Syrians Transition to Safety in Jordan

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / January 30, 2013

More: Responding in Times of Crisis -- Syria

On January 27 and 28, 2013, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne C. Richard, and USAID Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Nancy Lindborg visited Syrian refugees in Jordan. They visited the Zaatari refugee camp, a refugee processing center at a Syria-Jordan border crossing, and a food voucher distribution center.

The United States is committed to helping the innocent children, women, and men affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria. On January 29, President Obama announced $155 million in additional humanitarian assistance for the Syrian people. President Obama said, "The relief we send doesn't say 'Made in America,' but make no mistake -- our aid reflects the commitment of the American people."

President Obama continued, "We're under no illusions. The days ahead will continue to be very difficult. But what's clear is that the regime continues to weaken and lose control of territory. The opposition continues to grow stronger. More Syrians are standing up for their dignity. The Assad regime will come to an end. The Syrian people will have their chance to forge their own future. And they will continue to find a partner in the United States of America."

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