO also serves as a conduit through which local input can reach and effect positive change on national initiatives.

In the Spotlight

A Guide for Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Management Leaders

This issue brief provides local health departments and emergency managers with practical information to build and strengthen partnerships prior to crises. Developing partnerships now with public health, emergency medical services, hospital preparedness, and emergency management will play an important role in building community resilience to prepare for, respond to, and recover from future disasters. More »

Featured Webinar

NACCHO, with the National Association of Community Health Centers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, will host a webinar from 1 PM - 2 PM on Thursday, Feb. 28. The webinar will provide a brief overview of the functioning of federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), highlight collaborative efforts between state and local health departments and FQHCs, and explore opportunities for future partnerships between public health and FQHCs.

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School bus

The National Association of County and City Health Officials, the voice of America's 2,800 local health departments, extends its deepest sympathies to those affected by the school shooting in Newtown, CT and joins families and communities across the country who are coping with the shock of this traumatic event.

Local health departments prepare communities for disasters and respond when emergencies occur. They also work closely with community partners such as school boards, school nurses and psychologists, mental health professionals, and social workers to recover from a crisis and to prevent future tragedies from occurring. Below are some resources to share with community partners and families to aid in their recovery. More »

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NACCHO Conference: March 12-15, 2013