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WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger.

WFP is funded entirely by voluntary donations

the Hunger Feed

  • WFP Photos 1 day ago

    Trucks Carry Food From Niger To Mali

  • Hunger in the News 2 days ago

    WFP scaling up operations to meet dramatic increase in Syrian refugees

    Source: UN News Centre The numbers of Syrian refugees, particularly in Jordan and Lebanon are increasing in a dramatic fashion with Jordan receiving some 2,000 a day, according to David Kaatrud of the World Food Programme (WFP). As a result, the agency has begun scaling up its operations to meet the requirements for the summer and beyond. But he says there are resource constraints as the populations arrive in Jordan and Lebanon in large numbers and require food assistance while waiting to be registered.
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  • @WFP 2 days ago

    Thanks to donors like @USAID, how lifesaving food relief in the #Philippines is helping families after Typhoon #Bopha http://t.co/gkjhB6XjyR

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  • News Release 1 day ago

    WFP Opens Up New Routes To Reach More Conflict-Affected People In Northern Mali

    BAMAKO – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has opened today a new land route for transporting vital food assistance from Niamey, in Niger, to northern Mali, where the volatile security situation and economic disruption is affecting food supplies.

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  • @wfp_media 4 days ago

    Great pic! Jump for #Yemen raised enough $$$ for@WFP to feed 30,000 ppl for a day. http://t.co/nkyfd4f2 @SkydiveDubai @Grouponabudhabi!

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  • News Release 3 days ago

    One Year On From The Sahel Crisis: A Review Of The Humanitarian Response

    ROME – A year after the international community launched a massive humanitarian response to the food and nutritional crisis affecting millions of people across the Sahel region of Africa, leaders of humanitarian agencies, government representatives from countries affected and major donors met today to review the effectiveness of their assistance.  

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  • Video 5 days ago

    4 Questions About Last Year's Hunger Crisis In The Sahel

    4 Questions About Last Year's Hunger Crisis In The Sahel

    WFP Niger Country Director Denise Brown answers five questions about the international response to the hunger crisis last year in the Sahel. 

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  • WFP Photo Gallery 1 week ago

    Sahel 2012 - The Response To The Hunger Crisis

  • News Release 6 days ago

    Five Dollars Per Person: Luxembourg Is Highest Per Capita Donor To WFP Afghanistan

    KABUL – With a donation of more than US$660,000 (€500,000), Luxembourg is the first country to contribute to the regular operations of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Afghanistan in 2013. This donation makes Luxembourg, a landlocked country located in western Europe with a population of  about 525,000, the highest per capita donor to WFP Afghanistan.

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  • Video 1 week ago

    Emergency School Meals Provide Comfort And Nutrition To Kids In Mali

    Emergency School Meals Provide Comfort And Nutrition To Kids In Mali

    WFP is providing emergency school meals to the children of families displaced by recent violence in Mali. The children are being provided two meals during class instead of just one in order to ensure that they're getting the nutrition they need to learn and grow as they wait to return home.

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  • Video 1 week ago

    WFP Responds To Flooding In Mozambique With Locally-Grown Food

    WFP Responds To Flooding In Mozambique With Locally-Grown Food

    WFP is distributing food grown in Mozambique to assist thousands of people around the country affected by a recent spate of flooding. In a country that's already severely food insecure, sourcing food locally helps to spur agricultural production while helping farmers provide for themselves.

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  • Story 1 week ago

    Staff Of UN Food Agencies In Mozambique Receive Award Of Excellence

    ROME – In acknowledgement of the importance of partnership in tackling global issues, the staff of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have today been recognized for their outstanding work together in Mozambique.

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  • Hunger in the News 1 week ago

    Food and nutrition security should be the top development goal

    Source: FAO

    13 February 2013, Rome - A global multi-stakeholder consultation to discuss the world development agenda beyond 2015 has called for food security and nutrition to be the central element in future development efforts. New development objectives should be established for the entire global community.

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  • WFP Photo Gallery 1 week ago

    Syrian Refugees in Turkey

  • Story 1 week ago

    Food Vouchers Give Syrian Refugees A Taste Of Home

    WFP is providing Syrian refugees in Turkey with electronic vouchers they can use to buy some of their favourite foods from home at local shops. One of few comforts to families living in camps like the ones in Hatay, the programme has also given a boost to the local economy.

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  • News Release 1 week ago

    WFP Provides Food Assistance To The Poorest Syrian Refugees In Egypt

    CAIRO – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has begun providing assistance through food vouchers to more than 7,000 of the most vulnerable Syrian refugees in Egypt. 

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  • Story 1 week ago

    Feedback Desk Gives Pakistan Families A Voice In Food Aid

    A new feedback desk in Pakistan has opened a direct line between WFP and the people who depend on it for food assistance. In just a few short years, the service has already evolved into an essential part of WFP’s work in the country, informing its operations on the ground while making the agency more accountable to the people it serves.

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  • Story 2 weeks ago

    Six Questions With WFP Nutritionist In Eastern Congo

    Crispin Mpigirwa is a WFP nutritionist, who works in the troubled east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where entire communities often have to abandon their homes to escape fighting. A Congolese national, with 15 years of experience in humanitarian work, Crispin is a key figure in WFP’s efforts to combat malnutrition in the camps for displaced people around Goma.

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  • Story 2 weeks ago

    Mali: Food Aid Is Lifeline For Family Uprooted By Violence

    As the fighting escalates in Mali, thousands of people forced from their homes are struggling to survive in other parts of the country. Aissata Walet is one of them. Forced to rent a hut in Bamako which she shares with 30 other people, Aissata say she doesn’t know how she’d feed her children without assistance from WFP.

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  • Story 2 weeks ago

    Syria: “We Want Our Lives Back. We Want To Go Home”

    During her recent trip to Syria, WFP Senior Spokesperson Abeer Etefa met Souad, a 27-year-old mother whose family lost their home to the fighting. Eking out an existence in an empty building near the battles lines, she and her family are surviving on food provided to them by WFP. 

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People Against Hunger

Hlubi Mboya - Actress and WFP National Ambassador Against Hunger.

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