Logistics Contact Information
Transportation:  678-364-8038
DDESS Logistics Division: Student Transportation

School bus transportation is an important facet of the educational experience. The school bus is the first and last thing many of our students experience and it shapes how their day begins and ends.

Many of our schools are centrally located in military housing areas within easy walking distance for most students; however, transportation is available for students outside the walking radius.

DDESS School Bus Transportation Eligibility Policy

Students are eligible for DDESS school bus transportation if they meet the following criteria:

  • Student must live on the base, except in Puerto Rico.
  • Student must be an authorized dependent enrolled in a DDESS school.
  • Student lives outside the walking distance.
  • Student lives within the commuting radius.

Walking Distance

The distance a student may be required to walk between the student’s primary residence and the school or designated bus stop should not exceed the state guidelines for the individual state in which the military installation is located.

Commuting Radius

A specific geographic area established by the school and military facility for determining eligibility for school bus transportation service to a school. The commuting area is outside the walking area and based on availability of housing and travel time for a bus to the school (should not exceed one hour).

This service is provided in full compliance with local, state, and national safety requirements. Contact your school district for school bus route information.

Special needs students may receive special transportation based on the student's Individual Education Program (IEP). The IEP assessment process determines the related services a special needs student may require to access an appropriate education.

Note: Parents are responsible for getting their children to and from the school or school bus stop in a safe manner.