USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for UNGA

Results, Results, Results

Last week at the High-Level Meeting on Scaling Up Nutrition in New York City, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commended the progress being made by the 30 countries that have committed to putting nutrition at the heart of their approach to development.

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Social Good: Igniting Passion and Innovation for a Better World

Just days before the U.N. Assembly, New York and the Twitterverse were buzzing with another important global conversation sparked by the third annual Social Good Summit.

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Video of the Week: Turning the Tide on Global Hunger

In this Feed the Future video, narrator Matt Damon discusses efforts to turn the tide against global hunger and increase agricultural production around the world.

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Video: USAID at the UN General Assembly

“Our engagement at the end of the day makes the difference between a safer, more secure, more economically prosperous world and one that is less so.”

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Live from UNGA: Day One


This week, Administrator Shah and other Agency leaders are participating in several events taking place during and around the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Sunday evening we kicked off our week here in New York at the Social Good Summit, a three-day conference where big ideas meet new media [...]

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‘Reaching the Moon’ in Global Health

As the U.N. General Assembly opens, we are in the midst of a global health revolution. Our collective work has delivered extraordinary results – a 70 percent decline in child mortality over the last 50 years, a 41 percent reduction since 1990 alone. Read more>>

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And now, the good news…

As featured on DFID’s blog As a journalist I spend a lot of time reporting on the developing world. To be honest, many of my stories focus on problems and failures, so when I was approached to moderate an event about the Millennium Development Goals during the UN General Assembly, to showcase solutions and successes, [...]

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Social Media in International Development

If this week’s Social Good Summit in New York could only prove one point, it would be that social media has a crucial role to play in communicating the story of international development. Whether it is a blog, a tweet, or a large Facebook presence—social media is a way to actively engage the public on [...]

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MDG Countdown 2011: Celebrating Success and Innovations

On Wednesday, September 21, USAID and UK development agency DFID co-hosted, “MDG Countdown 2011: Celebrating Successes and Innovations.” The event highlighted several game-changing programs and policies of countries that have made significant progress towards achieving the MDGs. Along with Secretary Mitchell and Administrator Shah, featured speakers included: Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Mary Robinson, The Elders [...]

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Women and Agriculture: Behind the Scenes

After an event on Monday with Secretary Clinton to promote food security, influential leaders discuss the important role women play in strengthening global agriculture. Featured in this short video: Kathy Spahn, President of Helen Keller International; Dr. Jose Granziano da Silva, Director General Elect of UN FAO; and Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever.

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