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Home > Publications > A Community Reinforcement Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction

A Community Reinforcement Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction

Exhibit 1: Sample Schedule

Week 1: Treatment Plan Development/Goal Setting
Week 2: Functional Analysis/Sleep Hygiene (or Relationship Counseling)
Week 3: Functional Analysis/Employment Counseling
Week 4: Employment Counseling/Functional Analysis (or Relationship Counseling)
Week 5: Employment Counseling/Drug Refusal Training/HIV/AIDS Prevention (or Relationship Counseling)
Week 6: Social/Recreational Counseling/Social Skills Training (or Relationship Counseling)
Week 7: Social/Recreational Counseling/Social Skills Training (or Relationship Counseling)
Week 8: Social/Recreational Counseling/Social Skills Training
Week 9: Sleep Hygiene/Employment Counseling
Week 10: Sleep Hygiene/Social/Recreational Counseling (or Relationship Counseling)
Week 11: Relaxation Training (or Relationship Counseling)
Week 12: Relaxation Training/Review Treatment Progress/Set Goals for weeks 13-24
Weeks 13-24: New Components are added or counseling continues to focus on changes in the areas addresses during the first 12 weeks.


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