Updated 12/04/2012 04:11 PM   |   ID# 2028

My Social Security disability benefit amount

If I am approved for disability benefits, how much will I get per month?

We cannot predict the amount of your monthly benefit. Your benefit will depend on whether you get Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits. 

How the programs work:

  1. SSDI benefits base your benefit amount on your average lifetime earnings (or those of certain family members) when those earnings are insured under Social Security. However, if you receive a payment from worker's compensation, a public disability benefit, or a pension based on earnings not insured  under Social Security, it may reduce your benefit; and
  2. SSI benefits depend on financial need as determined by your income, resources, and living situation.

To see if you are eligible for benefits under SSDI or SSI, refer to the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool.

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