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Research Highlights

The flat universe society
By comparing the radiation left over from the Big Bang with simulations computed on OSG, researchers are trying to get a grip on the shape of the universe.

DZero Detector  New result could shed light on the existence of the Universe 
Grid computing helps scientists with the DZero collaboration find new evidence of  the behavior of particles.
Einstein@Home cluster plot Case Study - Einstein@OSG 
Einstein@Home, an application that uses spare cycles on volunteers' computers, is now running on the OSG.

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Ian Stokes-Rees
"We're concurrently working with three researchers who have diverse interests in accelerating their science by harnessing the Open Science Grid, in the fields of lung cancer modeling, electron microscopy image processing, and ECG data analysis.  And we have achieved our expected rate of 25-35% success in finding good protein models. In total, we've produced results for 24 researchers. Keeping in mind the scale of the computations we're running and the amount of data involved in each job set, we're happy with our numbers."

~Ian Stokes-Rees, Research Associate in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School

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Many OSG sites are using BeStMan to provide the SRM interface on top of their storage system.  It works with disk-based file systems, mass storage systems and file servers using different transfer protocols.  When managing multiple files, BeStMan can take advantage of the available network bandwidth by scheduling multiple concurrent file transfers. BeStMan in Gateway mode provides high performance and the same SRM interface on any existing file systems without queuing or space management.

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Looking for gravitational waves: A computing perspective - iSGTW, 8 June

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Mark your calendar:  The OSG All Hands Meeting in 2012 will be 19-22 March in Lincoln, Nebraska.

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