U.S. Department of Justice

Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting - January 2006

Publication year: 2006 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 021279

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  • 2006
  • 68 pages.

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  • Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting - January 2006

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Contents of these proceedings are: meeting highlights; Report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics by Allen Beck; Discussion: PREA in Local Jails; Statistical Analysis: Crowding, Life Safety, and Managing Staff by Patrick Jablonski and Scott Bradsteet; Succession Planning: Executives and Middle Management by Gordon Bass, Dennis Williams, and Richard Geaither; Is There a Proper Place for Tasers in the Use of Force Continuum? by John Clark, William Collins, and Don Leach; Discussion: Use of Tasers; Emergency Preparedness by Rick Ferry; Legal Issues Update by Bill Collins; Discussion: Legal Issues; Topics for Next Meeting by Marilyn Chandler Ford and Richard Geaither; meeting agenda; and list of meeting attendees.

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