Working With Youth

Perhaps no generation knows how to use social media better than our society's children and youth. Sometimes called "digital natives," many young people have grown up using the Internet and social media to connect with their peers and can't imagine life without it. However, just because they know a lot about it doesn't mean they are fully prepared to protect their privacy or keep from hurting others online—or hurting themselves.

These resources provide tips on working more effectively with youth to achieve permanency.

Preparing for Media Recruitment and Publicity (PDF - 42 KB)
Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange, Inc.
Provides tips for workers to help children and youth, as well as their current caregivers, prepare for media exposure during the recruitment process.

Reconnect, It's Up To Me Project
National Resource Center for Adoption and Bethany Christian Services (2008)
Describes a grant project to help older youth in foster care achieve permanence and strengthen connections with their extended families through open adoption relationships and youth empowerment.

Tip Sheet: What Adoption Workers Should Know (PDF - 74 KB)
Minnesota's Adoptee Advisory Committee (2011)
Lists advice from adopted persons to adoption workers regarding forming and maintaining connections, working with foster parents, and more.

Youth Participation 
						in Planning: Why It Matters

Youth Participation in Planning: Why It Matters
Research and Training Center at Portland State University
Offers a video in which youth describe, in their own words and with stories from their own lives, what it feels like not to have any say in the plans that are made for their treatment, care, education, and future.

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