icis09 banner

International Conference on Ion Sources

September 2009

Park Vista Hotel


ICIS 2009 Poster (Large Image)

icis 09 program




There will be a single plenary session with invited talks of ~30 minute durations, accompanied by contributed oral presentations of ~15 minute length, with additional times for questions and discussions. We are still in the process of selecting oral presentations from the contributed abstracts. For oral presentations, we will have the conference presentation machines preconfigured to run the following file types: .pdf , .ppt , .pptx , .doc , and .docx . If you require any other file format for running your presentation, please alert us one week in advance. If the program is not readily available for download or has licensing restrictions, you will need to send the media to us. We have an FTP server you can use to upload the files. Please contact us for file upload information if needed.

Some of discussions will extend into the lunches, which will be served buffet style. A morning and afternoon break will give adequate opportunity for private discussion and networking. The breaks will be conducted in the poster halls, where conference sponsors have set up displays for viewing, and where posters may be viewed early.

Posters will be presented in one of three poster sessions, Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday 4 pm to 6 pm, depending on the topic as outlined in the schedule at the bottom of this message. Posters shall not exceed 46" x 46" boards (116 cm x 116 cm), the size of the adjacent boards.

Monday 4:00-6:00: ECRIS, EBIS, MEVVA, Laser ion sources
Tuesday 4:00-6:00: Negative Ion Sources, Radioactive beams and Charge Breeding, Fusion Ion Sources
Thursday 4:00-6:00: Miscellaneous Ion Sources, Applications, Beam Extraction, Transport, Theory


Top-ten reasons to be an ion source physicist


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